American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1433 Conversation

"With you, I am complete. You are mine and I am yours."

Wade smiled at the people of his motherland, then he took out a coin from his pocket and said: "Let the coin decide whether I go to save the Big Devil Bowser or not. Everything is a choice of fate."

Just when Wade was about to toss the coin, the voice of death roar sounded: "Wade, work quickly."

After spending so much thought, he came up with a huge plan that was about to succeed. However, because of a sewer pipe, the plan was about to die. He was so angry that he almost exploded. How could he have time to watch Wade play tricks?

"Yes, death, got it, death."

Wade was startled, and hurriedly left the body of his motherland and quickly flew towards the lava island. As for playing the clown, we will talk about it later. I believe that his wonderful performance just now has won him many fans.

"By the way, if the Joker can win Best Actor, why can't Deadpool? I don't seem to have even won a nomination?"

Wade looked puzzled. How could his acting skills be inferior to those of the Joker? Is it because he is so handsome? That's right, handsome guys can't win Best Actor. This is an unspoken rule. DiCaprio, and Theron, all acted ugly in order to win Best Actor and Best Actress.

Wade sighed: "It seems that I will never win the Best Actor Award in this life. Who made me look so handsome?"

After Wade left, the people of the motherland breathed a long sigh of relief. The torture was finally over. It was so good that even he wanted to cry at this time.

At this time, Death said: "Hurry up and catch up, otherwise your popularity will drop. Pretend to chase that guy. If someone blocks Wade, find a way to interfere with him."

People of the motherland, this is very important. Don't be stubborn. We have spent so much effort and we must not be defeated by a guy who can connect the sewers. "

"I can totally understand your anger."

The people of the motherland nodded and quickly chased out. Such a huge plan was ruined by a sewer. Death and the others were probably furious.

"Damn it, something like this happened."

The three-tailed demon cursed: "Set, I remember that the super star is on the big turtle, do you want to use it directly?"

"It can be used, but after using it, the time to delay the Mechanical Demon King will definitely be shortened. The Mechanical Demon King is very powerful. An ordinary Demon King, even if he uses all kinds of despicable methods, can only stand up to the sky for half an hour. "

Seth said: "Check Wade's side first, if it doesn't work then use it."

The three-tailed demon king first nodded, then thought of something and asked suspiciously: "That's true. Speaking of which, is this sewer connection arranged by the mechanical demon king?"

"This is not the method of the Mechanical Demon King. The Mechanical Demon King will not eliminate his opponents in advance. He will use villains to gain reputation and improve his strength."

Sithorn shook his head and said: "According to my calculations, the man who leads to the sewer is the protagonist of the attached world, and he has extraordinary blessings from the world. Without our participation, the Great Demon King Kuba will also be solved by him, just like This is it now.”

"Protagonist? Can you be the protagonist if you are so short?"

The Three-Tailed Demon King was stunned. Now he only hoped that Wade could successfully rescue the Bowser Demon King. Otherwise, he could only forcefully use the Super Star.

"Set, control the turtle army and let them destroy high-rise buildings, collapse them, and collect souls."

Sithorn thought of something and said coldly. Seth nodded: "No problem, there are many undead turtles, and they can definitely explode."

At the same time, the man leading the sewer was posing with Luigi in the same pose as in the advertisement, shouting loudly: "We are the Mario Brothers. If your toilet is blocked and your pipes are leaking, please come to us and we will help you." And your wallet is very satisfied.”

"It's actually advertised?"

The audience was speechless. When it is so serious, you actually advertise? It's really... so smart. Several advertising companies frantically called the Mario Brothers and invited them to endorse some companies.

"That's my son, that's my son, the best plumber in New York, he saved the world."

Mario's family excitedly showed off to the people next to them, completely forgetting that they had scolded Mario at home yesterday for being useless, which made Mario depressed.

"Luigi, this time, we're going to be rich."

Andrew pretended to be excited and shouted, but secretly lamented in his heart that it is not easy to be a savior, even having to act funny.

At the same time, Andrew's consciousness was chatting with King Bowser. The reason why Andrew used the shrinking mushroom was not to defeat King Bowser, but to find an opportunity to communicate with him.

The Great Demon King Bowser has the mark of Set on his body. If you chat with him rashly, Seth will definitely notice it. Therefore, Andrew's consciousness is hidden in the shrinking mushroom, taking advantage of the Great Demon King Bowser to become smaller and merge into its soul.

Andrew introduced himself directly without any nonsense: "Kuba, the Great Demon, my name is Andrew Wang. Human beings call me Director of Sky Sword, while those enemies call me Mechanical Demon King."

