American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 118 Destroyer

On the other side, the giant ice beast finally threw Sif off. Just as it was about to crush Sif, a big green foot kicked it hard on the side. It was kicked out on the spot, smashing all the houses behind it.

"Wow, look, everyone, Hulk is out. It's Hulk, not the Funny Hulk."

Daisy cheered loudly while filming Hulk with her mobile phone. The audience in the live broadcast room were also excited and frantically sent gifts to Daisy to get her closer.

Daisy was really going to do this, Jane couldn't laugh or cry, and hurriedly pulled her back.

Hulk didn't care about the live broadcast. He grinned and rushed towards the ice monster with a bang. He liked fighting, especially this kind of monster that looked very powerful.

"Wow, are you Zhongting people so tough?"

Thor looked at Frank and Hulk who were furious. He had been to Earth before, and the people on Earth worshiped him as a god.

"I didn't expect that there are such powerful warriors in Midgard."

Sif and others were also surprised. They guarded Thor and helped him fight against the frost giants.

"The earth never lacks warriors."

Steve said that SHIELD had told him about the Peace Knights, and he did not expect to meet them so soon.

When Howard saw Hulk 'tearing down the house' over there, he couldn't help shouting: "Hulk, a fight is a fight, don't hurt innocent civilians, we are positive people."

Hulk turned his head and asked suspiciously: "We are the positive characters, are you sure?"

"Uh, not sure."

Howard was a little confused. Are these visitors from hell considered positive characters?

"Director Fury, the Peace Knights are here to help. The situation is temporarily under control."

Coulson reported to Nick Fury. At this moment, another colorful light fell, and a large number of Frost Giants roared into the town and joined the battle.

This was when Loki saw something was wrong and asked Laufey for more troops.

"Pretend I didn't say that before."

Coulson said: "Please send reinforcements as soon as possible with heavy weapons. Ordinary weapons are useless against them."

"I have contacted the military to send fighter planes over. You should evacuate the people as soon as possible."

Nick Fury ordered with an ugly expression, Damn it, only a short time has passed since the space incident, and aliens have appeared again.

New Mexico is too far away from New York, and the superheroes can't get there in time. This battle can only rely on the military and the Peace Knights.

Through Daisy's live broadcast, many people saw the battle in the town of Apt. They were shocked. Aliens invaded the earth? real or fake? Also, is that big guy Captain America?

This is the first time that the earth has been invaded by aliens!

At this time, Bugle TV connected to Daisy's live broadcast. The host Roxanne introduced in detail the grudges between the Frost Giants and Asgard. The audience was stunned. The Norse mythology is actually true?

Not only ordinary people are paying attention to this battle, Tony Stark is also paying attention. In fact, he has been looking for the Peace Knights. Every time the Peace Knights appear, Jarvis will report to him immediately.

The Peace Knights are not only present in New York. If there is a major disaster, such as a tsunami or earthquake, the Peace Knights will also appear to save people. However, what is puzzling is that some of them will save people and some will not. Very weird.

"Even aliens have appeared. Can people on Earth sleep peacefully?"

Tony looked a little ugly. His research was far from enough. Next, he had to work harder and work 24 hours a day, otherwise he would be sorry for the overtime power given by God.

Without any hesitation, Tony immediately put on the Mark suit and flew towards the town - his villa was in California, not too far from New Mexico.

"Knights of Peace."

A projection of Mephisto was watching the battle in the town of Apt through the magic eye. He knew that the Peace Knights were Andrew's people and couldn't help but snorted.

"If I had that kid's conditions, I would have gotten all the human souls long ago. How can a demon king of hell talk about such nonsense principles?"

Mephisto looked envious and jealous. When he broke through and entered the earth, he must let that kid know how stupid he was.

Mephisto didn't realize that a ray of magic had sensed him along his magic eyes.

"Found you, Mephisto."

Andrew smiled coldly and set traps around Mephisto. With the help of the space gem, Mephisto's projection could not detect him at all.

Let's not talk about this for the time being. There are more and more Frost Giants in the town of Apt. Except for Hulk, who just killed the ice giant, the pressure on others is gradually increasing.

"Hulk, invincible!"

Hulk swung the red lava hammer vigorously. Wherever it passed, the Frost Giants were either killed or injured. No one could stop his hammer.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the Frost Giants quickly sent a group of Frost Giants to lure Hulk away - using the lives of these Frost Giants to delay Hulk.

