American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 123 The Defenders Alliance

In a certain Chinese restaurant, Andrew was drinking tea while chatting with Odin consciously: "Isn't this our old man Odin who pretended to be in a coma? Why is he so energetic?"

"The space gem is not for you to spy on."

Odin's face was a little dark, and he said: "Asgard needs space gems to repair the Rainbow Bridge. You can lend us space gems for a period of time."

Andrew asked: "What's the benefit?"

"Benefits? Destroyer, isn't the main body of the Rainbow Bridge enough?"

Odin shouted dissatisfied: "Also, Hell Demon, I left the space gem on the earth."

"So what? How many owners has the space gem changed?"

Andrew sneered: "Odin, I won't talk nonsense to you. I can lend you the space gems, but I want the full set of technology of the Rainbow Bridge."

Odin flatly refused: "Dream."

Andrew said: "Forget it, anyway, my people are already studying the Rainbow Bridge. With their wisdom, it won't take long to repair the Rainbow Bridge."

"If primitive people get a computer, can they repair it?"

Odin looked disdainful and said: "I will give you a portion of Urugin, plus ten pieces of high-quality equipment made by dwarves. As for the Rainbow Bridge technology, it is impossible to give it to you. That is the foundation of Asgard."

Andrew said: "Except for the Rainbow Bridge, I don't want anything else. Master, be generous. When the day comes when your Asgard Rainbow Bridge technology is lost, I will make a copy and return it to you Asgard."


Odin cursed and interrupted the communication. Andrew didn't take it seriously. It was Odin who was anxious, not him.

Without the Rainbow Bridge, rebellion would soon occur in the vassal states of Asgard. At that time, Odin, who pretended to be comatose and left everything to his stupid son, would definitely hand over the Rainbow Bridge technology obediently.

At this time, Gwen hurried into the restaurant. She sat opposite Andrew, clasped her hands together, and said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm late."

Andrew didn't care. He poured Gwen a cup of tea and said, "It's okay. I was chatting with Odin just now and we had a great time."

"Talk to Odin? That's a shame. I've always wanted to meet Odin."

Gwen naturally didn't believe it, and she said, "Please order some food, I'm hungry."


Andrew called the waiter and ordered seafood fried rice for Gwen, and spicy hotpot for himself.

Then, while the two were eating and chatting, Gwen remembered what happened before and asked Andrew: "Andrew, have you ever heard of a ninja that can be resurrected?"

Andrew asked: "Ninjas from the Hand?"

Gwen just asked casually, but she didn't expect Andrew to really know. She asked in surprise: "You know?"

"Know a thing or two."

Andrew smiled and said: "The leader of the Hand is called Five Fingers, and he comes from Kunlun."

Gwen repeated awkwardly: "Kunlun?"

"There lived a group of people on Kunlun. They studied 'qi' to strengthen their bodies and heal others. Later, five heretics appeared in Kunlun. They didn't want to be cured, but to live forever. The elders of Kunlun thought they were deviant and expelled them from Kunlun. "

Andrew introduced while eating gluten: "These five heretics were very unwilling. They returned to Kunlun and stole the dragon bone, the sacred object of Kunlun. After that, they established the Hand in the island country and have been living until now.

Let me think about it, well, they must have been alive for hundreds of years. "

"How many hundred years has the Five Fingers of the Hand lived? I never thought that other than vampires, anyone else could live for so long."

Gwen was a little surprised. She asked: "Those ninjas are resurrected because of those dragon bones?"

"Part of the reason is that, in order to live forever, the Hand believe in an evil god named 'Beast'. They give their souls to the evil god in exchange for being resurrected."

Andrew said: "However, there are conditions for resurrection. One is that there must be a keel, and the other is that the body must be intact. If their heads are cut off, they will not be able to be resurrected."

"Off the head?"

Gwen kept this in mind and told SHIELD later.

Andrew continued: "In addition, every time they are resurrected, those ninjas will lose part of their humanity and emotions. People who believe in evil gods will never end well."

Gwen nodded and said: "It's understandable, just like making a deal with the Devil of Hell will not have good results."

Andrew glanced at Gwen speechlessly. Do you know that your path is narrow?

"Andrew, I have a question."

Gwen looked at Andrew and complained: "Why do you know so clearly and in such detail? Don't tell me that you went undercover in the Hand?"

Andrew shrugged: "Isn't it common sense that reporters know everything?"

"Here we go again, why is your common sense completely different from mine?"

Gwen rolled her eyes and asked: "Our reporter, why did the Hand suddenly gather in Hell's Kitchen?"

"The Hand cares about only one thing most, and that's the dragon bone. They come to Hell's Kitchen mostly for the dragon bone."

Andrew casually said that the bones of the dragon were buried under Manhattan, and the Hand wanted to take them for themselves.

Why does Andrew know so clearly? Because he watched The Defenders.

The plot of "The Defenders" is very simple. Four street heroes who have no money for special effects-Daredevil Matt, Jessica Jones, the invulnerable black Luke Cage, and the weakest Iron Fist Danny in history. Rand joins forces to defeat the Hand and save New York.

