American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1161 Arrangement

The people of the motherland were about to follow suit and attack. At this moment, his eyes flashed and he suddenly appeared in the sky over New York.

"How is this going?"

The people of the motherland are a little confused. Didn’t they just talk about the decisive battle with great enthusiasm? Why did you suddenly run back to New York?

"What's going on? My motherland, in order to save you, I wasted one of my trump cards, and my death also consumed a lot of divine power."

The snake god Seth said dissatisfiedly: "Can you save us some trouble? We have specially prepared three plans for you. If you use any of them, it will not end up like this."

"Who are you? Why are you speaking in my mind?"

The motherland said angrily: "Besides, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson?"

The snake god Seth gritted his teeth in anger, I sacrificed a trump card for you, you actually don’t even know who I am?

"This is the snake god Seth, my partner and a native of the motherland. If he doesn't use a trump card, it won't be that easy for you to leave that world."

Death said: "Wang Andrew says he doesn't care about the people, but he still cares about it in his heart. Otherwise, we may not be able to go so smoothly."

The name of the snake god Seth's trump card is 'sloughing'. To put it simply, he sheds a layer of snake skin in order to escape.

If it weren't for the fact that this ability could be used three times, Seth would never let the people of the motherland use it. After all, this was the trump card he brought in through cheating. In addition, this ability has certain limitations, which will be explained in detail later.

In order to use this trump card, Death also consumed a lot of divine power. There was no other way but to hide it from Andrew.

"Set, the snake god?"

The people of the motherland were stunned, and then he said: "I don't need your help, I can defeat King Andrew by myself."

"You can't do it, people of the motherland, accept the reality. You are no longer the most powerful person on earth. The most powerful person on earth now is King Andrew."

The snake god Seth said: "Don't talk about defeating him. If it weren't for our help, you wouldn't even have a chance to escape."

As Seth spoke, the viper characteristics of the people of the motherland began to fade away. This was not the disappearance of Seth's original power, but a shrinkage. The people of the motherland now officially possess Seth's 'bloodline'.

In order to cultivate the people of the motherland, the snake gods Seth and Death also tried their best. They had both the original power of Seth and the original power of Death.

Unfortunately, the people of the motherland did not appreciate it. He clenched his fists and roared angrily: "I am the strongest man on earth, not King Andrew!"

The people of the motherland could not accept this fact at all. At the same time, he was full of dissatisfaction with the snake god Seth who exposed the matter.

If you didn't tell me, wouldn't I know about this?


Death said coldly. The motherland was shocked and immediately straightened his posture. Then he reacted and asked in shock: "There was no live broadcast today. Where did the footage come from?"

"No camera, I just want you to calm down."

Death said, but he was complaining a little in his heart. He was obviously furious, but as soon as he heard the word "camera", he immediately regained his composure. How 'professional' are you?


The people of the motherland were a little dissatisfied when they heard this. The soldier boy was playing tricks on me, and you were playing tricks on me too?

"Okay, it's a done deal. People of the motherland, go find the president and continue your show."

Death said: "If you want to save face, you don't rely on roaring, but on strength. Next, you must work harder and cultivate your strength to the extreme. You have this potential."

The people of the motherland were silent. After a moment, he flew in the direction of the president, "King Andrew, there is no winner in this battle today. I will definitely defeat you next time."

The people of my motherland are the most powerful people on earth, and no one can compare with them.

Set, the god of death and snake, shook his head secretly and began to concentrate on restoring his strength. The consumption just now was not ordinary.

In the Elysian Space, Andrew was fighting against the space storm and the power of death. Suddenly he sensed something and turned his head sharply to look at the people of his motherland.

The people of the motherland were still the same, looking at him angrily, and their life and soul fluctuations had not changed much, but Andrew still noticed something was wrong.

Andrew raised his hand and shook it in the air. The space around the motherland squeezed towards him. The motherland was instantly squashed and turned into a snake skin.

Then, the snake skin burned on its own. Andrew snorted, froze the snake skin with ice, and took it back to study slowly.

At the same time, the power of death disappeared, and the fluctuations of the space vortex became more and more violent. If Andrew hadn't suppressed it, it would have exploded.

Andrew was too lazy to suppress it, raised his hand, and flew the space vortex into space. The space vortex exploded with a bang, turning into a space storm that swept around.

Andrew shook his head, not caring about the escape of his motherland. After all, his goal had been exceeded - making death and the snake god Seth unable to interfere with what happened next.

Then, Andrew turned his hand, and the robots that had been smashed by the motherland were all reassembled and stood below waiting for his orders.

