American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1141 Organizational Goals


Seeing Nathan being knocked away, Peter immediately wanted to go over and rescue him. At this moment, a violent buzzing sound suddenly sounded in his ears, which made him scream again and fall to his knees.

Another superhuman took the opportunity to step forward and kicked Peter hard on the cheek with his metal right foot, knocking him unconscious.


Nathan shouted loudly, but could not break away from the shackles of other superpowers. At this time, Lindaman walked out of the collection room and said to a thin superpower: "Jeff, it's your turn."

The thin superpower Jeff nodded, and his body turned into a piece of skin, covering Pete's body. This superpower can not only control the opponent, but also use the opponent's superpower, which is very powerful.

"You bastards..."

When Nathan saw this scene, he couldn't help but cursed. Lindaman shook his head and motioned for the others to leave, leaving only a few of them. Then, Jeff controlled Peter's body and stood obediently behind Lindaman. .

Lindaman said to Nathan: "Nathan, we are not enemies. Again, call Angela and she will tell you everything."


Nathan gritted his teeth, took out his cell phone and called Angela, and said, "Mom, tell me, this is all false."

Angela said, "No, it's all true, Nathan, we're going to make you president, President of the United States."

"But Pete will die, and as much as I would love to be president, I don't want to sacrifice Pete."

Nathan shouted, and Angela said: "Pete will not die. He has inherited your daughter Claire's self-healing ability. After a nuclear explosion, he can be resurrected. Otherwise, do you think I would agree to Lindaman?"

"My daughter Claire's self-healing ability? Wait a minute, where did I get my daughter?"

Nathan was a little confused. Was today's surprise too much? The parents are members of a mysterious organization, and now a daughter has escaped?

"Claire has been to our house. You have met her, but you didn't know she was your daughter. Peter does know about it, although I don't know how he knew."

Angela said: "Nathan, Pete will not sacrifice. The people who will sacrifice will only be the citizens of New York, but that is not important. What is important is that you will become the president. When the time comes, you can display your ambitions and save more people."

Nathan was silent, Peter would not die, then things would be completely different. He thought about it and asked, "Can I really become the president?"

"It's true. After the nuclear explosion in New York, the people need a strong-armed leader. With your reputation and the full help of the organization, you will become the vice president first, and then the president."

Angela said, how does the vice president become president? It's very simple, as long as the president dies.

There are so many superpowers in the organization that it would be simple to let the president die naturally to ensure that no one can find the problem.

"Is that so? Let me think about it."

Nathan glanced at the controlled Pete and said, "Mom, nothing can happen to Pete."

"There's no way anything will happen to him."

Lindaman said: "Jeff will control Pete and let him explode a nuclear bomb in New York. Don't worry, we have arranged a scapegoat in advance, and no one will know that it was Pete who bombed.

When the matter is over, I will have Pete's memory erased. By then, he will not know that he has had a nuclear explosion in New York. This way, you are good, he is good, and we are all good. "

The only people who are bad are New Yorkers, but no one cares what they think.

While Lindaman was talking, Jeff modified Pete's face and turned him into another person. From the appearance, it was completely impossible to tell that it was Pete.

"This guy is really well prepared. No, it was probably my mother who prepared it."

Nathan let out a breath, put down the phone, and asked, "So, Mr. Lindaman, what would you want if I became president?"

"Don't worry, we won't treat you as a puppet. You only need to do one thing for us."

Lindaman said: "Use the power of the state to help us capture all superpowers and provide a large number of top scientists so that we can fully study superpowers."

Nathan was stunned: "Studying supernatural powers?"

Lindaman nodded and said: "Yes, to study superpowers, our organization developed a molecular formula decades ago. This molecular formula can allow people to have superpowers. Your flying superpower is activated by the molecular formula."

Nathan was a little shocked: "Wait a minute, you mean, my powers are acquired? Not something I was born with?"

"Yes, it's acquired. You are different from Pete. Pete was born with superpowers."

