American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1222 Waiting

It should be noted here that the Elf Queen Galadriel has the ability to read minds and can read what everyone is thinking.

In order to prevent others from discovering that Gandalf was not dead, Andrew did something to everyone in advance, so Galadriel could not hear about it.

"Lord Eomer never jokes."

Andrew looked at Galadriel, pretending to be angry and said: "Elven Queen, are you provoking us?"

"Be bold!"

As soon as this was said, the elves raised their bows and arrows and aimed at Andrew. Galadriel raised her hand and motioned for everyone to put down their bows and arrows. Then, she said to Andrew: "You are very special."

"Don't seduce me," said Andrew, "because I am easily seduced."


Everyone present looked at Andrew speechlessly at the same time, are you talking in human language? Some of Galadriel's admirers even glared at Andrew, how dare they tease their queen?

The Elf King Celeborn was seriously thinking about whether to beat this guy up. Of course, he was just thinking about it. Galadriel's suitors could fill the entire Golden Forest. If he got angry at every one he saw, he would be angry to death. .

Ganata looked at Andrew with contempt, and said that you are not interested in the Elf Queen?

Galadriel herself was not angry. She tried to listen to Andrew and Ganata. As a result, what she heard made her a little doubtful about life.

Andrew's thoughts: "The Elf Queen has crow's feet on her face."

Ganata's thoughts: "I'm so hungry. When will I eat?"

Galadriel blinked, trying to hear more, but what she heard was even worse.

Andrew's voice: "The Elf Queen not only has crow's feet, but also wrinkles in other places. Aren't elves immortal? Could it be that she plays too much outside and hurts her true nature? That's right. I heard that men who see her will lose something. .”

Ganata's voice: "Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry..."

"You are a dragon, why are you paying so much attention to my wrinkles?"

Even with Galadriel's temperament, she wanted to curse at this moment. I did this on purpose, okay? A queen behaves like an eighteen-year-old girl. Are you sorry?

Also, what is lost is the heart, not some random thing? Besides, if what they lost was some messy thing, shouldn't they be getting younger and younger?

Uh, why do I know so much?

Andrew and Ganata both sneered. With their strength, if others could easily hear their voices, they might as well just buy a piece of tofu and kill them.

"Elf Queen, did you hear a word?"

Andrew smiled and said: "When you connect to others, others also connect to you."

Galadriel was stunned. She was about to ask something, but she felt that her memory was being read quickly. Her expression changed, and she hurriedly raised her hands, and two rays of light struck Andrew.

Andrew waved his hand to block the two rays of light, and then he said: "Isn't it more impolite to secretly peek into other people's souls than joking about dead people? Queen of the Elf."

Seeing Galadriel and Andrew take action, all the elves raised their bows and aimed at Andrew again. The rest of the Fellowship of the Ring were shocked. Aragorn hurriedly shouted: "Misunderstanding, there must be a misunderstanding."

"I took the liberty."

Galadriel glanced at Andrew and apologized: "I'm sorry, everyone, I'm a little tired. You go and rest first. We'll talk later."

After saying that, Galadriel waved the elves to disperse, and she left here with the Elf King Celeborn. She wanted to be quiet.

Andrew shook his head. Galadriel, a woman, was graceful and noble on the surface, but secretly, she was very proud.

"The show is over? We can finally eat."

Ganata said excitedly, everyone was speechless, and Andrew complained: "You have offended the queen, and you still want to eat? Be careful they spit in the food."

"Those stingy elves can definitely do this kind of thing."

Jin Boli nodded fiercely. He had no good impression of the elves at all. Legolas gritted his teeth angrily: "We elves will never do such a thing."

"Okay, stop arguing. The elf is not that stingy. Let's take a rest and set off tomorrow."

Aragorn clapped his hands and said: "Mordor already knows our purpose, we must speed up."

Everyone nodded, and then everyone freshened up and prepared to eat. Although the elves were dissatisfied with these people for offending the queen, they still prepared a sumptuous dinner.

However, the food of the elves is mainly based on plants and does not contain meat, so everyone is not satisfied with the food. Ganata took out the big octopus and asked the four hobbits to roast it next to it. The elves looked a little ugly. .

No matter where in the world it is, it would be a shame for a host to entertain guests for a meal, but the guests are not satisfied and bring their own food.

Legolas looked embarrassed, but Jin Boli didn't take it seriously. Instead, he shouted: "Stop playing the piano, it's so soft and boring. When eating, you should be lively, joking with each other, smashing the plates here and there, then That’s how delicious it is.”

The elf said, can I hit someone? Legolas apologized hurriedly, and Andrew shook his head. He thought of something and said to Ganata: "Give me the Supreme Lord of the Rings."


