American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1463 Bloodline of the Demon King

Samuel's soul is controlled by Andrew, which does not prevent him from breaking through to the Demon King level, because he wants to break through the Demon King level, not become the Demon King.

Samuel's system is a superpower system, not a devil system. The superpower system does not have so many requirements.

After signing the contract, Samuel couldn't wait to ask: "Mirror Demon King, how are you going to help me break through to the Demon King level? Are you also going to fight in hell? This may not be feasible because..."

"Because there are no other superpowers in hell, right?"

The Mirror Demon smiled and said: "Your second power is to resonate with the people with powers around you. The more people with powers around you, the stronger you are."

"How do you know?"

Samuel was stunned. Only he and his brother knew about this. His brother thought his ability was too dangerous and kept suppressing him. He didn't even tell him what his second power was.

Later, Samuel learned about this by chance. He was so angry that he directly killed his brother and inherited the playground.

"If I didn't know, how could I ask you to cooperate?"

The Mirror Demon King said that this information was analyzed by him through various data, and he had no doubt about it at all, because he is so smart - it was actually hinted by Andrew subconsciously.

"That's true."

Samuel said: "Yes, my second power is psychic resonance. The more people with powers around me, the stronger I am. Last time we formed a group to besiege the Demon Prince, I could even tear New York apart.

Of all the superheroes on Earth, only Director Tianjian is really stronger than me. The others are no match for me, of course, only if the conditions are met. "

The Mirror Demon King said: "What we want to do is to keep you in a permanent state of second power, and through a large number of power users, we can promote you to the Demon King level."

"Permanently in the second power state?"

Samuel was astonished: "Is this possible? Also, a massive number of superpowers? There are only a few superpowers on the earth, but even if they are many, they are not too many."

"There are far more supernatural beings on earth than you think."

The Mirror Demon shook his head and asked, "Samuel, what is your resonance range?"

"It's not too big. It's within a thousand meters in diameter. Beyond this range, the resonance will fail."

Samuel sighed. This resonance range was too small. If it could cover the entire New York, his strength would become unprecedentedly powerful.

"This range is really not large. Next, I will find ways to expand this range so that it covers New York City and even the entire earth."

The Mirror Demon King said: "In this way, it will be easy for you to break through the Demon King level. This is one of the ways to make you stronger.

You don't need to question whether I can do it or not. The Demon King of Hell is more capable than you think. "

The Mirror Demon is really sure of this - one of his plans is to use mirrors as connection points. As long as there are enough mirrors and magic power, the entire earth can be covered. At least, covering New York is not a problem.

"If I can really cover the entire earth, then I will be invincible in the world. Even Director Tianjian may not be my opponent."

Samuel said excitedly, he thought of something and asked: "One of the methods? Are there other methods?"

"Of course."

The Mirror Demon nodded: "Another way is to turn you into a demon, and then try to resonate with the demon. If it works, you will become a miracle, an invincible miracle."

"Becoming a demon? This shouldn't work, right? I'm a human, but I can't resonate with humans. I can only resonate with people with powers."

Samuel was stunned, and the Mirror Demon King said: "That's because ordinary humans don't have special powers in their bodies, but demons have magic in their bodies. We can use the resonance characteristics to make the magic in your body resonate with the magic in other demons.

Of course, it may not go so smoothly at the beginning, but I am confident that through various experiments and adjustments, I can complete Demonic Resonance.

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if you fail in the end, you can still obtain the blood of the Demon King. Listen clearly, it is the blood of the Demon King, not the blood of an ordinary demon. "

Samuel's eyes lit up and he asked: "The bloodline of the devil? Which devil is it?"

"The bloodline of the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord is the future Lord of Hell. It is a great honor for you to get his bloodline."

The Mirror Demon said enthusiastically, and then he introduced the Dark Lord in detail. Samuel couldn't help but be overjoyed. It was obvious that the Dark Lord was the boss of their side.

Using the blood of the Dark Lord to help Samuel completely transform has two benefits. One is to bring Samuel closer to the Demon King level. Moreover, the Blood of the Dark Lord has a special function that can increase Samuel's resonance range.

Another benefit is that the control over Samuel becomes stronger. With the contract and the blood of the Demon King, even if God comes, he cannot save Samuel.

What the Mirror Demon didn't know was that the idea of ​​giving blood to the Demon King Samuel was actually secretly guided by Andrew.

The purpose is two-fold. The first is to experiment with Samuel's ability to see if it can resonate with demons. Once the research is successful, this power will change from a god-level power to a super-god-level power.

