In the morning, in the Golden Forest, Galadriel, dressed in white and wearing a white veil, bid farewell to the Fellowship of the Ring. She gave everyone a gift - this Elf Queen is an out-and-out tycoon.

In this regard, Andrew said, Auntie, I don’t want to work hard anymore.

Aragorn got an elven dagger inlaid with inscriptions, and Legolas got the Bow of Galatrim. This is no ordinary bow. In the words of the Elf Queen, only it is worthy of the elves' archery skills.

Eowen did not lack weapons and armor. However, Queen Galadriel still gave her a short sword. This short sword was made by the ancestors to restrain the Witch King of Angmar. Obviously, this Elf Queen , saw something.

Frodo and Sam each received a dagger from the Noldor elves. At the same time, Frodo also received the light of Elendil, which can shine in the darkness. Sam also received an additional elven rope made of Histh blue. Spirituality.

Boromir got a shield. He was not very satisfied, so he changed it to a sword. From now on, please call him Double Sword Boromir. Anyway, he has the ability to heal himself.

After the reinforcement and chat last night, both Boromir and Aragorn's eyes were full of determination, because they already knew what they should do in the future.

In addition to the above, everyone also received an elf cloak each, which has a certain camouflage effect, similar to the ninja's invisibility technique.

What, what did Ganata get? She got a lot of Rambas, a kind of elf ration that looks like biscuits. A small bite is enough to fill an adult's stomach. It is the best dry food for marching.

Then, Ganata gnawed a big bag in front of all the elves, making those elves' faces turn green with fear.

Galadriel didn't mind, and asked someone to prepare a little more for Ganata.

After receiving the equipment, everyone took a boat to Rohan. Legolas couldn't help but ask: "Wait, why don't you find it strange at all? Where is the Golden Bolt, where are Pippin, Merry, and Smaug? ?

They never showed up, why are you not worried at all? "

"Goldbolt has returned home. As for Pippin and Merry, Smaug has something to do with them. We will see them again soon."

Aragorn said, and Boromir said: "Elves, don't make such a fuss, they are all fine."

Legolas couldn't help but glance at Boromir. He always felt that he was a lot brighter. He also made eye contact with Aragorn from time to time, and then smiled at each other in a tacit understanding, looking like a good friend.

Legolas shuddered. These two guys couldn't do that, right? It’s not discrimination, the question is, what should I do with the elf princess?

"Okay, don't waste time, let's rush to Rohan as soon as possible. Next, there is a big battle waiting for us."

Aragorn said, everyone nodded, this trip is destined to not be peaceful.

On the other side, after leaving the Fellowship of the Ring, the Elf King Celeborn frowned at Galadriel and asked: "Instead of leaving Middle-earth, you want to join the war with Sauron? Galadriel, can I ask? Ask, why?”

"Because the world is in danger, Sauron must be destroyed."

Galadriel said that the matter about the beholder was too important and she had no intention of telling Celeborn.

"That has nothing to do with us. We are about to go to the overseas wonderland, Middle-earth. It is a matter for humans and other races."

Celeborn said: "Do you know how many elves we died in the last war? Why do we have to sacrifice for a war that does not belong to us? You don't know the fertility rate of the elves?"

As an immortal species, the fertility rate of the elves is not low, but very low. This is normal. If the fertility rate of elves was the same as that of humans, the world would have been occupied by elves long ago.

"No, Celeborn, it has something to do with us. I can't tell you more about the specifics."

Galadriel said forcefully: "But we must stay."

Galadriel may seem gentle, but in fact, she is a very tough woman. Normally, when Galadriel speaks like this, Celeborn would immediately give in, but this time, he chose to oppose it.

Although Celeborn is a bit weak, he is a true lord who loves his people. He does not want his people to die for a war that does not belong to them.

Elves live forever, and Celeborn has known many of them for thousands of years. How can they be allowed to die inexplicably?

Galadriel has always been arrogant and does not allow others to oppose her opinions. Therefore, the two sides quickly quarreled. Finally, Celeborn said: "Whether you agree or not, I will take my people to leave Middle-earth." , heading to overseas wonderland.”

After saying that, Celeborn left directly. Galadriel snorted coldly, but did not mean to blame Celeborn. It was just that with this separation, the two might really be separated.

"Actually, I never forbid you from telling the truth, right?"

At this moment, Andrew's voice came from next to him. He was biting an apple he got from nowhere and said: "Although you are an ambitious, arrogant, petty, voyeuristic, narcissistic, and arrogant woman, but I I believe you are not a big mouth."

