American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 133 Plan starts

"One Electro is not enough. If you want to stop superheroes, you need more helpers."

Norman murmured to himself: "For example, those enhanced people and the lizard people I secretly raised. I want to release them all and let them cause trouble everywhere and attract the attention of superheroes. In this way, Dr. Otto's The experiment will proceed smoothly.”

"In addition, I can find a way to move Andrew Wang away so that he cannot return to New York in time. No matter how fast he is, he cannot teleport."

Norman continued to think - he didn't know that King Andrew could teleport. In fact, not many people knew about it.

The more Norman thought about it, the more excited he became, and his skin even turned faintly green. He opened his hands and shouted with great excitement: "I will stand on the corpse of New York and become a god."

That night in Hell's Kitchen, the muscular Jack smashed the chairs angrily and kept cursing those damn profiteers.

Jack turned out to be an ordinary gang member. Some time ago, he heard that someone was selling human enhancement potions on the black market. He was very interested and wanted to buy one to become an enhanced person. Unfortunately, he had no money.

In order to change his life and achieve a class leap, Jack chose to go to Jinbin's bank for a loan to purchase the strengthening medicine - loan shark.

Jack thought that after becoming an enhanced person, he would be able to control the wind and rain. Unfortunately, the reality was far from what he imagined. When robbing a bank, he would either encounter his peers and fight with each other, or he would be chased by superheroes and police and end up in trouble. And escape.

As a last resort, Jack could only rob those small shops, such as mobile phone stores, gold stores, etc.

The problem is that selling stolen goods is very troublesome. Those profiteers kept the price very low. Jack struggled to survive for a long time and couldn't even repay the loan.

Just when Jack was angry, an evil whisper suddenly sounded in his ears, and then a lot of evil thoughts came to his mind - killing, robbery, destruction, etc.

Jack's reason was quickly overwhelmed by evil thoughts. He growled and strode into the street.

An elite man in a sharp suit looked disgusted when he saw Jack wearing only a vest, and so did the beautiful woman next to him.

Jack noticed their contemptuous looks and was very angry. If it was normal, he might not do anything, but at this moment, he rushed over and punched the man in the suit away. The man in the suit's face deformed on the spot, and he fell to the ground alive and dead. I don’t know.

The beautiful woman screamed, but Jack didn't care so much, he carried the beautiful woman and walked towards the house.

Similar things happened one after another in New York City. Hundreds of enhanced people lost their minds and vented their evil on the streets. New York City began to enter a dark moment.

The initiator of all this is none other than Norman Osborn - the human enhancement potion contains his hands and feet. At this moment, he uses his special ability to turn all the enhanced people into beasts at the same time, beasts full of evil.

"You shouldn't take medicines indiscriminately, especially medicines that have no manufacturer or production date. This is common sense."

Norman Osborne laughed loudly. This business was really cost-effective. He not only made money, but also obtained a large number of free thugs.

In the Stark Tower laboratory, Tony worked overtime as usual to research new suits. Anyway, he has endless energy now.

Little Pepper had no problem with this at all, because she had already fallen asleep. A man with endless energy is so powerful. You deserve to have a steel kidney.

At this moment, Jarvis prompted: "Mr. Stark, Commander Garrett is calling."

"No time."

Tony said impatiently, he was thinking about a key point and had no time to pay attention to others.

Jarvis said: "Mr. Stark, Commander Garrett used the highest level of alert."

"The highest level? Why did something happen again? Put the phone in."

Tony cursed, and soon the call was connected. Garrett said in a hurried voice: "Tony, there are a lot of enhanced people and lizard people in the city. They are robbing and killing people everywhere. The city is in chaos. Come and help."

"Enhanced people and lizard people?"

Tony frowned and said, "I'll leave immediately, Garrett, share SHIELD's intelligence, Jarvis, monitor the city's cameras."

After saying that, Tony equipped the suit as quickly as possible, and then, Jarvis projected various information in front of him.

"So many red dots?"

Tony was taken aback, activated his suit and flew to the nearest red dot, where three lizardmen were developing their own species.

That's right, to develop the same race, a lizard man slammed the potion on the ground, laughed and said: "Welcome to become a lizard man."

The potion shattered, and a large amount of green mist emerged. Pedestrians were enveloped in the green mist and fell to the ground in discomfort, with green scales gradually appearing on their bodies.

At this moment, a small blue ball fell from the sky, fell to the ground and exploded with a bang.

Then, a large amount of blue mist emerged and neutralized the green mist. The pedestrians quickly returned to normal and lay on the ground gasping for air.

The three lizardmen were furious when they saw this, and turned to look at Iron Man flying over.