"Thor, something is wrong. There is no reason for the Frost Giants to come so quickly and in so many numbers."

Sif slashed a frost giant to death while shouting, "Someone should be using the Bifrost to help them."

Thor shouted in shock: "The Rainbow Bridge? You mean the Rainbow Bridge was captured by the Frost Giants? Aren't Loki and Odin in danger?"

Sif wanted to roll her eyes, she meant that Loki betrayed them, but Thor didn't think that at all.

Steve threw the shield out and knocked down a Frost Giant. Then, while catching the flying shield, he shouted to Howard: "Can you let those robots join the battle? Or take us away from here, the Frost Giant is a bit Too much."

"Don't worry, these primitive people are petty. I'm just waiting for the townspeople to be evacuated."

Howard didn't take it seriously. He asked Thor: "Blonde Prince, why are these frost giants so backward and primitive? They are completely different from the aliens I imagined."

Many viewers nodded when they heard this question. Frost giants were completely different from the aliens they imagined. They were more like the savage races in fantasy novels, the kind of orcs, elementals and the like that rely on their bodies to eat.

"Frost giants are originally a group of barbaric, stupid, and unreasonable primitive people."

Thor shouted, and the leader of the Frost Giants gathered the power of ice and roared angrily: "Nonsense, the reason why we are like this is because you Asgardians have been suppressing us and taking away our treasures. .”

After roaring, the Frost Giant leader slammed the power of ice onto the ground, and then countless ice picks emerged from the ground and stabbed everyone.

Everyone hurriedly evaded, and the Frost Giant leader took the opportunity to rush towards Thor who was alone, and stabbed him in the chest with his right hand that turned into an ice pick.

At the critical moment, a shield flew over and broke the ice pick. Then, Captain America jumped and hit the Frost Giant leader in the face with his fist. The Frost Giant leader stumbled back, regrouped the ice pick and slashed at Steve.

"You didn't say you were going to fight aliens when you dug me out."

Steve cursed, rolled on the ground and picked up the shield. Then, he raised the shield to block the ice pick of the Frost Giant leader.

At this time, the intelligent system on the spacecraft reported to Howard: "All the contractors have been transferred away. There are more than 50,000 residents in the town, 60% have signed the contract, and 30% have escaped on their own. Currently, there are only two women and an old man around you. , there are no ordinary townspeople anymore.”

"Two women and an old man?"

Howard was stunned, turned to look in the direction of the system prompts, and found a beautiful woman with a big heart who was holding up her mobile phone to live broadcast.

Jane, the astronomer behind the beauty, tried his best to stop Daisy from getting too close, while Dr. Shavig was hiding in the corner shivering with a pile of information, not daring to escape.

"It's crazy."

Howard shook his head and ordered the armed robot to take everyone into the sky.

Then, a cylindrical device popped up from the back of the black suit, and then the device flew into the air, with the red lights on it lighting up one by one.

The next second, more than ten red lasers were shot out from the cylinder device, and as the cylinder rotated, the surrounding frost giants and buildings were divided into ten parts.

In just the blink of an eye, more than two hundred Frost Giants were eliminated and fell to the ground with clatter. The remaining Frost Giants retreated continuously as their souls emerged.

"This is the power of technology."

Howard said proudly. Steve, who was carried into the air by the robot, sighed: "That's amazing. No wonder you don't take the Frost Giants seriously. You remind me of my old friend Howard. He can always invent all kinds of things." A powerful weapon."

"It's okay, it's okay."

After receiving the captain's praise, Howard's old face turned into a smile. With a wave of his hand, the robot put everyone down one after another.

"Awesome, this is obviously copying my laser, okay?"

Tony Stark, who was driving at full speed, cursed loudly and wanted to rush to the scene and beat Howard up. He was obviously the one who used the laser first, okay? The black mecha just upgraded it.

"I didn't expect you Earthlings to have mastered lasers. Not bad."

Sif commented condescendingly, and Howard looked unhappy. He had a really annoying sense of superiority. In the future, he must go to Asgard to see their technology and see how powerful it is.

"Damn it, why does Thor have so many helpers?"

Asgard, Loki, who was wearing an antlered helmet and holding the Eternal Spear, cursed loudly. He thought for a while and said to Laufey: "Send another army over, and I will send the Destroyer there as well."

Loki didn't use the Destroyer before because he was worried about Odin's manipulation, but now, he doesn't care so much.

Laufei said coldly: "For the last time, I will enter Asgard to kill Odin immediately."

