Hearing Death's words, the motherland replied: "I'm not making trouble, Guy is a waste, even if he has my powerful body, he can't defeat Director Tianjian.

Only I can defeat Director Tianjian. I want to snatch my body back and personally fight Director Tianjian. I will take his head for you and myself.

Death, wait and see my performance, I will never let you down like that trash. "

"You've already let me down."

Death complained secretly and kept persuading, but unfortunately, it was useless. The people of the motherland had been controlled by Andrew's suggestion. Unless Death was willing to come in person, it would be impossible to awaken the people of the motherland.

Will death come in person? Of course not, not before, and even less so now. Everyone can see that Andrew, an old silver coin, has prepared a lot of back-ups.

"Forget it, there is no loss anyway. This time, we just need to ensure that the motherland and Wade escape intact."

Death silently lowered his psychological expectations. It's not that he is pessimistic, but that his teammates are really demoralizing. A giant baby, a native of the motherland, is ridiculous to Wade. What the hell is this?

Because of the interference from his motherland, Guy was completely at a disadvantage. Seeing that something was wrong, he turned into a professor and used his psychic abilities to control the people of his motherland. At the same time, he suppressed Andrew's mind.

Then, then the people of the motherland went crazy.

Yes, the motherland is crazy. With red eyes, he bites Guy's soul like a wild dog, even if he is injured, he does not stop.

"I said, Wade, how unimaginable is it for you to become a professor?"

Andrew hurriedly blocked the power of Guy's mind. Even he kept a distance from Guy's mind.

Are you kidding, that is the biggest source of pollution in the world. When the venom touches Deadpool's mind, he directly turns into a murderous madman. When the professor touches Deadpool's mind, his head explodes.

Andrew is living a good life now, and he doesn't want to become a madman.

"Fake, it's not my fault, it's that bastard's fault. He is too weak and can't hold my giant."

Guy cursed, and he thought about it. From a professor to a black phoenix, the situation was directly out of control - the projection of the black phoenix was not controlled by Guy, but instead suppressed Guy's soul, and even used Phoenix fire, trying to burn Guy's soul.

Dark Phoenix opened his eyes and smiled at Andrew: "Andrew, are you having a lot of fun in this world? Have you found a few more sisters for us?"

Andrew blinked and asked in shock: "Qin, have you started to get in touch with diversity?"

Talking to Andrew like this, this Dark Phoenix is ​​naturally Jean Gray from the Marvel Universe. The problem is that the Marvel Universe is protected by Andrew, and Wade cannot project the people there. This is why Andrew asked Jean.

"Of course, if you don't get involved with diversity, how can you suppress your women and tell them all to get out?"

Dark Phoenix sneered, and she said: "Not only did I start to come into contact with diversity, but your other women also started to come into contact. Through the spider totem, Spider-Gwen resonated with Spider-Gwen in other universes, and her strength increased by leaps and bounds.

The Invisible Woman is using the multiverse shuttle device you left behind to summon the Invisible Woman from other universes. By the way, I heard that her future son has been helping her. In other words, this is just like cheating. The son has not been born yet. Started to help my mother with work.

As for the Scarlet Witch, not to mention, she can travel through the multiverse. She vowed to end the misfortune of all Scarlet Witches. I just fought her once last week and almost broke Xandar to pieces.

Captain Marvel was very angry about this, but my intuition told me that the reason for her real anger was our relationship with you. This square-faced woman is obviously interested in you.

By the way, there is also the woman in the universe next to you. She is testing our universe and she obviously has ideas. Andrew, when you finish the work in this universe, there may be a big surprise waiting for you. "

"Is it a fright?"

Andrew complained. He used his telepathic ability to sense Guy and asked him to send the Dark Phoenix away quickly. At the same time, he said: "Qin, I am doing business. You go back first. If you have anything to do, go to the Lord of Hell."

"Ha, are you even cheating yourself?"

Dark Phoenix sneered. At this moment, Guy dispersed the projection of Dark Phoenix. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Andrew said: "Wade, don't come up with such a shocking thing next time."

The audience didn't hear anything Dark Phoenix said before, because Andrew turned off the sound. There was no other way. If you master the Internet, you can do whatever you want.

"I was scared too."

Guy nodded fiercely and said: "That woman has been burning my soul with the phoenix fire. Fortunately, I used my motherland as a shield to resist the phoenix fire. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to drive her away. It was too fierce.

BOSS, thank you for your hard work. This woman is more terrifying than death. What's even more terrifying is that you have more than one woman like this. "

"It's okay, okay, they are all superheroes and they can't kill anyone, uh, maybe, right?"

Andrew said, at the same time, in the consciousness of the motherland, the motherland was lying weakly on the ground, with a tear falling from the corner of his eye. Why are he so unlucky?

