American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1217 Arrangement

Gandalf's expression changed, and he asked: "You mean, Saruman knows about the meeting in Rivendell, and he will stop us?"

Andrew nodded: "Definitely. With Saruman's strength, he can cast spells remotely from the tower and release thunder to attack the Misty Mountains. By then, we will be in danger."

"Based on what I know about Saruman, he will only prevent us from passing through the Misty Mountains, and will not kill us by force. That would be too costly."

Gandalf said: "He will drive us into the mines of Moria and deal with us there."

Jin Boli asked: "Gandalf, I don't understand why Saruman forced us into the mines of Moria? The mines of Moria are the territory of the dwarves. What good will it do to him to enter there?"

Gandalf glanced at Jin Boli and did not answer. Andrew said: "Gandalf, I know what you are worried about, but don't forget that there are still us."

Gandalf's eyes lit up when he heard this. With Smaug's strength, even if he couldn't deal with the Balrog, he could still hold it back, not to mention the mysterious Eomer. He said: "Okay, let's go to Moria." Mine.”

"That's great. My cousin Balin will definitely entertain everyone."

Jin Boli said excitedly. Boromir glanced at Gandalf, his face a little ugly. Gandalf had been refusing to go to the mines of Moria. There must be something wrong inside, but he would rather go to the mines of Moria than Gondor. This shows that he is extremely wary of himself.

Boromir secretly cursed: "Damn guy, although I did want to steal the Supreme Lord of the Rings, I never thought of harming you."

Then, everyone set off for the Moria Mine. If Andrew flew, he could get there in a few hours, but it would take several days to go there on horseback.

During this time, Ganata got to know the four hobbits thoroughly, very well, but there was nothing I could do about it. The hobbits were good cooks and ate at least six meals a day. Ganata was very fond of them.

"Andrew, after we finish dealing with the beholder, let's pack up the hobbits and take them away. I want them to become my dependents and cook for me every day."

Ganata said excitedly while eating the gluten baked by the hobbit.

"You have to ask the Creator God first if he agrees?"

Andrew said that although Hobbits are not very powerful, they are very favored by the gods. In fact, the protagonists of the six movies are all Hobbits.

"Creation God? This is a bit troublesome."

Ganata frowned greatly. She raised her head and saw Aragorn and Boromir training four hobbits. Although Boromir had ideas, he was still very diligent in training. The four hobbits gained a lot. many.

Andrew was also training Éowyn. He held a wooden stick and accurately blocked every sword strike of Éowyn. At the same time, he pointed out: "The intention of the attack is so obvious that even a blind man can see which way you are attacking."

"What do blind people think?"

Jin Boli complained next to him, and Legolas said: "Look with the inner eye. We elves have practiced to the extreme and can understand the inner eye. By then, we can even hit the giant dragon in the sky."

Jin Pei snorted coldly: "Without our dwarves' black arrows, even if you hit, what's the point?"


The handsome Legolas said disdainfully. He looked at Andrew and asked hesitantly: "Why is a fire dragon so proficient in human sword fighting? Isn't this a bit outrageous?"

"I doubt this too. Besides, Smaug is dead. Logically speaking, there should be no possibility of resurrection."

Gandalf smoked his old pipe and said doubtfully that if Smaug and Eomer had not carried the aura of the Creator God, he would never have allowed them to join the Fellowship of the Ring, let alone allow Ganata to control the Supreme Lord of the Rings. .

"Maybe it's just good luck."

Jin Boli shrugged and said indifferently. Gandalf sighed, it would be great if everyone could be as simple as Jin Boli.

Gandalf said: "Okay, everyone, stop. We are almost reaching the mines of Moria. Please be careful."

"Why should we be careful when we arrive at the mines of Moria?"

Jin Boli was very puzzled and dissatisfied. Gandalf didn't say much and just asked everyone to stop and get ready.

"Okay, stop now, Eowen. There may be a battle next. I have made all the preparations you need to make. It is up to you whether you can go to the battlefield in the future."

Andrew said: "A person without courage will not be able to go to the battlefield no matter how capable he is."

"I will not let you down, nor will I bring shame to the family."

Eowen said very firmly, and Andrew nodded without saying anything more. Everyone took a rest and set off again.

On the way, Ganata asked Andrew: "By the way, Andrew, you seem to have never touched the Supreme Lord of the Rings? This thing should be very important, right?"

"Of course it is important. In fact, I have been studying the Supreme Lord of the Rings. You have part of my energy in your body, and that part of the energy is analyzing the composition of the Lord of the Rings."

Andrew said: "Once the analysis is successful, or the Supreme Lord of the Rings is destroyed, the beholder can be severely damaged."

Andrew cannot destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings. It is protected by rules and can only be destroyed in Mount Doom.

