"NPC chasing players?"

Death frowned as he recalled what Guy had just said. At this time, Guy returned to the bank. When Death saw him, he hurriedly shouted: "Wade, do you still remember why you entered this world?"

"Another mission? I was already very unhappy with the mission just now, why do you want to come again?"

Guy looked unhappy and said: "No matter what the mission is, it has nothing to do with me, because I can't remember it. People of the motherland, run away quickly. If you don't run away, you will die. My good brother Buddy, but the enhanced version of."

Buddy, like other NPCs, was now covered in green data and did not hear Guy's words.

"You want to kill me?"

The faces of the people of the motherland are ugly. When has he ever been so down and out?

"It's not me who wants to kill you, it's the world that wants to kill you."

Guy said pretentiously, and Death hurriedly said: "Wade..."

"Stop shouting, I'm not Wade, I'm Guy, at least, in this world."

Guy said: "Wait until I finish this period of my life before I talk about other things. Hehe, you must be curious about why I refuse to die. The reason is very simple. My setting in this world is that of a lovelorn man who has been looking for the right girl. The lovelorn man.

I want to take advantage of the fact that I haven't recovered my memory yet, and now that I have great beauty, I want to have a vigorous love affair, the kind that the whole world will pay attention to. "


Death is speechless. Although he doesn't mind being cuckolded by Deadpool, is it really okay for you to say this in front of me?

The people of the motherland didn't want to hear any more and turned around to leave the bank. Guy smiled and rode his motorcycle around the city, looking for his rightful daughter.

In fact, according to the setting, Guy cannot find the girl he is destined to be. However, the keyboard has set it up in the game so that the girl he is destined to be is Millie. The keyboard has a crush on Millie, so he secretly changed the design.

Putting these aside, Death reluctantly told Sithorne and Seth about the matter. Sithorne said: "Take it step by step. It is an extra opportunity anyway, and failure is nothing."

Seth said: "Don't invest too much. If you have a chance, go for it. If you don't have a chance, just treat it as a show."

"That's all we can do. In addition, we still have a mission to save the lives of our motherland."

Death thought for a while and said: "Sithorn, use your sacrificial ability to help the people of the motherland gradually regain their strength."

"I'll give it a try, but it may take some time to recover. I'm not familiar with the digital world. The one who's most familiar with it is that bastard Machine Demon King."

Sithorn said that this was the reason why he did not force it. After all, the Machine Demon King was a master of technology.

Death shook his head and said, "Then give it a try. At worst, you can resurrect the people of the motherland."

On the other side, Andrew's eyes returned to normal. He looked at the newly painted oil painting and his eyes flashed - on the oil painting, there was a woman wearing leather pants and a white shirt. Her background had a lot of codes.


Andrew thought for a while and ordered: "Find out the identity of this woman."

Although it is an oil painting, Andrew's painting is similar enough, and the artificial intelligence can distinguish it on its own. Therefore, the information about the oil painting woman quickly appeared in front of Andrew.

Milly, an unemployed programmer, has extremely high attainments in intelligence. A few years ago, she and her friend Keyboard created a game called "Game Life". It is claimed that the NPCs in it are all intelligent NPCs and can follow the rules of the game. The contact with players gradually grows.

Later, the game went bankrupt, and later, Milly sued the "Liberty City" game company, claiming that they had stolen her code. Unfortunately, because there was no evidence, the court did not accept the case.

"Smart NPC? If nothing else, Liberty City really stole the code of Game Life. In other words, part of the source code that makes up the Liberty City game comes from Game Life."

Andrew knew what he knew, and he asked the artificial intelligence: "Have you finished collecting the codes of Liberty City?"

After knowing what happened in Liberty City, Andrew immediately asked artificial intelligence to hack into the game company and obtain the code of "Liberty City". With his hacking skills, no one in this world can stop him, unless the network cable is pulled out.

"The collection has been completed, but our actions were slow and a large number of codes became garbled."

The artificial intelligence replied that they only started collecting the code after the incident happened, so naturally there would be some problems.

"In this case, we must get the original code from Milly and the keyboard player."

Andrew said that he is eroding the "Liberty City" game world. The more code he has, the faster he erodes and the higher his authority.

Of course, the code alone is not enough. We also need to defeat Guy. To be precise, we need to defeat the will of the world. Now Guy is the incarnation of the will of the world.

"It seems that I also want to go in and play games."

Andrew smiled slightly, but did not act in a hurry. Instead, he first let the artificial intelligence find the location of Milly and the keyboard when they entered the game world.

