American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1415 Hell Training

"Mechanical Demon King, how dare you?"

Gabriel was stunned for a moment, then cursed loudly in his sword, that damn devil actually made him into a weapon.

"Dang, dang, dang, the artifact Gabriel's Sword is born."

Andrew held up the angel sword and said: "Van Helsing, only you can use this sword. As long as you inject the power of angels into this sword, you can activate various abilities such as Holy Flame, Angel Punishment, and Soul Judgment.

At the same time, this sword can be branded on your arm, making it very convenient to carry. "

"Wow, Andrew, you really can surprise people."

Van Helsing was overjoyed. This not only solved the problem of their inseparability, but also gave him a powerful weapon.

"Of course."

Andrew threw the angel sword to Van Helsing and said: "But in this case, you will lose Gabriel's memory, which means that you will not be able to obtain Gabriel's combat experience, combat skills, and combat magic.

You have to explore everything on your own, or let Gabriel teach you. In addition, the angelic power in your body must be developed slowly, and it cannot be achieved overnight. "

Gabriel shouted: "I will never teach this fool, Demon King, I don't know what conspiracy you are up to, but you will never get what you want."

"Shut up."

Van Helsing patted the big sword and said with a smile: "No problem, I am immortal anyway, so I will learn slowly. This one makes a lot of money, has weapons, and has the power of an angel. Ha, maybe one day I can... Kill that bastard who is a native of our country with a sword."

"If you fully awaken, the people of the motherland will definitely not be your opponent."

Andrew explained: "Van Helsing, remember, you can never give your body to Gabriel to control at any time. Doing so will cause you to be sealed into the sword. By then, you will lose everything."

In fact, even if this happens, Andrew doesn't have to worry, because this sword was created by him using the data capabilities of the game world and can be manipulated at will.

No matter how powerful Gabriel is, it is impossible to control this data weapon. There is no way. He is not professional. Of course, there is no need to say more about this kind of thing. The trump card is hidden in the dark.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

Van Helsing said confidently. Seeing Andrew's doubtful face, his face turned a little dark. Andrew smiled and said: "As long as you have confidence, Van Helsing, the world will become more and more dangerous in the future, and I need you to improve your strength as soon as possible.

You rest for three days first. After three days, I will take you to a good place to practice. That place has everything you want, and you will definitely not want to return. "

"Is there such a good place? No problem. I will go with you in three days and strive to master the power of angels as soon as possible."

Van Helsing nodded, and then Andrew said goodbye and left, leaving only Van Helsing and Gabriel in the hall.

"I told you earlier that Andrew is a good person, but you don't believe it."

Van Helsing placed the angel sword casually on the table, picked up the unfinished cigar, and said: "If he is really a bad guy, he will definitely take the opportunity to get rid of us, just like you said before."

"He must have some bigger conspiracy, idiot. He is definitely the Demon King of Hell. I will teach you a magic that can help you sense the breath of hell."

Gabriel cursed, and Van Helsing sneered: "I only look at actions, not breath, just like I do with you.

Gabriel, no matter how holy your aura is, no matter how famous your name is, in my eyes, you are still a bastard, a bastard who can casually sacrifice other people for the sake of the overall situation. "

Gabriel shouted: "Idiot, the overall situation is the real justice. Without the overall situation, what other effect does saving a few people have besides satisfying your superficial vanity?"

"The streets are full of people with your kind of thinking. What's the big deal?"

Van Helsing snorted: "Do your best to save everything. This is the superhero and the meaning of the superhero's existence.

I'm Van Helsing, not some reincarnated angel, I'm a superhero, a not-so-reliable, but pretty good superhero. "


Gabriel sneered, completely disapproving of superheroes. It was their angels' job to protect the world. Human beings should be protected and don't cause trouble.

Van Helsing didn't intend to say anything more. He put the angel sword into his arm and thought about how many women should accompany him today. For such a big thing as regaining a new life, why should he need five beauties?

"Van Helsing has great potential. If he is well cultivated, sooner or later he will be able to break through to the level of God the Father, which is also the level of the Demon King."

Andrew thought to himself, so three days later, he took Van Helsing to the hell battlefield.

The air in hell was full of the smell of sulfur. Van Helsing was not used to it and coughed repeatedly. He complained: "Andrew, are you sure this place will really make me linger? I don't want to stay for a second."

Gabriel yelled: "Idiot, run away quickly, this is hell, he is going to deal with us."


Van Helsing was stunned. He asked Andrew: "Andrew, is this hell?"

"Apart from hell, where else can there be such a ghost place?"