"Can it really hit you hard?"

Ganata asked: "Sauron was fused by the beholder. The effect of the Supreme Lord of the Rings should not be as powerful as you said, right?"

"No, it is as powerful as I said. The beholder has been completely integrated with Sauron, otherwise the God of Creation would not be able to take action."

Andrew said: "In this case, Sauron's weakness is the weakness of the beholder. I believe that the beholder did not know about the Supreme Lord of the Rings before he came in. Otherwise, he would not fuse with Sauron. Well, he might also fuse. He is a lunatic after all.”

"A chaotic creature."

Ganata nodded and said: "In this case, maybe this time we can completely end the beholder."

"Since the beholder has set up the stage to fight me, of course I will help him. In fact, one on one, I don't care about the beholder at all."

Andrew said: "However, there is a shortcut, so there is no reason not to use it. More importantly, this shortcut can help us completely keep the beholder. It is boring to death that we are resurrected by the enemy every time. We are not the kind of people." A hundred-episode TV series.”

“Isn’t the resurrection of multiple beings a matter of course?”

Ganata doesn't think there is any problem. It would be abnormal if multiple existences could be directly crucified. It is not that easy to kill multiple existences.

In fact, Andrew himself has prepared several means of resurrection. Once he dies, he will be resurrected in the wasteland world or the doomsday world.

But this time, the real body of the Beholder comes in, and coupled with the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it is really possible to completely kick him out.

Ganata thought of something and asked again: "Since you have confidence, why don't you go directly to Mordor?"

"There are countless orcs in Mordor, and the beholder also has Saruman as a helper. It would be risky to rush there."

Andrew said: "Let's take our time. The beholder will definitely steal the Supreme Lord of the Rings. In the process, we will cut off Saruman and then destroy his army. After doing this, I will fight the beholder again. This way we have a better chance of winning. It will be higher.”

"You guys are so full of selfishness, so boring."

Ganata complained, and Andrew shook his head. Boredom is boring, but if you don't plan it like this, you will become a corpse sooner or later. By then, it will really not be boring anymore.

Andrew's eyes flashed and he thought to himself: "If nothing else happens, there should be some changes in the mine. I hope the beholder can give me a surprise."

In the tower, Saruman once again used the True Knowledge Crystal Ball to contact Sauron. He said: "Sauron, if nothing else happens, the Fellowship of the Ring will soon arrive at the Mines of Moria."

"Did you make the preparations I asked you to make?"

The beholder asked, and just like what Andrew said, he only learned that Sauron had the fatal weakness of the Supreme Lord of the Rings after the fusion. If it were another multi-dimensional existence, he would definitely curse, but the beholder really doesn't care.

Everything goes well, that's what orderly creatures look forward to. Chaotic creatures like beholders like surprises, and the more surprises, the better.

Besides, the Supreme Lord of the Rings is very important, wouldn’t it be over if we just take it back? What a big deal.

"Get ready, I have already sent the things you sent to Balrog."

Saruman nodded. He hesitated and asked, "Sauron, what on earth is that?"

"Of course it's a good thing. It's a good thing that allows Balrog to display his strength 100%."

The beholder said: "Although I can't kill that guy, I might be able to injure him. More importantly, I can find out his true and false identity."

This falsehood does not refer to Andrew's strength, but to Andrew's identity. With Andrew's cunning, there is no reason to reveal his identity at first, so the beholder has to test it.

Saruman didn't know why: "False or real? That guy?"

"You don't need to know that much, what you have to do now is to create more Orcs."

The Beholder said: "When the Fellowship of the Ring enters Rohan, it will be time for us to have a decisive battle with them. Then it will be fun. Either you die or that guy dies, hahaha."

Saruman was a little confused. What do you mean, either he died or that guy died? Also, who is that guy?

"It feels like Sauron is getting more and more crazy."

Saruman secretly complained, he said: "I am Maiya, I will not die, at most this body will die, my soul will never die."

"That's not necessarily the case."

The beholder smiled and said nothing. The flame-like eyes disappeared in the crystal ball of true knowledge.

Saruman shook his head and turned his gaze to the mine. He wondered what kind of surprise Sauron had prepared for the Fellowship of the Ring.

The Mine of Moria is built in the heart of the mountain. On the surface, there is no door. Only when the moonlight and starlight appear, the magic door will appear. However, you need to say the right spell to enter.

It was written in Elvish language on the door: This is the door to the throne of Turin, the king of Moria. You can enter by saying "friend".

"There's no spell I don't know. Leave it to me and I'll make the door open in no time."

Gandalf said confidently. Everyone had confidence in him and waited happily. Then, uh, five minutes later, Gandalf was still posing to try the spell. He said all the spells he knew, and the door remained still. Not open.

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