American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1134 The End

"Director Tianjian is still reliable."

The president breathed a sigh of relief and decided in his heart to formally establish a superhero logistics organization to help and monitor superheroes to save the world.

The relationship between the officialdom and superheroes is not that of mortal enemies, but of mutual cooperation and at the same time being wary of each other. This relationship will last until the disaster disappears. Until then, mankind cannot do without superheroes.

"This decision should increase my support rate a lot. Now, it's a world of superheroes."

The president smiled. He glanced at the unhappy military general next to him and secretly complained. If he doesn't support superheroes, why should he support the American military that sells nuclear bombs all day long?

The military general's ideas are obviously different from the president's. He stubbornly believes that only the American military can protect the United States and the world. He is thinking about how to deal with this director of Tianjian?

Putting this aside, after Morgana was killed, all the soldiers and ordinary people returned to normal, and then they all fell to the ground and passed out.

Because these people sacrificed their lives, their bodies were severely affected. If nothing else, their life spans would be greatly shortened.

The soldiers were a bit innocent, and as for the others, it can only be said that they were benevolent.

Seeing the people fall, Nathan and the superheroes were greatly relieved. These people were difficult to deal with and couldn't be killed. It was too troublesome. Fortunately, they finally fell on their own.

"Although the process was terrible, my tough guy character should be considered established."

Nathan thought secretly, as if there was a fire burning in his eyes. This character is very important to his future.

Because of Morgana's death, the giant building collapsed, kicking up a huge cloud of dust. The fire dragon flew into the sky, spread its wings, and roared excitedly.

At the same time, Veronica was caught by Balthazar and Maxim at the same time, and then the two old rivals fought again. While Veronica was depressed, she was also a little secretly happy. The charm of my mother was indeed great.

"Morgana lost, let's retreat quickly."

The black magicians were horrified and immediately prepared to escape. At this moment, Andrew raised his hand, and a vortex appeared in the sky again. Then, a large number of chains emerged from the vortex and wrapped around the black magicians.

The expressions of the black magicians changed drastically, and they struggled hard - only some of them were really struggling, and the other part was acting. They even input magic power into the chains in order to maintain the existence of the chains.

Andrew shouted: "All magicians, haunt them."


The white magicians immediately followed suit and rushed forward to fight the black magicians. These black magicians were very dangerous and they must not be allowed to escape.

Under the entanglement of the white magician, the black magician was unable to break free from the chains, and was pulled all the way into the space vortex by the chains.

The white magicians were overjoyed that it was finally over. At this moment, a huge suction force came from the space vortex, sucking them in together. The white magicians were shocked, but it was too late, and they were all sucked into the space vortex.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. With a wave of his hand, the space vortex disappeared. Very good. He had caught all the magicians in one fell swoop. At the same time, he basically got the magic gems.

Of course, there may be remnants of magicians, but they are definitely not many. We will look for them slowly later.

"Andrew Wang."

The people of the motherland gritted their teeth and looked at Andrew standing on the dragon's back. This time, all the limelight was really taken out by this guy, and he was completely reduced to a reference point.

Andrew ignored the people of his motherland. He glanced around at the superheroes and said: "Next, there will be more and more disasters. You are too weak. You must become stronger. Otherwise, you are not even qualified to be cannon fodder."

After saying that, without waiting for the superheroes to answer, Andrew waved his hand to open the space door, flew in with the fire dragon, and then the space door disappeared.

This battle has officially come to an end.

"This bastard actually calls me weak?"

The popularity of the motherland is overwhelming. If it weren’t for the live broadcast, I would definitely teach you how to be a good person.

Unlike other superheroes, some were ashamed, some were angry, and some were indifferent. Unlike them, the audience generally recognized Andrew's words because superheroes had failed before.

The audience is the most affectionate, but also the most ruthless. They cannot see the efforts and struggles of the superheroes. They only see the failure of the superheroes, so they think the superheroes are weak.

There is no doubt that after this time, the reputation of superheroes will drop significantly, but there is a way to make up for it - improving their strength.

After Andrew left, the people from the motherland flew directly into the sky and disappeared. He wanted to find a place where no one was around to vent his anger, otherwise, he would be very angry.

"Running so fast."

Soldier Boy came out and shouted, "Superheroes, help clean up the mess, this place is really a mess."

"Pretty messed up."

