American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1500 Prepare to Summon

In the mirror space, the Mirror Demon King is fighting the clone of the Three-tailed Demon King. The clone of the Three-tailed Demon King is no match for the Mirror Demon King and is gradually being suppressed. The outcome is only a matter of time.

Andrew and Ganata teamed up to fight against the Losers Alliance and Old Sera. Andrew said: "Loser Alliance, do you have any other tricks? If not, you can go and die. Don't waste everyone's time."

"Machine Demon King!"

Andrew's words made the Losers Alliance angry for a while, but he was indeed qualified to say this. After all, the big advantage of the arrival of more than thirty demon kings was abruptly regained by him.

At present, it is not impossible to win, but the probability has been reduced to less than half. Sithorn loses even if he loses, and coldly snorted: "The mechanical devil, who laughs at the end, is the real winner."

"In that case, I'll get some more trophies."

Andrew snorted coldly, swung the Black Hole Sword quickly, and suppressed Sithorne and Seth alone. Although the two were just clones, Andrew was not fully powerful and did not take advantage. One can imagine how strong he is now.

"This guy's strength is really getting more and more terrifying."

Sithorn and Seth secretly lamented that originally, they could go one-on-one. Although they would lose in the end, they could last for a long time, and their consciousness or soul could escape.

But now, if they are one-on-one, they will be quickly defeated by Andrew, completely defeated, and completely unable to escape.

"We are likely to lose again this time, and it's time to consider the issue of capital preservation."

Sithorn said to Seth and Death: “These god-level clones have consumed a lot of our resources and divine power, and we cannot die here.

In addition, the three magic circles are still operating. If you can get a batch of souls, it is best to take them back. "

Seth couldn't help but glance at Sithorn. He always felt that this guy was getting more and more skilled at running. He wouldn't become a habitual running in the future, or would he run west?

"Hey, life is hard. Even Sithorne, the great ancestor of black magic, has become like this. Mechanical Demon King, you are too cruel. Uh, it's none of my business. I'm an undercover agent."

Seth secretly complained, and said: "I have just checked that the world is blocked by the Machine Demon King, and it is difficult to escape. If I really want to escape intact, I will probably have to look at the Three-Tailed Demon King and other demon kings."

Death added: "To put it simply, you cheat your teammates."

Sithorn and Seth both laughed. Of course, no one thought there was anything wrong with this. The Demon King of Hell and the Evil God of Multiples were not cheating on their teammates. How could they still be in love with each other?

While Sithorne and the others were discussing how to trick their teammates, Hoggs's voice rang in Andrew's mind: "Andrew, if you do such a heavy hand, the Losers Alliance will definitely not dare to come in your true form.

In this way, wouldn’t my trump card be useless? "

"If you want the Losers Alliance to come in person, at least half of the people on this earth must die. Otherwise, they will definitely not dare to come."

Andrew shook his head: "Therefore, from the very beginning, I had no intention of joining the Losers Alliance. The main target this time was the Hell Demon King and the devil."

It's the devil, not the three-tailed devil. The three-tailed devil didn't pay attention to Andrew at all. This time, he wanted to deal with the devil to prevent the two hells from really merging, which would be too troublesome.

Moreover, with Seth as an undercover agent, it is not a problem at all to deal with the Losers Alliance. As long as he is sure of it, Andrew will immediately launch it and kill them.

If anything goes wrong, and with the beholder Shuma waiting eagerly as an undercover backup, the Losers Alliance will definitely lose in every aspect.

In this case, there is no need to sacrifice so many people to lead them out. Doesn't it mean that they don't know where their true bodies are? But it's not the time to take action yet.

"The Lord of Hell? Demon?"

Hogs was stunned, and he said: "It seems that I will continue to hide. Well, you let me in, but you just wanted to buy insurance, right?"

"This trump card never expires?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Actually, I have been merciful. There are still two batches of nuclear bombs on Manhattan Island, but I have not used them. If they are really used, at least a few demon kings will be killed."

This is not Andrew's bragging. He actually planted three batches of nuclear bombs in Manhattan. Anyway, he has all the nuclear weapons in the world.

Andrew made special arrangements for these three batches of nuclear bombs. Unless he detonated them, even if a nuclear explosion occurred, those nuclear bombs would not explode - they were stored in the long river of time and space.

Hoggs complained: "There are two more batches of nuclear bombs? Your nickname of the Nuclear Explosion Demon King is really correct."

"It's just a wrong name, how can there be a wrong nickname? Apart from that, Hogs, you and Ancient One, destroy the three magic circles as soon as possible and come in to help."

Andrew said, Hogs nodded. He and Ancient One had initially taken control of the situation and began to deal with the three magic circles above.

Andrew's eyes are looking at the world of Van Helsing from a distance. Let's see now, will the devil come to this world? Once He comes, this time, at least one layer of His skin will be peeled off, or even He will be severely injured.

