American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1475 Agreement

"No matter what methods you use, my loyalty to the Dark Lord will never change."

The Mirror Demon King shouted to Andrew: "Mechanical Demon King, I will never surrender to you."

"Do you know? Except for me, the essence of every demon king is selfishness, without exception, because the essence of hell is selfishness."

Andrew said: "Mirror Demon, the same goes for you. Your loyalty is not really loyal. The reason why you are loyal is just to satisfy yourself and make yourself feel happy. To put it simply, it is just like some people like pain and make others feel pain." Same as him."

"What's the point of saying this? I am loyal to the Dark Lord."

The Mirror Demon said, but he did not deny the selfishness. Except for a certain savior, the other Demons are indeed selfish, and this will never change.

"Of course it makes sense."

Andrew said: "Loyalty makes you happy, so you are loyal to the Dark Lord, but your loyalty is selfish, so you need to repay. This return is trust, and assisting the other person to become the Lord of Hell and realize the value of demon birth.

If one day you find that the person you are helping no longer believes in you or is even wary of you, will you still help him? "

The Mirror Demon snorted coldly and said, "How could the Dark Demon not trust me?"

"Why is it impossible? You betrayed Him and trained Samuel for me. When the Dark Lord knows this, do you think He will still trust you?"

Andrew sneered: "The Demon King is not the emperor of the world. He will not tell you the evidence. Once he discovers that you are unfaithful, he will kill you immediately. You and I both know this."

The Mirror Demon fell into silence after hearing this and did not refute again. Andrew was right. The Dark Lord would not tolerate the existence of traitors. That was the Dark Lord, not a good gentleman. Cruelty, evil, and killing were the words synonymous with him. .

"I will explain it to the Dark Lord and he will believe me."

After a moment, the Mirror Demon King said, but even he himself did not have much confidence in these words.

"Ignoring whether the Dark Lord believes it or not, do you think I will give you a chance to explain?"

Andrew said: "The only way you can prove your innocence is to die to prove your innocence. Will you do it?"

Claire smiled on the side and said: "Sister, if you die, I will die too. In this way, the loss of the Dark Lord can be minimized. Come on, commit suicide. Please die, sister."

With that said, Claire handed the Mirror Devil a knife. The Mirror Devil looked at Claire speechlessly, "You are such a good sister."

Will the Mirror Demon King die to prove his ambition? Of course not. As I said before, the Demon King is selfish. He is not truly loyal. His so-called loyalty is just to please himself. In this case, how could he be willing to die?

True loyalty means that you can do anything for the other person, including your own life, but unfortunately, the Mirror Demon King seems loyal, but he is not truly loyal.

No matter how loyal the Mirror Demon appears, he is still a demon after all, and his essence will never change.

Seeing that the Mirror Demon didn't speak, Andrew laughed and continued: "Mirror Demon, let's find a new boss. A new boss who will surely dominate hell and become the lord of hell."

The Mirror Demon snorted coldly: "You?"

"Of course it's me, who else could it be?"

Andrew said: "Who else can ascend the throne of the Lord of Hell except me? Who else will trust you except me? Don't forget, Claire will never disappear, you can only be loyal to me."

The Mirror Demon looked ugly, but he couldn't refute Andrew's words. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mechanical Demon, do you think you've got me?"

"Nonsense, if I don't accept you, what will I do?"

Andrew said: "Don't waste time. Get the benefit form, fill in your personal information, and get ready to go to work. Do you want to defraud your salary if you procrastinate?"

The Mirror Demon King was so angry that he thought about it carefully and said, "If you want me to be loyal to you, you can, but you must first defeat the Dark Lord and snatch me away from Him.

In this process, I will try my best to help the Dark Lord, and you cannot use Claire to influence me. As long as you do it, I will be loyal to you in the future, just like I am loyal to the Dark Lord now. "

To put it bluntly, the Mirror Demon is making an excuse for himself: It’s not that I betrayed the Dark Lord, it’s that the Dark Lord couldn’t protect me, and there’s no problem with my loyalty.

In this way, the Mirror Demon is not considered a traitor, and his happiness and satisfaction will not be affected.

Whether you are a human being or a devil, self-deception is a good ability. Life and being a devil are both very difficult.

"as you wish."

Andrew did not refuse, but still had to take care of the Mirror Demon's self-esteem. After all, he needed this secretary to do everything for him and help him deal with hell.

As a 'loyal' demon king, isn't it natural for 007 to do so?

The Mirror Demon is different from other Demons. Other Demons are just ordinary tools. The Mirror Demon is... a superior tool.