"As soon as Thor dies, I will let you into Asgard immediately."

Loki said, and then he activated the Bifrost Bridge to send the Destroyer and Frost Giant armies to the town of Apt.

In the small town, everyone was clearing out the remaining Frost Giants. At this moment, a colorful light fell from the sky. Several houses were destroyed on the spot, and everyone hurriedly took cover.

When the colorful light disappeared, a group of frost giants and a tall mecha appeared in front of everyone.

This silver-black mecha is the famous Destroyer mecha. It is made of Uru metal and divine power. It is more than five meters tall. It can fight on its own, or it can be worn on the God King Odin - Odin Ding once wore it to challenge the gods.

Of course, Odin's control and Loki's control are two completely different situations. Loki cannot even exert one-tenth of the power of the Destroyer.

Thor shouted in disbelief: "Why did the Destroyer appear together with the Frost Giant?"

Sif couldn't help shouting: "Thor, haven't you seen it yet? The person who wants to kill you is Loki, and he is controlling everything."

"This is impossible!"

Thor roared, and at this moment, the Destroyer locked onto Thor. Immediately afterwards, its visor opened, and fire quickly appeared inside, and then, a high-temperature light beam as thick as a small bucket struck Thor fiercely.

Steve hurriedly threw Thor to the ground, and the high-temperature light beam hit the house behind. The house was destroyed on the spot, and then a raging fire broke out around him.

The Destroyer did not stop and controlled the high-temperature light beam to sweep towards Steve and Thor. At the critical moment, Hulk jumped high and hit the Destroyer on the head with a hammer. The Destroyer flew out and collapsed the house.

"Hulk, fight the monster."

Hulk cheered and continued to rush towards the Destroyer. The Destroyer got up and swung his arm towards Hulk. Hulk did not dodge and swung his hammer to meet him hard.

Bang, there was a loud noise, Hulk flew backwards, and Destroyer also took a few steps back. Hulk became more and more excited, got up and rushed towards Destroyer again.

Seeing this, the Destroyer opened his visor again, and a high-temperature light beam blasted towards Hulk. Hulk raised his hammer to resist, and was pushed back by the high-temperature light beam, causing a large number of houses to collapse and explode.

Fortunately, the townspeople have been basically evacuated and there were no casualties.

Upon seeing this, Frank immediately came to support Hulk, and all kinds of inexhaustible missiles bombarded the Destroyer one after another.

At the same time, the frost giants roared towards Thor, and the war broke out again.

"It's actually true. Loki really betrayed me."

Thor was sad and angry. Steve pulled him up and shouted: "Let's fight first, Thor. What's the weakness of that big monster? It's so lethal that it will destroy the entire town."

Thor shook his head: "The Destroyer has no weaknesses. It can not only release high-temperature light beams, but also heal itself. Unless Mjolnir is here, I can't defeat it."

"Mjolnir? You mean Mjolnir?"

Steve remembered what Andrew had said before, and with a thought in his heart, he shouted to Howard on the side: "Take me to the location of Thor's Hammer, just outside the town. With your speed, we can be back in about a minute."

"You want to fight with Mjolnir? Steve, you can't pick it up. Only the future king of Asgard can pick up Mjolnir."

Thor shook his head, and Sif beside her asked in confusion: "Is Mjolnir around here? Thor, why didn't you summon it?"

"Because I am no longer the God of Thunder."

Thor smiled miserably, but Steve didn't care so much and let Howard take him to the location of Thor's Hammer.

Hulk and Frank were fighting the Destroyer, Steve and Howard left again, and everyone's situation suddenly became worse. Thor cheered up and fought with everyone against the Frost Giants.

At this time, military fighter jets arrived. When they saw the situation in the town, the Destroyer immediately launched missiles. Boom, boom, boom, the missiles hit the Destroyer one after another and exploded. Unfortunately, when the smoke cleared, the Destroyer was completely fine.

The Destroyer raised his head and blasted the high-temperature light beams at the fighter jets in the sky one after another. Although the fighter jets tried their best to avoid them, they were still hit and turned into fireballs and fell downwards.

"Damn, it crashed again."

The military generals couldn't help but curse. In the recent disasters, military fighter planes were destroyed every time they were dispatched. What's worse, there were almost no results. The media even ridiculed them for going there to perform fancy crashes.

An old general shouted: "When will the war machine be tested? Let it be put into service as soon as possible. In addition, find a way to buy more suits from Iron Man. Times have changed."

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