American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1400 Reversal

"Old guy, what's the problem if you don't like it? It's okay if I like it?"

Prince Naberius laughed and said, "I have been preparing for thousands of years and finally completed it. Beelzebub, you don't think that I will really obey your orders, do you?"

Seeing the sudden change in things, everyone looked at the father and son Beelzebub and Naberius in surprise, looking for opportunities that could be exploited.

"Devils are demons, and chaos and betrayal are their eternal themes."

Queen Liannuo snorted secretly, while the people of the motherland frowned. Hey, it was agreed that the Demon King of Hell will fight against the Director of Sky Sword. What are you doing now?

"It seems that he is another top student from Hell's Backstab Academy, Sithorn. As a doctoral graduate from Hell's Backstab Academy, what do you think of this junior?"

In the League of Losers, Wade asked Sithorn seriously. Sithorn rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to Wade. Betrayal? Can the devil's betrayal be called betrayal? That's called the backstab of fate.

At the devil's headquarters, Beelzebub shouted to Naberius angrily: "You betrayed me?"

"Isn't that natural?"

Prince Naberius sneered: "Beelzebub, it is not you who will become the Lord of Hell, but me. You will become my puppet, help me slaughter the world, and be promoted to the Lord of Hell."

Following the voice of Prince Naberius, half of the tens of thousands of resentful corpses exploded at the same time, turning into blood lines filled with resentment and attached to Beelzebub's body.

This is a super-level magic activated by the magic circle: the Puppet of All Resentments.

Prince Naberius had manipulated the magic circle. He had planned for thousands of years just for this moment. As long as it was completed successfully, Beelzebub would become his puppet.

At that time, Prince Naberius will control Beelzebub to slaughter humans and use billions of human souls to become the Demon King or even the Lord of Hell.

After thousands of years of planning, it was finally going to succeed. Prince Naberius laughed and was extremely proud. He was the most powerful.

"That's it? Son, I still expect so much from you, but in the end, you only have so much ability?"

At this moment, Beelzebub's voice of disgust sounded. Prince Naberius was stunned. He looked at Beelzebub and asked in disbelief: "How could this happen? Why can you still remain conscious?"

"My stupid son, you don't really think that I will be fooled by you, do you?"

Beelzebub laughed loudly, and under his control, the blood lines on his body condensed on his back, forming a bloody six-pointed star pattern.

As soon as this pattern appeared, Beelzebub's speed of entering the main world suddenly accelerated. If this continues, he will completely descend in less than a few minutes.

At the same time, after the pattern appeared, all the resentful corpses were controlled by Beelzebub and stood in front of him. Prince Naberius repeatedly activated the secret method, but to no avail.

Prince Naberius asked with an ugly face: "Did you manipulate the magic circle you gave me?"

"You still need to ask? You were born by me. What do you think? I don't know?"

Beelzebub sneered: "I knew you would plot against me, so I waited to see your performance. Although it was a bit stupid, at least you allowed me to successfully enter the main world, which deserves praise.

Kneel down and serve me obediently. When I become the Lord of Hell, you will be the new Demon King of Hell. "

"Damn, totally fooled."

Prince Naberius was filled with unwillingness. He had been planning for thousands of years, but it turned out to be just a joke. He was so proud before that he was like a clown.

To be honest, Prince Naberius wanted to fight Beelzebub, but he sighed, chose to kneel on the ground, and said: "Father, I will definitely help you become the Lord of Hell."

If in the human world, a prince robs the throne of the emperor, there will definitely be no way to survive, even if he kneels down and surrenders, it will be useless.

But hell is not the human world. It is normal for the devil and the prince to fall in love and kill each other, but Beelzebub didn't take it to heart.

As for Prince Naberius, he was indeed very unwilling, but if he lost, he would lose. If he surrendered now, he would still have a chance in the future. If he did not surrender, the best outcome for him would be death when Beelzebub officially came.

"very good."

Beelzebub laughed loudly and quickly entered the main world, where billions of wonderful souls were waiting for His arrival.

After watching this family ethics drama, the superheroes were stunned. The relationship between the devil and his son is really strange.

At this moment, Queen Lenno shouted: "We cannot let Beelzebub come, we must stop him no matter what."


Van Helsing took the soldier boy with him and was the first to rush forward. At the same time, he shouted in his heart: "Gabriel, now is the time when we need you, show up quickly."

Summoning Gabriel rashly is very dangerous and may cause Van Helsing's consciousness to be swallowed up, but Van Helsing can't care so much. If the devil comes, the world will be destroyed.

Unfortunately, for some reason, this time, Gabriel didn't respond at all, as if he was offline.

"Go on, do whatever it takes to drive the devil back to hell."