Ganata threw the Supreme Lord of the Rings to Andrew indifferently. Aragorn and others next to her were shocked and hurriedly shouted: "No!"

Are you kidding me? The fire dragon is a greedy creature, why not let him get the Supreme Lord of the Rings? Maybe even more terrifying than Saruman getting the Supreme Ring.

Unfortunately, they shouted too late. The Supreme Lord of the Rings had already fallen into Andrew's hands. Andrew grinned, and the flames on his body burned fiercely, turning into a lifelike fire dragon in the air, looking down at everyone from top to bottom.

The whole sky turned dark, the atmosphere was extremely solemn, and everyone present felt their hearts sinking. Is this the birth of the Great Demon King?

"Hahaha, I pretended all the way and finally succeeded. I wanted to use the Balrog to kill you, but in the end you didn't die, but the Balrog died."

Andrew laughed wildly: "But I didn't expect that you would be so stupid and really give me the Supreme Lord of the Rings. I will rule the world. All treasures are mine, and all women are mine.

Eowen, the Elven Princess, and Galadriel are all mine. Well, Galadriel seems a bit old. Forget it, it’s boring. She won’t rule the world anymore. "

After saying that, the shadow of the fire dragon in the sky disappeared, everything returned to normal, and Andrew elegantly picked up the cup and drank.

Aragorn, who had already drawn his sword, was confused. The same was true for everyone else. The Elf King and Elf Queen who were coming over were also dumbfounded. What the hell is this? Wasn't Smaug controlled by the One Ring? Why was he suddenly normal? How about playing?

"A bit old?"

Galadriel's mouth twitched a little, she was seriously considering how to kill Smaug's fire dragon and peel off his skin to make boots.

Are you kidding me? Galadriel is the most beautiful girl in the elves. How old is she? There are so many people chasing her, even Maia like Gandalf and Saruman are obsessed with her.

"A dragon is a dragon and doesn't understand the aesthetics of humans and elves at all."

Galadriel thought secretly, and at this moment, Andrew's voice sounded in her mind: "I'm talking about your old age. What does it have to do with aesthetics?"

"Can you hear what's in my mind?"

Galadriel was shocked, and Andrew smiled and said, "What's so strange about this? You eavesdrop on me, and I'll eavesdrop on yours. Don't worry, I don't mind."

"I mind."

Galadriel gritted her teeth and quickly stayed away from Andrew, lest he hear what she was thinking again.

The elves and the members of the Fellowship of the Ring looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what was going on or what to do. At this moment, Andrew said: "Why are you so nervous? Didn't Jin Pei say that you have to make a joke before eating? "


Everyone turned to look at Jin Pei, with that look as if he wanted to kill someone. Jin Pei swallowed his saliva and complained: "I meant to make a joke, but is this a joke? I almost thought the world was going to end, okay?" "

Everyone nodded. They didn't know if it was the end of the world, but just now, they really felt like they were about to end.

This joke is so terrifying that the faint of heart will be scared to death. Who would make such a joke while eating?

Aragorn asked warily: "Is it really just a joke? Are you not affected by the Supreme Lord of the Rings?"

Andrew didn't say anything, and threw the Supreme Lord of the Rings to Ganata. Ganata bounced it back. Everyone was immediately relieved. They were willing to give up the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and they would definitely not be affected.

Although I don't know why the fire dragon is not affected, the fact is the fact. Even if Boromir wants to do anything, he has no excuse and can only shake his head.

Andrew said: "Okay, let's continue eating. With this joke, I believe everyone's food will taste better."

"It would be weird if it smells better."

Everyone complained, and Aragorn looked at Andrew suspiciously. Did this fire dragon not understand human nature, or was he deliberately playing tricks on them?

"Of course I'm trying to trick you on purpose."

Ganata secretly complained in her heart, who doesn't know how bad Andrew's character is?

Andrew said that his character is not, uh, really that bad.

In short, after a 'happy' dinner, everyone who had just been shocked returned to the bedroom to rest. Andrew did not leave. He threw a gold coin to the elf harpist next to him and said: "Play a song to help you sleep." "

The elf raised her hand and threw the gold coins back on the dining table with disdain. Then, she gently waved the strings and played for Andrew.

Andrew listened quietly, waiting for others to come to the door. Not long after, Boromir came. He looked at Andrew and asked: "Lord Smaug, how can I be as powerful as Eowen?" ability?"

Andrew looked at Boromir and asked with a smile: "Boromir, I thought you were here to get the idea of ​​the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

Boromir smiled bitterly. He did want to get the Supreme Lord of the Rings, but the man in front of him was Smaug. What could he do? He was also desperate, okay?

Thanks to Kongling Zhixin, Jinghua Shuiyue_, and Daquan for the reward. Thank you all for your subscriptions and monthly votes this month. Thank you very much.

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