"Don't you know that the lizard people have fallen behind?"

Iron Man smiled disdainfully, raised his right hand, and a gun muzzle appeared on his arm and fired antidote bullets at the lizard man one after another.

After the Osborn Group was robbed, S.H.I.E.L.D. produced a batch of lizard-man antidote, which came in handy now.

As Iron Man said, the Lizardmen have fallen behind - after Dr. Lizard's death, no one continued to study the Lizardman potion.

Although the three lizardmen tried their best to dodge, they were still shot by the antidote bullets one after another. Then, they fell to the ground in pain, and their bodies quickly changed from lizardmen back to ordinary people.

Iron Man walked up to the three lizardmen and asked, "Tell me, how did you become lizardmen?"

"I'm a homeless man, and I don't know why I turned into a lizard man."

A middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said, "That's what happens when you wake up."

"Yes, that's what happened when I woke up, with several bottles of lizard potion beside me."

The other two people also said that after becoming a lizardman, their ideas will change, they will regard themselves as lizardmen, and they will want to develop more of their kind.


Tony frowned. It was obvious that someone was deliberately creating lizard men.

"What does the mastermind want to do?"

While Tony was thinking, he flew to other places to rescue people. This time, there were a lot of enhanced people and lizard people, plus some villains took the opportunity to cause chaos and rob, and the whole New York was in chaos.

Director George had to return to the police station in the middle of the night to direct the police to protect the citizens. S.H.I.E.L.D. was also mobilized to fight against the Enhanced Man and the Lizard Man with energy guns.

At the same time, superheroes such as Steve, the Fantastic Three, Hawkeye Barton, Daredevil, Luke Cage, and the Spider-Woman team came online one after another to stop the Enhancers and Lizardmen from doing evil.

It is worth mentioning that even Dr. Banner came out of the laboratory. In Garrett's words, the situation this time was so bad that even a 'comedian' had to go to the battlefield.

Steve knocked out a blood-covered augmented person with his shield, and asked in confusion using the phone headset: "What's going on with these augmented people? Why did they all suddenly run out? Is it a carnival night tonight?"

"There's something wrong with their consciousness, they're too excited, like they're on drugs."

Hawkeye Barton opened his bow and fired an arrow while saying: "I suspect that their human enhancement potion has been tampered with, and the mastermind behind the scenes has added additional ingredients to control them."

Human Torch used flames to trap several enhanced people, and said with a look of contempt: "What a profiteer. Not only does he sell questionable medicine, but he also manipulates the medicine."

The stone man sneered: "I told you he was the mastermind behind the scenes, how could he be a good person?"

"How many strengthening potions and so many strengthening people did the mastermind behind the scenes sell?"

Looking at the dense red dots on the screen, Garrett's scalp felt numb, and he shouted: "Captain, Coulson, take people to Hell's Kitchen quickly, there are a lot of enhanced people there.

Those gangs bought a lot of human enhancement potions in order to grab territory. Damn, where did those bastards get so much money? "

Steve immediately shouted: "Come over right now."

"I'll take the team there right away."

Colson said: "Most gangs have no money. The problem is, if other gangs buy it and you don't buy it, what's the difference between waiting to die? In desperation, they can only grit their teeth to raise money or even borrow money. Purchase strengthening potions.

This is one of the reasons why bank robberies occurred every day during this period. They wanted their money back. "

"Why does it sound so ridiculous?"

Everyone complained, and Tony said in the communication channel: "There are so many ridiculous things. Everyone, there is obviously something wrong with this matter. Someone is using the enhanced people and lizard people to contain us."

"The thing is, we have to keep our citizens safe."

Steve thought for a while and said: "Tony, leave the enhancers and lizardmen to us. You search the whole city for the man behind the scenes. That guy is willing to destroy the business of human enhancement potions. His plans must be huge, and we must not let him He succeeded."

"Okay, Rhodes is on his way. He will handle the enhanced people on my behalf."

Tony nodded, and flames shot out from his feet and rose into the sky. At this moment, he thought of something and said: "By the way, SHIELD, don't forget to watch the live broadcast on Kuaishou. If there is any news, let us know immediately."

Everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. had a black look on their faces at the same time. Have you ever heard of hitting someone without hitting them in the face? Garrett snorted. You don’t need to remind me, I’ve already been watching the live broadcast.

Unfortunately, the Clarion TV station did not report the inside story of this incident. Their ace host Roxanne was sitting on a motorcycle, filming the scenes of the augmented man and the lizard man wreaking havoc.

"I have a hunch that there will be big news today. These enhanced people and lizard people will not go to the streets to cause trouble for no reason."

