American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1230 Acceleration Technique

Ganata said: "Don't worry, I will help you kill Saruman. No matter what, you have treated me to a meal. Of course, if you feel sorry, you can treat me to another meal."

King Theoden looked at Ganata and said with a smile: "If you can kill Saruman, I can treat you to as many meals as you want."

"King Théoden, you are such a good king."

Ganata smiled happily. She decided to eat all the food in the Kingdom of Rohan before leaving this world. Andrew would definitely pay for it anyway.

"Speaking of which, where's Smaug? Why hasn't he appeared?"

King Théoden thought of something and asked: "To deal with those tree men, Smaug is the best person. Burn them all with a fire."

"That dragon? It's picking up the Elf Queen in the Golden Forest."

Ganata said with a look of disgust: "You said you were not interested in the Elf Queen, you said you don't want to steal other people's wives, but as soon as they met, they immediately hooked up with her."

"Smaug hooked up with the Elven Queen?"

King Théoden looked confused. Although the Elf Queen could make the fire dragon fall in love, this was a bit surprising, but it was not impossible. After all, the Elf Queen was so beautiful.

King Théoden met the Elf Queen once. In the year since then, he had no interest in other women at all. Only the Elf Queen remained in his mind. It took a year for him to gradually get better, but the impression of her still remained in his heart. .

The question is, why did the Elf Queen hook up with Smaug? This is completely impossible, right? Why would a goddess fall in love with a dragon?

In the Golden Forest, Andrew touched his nose and said, "Who is talking about me again? Galadriel, tell me, could it be your husband?"

"My husband has taken some of his clan members to overseas wonderlands, and he has no time to talk about you."

Galadriel said angrily: "The war is coming, please concentrate."

In front of the two people was a holographic map. At the location of the ferry, the enemy and our armies were lined up. Near the ferry, there were two forces hidden, namely King Elrond's army of elves and the army of dwarves.

As for the elves in the Woodland Kingdom, because they were not in large numbers, they were sent directly to Legolas. This made Legolas feel a lot better. After all, his companions suddenly changed into something that was probably caused by eating Jinkora. Got to be very powerful.

The elves of the Golden Forest have not moved for the time being, because Andrew is still here. If necessary, they can be transferred directly.

The portal is not very easy to use, but since 'Ganata' activates the magic herself, it is not a big problem.

In addition, there is a group of people approaching the ferry quickly, er, well, slowly, it is Gandalf and the tree people.

Gandalf was riding on the pure white horse of Miaras, looking back at the slow-moving tree men with a look of helplessness on his face.

Before, the tree people held a meeting. At first, these tree people wanted to leave Fangorn Forest to avoid the war, but with some cleverness from Pippin and Merry, the tree people finally chose to fight.

Gandalf finally understood why Eomer had sent Merry and Pippin here. These two little troublemakers were sometimes useful.

Next, Gandalf planned to lead the tree men to attack Saruman's tower. Unfortunately, Saruman came out in full force, and it was meaningless even to take down the tower. Therefore, Gandalf led the people towards the main battlefield.

Then, Gandalf was in agony because the tree man moved too slowly.

Pippin, who was sitting on the tree branch, asked Gandalf: "Gandalf, don't you know the acceleration magic? Is it the magic that Smaug used the scroll to release before?"

Gandalf's face darkened and he said, "No."

Merry also asked: "Gandalf, do you know the floating magic? It's the one that Eomer released before."

Gandalf's face turned darker: "No."

Pippin asked again: "Gandalf, can you conjure a dragon and fly us there?"

Veins appeared on Gandalf's forehead, and he shouted: "Shut up, I'm just a wizard who doesn't know anything, okay?"

Merry and Pippin were startled and quickly shut up, but soon they started arguing over their height, which Gandalf never tired of.

"Treants, if you don't hurry up, prepare to collect the corpses of your companions."

Gandalf said: "Without you here, Smaug will not show mercy. His dragon fire will burn all enemies to death."

When the tree people heard this, their expressions changed, and they hurriedly speeded up, changing from a tortoise crawl to a very hard tortoise crawl.

Gandalf covered his face, let me die, can you let me die? What will I do when I come back?

Just when Gandalf was doubting his life, Andrew's voice sounded in his ears: "Gandalf, do you want to learn the art of acceleration? I'll teach you?"

"Smaug, do you know the haste spell?"

Gandalf was stunned for a moment, then asked in shock: "Wait a minute, it's you who has been casting magic, not Eomer?"

"That's not important. What's important is that I really know how to accelerate. Do you want to learn it?"