"Are you the most powerful superhero, Director Tianjian?"

The big devil Kuba looked Andrew up and down and sneered: "You don't look like you are anything special? What do you want from me? Do you want to surrender to me? Yes, you kneel down, I am willing to accept your surrender."

"Stupid turtle."

Andrew raised his hand, and Bowser was instantly tied to a huge pillar. Then, countless long swords emerged from the pillar and pierced his body one after another.

Even the Great Demon King Bowser couldn't help but let out a shrill scream. At the same time, there were certain fluctuations in the illusion. After all, this was the sea of ​​consciousness of the Great Demon King Bowser.

Because it is just consciousness, although it hurts, it will not cause any actual harm to the body. Basically, it is used to torture the big devil Bowser.

The Great Demon King Kuba roared: "Human, I will not let you go, I will definitely kill you."

"It seems like we haven't beaten enough."

Andrew nodded and continued to torture the Great Bowser. He knew that there was a lot of torture. After all, the top ten tortures were very popular on the Internet.

A guy like Bowser, who dominates a small place, doesn't have a clear mind. He must be beaten down before getting down to business, otherwise, there will be no effect at all.

What, are you afraid that Bowser will hate you? This kind of turtle, even if you don't beat it, will still hate you if there is even the slightest thing it dislikes.

The time in the fantasy world was different from the outside, so Andrew didn't have to worry about the time dragging on too long. In the next hour, he experimented with various tortures on the Big Devil Bowser and collected a lot of useful information for scientific development.

The big devil Kuba kept scolding at first, but soon he was just wailing. An hour later, he said with a sad face: "If you have something to say, please tell me. What do you want to discuss with me? Come again, I apologize, I apologize, it was me before I apologize for your slutty mouth."

The Great Demon King Bowser became intimidated faster than expected. Of course, this is normal. It has always been smooth sailing. How can it have strong willpower?

"I accept your apology."

Andrew raised his hand, and all the instruments of torture disappeared. Then, he looked at the Big Devil Kuba and said, "Do you know who the person who is cooperating with you is?"

"A little green snake. He didn't say who he was, but he obviously has something to do with hell."

Bowser the Great Demon King answered honestly, looking at Andrew with eyes full of hatred and fear.

"That little snake is called Seth, and the person behind it is the three-tailed demon king from hell."

Andrew said: "The three-tailed demon king is currently in hell, fighting with the two demon kings I support. He sent Seth to find you. If nothing else, it should be to let you restrain me, so that he can take the opportunity to solve my problem in hell. ally."

"Why can't I eliminate you?"

Bowser raised his head and asked. Seeing Andrew looking over, it was so frightened that it quickly lowered its head. Andrew asked with a half-smile: "Do you think you can destroy me?"

"It's definitely not possible now, but as long as I accumulate enough souls, they will give me huge power."

Bowser said, it is not really stupid, it deliberately concealed the super star thing.

"Those who make deals with the Demon Lord of Hell will never end well, Lord Bowser."

Andrew smiled and said: "The power they give you may make you very powerful, but the cost is absolutely huge, and it may even cost you your life.

To put it simply, you tried your best to stop me, but in the end, your life was really lost. "

Bowser looked at Andrew suspiciously, obviously not believing it. Andrew smiled and said, "Let's put ourselves in his shoes. If you were the three-tailed devil, you would give Bowser his original power so that he could complete his promotion and become a The real Demon King?"

"Of course not, only fools do that."

Demon King Kuba said immediately. Just after he finished speaking, he was stunned. Yes, who would do such a stupid thing? Help a tool man, er, tool turtle, become a real devil?

"It seems you are not stupid enough."

Andrew said: "No one will help others to become a demon king for free, and from an economic point of view, helping people become real demon kings and helping people temporarily become demon kings are two completely different things.

If nothing else, they will use the method of sacrifice to stimulate all your potential and soul power, turning you into a demon king in a short time, delaying me, and then, when the goal is achieved, you can die obediently. . "

The big devil Kuba replied this time, and he roared: "Damn it, I will never let those guys go."

"You are no match for them. They are the real demon kings. You are not worth mentioning in front of them."

Andrew said: "Kuba, the great devil, you are just a pathetic pawn now. I am the only one who can save you."

The Big Devil Kuba suddenly fell into deep thought. Thanks to Andrew beating it before, otherwise, it would not be so calm. Therefore, facing such an enemy, it is better to give it a beating first, which can save a lot of trouble.

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