American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1152 Harvest

"I know you want to do something, but I suggest you do nothing."

When a person is about to die, his words are also kind. The lamplighter said: "The Walter Group is more powerful than you think. That mental hospital is just one of their laboratories, and you can't fight them at all.

In fact, no one can fight against the Vought Group. Your best way is to leave the United States, find a place where no one knows you, and live a good life. "

"Thank you for the advice, but please don't suggest anything more."

Billy sneered and discussed with the others: "That mental hospital is very important. Maybe we can get evidence of the Walter Group's crimes and bring them down completely."

"That mental hospital must be investigated."

Marvin nodded and asked, "Do you want to inform BOSS about this?"

Billy said: "Of course, but the lamplighter cannot die for the time being."

Marvin, Frankie, and the lamplighter asked at the same time: "Why?"

Immediately, everyone looked at the lamplighter speechlessly. You actually asked? How much do you want to die?

The lamplighter shrugged. In the mental hospital, he was just decadent. When he saw Marvin and the others, he completely wanted to die.

"Because we need him to be a witness. Exhibits alone are not enough, we also need witnesses."

Billy said: "There are witnesses and evidence, and what the Walter Group did is so horrifying that it would be difficult for them not to die."

Marvin and Franky immediately hesitated, and the lamplighter shouted: "I'm not interested in being a witness. Give me to Grace and let her kill me."

"Do you think it's your turn to decide?"

Billy snorted, and Marvin gritted his teeth and said, "Let the BOSS decide. I don't know what to do."

Billy didn't object, and then everyone called Andrew. Andrew was very satisfied to see that they had discovered the mental hospital on their own. In this case, he didn't need to waste any more words.

If Andrew personally dealt with Vought Pharmaceuticals, it would be easy to alert the snake and let the black-robed pickets take action. Vought Pharmaceuticals would only focus on the black-robed pickets and would not have any overreaction.

In dealing with the Watt Group, the black-robed pickets are quite useful.

"Leave him to Grace Mallory, and she will decide whether the lamplighter lives or dies."

Andrew said that Grace is a high-level CIA executive and a very important force. More contact with her is not a bad thing.

Marvin and Franky both agreed with this. Although Billy was a little reluctant, he could only nod in agreement.

Then, Billy contacted Grace. Grace originally wanted to ignore Billy, but as soon as she heard that they had caught the lamplighter, she immediately drove to the place specified by Billy.

"Where is he? Where is that bastard?"

Grace, who was already old, held a gun and shouted angrily. Billy pointed to the van first and then said: "He is inside, but Grace, you listen to me something first, and after listening, you can Deciding whether to kill the lamplighter?

It's all up to you and we won't stop you. "

"You said, but you should know that nothing can stop me from killing the lamplighter."

Grace glanced at Billy and stopped to listen to his introduction. After listening to it, even she was a little shocked. Are those superpowers created by the Walter Group?

Grace knew that the Walter Group was scary, but she didn't expect them to be so scary.

"As long as we get the evidence and use the lamplighter as a witness, we can bring down the Vought Group and the people of the motherland."

Billy said excitedly, and Grace glanced at Billy with pity. Even if she got the evidence, she could at most defeat the Walt Group, but the people of the motherland would never be defeated.

The reason is very simple. If you want to kill the people of the motherland, millions of people may die. More importantly, the world needs the people of the motherland. It was needed before and it is needed even more now. The official will only find ways to restrain the people of the motherland and will never do anything to them.

Grace sighed and asked Marvin to open the back door. Marvin did so. The lamplighter knelt in the car and said, "I'm sorry, please give me a relief and give yourself a relief."

boom! boom!

Grace didn't talk nonsense and fired two shots at the lamplighter. However, she did not hit him critically, so the lamplighter was still alive, lying in a pool of blood and screaming.

"Treat his injuries and let's discuss how to deal with the Walter Group?"

Grace said, and Billy smiled: "Grace, your fighting spirit is burning again."

"Someone has to do something for America."

Grace shook her head. She was a so-called 'patriot' who would do any bad thing for the sake of America.

For example, when Grace was young, she followed the orders of her superiors to sell illegal drugs in black areas, completely degenerating black people and turning them into bastards.

"Perhaps her children were burned to death as retribution. She killed more than one or two children?"

Andrew shook his head secretly. The best thing about Americans is that no matter how bottomless they do, they can always find a high-sounding reason.

In short, the black robe pickets officially joined forces with Grace, and their first target was the mental hospital.