The other important thing is to take this opportunity to find out the specific situation of the Dark Lord. Andrew has confidence in himself, but no matter how confident he is, he should not underestimate the enemy.

No matter what, the Dark Lord is still one of the top three devils. Andrew must find out his details before taking action against him.

It's not that I'm not sure, I'm just being cautious. These days, if I'm not 98% sure, how can I dare to take action?

"The bloodline of the Dark Lord? Then wouldn't I become the Prince of Hell?"

Samuel asked excitedly, and the Mirror Demon smiled and said: "Well, you have broken through to the Demon King level, and your status is far above the Prince of Hell, almost on an equal footing with the Dark Lord.

How to put it, it's like a company, the Dark Lord is the chairman, and we devils are the shareholders. Although there is a difference in status, the difference is not big. "

This situation is the situation before the Dark Lord became the Lord of Hell. When the Dark Lord becomes the Lord of Hell, the relationship will no longer be between the chairman and the shareholders, but between the king and the lord.

"I was wrong."

Samuel smiled and said that the demon prince was not a popular figure at all. He was about to become a demon king and be equal to those demon kings of hell. By then, what would the countryman and the soldier boy mean?

In this world, only Director Tianjian is qualified to be called a superhero with him. Of course, this is just the beginning. When the time comes, he will defeat Director Tianjian and rule the world together with the devil.

Samuel couldn't wait to ask: "When will we inject the devil's blood, and help me increase the resonance range?"


The Mirror Demon smiled slightly, the mirror turned into a portal, and he said: "Welcome to hell."

Samuel, who was deceived and lame, walked in without hesitation. He was not stupid, but he only had a little cleverness and no real wisdom. In addition, he didn't have much knowledge. It was normal for him to be tricked by the Mirror Demon.

Hell, the palace of the Dark Lord, He laughed loudly and said: "Samuel, the future Demon King-level powerhouse, welcome you to join our alliance. Don't worry, you will never be disappointed."

The Dark Lord is very satisfied with Samuel's gift. On the one hand, once Samuel breaks through successfully, they will have a powerful fighting force.

On the other hand, Samuel is the superhero of the earth. With him, they can invade the earth and devour human souls.

There are many ways to become the Lord of Hell. Among them, the most traditional way is to conquer all the demon kings and let them carry you to become the Lord of Hell. This is difficult, after all, the demon kings are not that easy to deal with.

Therefore, many demon kings choose to take shortcuts, that is, to conquer the earth. The Dark Lord has not given up this idea.

"hope so."

Samuel nodded, looking forward to the future development. Then, the Dark Lord personally took action and transformed him into his descendant, letting his own blood flow in his body.

Both the Dark Lord and Samuel are full of expectations for the future, and the same goes for Andrew. With the Mirror Devil around, he can complete his experiments with the help of the Dark Lord's power and resources.

“It feels good to experiment with other people’s money.”

Andrew laughed. Once Samuel's experiment was successful, Andrew would not only have one more demon-level helper, but more importantly, one more super killer.

Not an ordinary trump card, but a super trump card - energy resonance.

"Samuel's matter has come to an end for the time being. The next step is to slowly experiment and develop."

Andrew secretly thought: "In this case, it's time to focus on another thing, which is the Succubus Queen."

The Succubus Queen undoubtedly meets the requirements of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, she is now the demon king in the Nine-Headed Demon King Alliance, and it is difficult for Andrew to deal with her.

The Succubus Queen has an affair with other demon kings in the alliance. Once she is alerted, the demon kings will definitely come to protect him immediately.

What's worse is that the Succubus Queen is also having an affair with the Power Demon King. No one knows whether the Power Demon King will come too.

"This is true. When I go out to buy a pack of cigarettes, I see five men who are having an affair with you. Well, there may be more than five."

Andrew complained. He browsed the information carefully and settled on one of the pieces of information - the people from the motherland entered the Succubus Queen's palace, but were kicked out because the time was too short.

"The people of the motherland really embarrass the superheroes. If you don't have time, just learn from Wade and recover instantly."

Andrew touched his chin and thought: "On the surface, this is just gossip news, but from this news, we can see that the Succubus Queen is interested in superheroes. To put it simply, try something new.

Just like men, they also have a soft spot for some special professions. In addition, He should have other plans. This is a good opportunity to make plans. Soldier Boy is also a superhero, and it lasts more than three seconds.

It seems that this time, the soldier boy has to sacrifice something... That's weird, I'm not interested in the succubus queen. I just create opportunities, and I can't let her taste any sweetness. "

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