American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1417 Fierce Battle

"Am I, the Mountain Demon King, the kind of demon who can sneak attacks?"

The Mountain Demon King looked dissatisfied, as if he was not the one who attacked Aragorn a few days ago. Mountains are certainly thick-skinned.

The three-tailed devil didn't take it seriously. He said: "The angelic power in Gabriel has not been fully awakened. If we can capture him, we will gain Gabriel's full power."

"Gabriel's full power?"

The Mountain Demon King's eyes widened, and then he asked suspiciously: "Why don't you do it yourself for such a great benefit?"

"Because I couldn't move my hands, the Demon of Sloth kept targeting me."

The three-tailed devil said helplessly that the lazy devil had arrived at the front line a long time ago. After all, the three-tailed devil and the mountain devil were both on the front line. If he didn't come, the front line would be easily defeated.

"He actually locked you and not me?"

The Mountain Demon King is a little annoyed, which means that in the heart of the Lazy Demon King, the Three-tailed Demon King is a greater threat than him.

The Three-Tailed Demon King was about to speak, but found that the Mountain Demon King suddenly disappeared. He rolled his eyes. It was obvious that this guy ran for a sneak attack.

"Gabriel and Sithorn are here again. It seems that the Machine Demon is determined to protect the Sloth Demon."

The three-tailed devil used his consciousness and said to Sithorn: "We must do something, otherwise this war will continue to be a stalemate."

"I'm already making preparations."

Sithorn said: "However, don't be impatient. Wait a moment. Now is not the time for us to take action."

The three-tailed demon king asked: "Then when is the time for us to take action?"

"When disaster strikes the earth."

Sithorn said: "With the character of the Machine Demon, if the earth is in danger, he will definitely go to the rescue. In this case, he will not be able to come to hell to save the Sloth Demon and the Gluttony Demon.

At that time, our entire army will attack, and within an hour, we will defeat the frontline army and besiege the Lazy Demon King. Without the frontline army, I am sure that the Lazy Demon King will lose his territory bonus. "

The three-tailed demon king nodded and asked: "The strategy is good, but when will the earth be in disaster?"

"It won't take long. The earth is a disaster place."

Sithorn smiled and said: "I hope there will be a catastrophe, the kind that makes the Machine Demon King unable to escape."

The three-tailed devil sighed: "I hope so. Speaking of which, I have never seen such an unlucky planet, with disasters every day."

"I have seen that all the earth where the Machine Demon King is located is full of disasters, because he is a disaster star."

Sithorn complained, Seth and Death were convinced, but Wade was not interested in it. He said to Death: "Death, my good friend Wolverine is fighting hard in hell, and I want to help.

What's that look in your eyes? Wolverine plus Deadpool means a big hit at the box office. Everyone on earth knows it. Otherwise, why would I shamelessly text Wolverine every day and ask him if he wants a date? "

"Go squat in the corner."

Death said angrily, that Van Helsing is an enemy now, okay? Wade helplessly circled the corner, "Wolverine, it's not that your brother won't help you, it's because you have a fierce wife at home."

Hell battlefield, Wolverine, bah, Van Helsing made rapid progress under the guidance of Gabriel. Facing a circle of flying demons around him, he smiled and his wings suddenly grew longer.

Then, Van Helsing rotated rapidly, his wings like sharp blades, killing all the flying demons around him. At the same time, the holy light wind blades whizzed down as they rotated, piercing some of the demons below.

With just one move, hundreds of demons were killed. Van Helsing laughed loudly. Being able to do angel magic and not being able to do angel magic are indeed two completely different things. The gap is too big.


At this moment, Gabriel screamed to remind him, and Van Helsing did not ask any questions. He flapped his wings and flew upwards. Suddenly, a strong force of gravity appeared, and he fell to the ground with a bang, making a big hole in the ground.

This was not over yet. Then, a figure rushed in front of Van Helsing and punched Van Helsing hard. The surrounding space was directly distorted, and Van Helsing was completely unable to move.

"Idiot, give your body to me quickly, otherwise you are dead. The person who attacked you is a demon king, a real demon king."

Gabriel shouted anxiously. In fact, he was very excited because this was the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time.

Gabriel is not stupid. He is synonymous with wisdom in heaven. He is very clear about Andrew and Van Helsing's calculations. The reason why he agrees is that it is indeed necessary.

On the other hand, he is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a chance that Van Helsing will fall into a desperate situation. At that time, Van Helsing can only give his body to himself in order to survive.

Gabriel believed that with Van Helsing's greed for life and fear of death, he would definitely agree to it for his own life - a person who was obsessed with beautiful women every day would certainly be greedy for life and fear of death.

However, contrary to Gabriel's expectations, Van Helsing said: "I will not give you my body and tell me the solution, otherwise, we will die together.

Don't think I'm joking, Gabriel. As a mortal, I am more generous than you at critical times. Anyway, I have enjoyed everything. "


Sensing Van Helsing's determination, Gabriel cursed and said: "Use all the angelic power in your body to make it explode. This is angelic magic, sacrificing yourself to the holy flame."