Keyboard was playing games at a game company, and there were many people there who were fighting against each other. Andrew was too lazy to show up. As for Milly, she was playing games online at home, and then, she was dragged into the game world by tentacles.

In the game world, Milly was walking around in the container warehouse, looking very irritable. She, like the keyboard, was full of guilt for what happened to the NPC, which made her not know what to do next.

If she wants to save people, she has to fight against NPCs, which she doesn't want to do. The problem is, those players are all living people. It doesn't matter if guys like Antoine are dead, but everyone else is innocent.

In the game world, there are not only players, but also many passers-by who are drawn in because of the onlookers. They are the worst. On the one hand, they are innocent. On the other hand, they are blank slates. They have no level, no props, and no equipment, and can be easily killed. .

In comparison, veteran players are doing much better. Although powerful weapons have been confiscated, some common weapons are still available, such as pistols and hammers.

"It's really depressing."

Millie looked up at the ceiling and muttered, "God, please give me a strong man to tell me what to do?"

"Macho man? As you wish."

Andrew couldn't help laughing when he heard this. However, he still did not enter the game world immediately. Instead, he kept eroding the "Liberty City" game. It was not until he had a small amount of permissions that he jumped into Milly's computer screen. middle.

This small amount of authority can ensure that Andrew has some power in the game - only part of it at the beginning. As the degree of erosion increases, the power will continue to become stronger until he has complete power.

More importantly, a small amount of permissions allows Andrew to leave the game world at any time. Without such a guarantee, how could he take risks?

It's better for people to be a little more cautious. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst.

People don't know that Andrew has entered the game world, but they have confidence in Andrew. He will definitely enter the game world and save millions of people. There is no doubt about it.

This is also the reason why the officials and the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau did nothing but yelled a few times. If anything happened, it was handed over to Director Tianjian. They were responsible for calling 666 from behind.

It's not that they are lazy, they are afraid of holding back Director Tianjian. Well, just listen to it seriously.

game world.

Milly looked at the ceiling, waited for ten seconds, and found that no macho man had arrived. She cursed that she was indeed not favored by God. Well, maybe it was because she had hacked the church website.

"I seem to have committed a lot of crimes that will send me to hell. Well, although I smoke, drink, hit people, use black websites, and don't pay back the money I owe, I'm still a good girl."

Milly shrugged. At this moment, a figure fell from the ceiling, stood in front of Milly, and said with a smile: "The handsome man you ordered has arrived at the scene. Please sign for it."

Milly's mouth was wide enough to swallow an egg. This was not a strong man sent by God, but God himself.

Milly really didn't expect that one day she would be able to see Director Tianjian in person and be so close to him. There was only ten centimeters in between, right? You can smell his breath.

"is this real?"

Milly swallowed her saliva and grabbed Andrew's chest with her right hand. Andrew slapped her hand away angrily and said: "Hey, a macho man is not a prostitute, so stop talking nonsense and give me the original code of Game Life. "

"Oh, give it to you right away."

Milly instantly understood why Andrew was looking for her. Without any nonsense, she immediately told Andrew the original code in detail.

If anyone else came, Milly would never hand over the code easily, but when Andrew came, let alone the code, even if she was asked to hand over herself, she would wash herself clean and wait for Andrew to taste it.

That's Andrew Wang, the director of Tianjian. That means he doesn't leave the area, otherwise he will definitely be snapped up. Since last year, he has been the man that European and American women most want to date.

After listening to the code dictated by Milly, Andrew accelerated the erosion of the world and asked, "Milly, do you want to save the innocent players and NPCs in this world?"

"In no mood."

Milly shook her head, and Andrew was stunned, you didn't say that before.

Milly said confidently: "You're already here, what else do I need to do? Wouldn't it be nice to just watch the show with you? As for the rest, I'll leave it all to you."

While speaking, Milly's eyes kept turning on Andrew. Andrew even saw the woman swallowing her saliva. It was obvious that this woman was greedy for Andrew's body.

In fact, I have always had many ardent fans of Andrew, but this was the first time I met him up close. After all, with Andrew's identity and mystery, it is difficult for others to get close to him.

Andrew was speechless. He said: "This time, I am not suitable to do it myself, so I need you to save other people on the bright side."

"How can I have such strength?"

Milly was stunned, then shook her head and said: "Besides, I don't want to hurt those NPCs. The reason why they suffer is because of me. If I had discovered Antoine stealing our code earlier, they would not have been killed all the time.

The world of "Game Life" I created is a management game, where everyone lives in peace, there is no killing, and there is no crime. It is completely different from this crime-themed game. "

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