American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1219 Fire Demon


Everyone couldn't help being startled, and turned around hurriedly. They saw a group of Orcs, namely Oaks, appearing around them from nowhere. They kept shooting arrows in this direction. At the same time, a large number of Orcs quickly approached this direction, and there were footsteps everywhere.

Ganata raised her hands uncontrollably, and a chain of lightning was released. The lightning jumped on the orcs one after another, and the orcs who shot arrows turned into charred corpses.

Ganata looked unhappy and complained secretly: "I feel like a puppet. I shouldn't agree to Andrew's request."

"What a magic!"

Seeing Ganata take down the archers, Gandalf was overjoyed. He pulled out his long sword, a staff in one hand and a sword in the other, and shouted: "It's an orc, let's leave the mine quickly and fight out."

"He is indeed a melee mage."

Andrew secretly complained and shouted: "You run, I will stop you."

After hearing Smaug's death, everyone was determined, and under the leadership of Gandalf and Ganata, they quickly fled forward.

Soon, everyone encountered a troll and a large number of orcs. Gandalf's expression changed. Just as he was about to do something, Ganata stepped forward and punched the troll, which was more than three meters tall and weighed several hundred kilograms. It flew more than ten meters and hit the mountain wall with a bang, sinking completely.

Both the enemy and us were stunned. They did not expect that Eomer was not only powerful in magic, but also so powerful in close combat.

Of course, no one paid much attention to it. After all, the magicians in this world were more capable of fighting each other. They were more excited. Even the trolls were vulnerable, so they would definitely be able to escape.


Everyone shouted, Ganata dealt with the trolls, Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Golden Bolt charged forward, Legolas kept shooting arrows from behind, Eowen brought light special effects, and four Horos Bit people worked together to fill in the gaps.

Everyone worked together and rushed forward quickly. At the same time, a large number of monsters came from behind. Andrew smiled slightly, opened his mouth, and said in his heart: "Fire Escape, the powerful fire ball technique."

A ball of fire spurted out from Andrew's mouth, igniting a large number of trolls and orcs, causing them to scream miserably.

Then, Andrew waved his hand and released a large number of fireballs, blowing up the back road to prevent other orcs from pursuing him.

After doing this, Andrew followed the big army. These were just side dishes. The real big dish was the Balrog.

Compared with the embarrassment in the movie, this time because of Andrew and Ganata, although everyone was still running away, the situation was much better. Soon, everyone came to the stone staircase.

"These stone stairs are very narrow, and more importantly, they are old and in disrepair and may collapse at any time. Please be careful."

Gandalf said: "Once you fall, you will definitely die. The dwarves dug too deep."

Everyone looked at the bottomless bottom and couldn't help but swallow their saliva. At this moment, Ganata waved her hand and everyone floated.

Everyone was surprised at first, then overjoyed. Then, Ganata asked with a puzzled look on her face: "Why should you be careful? Isn't this a trivial matter? Hey, Gandalf, don't you know how to perform group levitation?"

"Group levitation?"

Gandalf blinked. He really didn't know how to do this. He coughed and said, "Hurry up and set off."

After saying that, Gandalf floated towards the opposite side first, and everyone followed him. This feeling of flying in the air was very special, and everyone was a little excited.

At this moment, a large number of orc archers appeared around, shooting at everyone. For the first time, everyone was floating in the air. They were inexperienced and hurriedly avoided the bows and arrows.

Ganata snorted coldly, raised her fist, and shouted loudly: "Let you see the required spell for mages, the lighting spell."

Along with Ganata's voice, her fist lit up with dazzling light, like a small sun, illuminating the entire stone staircase area.

The orcs were afraid of the sun, and screamed and hid in places where the sun could not reach them.

Gandalf blinked. Isn't this lighting his best spell? Why does Eomer do the same and seem to be more powerful than him?

Gandalf is now only in gray robes, and the power of lighting is far from reaching the level of defeating an army. Not to mention, Andrew's lighting is far more powerful than ordinary lighting, and is almost indistinguishable from the sun.

Under the sunshine, everyone successfully escaped to the other side. Everyone looked at Ganata in admiration. This person's magic is so powerful.

"Gandalf, do you want to learn? I'll teach you."

Ganata asked Gandalf. Of course, this was Andrew's question. It was interesting to think about teaching Gandalf the art of lighting.

"No need, I can do it, old man."

Gandalf snorted and led everyone on the road again. Soon, everyone arrived at the stone bridge. The exit was on the opposite side, but no one was happy because a huge monster was standing on the stone bridge.

This monster is huge, with fire burning all over its body, and two horns on its head. It looks extremely ferocious, and the surrounding temperature rises sharply because of the existence of this guy.

"The Balrog!"