"Sacrifice yourself to the holy flame."

Van Helsing immediately did as he was told, and then a dazzling holy light lit up on his body. Then, the holy light exploded completely, turning into a holy flame shock wave that swept across the surroundings. Even the Mountain Demon King was forced to retreat.

But the Mountain Demon King controlled gravity and quickly controlled himself to stop. Then, he punched Van Helsing again. He didn't believe that such a big move could be used continuously.

At this moment, the ground under the Mountain Demon King's feet suddenly cracked, and a small figure, with a bright purple light, pierced the Mountain Demon King's body from bottom to top.

The Mountain Demon King was shocked and hurriedly changed the gravity and quickly rose into the sky. When the figure saw this, the purple light left the body and turned into an energy cannon that kept getting bigger. It caught up with the Mountain Demon King and hit him hard.

Even the Mountain Demon King was blown away, screaming in the air, and some of his bodies even fell off, which meant that he was injured.

"Haha, I asked you, an old guy, to sneak attack on me, and now I am sneak attacking you, right?"

Ganata laughed loudly. As soon as she saw the angel, she knew that the bastard Mountain Demon King would definitely attack Van Helsing. Therefore, she hid underground and prepared to treat him in kind.

Ganata was so smart that she even guessed the attack method of the Mountain Demon King, so she was able to launch a sneak attack immediately and injure the opponent.

Seeing that the Mountain Demon King was beaten away, Van Helsing breathed a sigh of relief. He looked Ganata up and down and said, "Hello, I am Van Helsing. Thank you for saving me."

"Stay away from me, Andrew said, all that stuff is on your mind, it's disgusting."

Ganata looked disgusted, Van Helsing's face turned dark, and that guy Andrew actually slandered him? He does like women, but he has no interest in a little girl.

Bang, the Mountain Demon King fell heavily to the ground, raising a burst of dust. Then, he got up and said ferociously: "Ganata, do you dare?"

"Why don't you dare? Mountain Demon King, I will definitely kill you, step on your body, return to the food world, and continue to enjoy food."

As Ganata spoke, she quickly rushed towards the Mountain Demon King. Upon seeing this, Van Helsing hurriedly turned into a werewolf and followed him.

The Mountain Demon King was about to speak when he suddenly saw the werewolf and was shocked. What the hell is this? Angel turns into werewolf? It seems that he is still a dark werewolf?

Gabriel was also speechless. He never thought that his reincarnation would become a werewolf. What's even more outrageous is that this werewolf does not conflict with the power of angels. This is completely unreasonable.

"Forget it, let's continue teaching. At the very least, we must stop the three-tailed demon king's conspiracy first. That guy is indeed the demon's clone. I will not admit my mistake."

Gabriel shook his head. For the sake of the overall situation, sacrifice was necessary. This time, he chose to sacrifice himself.

Although Gabriel is not as kind as the legend says, he has one advantage: he faithfully follows his own path, even if it involves sacrificing himself. He has never been a guy who only sacrifices others.

Then, Ganata teamed up with Van Helsing to fight the Mountain Devil. With the Mountain Devil as a sparring partner, the two of them quickly improved.

The Mountain Demon King was extremely frustrated and repeatedly launched his ultimate move. Unfortunately, he could not kill the two guys every time. As for not being a sparring partner? That won't work, because someone has to keep those two guys in check.

The war is going on in full swing, and everyone knows that it will not end so soon.

In a remote place on the earth, the white tiger Hoggs turned into a middle-aged man and taught a group of children to awaken their powers.

That's right, the way these children awaken their powers is through teaching, rather than through potions and natural awakening, which is very strange.

Hogs's power is inheritance. The more people awaken their powers under his teachings, the stronger he becomes. Over the years, Andrew has been in front of the Losers Alliance, while he has been hiding in the back, constantly teaching humans to awaken. Ability, strengthen yourself.

Because there was no interference, Hogs' strength improved rapidly. At the same time, he had a force that worshiped him as a god, and the people inside were all superpowers.

Such strength is definitely not weak. Because of this, Sithorn came to visit him repeatedly after discovering Hogs.

Today, Sithorn came again, and he said: "Hogs, haven't you thought clearly yet? No one denies that the Machine Demon is very strong, but just because he is too strong, the final winner will definitely not be you.

The benefits you get from this gamble are just survival and some leftovers from the Machine Demon King. I think the dignified Emperor Weishan doesn't only pursue this little thing, right? "

"You, the great ancestor of black magic, have formed an alliance with others, so why can't I lower my pursuit?"

Hogs sneered, and Sithorn said: "If you hadn't teamed up with the Machine Demon King to trick me, I wouldn't have needed to join the Losers Alliance at all. Bah, our alliance is not called the Losers Alliance, it's called the Anti-Machine Demon King Alliance. .”

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