American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 15 Peace Knights

On the road, Iron Overlord smashed Iron Man's head with his fist. He laughed loudly and said: "Tony, thank you for laying the last golden egg for me. I will use your golden egg to become the richest man in the world." .”

"Can't you have a higher pursuit? As a villain, you have failed enough."

The dizzy Tony was as venomous as ever. At the same time, he quietly activated the device on his body and prepared to fly into the sky with Iron Overlord. If he guessed correctly, Iron Overlord should not have been winterized.

Iron Overlord snorted coldly, and popped out missiles from his back, preparing to finish off Tony. At this moment, a black figure ran from a distance at high speed and hit Iron Overlord with a bang. Iron Overlord was knocked out on the spot and rolled on the ground. .

This black figure was a mighty suit with a dove mark on the chest. He looked down upon Tony who fell to the ground and said, "You are the worst Stark I have ever seen!"

"Who are you? Do I know you?"

Tony was very dissatisfied. At this time, he noticed the Ark Reactor on the chest of the black suit and cursed a little crazy: "Another thief."

"I didn't steal anything from you. Besides, my reactor is more advanced and powerful than yours."

Howard snorted coldly. He took the ax from his back and prepared to chop Obadiah to death as he got up. He was so bald that he dared to bully his son and seek death.

At this moment, Trask's voice sounded in Howard's mind: "I said, have you forgotten your work?"

"Killing Obadiah can also save lives."

Howard muttered and shouted to Obadiah and Tony: "We, the Peace Knights, are here to save people. If you beat yourselves, ignore us."

After speaking, Howard rushed to the side of the bus and used an ax to cut the side of the bus. Then, many robots the same size as ordinary people flew over from a distance and clumsily rescued the people in the bus.

Due to time constraints, these robots are very simple, just a skeleton with a steel shell, but they are enough.

"Peace Knights?"

Tony and Obadiah looked confused, what the hell is this? Obadiah even cursed in his heart, "What are you doing to save someone and hit me?"

Obadiah hesitated, started the machine gun and shot at Tony again. Tony immediately flew into the sky. This time, Obadiah was fooled. He sprayed a large amount of black smoke from his feet and chased Tony menacingly.

Howard looked contemptuous: "There is so much black smoke, you can tell it is a defective product at a glance."

At the same time, many robots rushed into the battlefield to save the seriously injured soldiers on the ground and the contractors in the building. Both the enemy and us were stunned by this.

What did one of the black and white suits want to do? At this time, Teslak, who was attached to the tall robot, said coldly to the black and white suits: "We are pacifists, here to save people."

After saying that, Teslak raised his hand, and a laser blasted out from his index finger, cutting a deep crack in the ground.

The black and white suits were taken aback and chose to turn a blind eye to the robots and concentrate on destroying SHIELD agents and the army.

The ghost robots wasted no time and quickly moved the soldiers on the ground. Surprisingly, they did not move all the wounded.

A wounded man yelled dissatisfied at the passing robot: "Why don't you save me? My leg is broken."

"Because you gave up on yourself."

Teslak said coldly, leading the robot to move the contractors to a safe place. The rescued people cried with joy. Although they didn't know what the situation was, they were saved. This is more important than anything else.

While the robots were busy, Feng Mo turned into a strong wind and entered the burning building and rescued some contractors. It must be said that his ability was really useful.

"What's going on?"

Coulson looked confused. It was strange enough that a group of pacifists suddenly came out to save people. These pacifists actually picked people to save. Who was playing a prank?

"Although it's weird, it should be a good thing."

Coulson took out his communicator and asked in a low voice: "Rhode, when will the fighter plane come?"

The voice of Iron Man's friend Colonel Rhodes came from the communicator: "We have set off and will arrive soon."

"very good."

Coulson put down the communicator with a complicated expression. This time, he underestimated the strength of the suit. The future world will be a world of steel suits.

Teslak reported to Andrew: "BOSS, five Raptor fighter jets will arrive in three minutes."

"It looks like it's about to end. Take the contractor to a safe place as soon as possible."

Andrew nodded. The American fighter planes may not be able to deal with Iron Overlord and Iron Man, but it is not too difficult to deal with the black and white suits - they are far inferior to the real steel suits in terms of performance and defense.

At this moment, the previously extremely arrogant black and white suits suddenly fell to the ground. The Ark reactor on the chest continued to emit current, and the driver inside was killed by the violent current on the spot.

There was only one exception, and that was Iron Overlord. He was taken to the sky by Iron Man, and his whole body was frozen, so he happened to escape this disaster.

"BOSS, it's not good. There is something wrong with the Ark reactor that Obadiah guy made. It will explode if it overheats."

Howard hurriedly reported to Andrew: "The Ark reactor has huge energy. Once it explodes, the surrounding area will be turned into ruins."

Teslak also said: "It will explode within thirty seconds at most."

Tony also discovered this, but in thirty seconds, he had no time to take away all the black and white uniforms. He gritted his teeth and asked Jarvis to search for Pepper's location. Now, all he could do was rescue him. Pepper.

Tony felt very painful and guilty because these people were all implicated by him.

"Not good? Why do I feel so good?"

Andrew's eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled most of the people around Stark Tower into the illusion - Tony Stark, Colson, and the people who had entered the illusion last time were excluded. However, Pepper Pepper In a fantasy world.

In the illusion, Andrew told the story about the explosion of the Ark reactor, and then he said: "Two minutes, sign the contract, I will save you, otherwise, you will die here."

It is worth mentioning that of the two minutes here, only two seconds have passed outside.

Everyone who was pulled in looked at each other, because they couldn't speak, they couldn't discuss, they could only think by themselves.

Pepper's eyes flashed, and he didn't sign the contract - the explosion of the black and white suit was no small matter. The 'god' in front of him wanted to save them, so he had to take the black and white suit away. In other words, even if he didn't sign the contract, he could still be safe. , unless there is no one who signed the contract.

But this is obviously impossible, everyone is afraid of death, and the conditions of this ‘god’ are very confusing.

"No wonder everyone is not allowed to talk."

As Pepper expected, about five hundred people chose to sign the contract, and Andrew once again made a fortune.

"Obadiah is such a good man for sending me so many souls."

Andrew whistled, and the Harley motorcycle in the garage started on its own, rushing from the underground to the door of the Rebirth Building with a roar. Andrew jumped from the building and landed on the motorcycle.

Immediately afterwards, dark flames burst out from Andrew's body, and the flames quickly spread to the Harley motorcycle. The Harley motorcycle quickly deformed, like a roaring ferocious beast.

Black Hellfire is a new flame that evolved after Andrew devoured the Spirit of Vengeance, and is far more powerful than Explosive Johnny's red flame.

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