Andrew complained, he looked at the sky and said: "Hell is the dark side of the world, so the environment is very bad, but hell is the most suitable training ground for you."

Van Helsing asked: "What should I say? To be honest, I don't really want to stay in this place, or are the bars in New York more suitable for me? How about we change places?"

"First of all, there is no shortage of enemies. As soon as you reveal your angelic power, there will definitely be countless demons coming to chat with you, and they will be deadly."

Andrew smiled and said: "In this case, if you don't want to die, you can only try your best to improve your strength. At the same time, the power of angels is the most suitable energy to deal with demons. Your ability can help you quickly eliminate demons.

You can't always be passively beaten, you must fight back against the devil. Of course, these are not the most important, the most important thing is..."

Van Helsing asked with great interest: "What is the most important thing?"

"Most importantly, Hell has no shortage of succubi."

Andrew raised his hand, and a light curtain appeared in front of him. In the light curtain, there were countless gourd-shaped succubi who were so poor that they could only cover their bodies with strips of cloth. Van Helsing's eyes straightened on the spot. He liked this taste.

Immediately, Van Helsing said to Andrew seriously: "I'm not that kind of person."

"Of course you are not that kind of person. As an angel, you want to save succubi and make them change their ways and become demons."

Andrew said: "Of course, succubi are more difficult to convince, so sometimes, you have to sacrifice yourself to inject divine energy into them."

After hearing this, Gabriel was stunned. What kind of shameless person could say this? This guy is not the devil. Who is the devil?

The next second, Van Helsing said with deep understanding: "This matter is very embarrassing, but as a superhero, if I don't do this kind of thing, who will do it?

There is a saying in the East: If I don’t go to hell, who will? Today, I have entered this hell. This is what I, an angel reincarnated as a superhero, should do. "

Gabriel's eyes widened. This was really his reincarnation. How could he be so shameless?

Gabriel now doesn't doubt that his head hit the ground first when he was reincarnated. He now wonders if his body has been secretly changed. How could this shameless guy be him?

He, Gabriel, is synonymous with justice, justice, mercy, etiquette, elegance, and nobility in heaven.

Andrew nodded: "Well said, Van Helsing. When I go back, I will make a movie about you to promote your spirit of sacrifice to the world."

"You don't need to be so polite. Fame and fortune are like clouds to me. By the way, can I star in the role myself? Also, can Theron be the heroine? Scarlett is also okay?"

Van Helsing said calmly, and Andrew complained: "How long have you been here, and you actually know female celebrities?"

"I just prefer watching movies. There were no movies in my time. Movies are such a good thing."

Van Helsing said, the two guys talked nonsense for a while, and Andrew returned to the topic. He raised his hand, and the light curtain turned into a bloody battlefield of demons.

This battlefield was extremely fierce, with blood everywhere, and broken limbs flying everywhere. Even Van Helsing was a little surprised, and his originally cynical face became serious.

"Is this the battlefield of hell?"

Van Helsing murmured to himself, and Gabriel sneered: "Demons are like this, killing each other all day long. Our military strength in heaven is far less than that of the demons, but we can suppress them because of this."

"I will first introduce you to the general trend of hell, and by the way, I will persuade the person in the sword to do my best to help you improve your strength."

Andrew said, and Gabriel snorted coldly: "You are overthinking. I will never help him improve his strength, because he is just a fool who was deceived by the devil. His existence is a stain on me."

"I don't think He's going to help me."

Van Helsing shrugged. Gabriel's character can be described in one sentence - the stones in the pit are smelly and hard.

"Nothing is impossible from my side."

Andrew smiled and began to introduce the current situation in hell. Simply put, there are wars everywhere.

"How could this happen? Although hell is chaotic, there is no reason why all the demon kings are at war."

Gabriel asked suspiciously. He was quite concerned about the situation in hell. After all, hell was the mortal enemy of heaven.

"On the one hand, there are people who are doing things secretly, and on the other hand, the will of hell is boiling."

Andrew said: "All demon kings sense that hell is about to undergo drastic changes, and even the Lord of Hell will be born. Therefore, demon kings try to strengthen themselves as much as possible, and war and plunder are the best ways for demon kings to become stronger."

"The hell of this world will also give birth to the Lord of Hell?"

Gabriel was taken aback, but Andrew didn't answer. He raised his hand, and the light screen in front of him turned into the three-tailed devil. He continued: "This devil is called the three-tailed devil. Last time, uh, the last time the devil invaded, the mastermind was behind it. It's Him.

At first, I thought he was just an ordinary demon king, but later I found out that he is the demon in your world. "

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