The man of the motherland was already crazy, but after being burned by the Phoenix Fire, he returned to normal. However, he fell into an extremely weak state and could no longer resist Guy.

Guy was also affected in some ways, and the Phoenix Fire of Dark Phoenix is ​​no joke.

Outside, Guy said: "Boss, you have the foresight to find all female superheroes. Speaking of BOSS, how many have you found in this world? There shouldn't be such terrifying ones, right?"

“It’s not scary now, but it won’t be in the future.”

The figure of the Elf Queen flashed through Andrew's mind, and he smiled awkwardly. This woman was proficient in quantum magic. The door to diversity had already been opened in front of her, and she would probably be a ruthless character in the future.

Wonder Woman vs. Invisible Woman vs. Spider-Gwen vs. Scarlet Witch vs. Dark Phoenix vs. Elf Queen, well, we really need to become diverse as soon as possible, otherwise we really can’t suppress these girls.

The audience couldn't hear the voices of Andrew and Guy. They were shocked to see the two chatting like old friends. What the hell is this? Isn't this how the decisive battle is styled?

Anything that has anything to do with Wade will change his style.

Death was also speechless. The poor people of the motherland were completely reduced to clowns this time. He shook his head and informed Wade of his plan to retreat.

"I almost forgot that we are still in a decisive battle."

Andrew waved his hand. Sure enough, he couldn't hang out with Wade for too long, it would easily turn into teasing. He said: "Guy, the facts have proven that you are no match for me. Let's end this."

"BOSS, you are smart and I am not stupid either."

Guy said: "Although you got my body, you didn't get my heart..."

"Talk like a human being." Andrew said angrily: "Believe it or not, I will deduct your salary?"

"No, please don't. If my salary is deducted again, I won't even be able to afford uniforms. Then, like my good brothers, I will have no choice but to buy fake uniforms online, the ones that will fade."

Guy waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Although you got my body, you didn't get my core. In fact, you can't summon the projection of superheroes and super villains, you can only imitate me, right? "

Andrew said: "So what? Can you still summon a superhero or super villain that I can't imitate?"

"It really does."

Guy said: "BOSS, there is a super villain that you absolutely dare not summon."

Guy said, an ugly helmet appeared on his head, and at the same time, a ruby ​​gradually condensed, and Andrew cursed, Guy said red tank.

Red Tank is a character in "Mutants". He himself is not strong, but he has rubies given to him by the crimson demon god Cytorak. Cytorak can use the rubies to continuously provide energy for Red Tank.

This Cytorak is not a clone of the supernatural universe, but a multi-dimensional entity. This is in line with the rules. After all, it was Guy who took the initiative to summon the red tank.

Andrew definitely cannot imitate this projection. Once he imitates it, Cytorak will laugh to death.

"Wow, Wade, I'm impressed by your IQ. Fortunately, the time has come."

Andrew smiled and Guy was stunned: "When is the time? Is it time to eat?"

"End time."

Andrew opened his hands and his voice spread throughout Liberty City: "NPCs, are you willing to continue killing, or are you willing to make peace?"

"Peace, peace, peace..."

In Liberty City, all the NPCs shouted in unison, except for Guy, all other NPCs chose peace. After all, there are no bad guys in the NPCs created by the keyboard and Milly.

When the players saw this, they also shouted for peace, and the whole city was filled with the sound of peace.

Along with these sounds, the ruby ​​on Guy's forehead quickly turned into a shadow, which meant that his summoning ability was disappearing.

Guy's expression changed. Just as he was about to do something, Andrew suddenly appeared in front of him and hit him in the chest with a palm, knocking his soul out again. The body of the motherland returned to its original state (after makeup) and fell to the ground. go.

Andrew raised his hand and grabbed the body of the motherland. It was obvious that he wanted to take the opportunity to kill the motherland.

At this moment, Guy pointed at the motherland, and the motherland's real body disappeared, leaving only the body of the game character continuing to fall down.

"Fortunately, I told Wade in advance."

Death breathed a sigh of relief. He had seen that Wade was not very reliable, and had made preparations for retreat in advance. Wade did not miss the chain at the critical moment, and activated the means prepared in advance to send away the main body of the motherland.

In the lobby of the Vought Group and the Super Seven, the body of a native of the motherland appeared out of thin air. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly gathered around to express their concern.

If others surround you, but if you don't, the narrow-minded people of the motherland will definitely come to settle accounts with you in the future. He won't remember who cares about him, but he will definitely remember who doesn't care about him.

"I'm fine."

The motherland man didn't want others to see his weakness, so he waved his hand. The next second, the motherland man's eyes turned white and he fainted.

Everyone was dumbfounded. One second they said they were fine, and the next second they fainted. People of the motherland, are you performing a comedy?

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