Roshan put down the microphone and said excitedly. Johnny, who was driving, asked hesitantly: "Isn't this bad for you? The bigger the incident, the more people will die."

"I am a reporter, and my mission is to report the truth. As for saving citizens, that is a matter for SHIELD, City Hall and the military."

Roxanne said nonchalantly. At this moment, she thought of something and asked Johnny: "Are you really not a superhero? Maybe tonight is a good opportunity."

"There are already so many superheroes in the city, and I am not missing one. My target is the devil."

Johnny shook his head. He had already been a big star and had no interest in being a superhero. Now, he just wanted to make up for Roxanne and live a good life.

Roxanne nodded and said: "That's fine, you are a disabled Ghost Rider and can't transform during the day. Being a superhero is too dangerous, even more dangerous than Tony Stark who is often kidnapped."

"I am not a mutilated version. A normal Ghost Rider is like me. Your boss is not a Ghost Rider. He is just a shell. In addition, if I fully control the spirit of revenge in my body, I can also be active during the day."

Johnny said gloomily that his spirit of vengeance was different, not only an angel, but also the elemental lord Zatanos.

Luo Shan asked: "Who is my boss and why have you always refused to tell me?"

"Because I can't beat him, and that guy is very petty. I found that the more powerful the person, the more petty he is. Your boss is the same, and so is my boss."

Johnny sighed, who is his boss? It is the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme.

"BOSS is a good man, how could he punish you for such a trivial matter?"

Luo Shan retorted that she was very grateful and admired Andrew Wang. After all, he was really strong, and the reason why she was able to join Bugle TV was because he specifically named him.

"Good guy?"

Johnny was speechless, you are scolding him, do you know?

At this time, Roxanne received the news from the TV station and hurriedly shouted: "Johnny, go to Hell's Kitchen, it's as chaotic as the Middle East."

Johnny asked: "Aren't you afraid of danger?"

"Who doesn't know that I have nine lives? Besides, don't you?"

Luo Shan said: "Although you are not very reliable, you cannot transform during the day, you can't even find a piece of cloth after looking for the devil all night, and you have abandoned me twice, but you should be able to scare people."

"..., you don't need to say the last half of the sentence."

Johnny complained, he remembered Roxanne's excitement when she transformed for the first time, and secretly rolled his eyes, Ha, woman.

Then, Johnny didn't waste any time and rushed to Hell's Kitchen with Roxanne.

Hell's Kitchen has now fallen into complete chaos, filled with enhanced men and masked thugs. They not only rob, but also attack passers-by wantonly. Their laughter and the screams of the people are everywhere.

To be honest, the current Hell's Kitchen is really no different from hell.

"What does Kingpin want? Is he crazy?"

Jessica slammed the two gangsters together and asked angrily, Kingpin is the underground emperor of New York. These gang members are so crazy, they must have something to do with him.

"What does it have to do with me? I am a victim. What can I do if there is a problem with the strengthening potion? I am also desperate."

Kingpin, who is strong and muscular, wearing a white suit, stands on the balcony of the Fisk Building with an innocent look on his face.

Of course, this was a pretense. He secretly provided most of the firearms in the hands of those thugs. Not only that, he also sent his men to provide free batches of illegal drugs with added ingredients to the thugs, so that they could take advantage of them.

Why did the Kingpin do this? Because he wants to use death and killing to increase his strength. Don't forget, he also has the blood of the evil god.

"How could I miss such a good opportunity?"

Kingpin thought to himself: "As for what New York will become, that's a superhero thing, what does it have to do with me?"

In addition to Kingpin, another owner of divine blood, the Foot Gang boss Shredder, is also fishing in troubled waters. He secretly sends ninjas to cause killings and increase the chaos in New York City - the Foot Gang means to trample everyone under their feet.

This is why the situation in New York City is getting worse and worse. Kingpin and Shredder are the strongest gang bosses in New York.

While using spider webs to trap the villains on the street, Gwen said: "When this matter is over, I will definitely find evidence of Jin Bin's crime and bring him to justice."

Skye smiled and asked: "You are very angry. Is it because you haven't dated Andrew recently?"

"A date? You don't even have time to make a phone call, okay? I even suspect that Andrew has forgotten me, eh..."

Gwen was complaining when she suddenly saw the scene in front of her and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Jessica and Colleen asked at the same time: "Gwen, what's wrong?"

Gwen blinked and asked, "Did I wake up? There are actually four giant turtles walking upright in front of us, dealing with a group of ninjas? Well, one of them seems to be able to sing?"

"Big turtle?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, New York City really has everything.

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