In addition, even without the Mirror Demon, Andrew is sure to defeat the Dark Lord. After all, he has more than one undercover agent on the Dark Lord's side, and he knows everything the Mirror Demon knows.

Hearing Andrew's promise, the Mirror Demon breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't want to betray, as that would make him hate himself. As it is now, he could barely accept it. If the Dark Lord failed, it would be his problem, not the Mirror Demon's. .

"Okay, that's it for now, Mirror Demon. We will meet again soon. By the way, during this time, you will not be paid."

After negotiating the agreement, Andrew nodded and disappeared. The Mirror Demon rolled his eyes, who cares about your salary?

Then, the Mirror Demon King turned to look at Claire, feeling a little headache, and asked: "If I surrender to the Mechanical Demon King, will you disappear?"

"It seems that my sister really hates me and always wants me to disappear."

Claire smiled and said: "Unfortunately, no, BOSS is an old silver coin, and he will not trust anyone, including you, who is known for your loyalty, so he will definitely keep me to prevent you from betraying me.

But don't worry, as long as you don't betray BOSS, I won't wake up. To put it bluntly, I'm just your sub-personality. "

"Loyalty? The loyalty of the Hell Demon King is just a joke."

The Mirror Demon shook his head, and then he snorted coldly: "The Mechanical Demon is indeed very powerful, but the Dark Demon will not lose to him. I believe in the Dark Demon. He is my chosen Lord of Hell."

"Sister, you don't even know what it means to be powerful?"

Claire smiled slightly, returned to the dream world below, and continued to act. The Mirror Demon snorted and wanted not to watch, but he really wanted to know the ending, so after hesitating for a while, he finally decided to stay and continue watching.

"Anyway, it's all born. It doesn't make any difference whether you watch it or not, so just keep watching."

The Mirror Demon excused himself and continued watching the series below.

Losers Alliance, Sithorn and the others were about to discuss things when Wade yawned and got up from the ground.

Death frowned. Just as he was about to say something, Wade shouted: "It's time for me to break through to the level of Heavenly Father God. Readers and viewers, please give me strength."

The next second, a powerful force burst out from Wade. Wade raised his hand, and a planet appeared in his hand. He laughed proudly and turned the planet into various shapes.

This is the mutant power of Andrew's future son Franklin: Planet Creation.

"Is this a breakthrough?"

Even Sithorne, Seth, and Death were all dumbfounded, taking a nap, and breaking through whenever they were told. When did Heavenly Father God become so casual?

"What else? Make a copy, where I narrowly escape death, and then because my brothers and women are all killed, I can temporarily break through to the level of Father God?"

Wade tossed the planet and said: "How can I have so much time? Let's make do with it. In short, I am now at the level of Father God and can continue to join the battlefield to gain my existence."

"The purpose of your entering the battlefield is to gain existence?"

Death complained, and he said to the others: "No matter how this guy was promoted, he was indeed promoted. This is finally good news. We have an awesome teammate, uh, probably."

"Death, what do you mean? Why did you add a rough term?"

Wade complained: "I'm very powerful, okay? I'm so strong now that I'm afraid of myself. I'm the strongest Deadpool in history."

Sithorn and Seth both sneered. Sithorn said: "Let's get down to business, death. Has the motherland reached the critical point?"

"Here we are, if I hadn't suppressed him specifically, he would have forced a breakthrough. He really, really wants to break through."

Death said, looking a little speechless. The reason why the people of the motherland want to break through is because they heard that the Demon King level can extend time. They always feel that the Heavenly Father God is deeply humiliated at this level.

By the way, after Wade breaks through, can the time be extended? I'm just afraid it's enough.

"Old Serra can break through at any time."

Seth followed, and Sithorn nodded with satisfaction. He said: "Very good, everything went well, our three demon king-level clones are also ready, and everything that the three-tailed demon king should do has been done.

Now, we just have to wait for the next attached world to open, and then, we will..."

"A loser again."

Wade added, Seth, Sithorne, and Death turned their heads at the same time and looked at him expressionlessly. Wade shrank his neck and said: "Pretend I didn't say it, I'm going to familiarize myself with the new ability."

After saying that, Wade disappeared directly. Sithorn snorted and said: "This time, we will not be losers again. The loser will only be the Machine Demon King."

Set and Death nodded. With so many demon kings joining forces, plus the internal agent of the white tiger Hogs, and the killer weapon of Ganata, there was no reason why the mechanical demon king could not lose.

"Unless he has an undercover agent, uh, I seem to be that undercover agent, hehehehe."

Seth secretly thought that with him as an undercover agent, it would be difficult for the Machine Demon King to lose. After all, Seth is a gold medal undercover agent.

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