Although he knew this was unrealistic, Newman still shouted loudly. The superheroes nodded and rushed towards Beelzebub together with the Night Dragons.

The Motherland and the Super Sevens are at the bottom, and it's obvious that they are letting things slip again.

"A bunch of idiots, you couldn't fight us before, let alone now, you are looking for death."

Prince Naberius looked disdainful, stood up and led the demons to intercept the superheroes.

Although the situation is critical, everyone is not desperate because there is still someone who has not appeared. As long as that person does not fail, everyone will not despair.

"The look in your eyes tells me that you still have hope. Ha, it's just ridiculous. Don't talk about you mortals. Even if God comes, he can't stop me."

Beelzebub smiled disdainfully, flicked his fingers casually, and a ball of green gas turned into a skull and attacked Van Helsing and the soldier boy. This was plague gas. Once hit, even they would be seriously injured.

Although Beelzebub has not yet fully arrived, most of his body has entered the main world, so he is capable of fighting.

At the critical moment, the space in front of Van Helsing and Soldier Boy was distorted, the skull disappeared, and then, a figure appeared in the sky.

"Director Tianjian!"

Seeing this figure, the superheroes and the Night Dragons couldn't help but cheer excitedly. Director Tianjian is here, and the world will be saved.

The nearby people vaguely heard Director Tianjian's shouts. When they looked back, they immediately cheered. Director Tianjian was here and the disaster would be over soon.

In the white house, Nathan and all the bureaucrats breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It was safe, Director Tianjian arrived, and everything was easy to talk about.

The people of the motherland looked unhappy. This guy was showing off again. Then, he couldn't help laughing when he thought of the current situation. Director Tianjian was about to have a fight with the Demon King of Hell. By then, they might both lose and achieve their goals. .

"Demon King of Hell, please work harder. Don't be defeated so easily by Director Tianjian."

The people of the motherland prayed secretly, but unlike his thoughts, when he saw Director Tianjian appear, Sithorn sighed: "Although I don't know the specific situation, the overall situation has been decided, Beelzebub has lost.

Everyone, be prepared. As soon as Beelzebub is beaten back to hell, we will take action immediately to avoid long nights and dreams and any accidents. "

The three-tailed demon king looked puzzled: "How do you know that the mechanical demon king will definitely win? Also, how do you know for sure that Beelzebub will be sent back to hell?"

"You can tell by the smile on the face of the Machine Demon King. Beelzebub was definitely tricked by him. His appearance so late is also a kind of proof. There is such a big fuss this time. There is no way he doesn't know about it."

Death said: "As for why he was sent back to hell? Because that is New York. As a shameful demon king, the Machine Demon King has always given the protection of the people as his first priority. He will not go to war with the demon king in New York."

The three-tailed demon king said with deep understanding: "It is indeed a shame for a demon king to desperately protect human beings."

"Wow, you guys seem happy."

On the battlefield, Beelzebub smiled and said: "That's great. The happier you are, the happier I am, because the happier I am now, the more desperate I will be when I die. Are you talking about the director of Tianjian above?"

Prince Naberius couldn't help but glance at Beelzebub after hearing this. Of course he knew about Director Tianjian, but he had been deliberately hiding the matter. Therefore, it stands to reason that Beelzebub should not know the existence of Director Tianjian. right.

He now knows Director Tianjian so well, which means that the opponent has other chess pieces in his hand.

Prince Naberius smiled bitterly, he didn't lose unfairly at all.

"Now that I'm here, they will no longer have despair. The only one who has despair is you, Beelzebub, the Demon King of Hell."

Andrew walked down from the air step by step and said calmly: "Of course, I am a kind person. As long as you go back now, I will not do anything to you. Otherwise, you will die miserably today."

"We will not despair, it will only be you who despair."

Many superheroes shouted, obviously full of confidence in Director Tianjian. That is Director Tianjian. If he still can't do it, then the earth can be washed and prepared to serve on Beelzebub's dining table.

"Will I die miserably? Hahaha, I want to see who can kill me?"

Beelzebub laughed loudly. At this moment, the blood pattern on His back erupted again, turning into blood lines to wrap His body completely, like a bloody cocoon.

This was not over yet, the remaining resentful corpses exploded together, forming a huge bloody spear, which pierced Beelzebub's body from the chest, and then penetrated out from the back.

Because Beelzebub was sealed by the cocoon and failed to fully descend to the main world, his strength was limited, so he was unable to block this shot.

Then, the bloody spear and the blood thread were intertwined and pierced Beelzebub's body like a jewelry. Not only was Beelzebub's body entangled with the blood thread, but even his internal organs began to be eroded by the blood thread.

Beelzebub let out a shrill scream, and a large amount of green blood fell down, but it disappeared before it hit the ground. This was collected by Andrew.

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