Lindaman nodded and said: "Your father Arthur did not allow his child to be just an ordinary person, so he asked the organization to use a molecular formula to activate your powers.

To be honest, you were lucky. There were more than a hundred children doing the experiment, but only twenty survived. "

Sisters Tracy and Nicki were also among that group of experimenters. They survived successfully and awakened their powers.


Nathan was shocked and angry. His father actually used him for experiments?

"Your father is a scumbag, don't look at me like that, I'm telling the truth."

Lindaman said: "Did you know? That car accident you had was actually caused by your father asking me to do it."

"What? Were you responsible for that car accident?"

Nathan stepped forward and grabbed Lindaman's collar and asked angrily. A few years ago, when he was driving home, he encountered a car accident. If he hadn't suddenly awakened his superpower and flew into the sky, he might have died.

Nathan is fine, but his wife was paralyzed due to a car accident. This is a constant pain in Nathan's heart - this guy is not a good person, but he is very good to his family.

"Your father asked me to do it. At that time, you were investigating me. Your father asked you to stop, but you didn't agree, so he asked me to do it."

Lindaman said frankly: "In order to protect you, your mother eventually poisoned your father, causing his death."

Nathan's father Arthur just faked his death. Angela's poison left him half-dead and lingering. In the TV series, this guy became the big boss in the later period and even swallowed Peter's superpowers. However, in this world, he has already received his lunch.

Nathan was stunned and put his hands down involuntarily. He never imagined that his family would be so complicated and hide so many secrets. He never imagined that his father once wanted to kill him.

Nathan smiled bitterly, living in such a family, but he didn't find anything, he was really a fool.

Lindaman straightened his clothes and continued: "Back to the topic, our molecular formula is not perfect, we cannot create 100% superpowers, and we cannot specify superpowers.

Over the past few decades, our organization has been thinking of ways to improve molecular formulas, but due to limitations in resources, talent, and technology, there has been no progress. It can be said that we have entered a bottleneck.

So, Nathan, we need you to become president. When the time comes, you can use this status to gain access to a lot of resources and the most precious talents. "

After a pause, Lindaman said enthusiastically: "Do you know what molecular perfection means? It means that we can freely have the superpowers we want, and live forever, like gods.

The ultimate goal of our organization is to become a god through supernatural powers. As for ruling the world, that is not important at all, it is just incidental. "

Nathan was very surprised: "Immortal, like a god? Is this really possible?"

"Of course."

Lindaman nodded affirmatively: "Your daughter Claire can live forever. This is not only scientific research, but also empirical evidence. There is a sword master named Miyamoto Musashi in the island country, do you know?"

"It's very famous, I've heard of it."

Nathan nodded and complained secretly in his mind, why does everyone know that he has a daughter, but he doesn't know?

Nathan was quite excited at the thought of having a daughter. In fact, he had always wanted a child, but his wife was paralyzed and could not have offspring.

"Miyamoto Musashi is actually not from Japan, but from England. His real name is Adam."

Lindaman said: "He has the same superpower as your daughter, which is self-healing and regeneration. He has lived from the seventeenth century to the present. He is more than four hundred years old, and he is still as young as a young man."

This Adam has been imprisoned by the organization before. Some time ago, Adam escaped from the organization's prison and his current whereabouts are unknown.

"More than four hundred years old?"

Nathan's eyes lit up. Who doesn't want to live forever? In this case, the organization's plan can really be considered, and Peter will not die anyway.

“Can I not only be president, but also be a god?”

Nathan's heart is burning. In fact, not only him, Lindaman and Angela are also very enthusiastic about this matter. Who doesn't want to become a god?

"Okay, let's implement the plan."

Nathan finally made up his mind and said, "What do we do next?"

"It's simple, let Jeff control Pete to go to New York."

Lindaman was overjoyed and said: "Then, provoke those superheroes, and finally, nuclear explosion."

Nathan was puzzled: "Why provoke those superheroes?"

"Two reasons. On the one hand, those superheroes are a major obstacle to our control of the world, especially the Motherland and Soldier Boys. They are too strong. Once they discover our affairs, they will definitely take action against us."