Everyone looked at the rubble-like square and couldn't help but shake their heads. Then, some superheroes left, while others helped clean up the aftermath. At the same time, the military and police also sent people into Manhattan to clean up.

As for the public, they are not allowed to enter Manhattan for the time being to avoid any crisis.

In short, a crisis ended. However, the live camera did not disappear immediately. It was pointed at Dave.

Dave shouted desperately: "Who can help me? Why are the magicians gone? How can I leave here without a magician?"

The audience was stunned at first, and then couldn't help laughing. They didn't expect that the unlucky guy was still stuck there. It was really interesting.

Peggy was also speechless, Dave was really unlucky as always.

"Hey, wait, this guy seems to know magic?"

The president also laughed. At this time, he thought of something and hurriedly asked people to contact Dave. All the magicians were taken away by Andrew Wang. This unreliable magician might be the last magician on earth. Very important.

Dave's fate has been completely rewritten because of Andrew Wang. As for what will happen to him in the future, no one knows, maybe he will become a comedian.

Wasteland world.

The black and white magicians appeared at the same time. They looked at each other warily, but did not take action again, because this was a strange world, and they had a common enemy, which was the director of Tianjian, Andrew Wang.

Previously, King Andrew controlled the space vortex and sucked the white magician into this world together. This was not a kind gesture.

The seriously injured magician Yan Yan gestured to Maxim with his eyes. Maxim just pretended not to see him. Yan Yan had no choice but to say by himself: "Balthazar, let's cooperate and deal with Director Tianjian together, otherwise, we will all die." In his hand."

Although the rock thinks highly of itself, there is no doubt that King Andrew is an enemy that requires the combined efforts of all magicians to defeat him.

Balthazar hesitated. At this time, Veronica took his hand and said, "I can see that Mr. Wang is not a bad person. Let's hear what he has to say first."


Balthazar agreed without any hesitation and obviously obeyed his wife. Maxim looked unhappy. If Veronica chose him, he would be so obedient.

"This Veronica is better. The eighteen-year-old Veronica without a soul is no better than the Veronica with crow's feet."

Maxim secretly thought that Veronica looked a little old because of the sacrifice of her life, but the more Maxim looked at her, the more interesting she felt.

"When the master comes, I will find a way to get him to help me snatch Veronica."

Maxim secretly thought: "I have made a great contribution this time. Well, what role can I play this time?"

At this time, a space door appeared, and Andrew flew in riding a fire dragon. Many people looked at him warily. At this moment, a large number of black magicians saluted Andrew: "Master!"

Maxim was also one of them. After he finished shouting, he saw other black magicians shouting too, and he was stunned. Why are these guys also the master's servants?

Everyone saw Maxim's expression and snorted at the same time, pretending, keep pretending, aren't you, will we be forced to give up our souls? We will have more fun to play in the future.

The words of these black magicians made the white magicians and the remaining black magicians shocked and frightened. If they were not entangled in chains, they would have run away.

They can't deal with just one Director of Tianjian, let alone so many traitors.

Balthazar turned to look at Veronica, are you sure he is not a bad person? No matter how you look at it, it looks like the ultimate BOSS?

Veronica blinked, actually I'm not so sure.

"White mages, you don't have anything to worry about."

Andrew smiled and said: "Because your souls already belong to me like theirs, there is no point in worrying."

"You really don't have to worry about it."

The white magicians complained, and Balthazar asked: "Mr. Wang, when did our souls belong to you?"

The other white magicians nodded, why don't we know that our souls belong to you?

Maxim blinked, and finally found out about the change of souls. He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't deal with the master with Morgana, otherwise he would have been dead.

The master is so insidious that he secretly took his own soul away. By the way, when did he take it away?

"Have you forgotten? You promised me a condition, and that condition is to give me your soul."

Andrew smiled and said: "In order to avoid you trouble, I have imprinted your souls in advance. You don't need to thank me. This is what I should do."

"Who will thank you?"

The white magicians complained that the voice before was that of Andrew Wang. By the way, he was too powerful, right? How could he control their souls silently?

Although the magicians agreed to a condition, they did not specify the specific conditions. Some even wanted to go back on their word, but who knew that the other party would directly take away the soul.

"So you are really our master."

Compared to others, Balthazar is very open-minded. As long as he can be with Veronica, it is enough. As for the rest, he has lived for more than two thousand years and has long since looked away.

Moreover, Andrew fulfilled both of the two conditions Balthazar set out.

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