Andrew's attitude towards this is to watch the show from the sidelines, and at the same time, continue to set up the magic circle in New York. For now, his biggest goal is to deal with Sithorne first.

While setting up the magic circle, Andrew counted the gains this time. The first was the favor of the world. Although he only appeared for a few seconds and did not say a word, the favor of the world still fell on him like it was free of money.

There is no way, Andrew's reputation is too high now. As long as he stands there, the audience will cheer excitedly.

Secondly, Andrew also obtained part of Seth's body, and he was constantly applying curses on it, waiting to give Seth a big surprise.

In addition, Andrew has also acquired a large number of talents, including elite employees of the Watt Group, as well as a large number of superpowers - the superpowers in the American base. In addition, all the superpowers on the island country will also belong to him.

This is not over yet, Andrew has also obtained a large number of elite souls from Walter Pharmaceutical Company, who will definitely be of great use in the future.

By the way, there is someone whose soul is also in Andrew's hands, that is Madeleine. When the nuclear explosion was about to happen, she fell into despair and her soul was easily obtained by Andrew.

This chess piece is very useful and can come in handy at critical moments.

In addition to the above gains, Andrew also obtained precious molecular formulas and a large number of superpowers. At the same time, Nathan received a ticket. Next, with a step-by-step arrangement, Nathan will be able to become the president sooner or later.

Although this disaster came as a surprise, Andrew's harvest was undoubtedly extremely rich.

"I can be more and more public in the future. My current strength is definitely superior to other diverse existences. I'm not afraid of them appearing, I'm just afraid they won't appear."

Andrew thought to himself, what's the best part? Not only does he have an early advantage, but time is also on his side, so he doesn't need to rush.

Then, Andrew went to the island country's base. I won't go into the specific process. Anyway, Andrew crushed all the way and easily gained the allegiance of all the superpowers in the island country.

Well, those who were disloyal were all dead.

Andrew asked Angela to temporarily help him manage the island base, while he himself observed the abilities of those with superpowers to make himself stronger.

A special note here is that Andrew now has superpowers and no longer needs the help of mechanical spiders. Having mastered the principles, he can easily obtain other people's superpowers even without mechanical spiders.

In other words, Andrew and the clone can use various powers at the same time. There will be no situation where only the clone can use the powers and the main body cannot.

Sera's superpowers are definitely god-level superpowers.

I won’t talk about the other abilities for now, and will explain them later when they are used, but there is one person whose abilities make Andrew very concerned, and that is Itan’s abilities.

Who is Itan? He is Nakamura Hiroshi's good friend, the obscene guy who secretly watches Nicki's special performances during working hours.

Itan originally had no powers. After Nakamura Kan died in front of him, he awakened his powers out of great fear and anger. After that, Nakamura Hiroshi's father took Itan into the organization and trained him as his successor.

Itan's special ability is called power bank. Uh, just kidding. Itan can shoot red lightning with his hands, but this red lightning will not hurt people, it will only enhance the opponent's ability.

For example, Daphne's current speed is only a few times the speed of sound. After being strengthened by Itanium, she can exceed the speed of light and run back to the past.

From this point alone, we can know how powerful Itanium's abilities are. It is actually not wrong to say that it is a power bank, the kind of power bank that can increase the output.

Andrew was very satisfied with Itan's superpower. He stared at his brain for half an hour and successfully learned this ability.

Then, Andrew's left hand lit up with red lightning, charging himself. The next second, his Hell Lord's power was greatly enhanced, and all the surrounding machinery vibrated at the same time, as if they were coming to life.

"Hell on this world."

Andrew stretched out his hand to open the gates of hell at any time if he wanted to, but he did not do so, now was not the time.

"This power is really strong. It can at least double my strength."

Andrew was very satisfied, and then he swallowed Itan's superpower.

That's right, Andrew swallowed up Itan's superpower. The reason is very simple. No one else is allowed to have this superpower except him. Andrew is going to have an exclusive monopoly on this superpower.

Itan felt that his powers had disappeared and asked in shock: "BOSS, why are my powers gone?"

Andrew asked: "Between thirty million dollars and supernatural powers, which one do you choose?"

"Of course it's 30 million US dollars, but my superpower is of no use to me?"

Itan said matter-of-factly that his power bank power would only benefit others and would be of no use to him, and he didn't want it at all.

If you can exchange your powers for 30 million U.S. dollars, Itanium will definitely exchange it. For 30 million U.S. dollars, how many young ladies can you watch performing special performances online?

"Please, please have some ambition."

Andrew complained, he didn't say anything more, waved his hands, and went to observe other people's abilities.

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