American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 130 Artificial Sun Experiment

When the weirdo heard the police officer's threat, he not only did not put down the machete, but also strode towards the police officers.


The American police would not tolerate criminals, so they immediately opened fire. The bullet successfully hit the weirdo's chest, and black blood poured out.

But the weirdo's actions were hardly affected. He rushed in front of the police officer with a machete in his hand. The police officer's expression changed drastically. Just as he was about to run away, the machete had already been dropped.

The officer's eyes widened suddenly, and the next second, his upper part slipped from the break and fell to the ground.


The cameraman screamed loudly, and the police were frightened and fired wildly at the weirdo. Unfortunately, it was basically useless. The weirdo rushed into the crowd, raised his knife and dropped it, and the policemen were hacked to death one after another.

The audience who just said they were bored were confused. Isn’t this too scary? This guy is definitely not human.

"I quit."

The cameraman was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, threw away the camera and ran away. The audience was not surprised at all. How many cameramen had Luo Shan had before and after?

In fact, it was not only the cameraman who ran away, but Luo Shan also turned around and ran away - she was indeed very dedicated, but she was not stupid. Wouldn't she run away at this time and wait to receive her lunch?

The two ran for a while, and a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of the cameraman. The cameraman couldn't help but scream in horror.

The weirdo didn't talk nonsense. He raised his knife and cut off the cameraman's head. Then, the weirdo pointed his fierce eyes at Luo Shan.

Luo Shan swallowed her saliva and was about to turn around and run away. At this moment, a cool motorcycle rushed out from the side and knocked the weirdo into the trees.

Then, the rider on the motorcycle shouted to Roxanne: "Come up quickly."

"This voice sounds so familiar."

Luo Shan was a little confused, but she didn't care so much at this time. She quickly climbed into the back seat and hugged him. Then, the knight turned the handle, and the motorcycle flew out like a sharp arrow.

The mountain road was bumpy and difficult, but the motorcyclist was very skilled and showed no signs of overturning. Soon, the two left the dangerous area.

On Bugle TV, Andrew and Editor-in-Chief Jameson were watching Roxanne's live broadcast. Seeing that they were in danger, Jameson hurriedly said: "BOSS, find someone to rescue them quickly."

Although Jameson is a bit stingy, he is good in nature. Andrew said: "No need, Roxanne has been rescued."

"That's good."

Jameson breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That weirdo is not a normal person. This world is becoming more and more bizarre."

"That's a good thing for journalists."

Andrew looked at the motionless picture on the screen and said: "Jason, the boy who killed a hundred men, New York really has everyone."

Jason, one of the four great murderers in film history, appears in this world probably because of the fusion of worlds.

Jameson looked puzzled: "Jason, the boy who killed a hundred men, who is that?"

Andrew said: "That's the weirdo just now. Even though he's two meters tall and he's so cruel, he's actually just a child."


Jameson looked like I haven’t read enough books, don’t lie to me. Which family’s child can be two meters tall and as strong as a bear?

Andrew didn't say much. He stood up and said, "Okay, I'm going to visit the Osborne Group's artificial sun experiment in the afternoon, so I won't stay any longer."

"BOSS, my son is getting married next month. Would you be honored to invite you to attend?"

Jameson hurriedly said that his son was an astronaut and was quite good. Unfortunately, his life was not very good and he fell in love with someone he shouldn't have loved.

"Don't worry, I'll go. By the way, I'll give you a suggestion. Open the caviar later."

Andrew patted Jameson's shoulder sympathetically, turned around and left. Jameson looked confused. Why did the caviar have to be opened later?

Stepping out of the Daily Bugle, Andrew tapped his fingers, and Jason in the mountains was crushed to death on the spot. Then, Andrew cursed Jason to die immediately every time he was resurrected.

The reason why Jason was crushed to death was because he had the aura of hell in his body. It was obvious that he was specially moved to the periphery of New York by some demon king. Otherwise, he should stay near Crystal Lake.

In addition, Jason's soul is not in the body and he can be resurrected no matter how many times he is killed. This is why Andrew wants to make up for a curse.

"Alice, monitor New York and the surrounding areas. If you find evil spirits like Jason or demon believers, send someone to deal with them immediately. If they can't be dealt with, let me know and I will take action myself."