Gandalf looked ugly. He didn't want to go into the mines of Moria because he was afraid of encountering the Balrog. Unexpectedly, the Balrog was really awakened. No, it wasn't awakened. It was waiting for everyone here.

Gandalf asked: "Saruman! Balrog, did Saruman ask you to wait for us here?"

The Balrog looked at Gandalf, and an eye suddenly appeared in the middle of his eyebrows, an eye full of confusion. Then, it said: "My master asked me to wait for you here."


Gandalf was shocked, the Balrog actually recognized his master again? The question is, Morgoth has fallen, who else is qualified to be the master of Maia?

Morgoth was the former big boss, and the now famous Sauron also worked for Morgoth in the beginning.

"Master asked me to kill you."

Balrog grinned, and the flames condensed into long whips, slamming towards everyone. Everyone felt the temperature around them soaring and hurriedly avoided it.

Gandalf hurriedly raised his staff, and a curtain of light appeared, blocking the Balrog's whip.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Gandalf's light curtain suddenly shattered, and the flaming whip hit Gandalf hard.

At the critical moment, Ganata raised her right hand and slashed through the air. A crack appeared in the void, and the flame whip was cut off directly.

Gandalf breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Balrog and Ganata in surprise. Both of them were stronger than he imagined.

Gandalf thought of something and asked in a deep voice: "Barogall, your strength has actually recovered?"

"Master helped me recover. Gandalf, although you are a Maia like me, most of your strength has been sealed. You are no match for me."

The Balrog laughed loudly. All Maia who came to the world had part of their strength sealed. Therefore, in the movie, it is not so much that Gandalf upgraded, but that he regained his strength.

"Who is your master?"

Gandalf asked, looking behind him, but found no trace of Smaug at all. He couldn't help but cursed in his heart. This guy said he was invincible, but he was not present at the critical moment.

"My master is, of course, the supreme master."

The Balrog opened its hands, and a large amount of flames fell from its body, turning into small Balrogs and rushing towards everyone.

Everyone's expressions changed. Legolas immediately opened his bow and shot an arrow. The bow and arrow accurately hit the chest of a small Balrog. However, the little Balrog was not killed. Instead, the bow and arrow quickly melted.

"How can we fight this?"

Everyone looked solemn, and Ganata said: "Gandalf, you take care of those little Balrogs, and leave the big one to me."

"Okay, Aragorn, I'll stop these monsters, and you can take everyone out of here as soon as possible."

Gandalf nodded, stood in front of everyone, and said - everyone is still floating now, so although the Balrog is blocking the bridge, they can still pass.


Aragorn nodded, missing his holy sword very much in his heart. If the holy sword was there, it would definitely be able to kill these little Balrogs.

When Eowen saw this, her armor turned fiery red, and her sword turned into an ice spear. Then, she walked to Gandalf and said, "I'm here to help you."

"Very well, brave princess."

Gandalf glanced at Eowen and nodded in approval. Then, the two of them rushed towards the little Balrog at the same time. Although Aragorn and the others were unwilling to do so, they still took a detour and prepared to escape.

Just as the Balrog was about to stop him, Ganata stood in front of it and said, "Your opponent is me!"

"You're just a mortal? I'm Maia!"

Balrog smiled disdainfully, and with his big hand filled with blazing fire, he struck hard at Ganata like a meteorite.

A very technological firearm appeared out of thin air in Ganata's hands. Then, she shot at Balrog's big hand. An ice-blue ray roared out and hit Balrog's right hand. Balrog's right hand quickly turned into ice. piece.

This is the ice ray gun formed by Tracy's ice power and Andrew's mechanical power.

On the surface, it seems that Ganata is fighting, but in fact, it has always been Andrew who is fighting. As for Ganata, she only provides herself.

"What kind of cold air is this that can actually freeze my body? I am a Balrog!"

Balrog was shocked that his fist turned into ice. It did not stop, but increased its strength and hit Ganata hard.

Ganata withdrew the ice ray gun and disappeared suddenly. When she reappeared, she was already behind the Balrog's fist. Then, she took a deep breath, and dense mechanical parts appeared outside the fist.

Then, these parts were combined together and turned into a huge steel fist. As the propeller spurted out flames, the steel fist hit Balrog's ice fist like the sky was shattering.

Balrog's ice fist was shattered on the spot, Balrog screamed and retreated continuously.

Ganata was unyielding when she gained the upper hand. The ice ray gun appeared again and kept shooting at the Balrog.

The Balrog knew how terrifying the ice ray gun was, and did not dare to confront it head-on. His body turned into flames and fled quickly. At the same time, a large number of fireballs erupted from its body, and they shot towards Ganata densely.

Ganata sneered, her body swayed, and she appeared densely in the void, shooting at the Balrog at the same time.

With so many ganatas, Balrog could not avoid them at all. His body was hit by rays one after another and began to freeze.

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