"I am an ambitious, arrogant, petty, voyeuristic, narcissistic, and overbearing woman. Thank you very much for your trust."

Galadriel looked at Andrew unhappily, meaning she really couldn't beat this guy, otherwise she would definitely make him look good, and she was very good at convincing people with force.

"You deliberately kept silent so that Celeborn could leave with some of the elves, right?"

Andrew said: "I didn't expect you to be ambitious..., uh, I won't repeat it, so as not to be criticized, but I didn't expect you to care about the people."

"After all, they are my people. Also, has anyone ever said that you really deserve a beating?"

Galadriel said angrily, and then she got down to business: "What's going on with Gandalf and the tree people?"

"not so good."

Andrew told the story again, and then said: "If nothing else happens, about 50% of the tree people will be captured by Saruman. As for the remaining tree people, they should resist, but they may also choose to transfer."

"Fifty percent tree people?"

Galadriel frowned: "This is troublesome. Treants are very kind and will not hurt their companions. They will even prevent others from harming their companions. By then, we may not face fifty percent of the Treants, but ten percent. become."

Galadriel has no intention of holding back. Although in the movie, she looks like a virgin, she has never been a virgin-type woman. This woman is decisive in killing and is more masculine than a man.

"Don't worry, I have already thought of a way to solve this matter."

Andrew smiled and said: "Mere enslavement magic is nothing. It can't stop the ancient power of a single tree."

Galadriel blinked, indicating that she did not understand. She said: "Since you are sure, it is naturally best. Rivendell and the elves of the Woodland Kingdom will set off soon. As for the Lonely Mountain, Golden Bolt has already Successfully convinced the King of the Mountain.”

"They made a smart choice."

Andrew nodded and said: "Queen Galadriel, I came all the way here, you won't even invite me to drink tea, right?"

"Of course it's okay to drink tea, but I want to watch the movie you mentioned."

Galadriel smiled and said that she likes novel things. Andrew smiled and said, "Okay, I have a movie called "Carol". I believe you will be very interested."

"Carol" is a lesbian movie played by Kate the Devil. She won the Oscar for Best Actress for this movie. I believe the Elf Queen will be very surprised.

While Andrew was picking up girls, drinking tea, and watching movies, Ganata led the Fellowship of the Ring to the Kingdom of Rohan smoothly, and they met Prince Jed on the front line.

"I am solely responsible for the front line."

Prince Jed said: "My father is taking the people to move to the Horn Keep."

"Transfer to the Hornburg?"

Aragorn was stunned when he heard this: "You want to retreat across the board, hold on to the Horn Castle, and wait for Saruman's army to retreat on its own?"

Everyone frowned. They thought that the Kingdom of Rohan would choose to confront Saruman's army head-on. Unexpectedly, King Théoden actually chose to retreat to the Horn Castle.

You know, the Kingdom of Rohan is dominated by cavalry, and as everyone knows, cavalry is not good at defending the city.

"This is what my father meant. Actually, I don't really agree with it."

Prince Jed said: "But my father believes that Saruman is powerful and we should not fight him head-on. It is better to use the Horn Castle to defend. My task on the front line is to delay them."

"This is troublesome."

Aragorn frowned, and Ganata said: "It's no trouble, can't we just deal with the enemy on the front line, how simple is it?

Okay, don't waste time, Aragorn, next, you cooperate with me to use magic to build a castle on the front line. "

"Build a castle now? How can we have time?"

Prince Jed was stunned. It was impossible to build the castle in just a few months. Even if it could be built, it would be a shoddy project.

But having said that, the front line is at the ferry. If there is a castle, it will be very useful. There is no doubt that it will be very useful.

"It's not a castle, it's a main castle and a lot of stone arrow towers."

Ganata opened her hands and said, "Let you witness the miracle."

After speaking, Ganata's hands lit up with magical light, and the ground rumbled and shook. Then, a large number of clay giants emerged from the ground and stood respectfully in front of everyone.

This is the magic of summoning the earth giant. Of course, Ganata herself cannot do it. Andrew is controlling her remotely.

Everyone was stunned, and Ganata said: "Don't worry, you don't have to make such a fuss. If you make such a fuss now, what will you do in the future?"

"Is there a future?"

Everyone secretly rolled their eyes, and Eowen asked: "Eomer, do you want these clay giants to help us build the castle? Even if there are these clay giants, it will be too late."

"No, these clay giants are castles and arrow towers."

Ganata shook her head, and she controlled a clay giant to walk to the river. Then, the clay giant began to twist and deform, gradually turning into an arrow tower.

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