Andrew ordered that he didn't know what the demon kings were going to do next, but he could cut off all the tentacles of the demon kings.

"Yes, BOSS." Alice replied immediately.

On the other side, the motorcyclist took Roshan and fled to a safe place. Then, he took off his helmet, turned to Roshan and smiled: "Roshan, long time no see."

"It's really you."

Seeing those melancholy eyes, Luo Shan immediately gave the other person a slap in the face. This man abandoned her twice, a full two times.

Explosive Johnny didn't hide, he said: "I have a reason, I will explain it to you."

Luo Shan snorted coldly: "I want to hear how you explain it."

"The thing is like this..."

Johnny told the story he and Mephisto had to tell in detail, and then he explained: "Roxanne, I really didn't mean to leave you, I had to leave."

"You said you were Ghost Rider?"

After hearing this, Roxanne couldn't help but laugh: "Johnny, before you lie to people, please collect more information. Ghost Rider is an angel and has nothing to do with the Demon King."

"Ghost Riders were indeed angels at first, but later, they were contaminated by the devil's power and became his tools."

Johnny said, "Roxanne, I really didn't lie to you."

Luo Shan still didn't believe it, she said: "No need to talk nonsense, just transform. If you can transform, I will believe you."

Johnny said awkwardly: "I can't change in the sun."

"Make it up, keep making it up."

Roxanne sneered: "I tell you, I have seen the real Ghost Rider. He can transform no matter day or night."

"Your boss, Andrew Wang, is not the Ghost Rider. He is a more terrifying existence. Even Mephisto suffered a big loss at his hands."

Johnny looked at Roxanne and said: "Roxanne, I will never leave you this time. I will apply to be your cameraman and follow you all the time.

However, I have a mission when I come back this time. I have to monitor the situation of demons and deal with some evil people who are possessed by the power of evil gods. Therefore, I need to leave for a while occasionally. "

In the last incident, there was a small amount of evil power scattered in New York City. They merged with the evil people, making them stronger and more evil. At the same time, they could gain strength from killing and death.

Johnny will use the Eye of Judgment to burn to death those evildoers who are out of control and have more power of evil gods.

"It sounds like it's true. Do you think I'll be fooled?"

Having said this, Roxanne still couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in her heart - she really loved Johnny, otherwise she wouldn't have given him a second chance in the first place.

Johnny smiled and said: "Roxanne, I will prove everything to you with facts. Tonight, I will take you to hunt demons together."

Norman Osborne attached great importance to the artificial sun experiment. He not only arranged the best laboratory for Dr. Otto, but also invited a large number of celebrity reporters to witness the experiment.

Norman Osborn even sent an invitation to Tony Stark, which was very provocative. However, to Norman's surprise, Tony Stark actually came.

Tony came to the laboratory not for Norman, but to find Andrew Wang. He walked past the bored Andrew and said hello: "Mr. Wang, we meet again."

Andrew smiled and said: "Call me Andrew, what's the matter?"

“In the past month or so, the crime rate in New York has increased by at least 100%.”

Tony asked solemnly: "This is very abnormal. I want to know why this is happening? Is there something wrong with New York?"

"The reason why this happens is because of the beast."

Andrew replied: "The last time the Hand was in crisis, the beast wanted to come, but was killed. His flesh and blood merged with New York, causing New York to become an evil place full of evil."

"Evil place?"

Tony was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect the answer to be so unscientific. He asked, "What will New York look like next?"

Andrew said: "It has become a three-city city with many criminals, many deaths, and many disasters."

"I will never allow New York to become like this."

Tony's expression was very determined, and he asked: "Andrew, is there any way to return New York to normal?"

Andrew nodded and said, "Yes, summon a god with positive energy, kill him and bury him in New York. The positive and negative energies will be neutralized, and New York will return to normal."


Tony was speechless, what a scientific method, but the problem is, that is God, not a wild dog on the roadside, you just want to kill him?

Thinking of something, Tony couldn't help but glance at Andrew. Is this a god of positive energy?

Andrew said: "Tony Stark, your eyes tell me that you want to be tied to a rocket and lifted into the sky. As an angel, I am happy to fulfill your hobby."

"I don't have such a hobby."