If nothing else, the devil will come, because the three-tailed devil has failed twice, and the devil will not let him fail a third time.

Manhattan Island.

Under the increasingly fierce attack of the Mechanical Angel, the wounds on the Three-tailed Demon King gradually increased. He secretly gritted his teeth. If he hadn't been restrained too much, how could he not be able to fight even a clone of the Mechanical Demon King with his strength?

"Sithorn, do you have any other preparations that you can use as soon as possible?"

The three-tailed demon king called Sithorn and the others. Sithorn smiled bitterly and said: "Three-tailed demon king, how can we prepare anything? All our preparations are to allow more than thirty demon kings to enter the magical world.

We succeeded in this step, but we didn't expect that the Machine Demon King would be so crazy that he would level Manhattan. "

"Then we have to retreat?"

The three-tailed devil asked unwillingly, and Sithorn said: "If we can retreat, then we should be laughing. The problem now is that we can't retreat. The mechanical devil took away the gate to hell and blocked the magical world."

Andrew has partial authority over the magical world, so he can seal off the world, and the gate to hell that allows access to that world was quietly taken away by him during the nuclear explosion.

The three-tailed devil frowned: "Can you escape by using soul sacrifice?"

"We don't have enough souls on our hands."

Sithorn shook his head. Of course he was not willing to sacrifice the souls he had worked so hard to obtain. He said: "In fact, our three magic circles are almost broken. By then, we will no longer be able to obtain souls."


The three-tailed demon king cursed. He looked at the battlefield, gritted his teeth and said, "Give me all the souls in your hands, and I will summon the demon to come and sweep everything."

"The devil himself comes?"

Sithorne was stunned and asked in surprise: "Is the devil willing? Doing so will cost you a lot. The devil has always been stingy and won't even give you too much magic power."

"Don't worry, this time, He is not stingy."

The three-tailed demon king said: "This is the last and strongest trump card. Once it comes, we can defeat the demon king on Manhattan Island, and then use our troops to deal with the mechanical demon king.

No matter how powerful the Mechanical Demon King is, he cannot be a match for the devil, even if the devil only descends part of the magic power. "

"If this is the case, then this operation still has great potential."

Sithorn was overjoyed. He thought for a while and said: "We will give you all our souls. In addition, you will let other demon kings contribute part of their flesh and blood as sacrifices.

We use a two-pronged approach to summon the demons and sweep them all away. In addition, this also has the advantage of controlling the flesh and blood of the demon kings to conquer them faster.

With so many demon kings, once you conquer them all, the difficulty of becoming the Lord of Hell will be greatly reduced. "

"Okay, I'll contact the other demon kings immediately."

The three-tailed demon king was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately contacted other demon kings. Of course, he did not directly say to summon the true body. What he said was to summon a powerful evil god.

The demon kings were a little hesitant, and the three-tailed demon king said: "This world is blocked, and the mechanical demon king plans to catch them all. I know you are suspicious of me, but if you don't do this, we will all die."

"Not necessarily. The Machine Demon King wants to be the Lord of Hell, so he might allow us to surrender."

The Quicksand Demon King said, many demon kings nodded. If they really can't beat them, they can just surrender. Anyway, they demon kings don't have any moral integrity.

"It is indeed possible."

The three-tailed demon king did not deny this, he said: "But the mechanical demon king is more likely to kill you directly, devour your flesh and soul, and make himself stronger, just like he did to the mummy demon king.

And, are you really willing to surrender to Him? Once you surrender, you will be like the Demon Lords of Sloth and they, unable to devour human souls, but protect them. "

As soon as these words came out, the demon kings looked ugly. The wolf went to protect the sheep. How weird does this sound?

"No matter how much you work with me, the risk is lower than working with the Mechanical Demon King."

The three-tailed devil continued: "In addition, once we succeed, the soul of the entire world will be ours. At that time, we will share it equally. Don't worry, I will never deceive you."

The demon kings hesitated, and the Succubus Queen contacted Andrew again and asked: "The mechanical demon king who almost killed us, should we help the three-tailed demon king?"

"If you really want to be bombed to death, it's very simple. There are still two batches of nuclear bombs on Manhattan Island. You can give it a try."

Andrew said: "Help, of course we have to help. As a new era demon who loves to help others, we must help the three-tailed demon realize his dream.

After a while, part of your flesh and blood will become cold. Give this part of your flesh and blood to the three-tailed demon king. "

"There are two more batches of nuclear bombs? Boss, you are so enthusiastic. Of course we cannot fall behind. However, we must not have another nuclear explosion this time."

The Succubus Queen smacked her tongue. She quietly contacted the other demon kings and informed them of the BOSS's decision. At this moment, the demon kings nodded in agreement.

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