"Dracourt, control the robot to repair the damaged area."

Andrew ordered, and Delacourt replied respectfully: "Yes, His Majesty the Emperor."

Not only Delacourt is respectful, but others are also respectful. Are you kidding? After seeing how powerful Andrew is, who dares to be disrespectful?

Andrew didn't care. He teleported to Billy and Huey and found that they were looking at several corpses with ugly expressions.

"BOSS, these bastards are dead."

When Billy saw Andrew appear, he cursed: "They died as soon as we caught them. We don't know the reason. It doesn't seem to be suicide. There was fear and disbelief on their faces."

Andrew glanced at the faces of these people and said, "If nothing else happens, they are destined to die."

Huey asked: "Destined to die? Is it magic or something?"

But Billy reacted and said: "BOSS, you mean that their bodies have been tampered with and will die immediately once the conditions are met?"

"More or less, these people are just abandoned sons of the Walter Group. No matter they succeed or fail, they are dead."

Andrew raised his hand and took away the souls of several people, and then said: "Billy, Huey, I will send you back. Although I didn't get the evidence, I believe that the president has begun to doubt the Vought Group.

After you go back, see if you can contact the president through Grace's relationship? If you can, it will be easier in the future. "

"Have you contacted the president?"

Billy, who was a little frustrated, his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said: "It seems that there is no gain at all, BOSS, send us back."

Andrew nodded and sent the two of them back. Then, he signaled the agents to do whatever they needed to do, and as for himself, he headed to the moon.

On the moon, Andrew used space magic to summon Balthazar, Veronica, Maxim and other magicians, as well as the fire dragon.

There is no air on the moon. After the magicians came out, they quickly used various methods to ensure that they could breathe.

"Last time I gave you a diagram of the magic array. I want you to complete the arrangement within half an hour."

Andrew ordered with magic, and Balthazar said: "Mr. Wang, this formation is very powerful. What do you want to use it for?"

"Of course it's the God of Slaughter."

Andrew smiled and said: "No more nonsense, hurry up and make arrangements, Fire Dragon, this time, you have to fight side by side with me."

"It's my pleasure."

The fire dragon said respectfully, and then everyone began to set up the magic circle. Maxim took the opportunity to get in front of Veronica to show his courtesy, and also told Veronica about his efforts during this period.

But contrary to Maxim's expectation, Veronica didn't look moved at all, and she said: "Maxim, I don't need to trouble you about my life span.

In addition, I already have Balthazar's child, please don't bother me again in the future. "

"Have a child?"

Maxim was dumbfounded and almost petrified. Balthazar came over triumphantly and took Veronica to the side to arrange the arrangements.

Maxim was as motionless as a defeated dog. After a while, he suddenly came to life and shouted loudly: "Veronica, I don't mind if you have a child. I can raise him as my biological son."

Veronica almost fell, Balthazar was also speechless, and the other magicians rolled their eyes and quietly stayed away from Maxim to avoid being infected.

"Veronica, you should say at this time that you are not qualified to raise his child."

Andrew said to Veronica. Veronica rolled her eyes at Andrew and said, "Mr. Wang, be a human being."

Andrew laughed. He did not follow along to set up the magic circle. Instead, he teleported back to the Elysian Space and used the technological equipment inside to quickly assemble his trump card.

As for the white tiger Hogs and Tunmei Ganata, they have not come to the Elysian Space for the time being, but stay in New York, waiting for the plan to start.

In New York, the president is missing, and countless people are anxiously trying to find a solution. Of course, there are also many people who are watching the excitement, eating popcorn and watching the excitement. The United States is iron-clad and the president is running low. It is not a big problem if one or two disappear.

At this moment, Storm, Annie, the Invisible Man, and the President appeared one after another under the Empire State Building. The reporters were stunned for a moment, and then immediately rushed up to interview the President.

"Finally back on track."

Feng Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and now he was waiting for the president to say, 'It was the Vought Group who saved me,' or 'It was the people of the motherland who saved me.' In this way, although the process was a bit tortuous, the result was still very good.

When Edgar and Madeleine saw the president appear, they quickly looked at the screen, waiting for the next development.

Facing the reporters who were interviewing him, the president pressed his hands to signal everyone to calm down. Then, he said: "I've made everyone worry, I'm back."

A reporter asked: "Mr. President, who saved you? The superhero of the Vought Group?"

"The superheroes from the Vought Group are indeed helping me."

The president nodded and said: "However, the person who really saved me was the director of Tianjian, Andrew Wang. Let me tell you a secret. Mr. Wang is the emperor of the world in the sky."

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