Gwen murmured to herself: "Dragon bone?"

Andrew pretended to be suspicious and asked: "Gwen, why are you asking so many questions?"

"Just curious."

Gwen hurriedly covered it up, but Andrew did not ask further questions. He said, "By the way, are you free tomorrow afternoon? There is an exhibition of Lord of the Rings props in a park in Hell's Kitchen. I want to go and see it."

"Lord of the Rings prop exhibit? I'm very interested. I hope it includes Gandalf's wand."

Gwen's eyes lit up and she said with a smile. At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently, and then all the surrounding lights went out. It took more than ten seconds to return to normal.

Everyone in New York was shocked. Is this an earthquake?

"It seems that the Hand people have begun to take action."

Andrew understood that the underground of New York was supported by keels. Once the keels were taken out, New York would gradually collapse.

"I wonder if I can get the soul? Let's see first."

Andrew didn't pay too much attention. Nearly a million souls in New York already belonged to him. He was getting closer and closer to that door. Once that door was opened, the hell of rebirth would undergo earth-shaking changes.

One hundred meters underground at Midtown Circle Financial Corporation in Hell's Kitchen.

Mrs. Gao, a skinny old lady on crutches, said to a graceful middle-aged woman: "No, explosives cannot break the seal guarding the keel."

The middle-aged woman's name was Alexandra, the leader of the Hand. She looked at the seal composed of the power of the Iron Fist in front of her and said: "This seal can only be opened by the Iron Fist."

"Alexandra, our warehouse was taken over by Daredevil and Spider-Woman. To make matters worse, Spider-Woman notified SHIELD."

Mrs. Gao hesitated and said: "With our strength, we are no match for SHIELD. I think this matter should be slowed down."

Hand ninjas can only be resurrected, but their actual combat effectiveness is not strong.

"We can't slow down. We must catch Iron Fist as soon as possible, open the seal, and take away the dragon bone."

Alexandra said without hesitation that she didn't have long to live and needed the dragon's bones to survive.

"The problem is, we can't beat the Avengers."

Mrs. Gao emphasized, and Alexandra said: "We have a black sky."

Black Sky, the carrier of the beast, possesses a little power from the beast, has pretty good combat effectiveness, and more importantly, possesses immortality.

As soon as Black Sky was mentioned, the current Black Sky Erica (Daredevil's ex-girlfriend) came over. Alexandra and Mrs. Gao turned their heads and found that each other's eyes were glowing.

It was a very evil light, and as soon as it came into contact with it, countless chaotic and evil thoughts came to my mind, and I wanted to rush to the street and kill everyone.

Mrs. Gao and Alexandra were shocked and quickly looked away. At this time, Erica shouted in a voice full of majesty and evil: "Kneel down."

"Is this... a divine descent?"

Mrs. Gao and Alexandra were stunned for a moment, then realized what was happening and hurriedly knelt down towards Erica. The beast had arrived.

Although they have believed in beasts for hundreds of years, this is the first time that such a thing has happened. To be honest, Mrs. Gao and Alexandra were shocked.

Erica ordered: "Calling all the ninjas to capture Iron Fist. I will open the seal in the shortest time. If I can't do it, you will die."

"is God."

Alexandra immediately agreed, but Mrs. Gao hesitated and said cautiously: "God, our strength may not be enough."

"A bunch of trash, bring all the ninjas here, and I will give you stronger power."

Erica said, Alexandra and Mrs. Gao were overjoyed when they heard this, and immediately went to summon other ninjas.

After the two left, Erica looked at the Iron Fist seal in front of her and murmured to herself excitedly: "Ancient One, I finally entered the earth."

In the past, the reason why the beast didn't come in person was because he couldn't get in. He was just a little evil god, and it was impossible to hide it from Ancient One.

But this time is different. This time, behind the beast stands a row of hell demons. Yes, a row, not one or two. They join forces to send the beast's consciousness and power to the earth. Not only that, they will also find a way Holding Gu Yi back so that she has no time to pay attention to things on earth.

Of course, the demon kings of hell will not help people. They ask the beast to destroy New York and sacrifice millions of lives to open the channel. In this way, they can come to the earth, kill the Ancient One, and occupy all human souls.

"Millions of human souls!"

The beast's eyes are full of greed. In his opinion, the success rate of this plan is very high. If Gu Yi is not around, who can stop him?

What, some new demon king? The demon kings said that they forgot to tell the beast about it - it is normal for demon kings to forget something every day, isn't it?

At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. began to investigate the Hand. The person responsible for this incident was our old acquaintance John Garrett, the unlucky agent who had a successful operation and was so 'touched' that he wanted to die.

It is worth mentioning that Garrett is now the commander of the New York Special Command, yes, that is the scapegoating position.

It stands to reason that Garrett, who was reprimanded for the Isolated Island Prison incident, should not be in this position. The problem is that no one wants to take the blame. After a round of selection, Nick Fury can only ask his old comrades to help him take the blame. .

Anyway, you have already memorized it once. For the sake of my brother, please memorize it a few more times.

In this regard, Garrett said, how unlucky must I be to become your old comrade?

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