American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1131 Harvest

"People of the motherland, ignore those soldiers and go directly to deal with the dancing magician."

The sound of the storm rang in the ears of the people of the motherland: "Anyway, those ordinary people cannot threaten you."


The motherland nodded. He didn't want to care about those ordinary people, and he couldn't kill them. He flew into the sky and quickly flew towards Morgana.

At this moment, five black magicians stood in front of the people of the motherland at the same time - a large number of ordinary people joined in, leaving the five black magicians free to use their hands to intercept the people of the motherland.

Then, the five black magicians cast their magic together, and the surrounding space became extremely viscous, like a swamp. Even the people of the motherland slowed down to a crawl and were unable to leave the area.

This is the Slowness Technique. Five black magicians join forces and even space is affected.

Even the people of the motherland were trapped. Now, the situation was completely reversed. Everyone could only watch the whirlpool in the sky getting bigger and bigger, and the audience couldn't help but start to despair.

Starlight Annie couldn't help but ask in her heart: "Andrew, why don't you take action? Only you can save the world."

"I know that only I can save the world, but I'm very busy now. Don't worry, nothing will happen to the world."

Andrew replied to Anne, what is he busy with? Busy chatting with people, well, to be precise, chatting with a white tiger.

"I said, Hogs, are you going too far? You haven't shown up for so long, and now you show up and directly ask me for detailed information on technological magic?"

Andrew complained: "If you work hard on your own and find those white magicians to make deals, will I stop you?"

Andrew was not too surprised by the appearance of Hogs. Sithorn was moved, and Emperor Weishan was naturally moved as well. However, he never thought that Hogs would come to him directly.

"How could you not stop me?"

White Tiger Hogs said angrily: "I'm going to secretly find a deal with those white magicians. On the surface, you are joking and don't care, but secretly, you must be doing tricks on me, waiting for an opportunity to plot against me.

No, with your character, you shouldn't attack me directly. Doing that would be too cost-effective. You would lead me to Sithorn, or Seth and the others, let us kill each other, and then reap the benefits. benefits. "

"Am I that kind of person? That makes me look like an old silver coin."

Andrew looked aggrieved. His personality seemed a bit broken. He was obviously an honest and cute young man, okay?

"Who are you? Gu Yi told me before I came here, don't play tricks on me when dealing with you, because I will definitely not be able to play with you."

Hogs complained, and he said: "We are allies, isn't it natural for me to ask for magic from you? Of course, I owe you a favor, and I will repay it.

Well, dealing with Sithorn and the others is their own business, not a favor. If you are ready to take action against them, you can come to me directly. "

Although he said this, Hogs did not tell Andrew his location. It was obvious that although they were allies, they still could not trust him unconditionally.

"We are indeed allies."

Andrew smiled and said: "I will give you the information on technological magic right away. However, unless you are a peerless genius like me, this magic requires magic gems to cast.

I'll give you the magic gem when this battle is over, and I don't have it now. "

"Wow, you are thicker-skinned than Gu Yi said."

Hogs complained, and he said: "Okay, then I will wait for your magic gem. By the way, is there anything you need my help with in this incident? It seems that your situation is a bit bad."

"No need. Unless there are other multi-dimensional beings involved, I have already arranged the drama."

Andrew said: "I will wait until the critical moment to take action and get all the fruits."

"In other words, these are all your chess pieces?"

Hoggs was surprised. He knew that Andrew had a plan for this battle, but he didn't expect it to be such a complete control type of plan.

Hogs complained: "You said you are not an old silver coin?"

"This is called wisdom."

Andrew rolled his eyes and gave Hogs a piece of basic magic information. This information was 100% true and not false at all.

Andrew is not the kind of person who would murder his allies. He will not do anything in the information. If he does, he will do it in the magic gem.

At the very least, we must ensure that Hogs can't use technology and magic against him, otherwise wouldn't he be shooting himself in the foot?

"Okay, call me if you need anything. I'm quite busy here. Hey, I really shouldn't have come to this game. I'm so tired."

Hoggs accepted the information and immediately left. However, he left a contact mark for Andrew, and the two parties were officially in contact.

"Hogs arrived just in time. I, Him, and Ganata have a great chance of solving Sithorne."

Andrew secretly thought, of course, you can't act rashly, you only have one chance, you have to plan well, and then give Sithorne a hard blow.

