American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1421 Preparations from all parties

From a distance, Andrew saw Luigi falling into an island full of lava and black smoke. He secretly mourned for Luigi in his heart. With this look, no one would believe that there are good people on the island, right?

Not only that, Andrew also sensed that there was the breath of hell on that island. If nothing else, there should be evil creatures that obtained the power of hell through sacrifice.

Andrew did nothing and kept moving along the pipe. Soon, he left the pipe and fell to the ground with a bang. He raised his head and saw mushrooms everywhere, some the size of a fist, and some taller than a person. , colorful, just like a mushroom kingdom.

"This is a paradise for people who like to eat mushrooms. I remember a song praising mushrooms. They have red umbrellas and white poles. We eat them together and sleep on them, and we sleep on them in coffins..."

Andrew hummed as he walked forward, wanting to find the indigenous people of this world and find out the situation in this world.

Although this world is small, it is very interesting. The rules here are far more lively than those in the main world, which should bring him many surprises.

In addition, Andrew sent a few reconnaissance birds to investigate the situation on Magma Island. The people on that island were probably the villain BOSS.

At the same time, in New York, at the headquarters of the Disaster Countermeasures Agency, a large number of superheroes gathered and stood in two different camps.

On the left is the Super Seven of the Future Group, on the right is Soldier Boy's team and Samuel's team, with some ordinary superheroes following them.

The division of the camp was intentional by the Disaster Confrontation Bureau. The superheroes looked at the self-righteous Super Seven team across from them and secretly snorted, why are they so arrogant? They are just a group of human traitors?

"People of the motherland, it doesn't feel good."

The invisible man whispered to the people of the motherland: "The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau is deliberately isolating us."

"It should be because of what happened last time."

Shen Hai whispered: "Last time, the headquarters cooperated with the Demon Prince, which led to the Demon King's invasion. We have been paddling because of their orders. Now others think we are traitors."

Deep Sea, this guy, has a really hard life. He was beaten almost to death during the werewolf incident, but he is still alive and kicking now. Moreover, he is still a member of the Super Seven.

The Invisible Man complained: "Is it possible that we are actually traitors?"

"Shut up."

People from my motherland have a bit of a dark face. I didn’t expect that what happened last time would have such sequelae. It would be bad if it affected his popularity.

"Probably not. They don't dare to publicize it because they don't dare to force them to rebel against me."

Thinking of this, the people of the motherland secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then became a little angry at Walter Pharmaceuticals. Those bastards dared to sacrifice his interests for their own interests?

At this time, Director Newman came out with the black-robed pickets. She glanced at the superheroes and said, "There is good news. There are no monsters in New York City, but there are a lot more green pipes."

After speaking, Newman asked the staff aside to turn on the screen. On the screen, green pipes appeared in many places in New York City.

"We received reports that once you get close to the green pipe, you will be sucked in. Many people are currently missing because of this."

Newman continued: "According to our estimation, that green pipe should lead to another world."

Soldier Boy asked, "Chief Newman, what do you mean?"

"I hope you will send some people to enter the pipeline with us to explore the situation on the other side of the world."

Newman said: "In this way, maybe we can prevent the opposite world from invading our world. Even if not, we can prepare in advance, or we can fix the battlefield in the opposite world. New York can't afford much damage."

The invisible man said: "The problem is, we don't know what the world on the other side is like? There may not even be air. As soon as we enter, we will die immediately."

"Don't worry about this, we will investigate first."

Newman smiled and asked a young man in a leather jacket from Samuel's hero team: "Clone, I remember that after your clone disappears, the memory will return to you, right?"

"Yes, but I haven't tried whether it can be transmitted across the world."

The clone man said that his ability is to be a clone, which is quite powerful. However, the clone is not strong enough and can easily disappear once it is attacked.

"Then try. If you can survive, I hope you will send people to that world to investigate."

Newman said: "Of course, the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau will also send people there, it goes without saying."

The superheroes looked at each other and nodded. If there was really no problem, they would be willing to send someone to investigate. Of course, the captain would definitely not go, and his subordinates would be responsible.

Then, the clone started testing, and his clone successfully entered the pipe. Five minutes later, the clone gained a memory.

"There is a very beautiful country opposite, but the natives are not so friendly. My clone was hit and killed by an orangutan."

The clone said, and everyone was a little shocked. Orangutan, drive? Could it be that the Orangutan Kingdom is opposite?

"Orangutan civilization? Orangutans are relatively violent creatures and are probably enemies."