Tony quickly looked away. At this time, Gwen came over in assistant uniform. She asked curiously: "Andrew, do you know Mr. Stark?"

"I don't know him, but he knows me."

Andrew smiled and introduced to Tony: "This is Gwen Stacey, Dr. Otto's assistant."

Tony knew that Gwen was Spider-Woman, but the two of them didn't know each other. He shook hands with Gwen and said, "Your boyfriend is very powerful, remember to watch him carefully."

"It's hard because I still don't know how good he is."

Gwen smiled and said excitedly: "Andrew, Dr. Otto's artificial sun experiment is about to start. Once successful, everyone will be able to use low-cost energy."

"Dr. Otto's idea is very good, but the artificial sun and eternal energy are a bit too advanced."

Andrew shook his head, not hiding his disapproval of this experiment at all. Tony glanced at him in surprise. He actually had the same idea as him?

Gwen retorted: "Being ahead of the curve does not mean failure. Mr. Stark's Ark reactor and steel suit are also ahead of their time."

"How is he the same?"

Andrew glanced at Tony. Tony raised his head, waiting for Andrew's praise. He only heard Andrew continue: "He is the man who was almost tied to a rocket and lifted into the sky."

Tony's face suddenly darkened, while Gwen covered her mouth and chuckled. At this time, Norman Osborn came over and greeted Andrew and Tony excitedly: "Mr. Stark, Mr. Wang, welcome. Your arrival.”

"Mr. Osborne."

The three of them nodded at the same time, and Norman said to Tony with some pride: "Mr. Stark, humans no longer need to worry about energy in the future."

Tony said frankly: "I really hope you can succeed, but to be honest, I am not optimistic about this experiment."

"Mr. Stark, you are not the only genius in this world."

Norman snorted, apologized to Andrew, and turned to greet other guests.

Andrew looked at Norman's back and squinted his eyes slightly. He sensed that Norman had fluctuations in the power of the evil god.

Andrew secretly thought: "Norman Osborne has a bit of evil power. It seems that we should pay more attention to him in the future."

Gwen looked at Andrew in surprise and asked, "Andrew, do you even know Mr. Osborne?"

Andrew said: "He knew me. Your boyfriend and I are a celebrity in New York City."

"A celebrity who can't even get free admission to the park?"

Gwen scoffed, and Andrew complained: "In your eyes, does the role of a celebrity mean that the park is free?"

"Isn't it? Mr. Stark will be free."

Gwen said and Tony rolled his eyes, indicating that he didn't want to answer the question.

At this time, Dr. Otto called Gwen over to help. Gwen apologized and went over to help operate the instrument.

"Poor Doctor Octopus."

Andrew looked at Dr. Otto's figure and shook his head secretly. At this time, he noticed a middle-aged black man with sparse hair in the corner who was debugging the machine - he seemed to be a little transparent, and no one paid attention to him at all.

"Electric Man Max, tsk tsk, there's a big gathering of villains from the Osborn Group."

Looking at Max's hair, Andrew remembered one thing: "When will the big boss's hair growth potion be researched? This can harvest a lot of souls."

Max naturally didn't know that the Devil was paying attention to his... hair. He didn't care about other people's ignorance, because he was already used to it, and he was Spider-Man's friend - Spider-Man said it himself.

In fact, Spider-Man did say such a thing, but the problem is, he just said it casually, and he didn't even remember Max's name.

Max, who has no friends, regards Spider-Man as his spiritual support. He even wonders whether to invite Spider-Man for his birthday.

Here, Tony thought of something and asked Andrew: "By the way, Andrew, you seem to have a lot of shares in the Osborne Group?"

"There are quite a few."

Andrew nodded and asked Alice in his watch: "Alice, how many shares of Osborne Group do I have in my name?"

Alice's voice came from the watch: "BOSS, you are now the second largest shareholder of the Osborne Group, with the most shares after Norman Osborne."

"So much? Continue to acquire."

Andrew said that when Norman Osborn is done playing, the Osborne Group will be his, and at that time, he will transfer everything he needs to hell, just like he did with Hammer Industries.

"You don't remember how many shares you have?"

Tony complained that he usually showed off his wealth in front of others, but today he was shown off by others in turn.

Tony expressed a little displeasure.

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