When Andrew contacted Hogs, the situation on the battlefield became worse and worse. Just in case, Morgana sacrificed Veronica's life in exchange for the ritual to be completed faster.

"Speaking of which, why doesn't Director Tianjian show up? Is that guy lying to me?"

Morgana was a little confused, but the arrow was on the string and she had to fire it. She had to complete the ceremony as quickly as possible.

Because of Morgana's sacrifice, Veronica's body aged rapidly. She wanted to tell Balthazar about this, but unfortunately, her consciousness could not leave her body at all.

After Morgana's sacrifice, the speed of dancing greatly accelerated, and the vortex in the sky began to enter its final stage.

It’s not that no magicians have sensed this. The problem is that they can’t stop Morgana now. In fact, they even have problems protecting themselves now, and the situation is completely reversed.

Finally, the vortex in the sky shook violently and took shape completely. Then, whirlpools appeared in the sky in many places around the world. Then, wisps of black air fell from the sky and rushed into the bones of those death magicians.

In a cemetery in England, as a wisp of black air flew in, a skeleton hand stretched out from the soil. Soon, a skeleton crawled out and roared upwards.

The security guards guarding the cemetery heard the noise and rushed over immediately, but soon they were sucked into mummies by the skeletons.

The skeleton laughed loudly and walked tremblingly towards the crowded place. Wherever he passed, corpses crawled out one after another and followed him. This was his undead magic.

In addition, these resurrected magicians can still cast magic even without magic rings because they have Morgana's magic power in them.

Similar situations occurred one after another around the world. Many people encountered the resurrected magician and were brutally killed.

"Merlin, Balthazar, Veronica, I'm sorry, this world belongs to me."

Morgana raised her hands and shouted excitedly. All the black magicians cheered loudly at the same time. This world belongs to them. From now on, they no longer have to hide around. They are the real masters of this world.

The expressions of Balthazar and other white magicians changed drastically. Unexpectedly, they still let Morgana succeed. They couldn't stop Morgana before, and they can't stop her now.

Balthazar thought of something, turned to look at Dave, and found that he was still stuck in the mirror. He couldn't help but roll his eyes. It seemed that Merlin's prophecy was about to fail.

The superheroes also looked ugly, but unfortunately, their situation was similar to that of the White Mage, and they were unable to provide help.

The popularity of the motherland roared one after another, and the surrounding space shook violently. It was obvious that it could not last long.


The people were desperate. Magicians and superheroes tried their best, but they still failed. The world was over.

Those who jumped into the sea last time were hesitating whether to jump into the sea again. This time, it seemed that there was really no hope.

"Your Excellency, President!"

The military general looked at the reports everywhere and shouted to the president, who knew what he meant and said: "Be ready to attack, but wait."

The military general was puzzled: "What are you waiting for?"

"There's still one person who hasn't taken action yet, wait for him."

The president exhaled and said: "Although I don't like him very much, if there is only one person who can save the world, it must be him."

"You mean, Director Tianjian?"

The military general understood, and he said: "Mr. President, even the motherland and the soldier boy have failed. Director Tianjian may not succeed, and he may not appear. Everything about him is a mystery."

"Just wait," the president said.

What is Director Tianjian doing now? While harvesting souls, his voice rang in the minds of all the white magicians: "You seem to be in trouble. Promise me a condition and I will help you solve this matter."

The white magicians were stunned: "Who are you, and what are your conditions?"

Andrew said: "What conditions, I will mention it later. As for who I am? I am the savior. Only I can save this world."

"If you can save the world and rescue Veronica, what about agreeing to your terms?"

Balthazar said happily that his mission is to protect the world, and even if he sacrifices for it, it is worth it.

When the other white magicians saw Balthazar's agreement, they also agreed. On the one hand, it was for the sake of the world, and on the other hand, it was for themselves. Those black magicians would never let them go, there was no doubt about it.

In addition, it is just a condition. If the condition is unreasonable, you can refuse it. Of course, if it is reasonable, they will abide by it. They still have this morality.

Unfortunately, they didn’t know who they were promising to.

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and successfully captured the souls of all the white magicians. In this way, the souls of the black and white magicians were in his hands, and technological magic was basically monopolized by him.

"The goal is achieved, it's time to show off."

Andrew smiled slightly, and his body left the magic circle. Then, the originally dark clouded sky suddenly shed a large amount of moonlight. In the moonlight, Andrew slowly appeared.

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