Newman asked: "As long as you can survive, can the clone come back through the original channel?"

The clone shook his head and said: "No, you can't come back through the original channel. However, there are many channels in that world, and there should be channels leading to our world."

Newman nodded and said to Huey: "Huey, go to that world to investigate intelligence, and pay attention to your own safety."


Huey didn't talk nonsense and nodded immediately. Seeing this, the other superheroes followed their previous agreement and sent superheroes to another world to investigate.

The Super Seven sent out the Invisible Man, who can become invisible and is naturally suitable for reconnaissance. The Soldier Boy team sent out Starlight Annie, who can turn into lightning and is highly safe.

As for Samuel's team, he sent out Old Serra, who had a variety of superpowers and high survivability.

Soon, all these people entered the pipeline and began their adventurous journey. As for the others, they waited for news.

In fact, it is not only the superheroes who enter the Mario world, but also the forces of the Losers Alliance.

When something happens in New York, the Losers Alliance immediately notices it. After all, they want to take advantage of the disaster to completely take over the territory of the Lazy Demon King.

"The new world is a bit weird, not the same as the previous world."

Death said: "Wade, go ahead. You can't die anyway. However, you alone are not enough. Three-tailed Demon King, you also need to send someone over there."

In fact, Wade's strength is sufficient, but his way of doing things really makes people feel insecure, so he needs to send one more person.

"Okay, I'll send someone to go with Wade."

The Three-Tailed Demon King nodded, and he ordered: "Wade, find the villain BOSS of that world as soon as possible, and then support him to make a big fuss. Only in this way can you hold back the Machine Demon King."

Wade said carelessly: "Leave it to me. I'm the best at finding people. Before I became Deadpool, I often helped people find cats and dogs. If I couldn't find them, I didn't pay for them."

The three-tailed devil was too lazy to pay attention to Wade, and asked: "Sithorn, have you made arrangements over there?"

"It's all set up."

Sithorn nodded and said: "As long as the Mechanical Demon can be delayed for half an hour, the Sloth Demon will definitely die. Of course, it is best to stay for more than an hour. In that case, even the Gluttonous Demon will not be able to escape."

"Very well, this hell is mine. Anyone who dares to stand on the side of the Machine Demon King will die."

The Three-Tailed Demon King nodded with satisfaction. Sithorn smiled and said, "We will do our best to support you because we have a common enemy."

"After destroying the common enemy, you can backstab the opponent. This is the teaching of the Hell Backstab Academy."

Wade said matter-of-factly, and Sithorne and the three-tailed devil's faces froze. Is this something that can be said? Immediately, the two of them laughed at the same time, pretending not to hear.

If the Machine Demon King dies, they will become their opponents. Backstabs and other things will naturally be inevitable. In fact, everyone knows this, so there is no need to say more.

"Finish the job well and don't screw it up again."

Death kicked Wade out of the gathering place. Wade rolled his eyes. Is there anyone stingier than BOSS in this world? Although BOSS often doesn't give wages, at least he will give him a pay stub. Working for Death, not to mention a pay stub, he has never even seen a coin.

At this time, a cold voice sounded next to Wade: "Are you the assistant assigned to me from above?"

Wade turned around and saw a woman dressed as a medieval noblewoman standing behind him. This woman had a pale face and a cold aura all over her body. She was obviously a vampire.

"Wow, vampires? I like vampires the most. Back then, when I had no money to spend, I often sold my blood to vampires. Those vampires were super generous."

Wade said excitedly. This sentence was not a lie. He did sell a lot of blood to vampires. Then, he was hunted down by the vampire clan. This bastard's blood couldn't be drunk at all, and even the vampires couldn't bear it.

The underground blood market in New York almost went bankrupt because of this bastard. At that time, there was a curse among vampires: I hope you suck Wade's blood.

The female vampire was stunned, is this the Ha blood clan? She said: "Very good, my name is Elizabeth Bathory, remember to obey my command, and if I need it, you have to donate your blood to me."

"No problem, I will give you as much blood as you want, but let's make an agreement first. Whether you are a human being or a ghost, you must keep your word. If you say you want to suck my blood, you must suck it."

Wade said happily, Bathory was a little stunned, why did he feel like this guy was so nervous?

"Don't worry, vampires never give up blood."

Immediately, Bathory shook his head and took Wade into the pipe, heading to Mario World.

In the pipe, Bathory saw the burning and black-smoking magma island, and his eyes immediately lit up. There was an aura of hell on that island, and it was probably the villain BOSS in this world.

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