Lindaman explained: "On the other hand, the Walter Group has also developed a drug that activates abilities, and the organization is very interested in it."

"Walter Group also has potions that activate powers?"

Nathan was very surprised. Lindaman nodded and explained the situation of Walter Group in detail.

The organization is very old, and they know a lot about the situation of the Watt Group. Unfortunately, the Watt Group is too strong. There are soldier boys in front of them and people from the motherland behind them. They dare not take action against the Watt Group.

Once the Vought Group cannot be dealt with and they discover the existence of the organization, it will be troublesome.

"Are superpowers made from Compound No. 5? Are those superheroes worse than the last?"

Nathan was shocked. How many truths in this world did he not know?

Lindaman was about to speak when suddenly the butler's voice came from the earphones: "Sir, the guards reported that the communication in the manor was interrupted."

"Communications interrupted?"

Lindaman was stunned: "What's going on? Is it an accident, or is someone preparing to attack us?"

"It's not an accident, it's man-made."

The housekeeper was talking, and suddenly, a figure appeared out of thin air next to Lindaman, grabbed his shoulder, and took him outside. It was the locomotive. He entered the manor at super speed, preparing to capture the thief first.

With the speed of the locomotive, Lindaman had no time to react. However, there was one person who had time, and that was Jeff, who controlled Pete's body. After all, Pete also had super speed.

Therefore, as soon as the locomotive took Lindaman to escape a few steps, Jeff raised his hand, and a blast of telekinesis hit the locomotive. The locomotive flew out, smashed through the wall with a bang, and fell into the garden outside.

When the locomotive fell out, Lindaman realized what had happened. Just as he was about to get angry, the door was blown away by a bolt of lightning. Then, Storm flew into the manor in a swagger. She was used to being domineering, and she didn't think that just Lindaman could do it. Can stop her.

As soon as the storm entered the manor, he saw the locomotive being smashed and flew out. He smiled disdainfully, as expected, black people can't do it.

"It seems that we still have to rely on us."

Storm said arrogantly, and the soldier boy led the others into the manor. Hearing this, he sneered secretly. Sooner or later, your secret will be exposed.

At this moment, Jeff rushed out of the house with hundreds of supernatural beings who had left before.

"How come there are so many superpowers?"

Storm shouted in disbelief, and Soldier Boy and others were also a little surprised. Was this a stab at the superpower's lair?

The locomotive was startled and immediately got up and ran to the soldier boy. To be honest, if the soldier boy hadn't been there, he would have run away. This lineup was too terrifying.

Then, Lindaman walked out of the house. As for Nathan, Daphne was taking him away quietly. Nathan was the future president and could not appear here.

"Soldier Boy, Storm, Locomotive? Did Shet, or the Vought Group find out?"

Lindaman looked at the superheroes who invaded his manor with a very ugly face. He shouted: "Do you think you can do whatever you want because you are superheroes?"

"Lindaman, stop pretending, there are so many superpowers, you can't wash them away no matter how hard you wash them."

The soldier boy snorted: "Today, either we take you back, or you leave us here."

Andrew didn't know the previous conversation in the house at first, but as soon as the soldier boy entered the manor, he knew it clearly.

The reason is simple. Whether it is Peter or Nathan, their souls belong to Andrew. Andrew can access their memories at any time, of course, only if they are relatively recent.

These guys are actually preparing to bomb New York for the sake of the position of president. They are really crazy.

It seemed that he had come to the right place this time. Not only would he be able to obtain a large number of super powers, but he would also be able to obtain a molecular formula. This molecular formula, coupled with the perfect version of Compound No. 5, could greatly enhance Andrew's foundation.

Therefore, the soldier boy did not flinch, and he did not need to flinch. In supernatural battles, victory is never guaranteed by the number of people.

"There's really no need to pretend anymore."

Lindaman heard the words and said with a smile: "Although I don't know why you came to the door, today, none of you can even think of leaving. Take action and kill them."

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