Andrew smiled and said that it was really interesting to teach Gandalf magic. If he had an achievement system, then this would definitely be a big achievement.

This is also the reason why Andrew spoke in person instead of letting Ganata transmit the message. If there are multiple people, the sense of accomplishment will be greatly reduced.

Gandalf didn't want to learn at all, but looking at the group of shattering trees behind him, he said helplessly: "Smaug, I want to learn acceleration magic."

"I teach you."

Andrew laughed. Although he didn't know why this guy was so happy, Gandalf felt so angry. What should he do?

"The magic I learned is called scientific magic."

Andrew said: "This kind of magic is very scientific. All magic must have a principle. The principle of acceleration has two layers. One is to use the magnetic field to reduce the weight of the target, and the other is to use the wind to speed up.

You are Maia, and you are knowledgeable enough. I believe it won’t take long for you to learn this magic, and you are very talented in this area. "

"Scientific magic? Such magical magic, so magical that it is completely unlike the magic of this world. It seems that not only is Eomer not from this world, but this fire dragon is also not from this world."

Gandalf knew it well, and while he was trying to figure out the magic, he asked, "You mean, I'm very talented in science and magic?"

"No, you are very talented as a warrior. You have already selected skills such as charge, rage, and dual-wielding. Now you have learned to speed up. It is normal."

Andrew smiled, and with a stroke of his hand, he imprinted a ring pattern on Gandalf's finger. This was the medium. Only by possessing the medium could one perform scientific magic.

"Although there is nothing wrong with what you said, why do you feel like you have evil intentions?"

Gandalf frowned. He didn't think he was charging. There was nothing wrong with being violent. Aren't all mages like this? Although Saruman looks old, he rolls up his sleeves and his combat power is even more terrifying than that of a wild orc.

"Am I that kind of person? Well, it seems to be true. Ha, let's not talk about this. Gandalf, learn magic quickly and come here as soon as possible. The war is about to begin."

Andrew said, Gandalf nodded, what did he think of, and asked: "Are you and Eomer both outsiders? Not the real fire dragon Smaug?"

"It can be said like this."

Andrew nodded and said: "Otherwise, how could the Elf Queen fall in love with me? The Elf Queen's angry face is so beautiful."

"Bullshit, how could she fall in love with you? I don't even have the right to do it."

Gandalf was furious. Although Andrew had said this before, Gandalf didn't care because his goddess couldn't possibly like a broken dragon.

But now, Smaug is not a broken dragon, but a powerful man from another world. Gandalf suddenly began to worry, and at the same time, he was a little unwilling to accept it - he had been a spare tire for so many years, and if he wanted to take a turn, he should It's up to him.

"Gandalf, I will ask you to be my son's godfather."

Andrew laughed and interrupted the communication. Gandalf wanted to curse back, but couldn't 'dial', so he could only blow his beard and stare angrily.

Pippin asked: "Gandalf, what's wrong with you? You look very angry!"

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

Gandalf cursed, and then he mastered the acceleration technique as quickly as possible, and then blessed it on the tree people, and the speed of the tree people immediately increased.

"So fast, Gandalf, didn't you say you couldn't do it? If you can, why didn't you use it earlier?"

Pippin and Merry were shouting, but Gandalf was too lazy to pay attention to these two guys. He looked in the direction of the golden forest in the distance, praying to the goddess not to be harmed by someone.

In the Golden Forest, the communication between Andrew and Gandalf did not hide Galadriel. Therefore, our Elf Queen said angrily: "Do you men like to show off your women to others so much?"

"Hey, wait, don't talk nonsense. When did you become my woman?"

Andrew said with a look of disgust: "I, the king, have acted openly and aboveboard all my life, how could I do what that thief Cao did? Don't talk nonsense and ruin my reputation."

Galadriel looked at Andrew, with a calm mind in thousands of years, it was the first time she wanted to hit someone so much, and the last time was the same.

Andrew said: "Elven Queen, don't look at me like this. No matter how you beg, I will never agree. I have principles as a human being, but if you use force, I will not resist. I will never resist." Don’t take action against beautiful women.”

"Your principles are really cheap."

Galadriel sneered and asked, "Don't talk nonsense. How sure are you of this war?"

"This war is of course 100% won."

"The only uncertainties are three aspects," Andrew said.

Galadriel asked, "What three aspects?"

Andrew replied: "First aspect, can you intercept the beholder's clone? The beholder will definitely send out clones. There is no doubt about this. Without sending out clones, Saruman is not my opponent at all.

Once intercepted successfully, our chances of winning in the final battle will be at least 10% greater. "

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