American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1122 Gathering

The soldier boy is Andrew. He appears at this time with a simple purpose: to win over Balthazar and use him to form a front to fight against the coming evil magician.

Some people may be wondering, aren’t there Andrew’s people on both sides? What does he want to do?

What Andrew wants to do is very simple. First, create a big battle and gain reputation. Second, attract the attention of other diverse beings to this side to see if there is a chance to kill them.

Having just obtained technological magic is the best time to deal with multiple existences.

Third, attract other magicians to appear and catch them all.

As mentioned before, Andrew wants to monopolize technological magic to prevent it from being learned by other diverse beings. The problem is that this is difficult - the magic gem will hardly fluctuate if it is not activated.

This is troublesome. Even if Andrew comes up with a global surveillance system and magic to detect magic gems, he still has to wait for the other party to use magic to discover it.

In this case, it’s better to play the big game and have the ultimate battle of New York magicians to catch all the magicians in one fell swoop.

As for the specific details, they will be explained later.

"Wow, soldier boy, you're so great."

Balthazar obviously didn't believe what the soldier boy said, but Dave believed it, and he said: "Balthazar, there are many evil mages over at Maxim, we should find some helpers."

Balthazar hesitated upon hearing this. It was a bit unrealistic to defeat Morgana with only him and the unreliable Dave. The problem is that superheroes are unreliable, that is, they are a bunch of bastards.

"I know the virtues of a superhero, but if someone wants to destroy the world, we will definitely try our best to stop it. After all, we live in this world, right?"

Soldier Boy suddenly said, Balthazar turned to look at him and said: "Soldier Boy, you have changed."

"You have changed too."

The soldier boy smiled and said, "He's gone bald."

Balthazar glared at the soldier boy. This guy's character was worse than before.

Soldier Boy then returned to Watt Towers with Balthazar and Dave, and then reported the matter to Watt's higher-ups.

Madeleine was completely confused. The magician actually existed? And, are they ready to destroy the world?

After Balthazar turned a statue into a living person, Madeleine completely believed it and immediately summoned all the superheroes to return to Water Tower and informed the president of the matter.

The president who had just fallen asleep had to get up again. He turned to his wife and asked: "What do you think I cause a scandal now? This way, I don't have to continue to be president."

2020 is an election year, and the president is running against another candidate. Due to frequent disasters and the nuclear bomb incident, the president's support rate is not very high. If there is another scandal, it will be easy to step down.

"Are you willing?"

The president's wife sneered, and the president smiled awkwardly. She really couldn't bear it. He was just complaining.

It is just a city-level disaster now, and the president has no real intention of giving up his position. After all, it is still early, and that may not be certain in the future.

Then, the president got up and came to the office to listen to the assistant's detailed report. After listening, he asked with a confused face: "You mean, there are really magicians in this world, and they are preparing to destroy the world?"

"That's true."

The assistant nodded and said: "I know this is incredible, but our people have seen the video, and those two people used really magic.

In addition, the magician named Balthazar was photographed with Lincoln. According to him, he lived for more than two thousand years and was Merlin's apprentice. "

"Merlin's apprentice?"

The president was stunned. He thought of something and asked in surprise: "Did he say how to live forever?"

The assistant was a little shocked. Is this the key? He said: "The time is too short and we haven't had time to ask him too many things yet."

After a pause, the assistant reminded tactfully: "The most urgent task is to solve the disaster first."

The president realized that he was a little too hasty and said, "Yes, let's solve the disaster first and send troops into New York City to prepare for battle. By the way, how is the training of the gunfighting team?"

In the last world, the official obtained the skills of gun fighting. In the past few months, he has been training with good results.

"There are already a number of gunmen who can be used."

The assistant said: "However, the number is not very large, and they are not very skilled."

The president asked again: "What about the werewolf?"

The assistant shook his head: "Although the werewolf has been created, it has many flaws and cannot be put to use."

"What a bunch of losers."

The president cursed and said: "Then this time, it will be mainly superheroes. We will assist and tell the Vought Group to perform well and we will not treat them badly.

In addition, let the agents carefully collect information about the magician, the more detailed the better. "

"Yes, Your Excellency."

The assistant nodded, and then asked: "Should we evacuate New York City residents in advance?"

The president hesitated. At this moment, the military general said: "We must evacuate. The military can assist citizens in evacuating."

Everyone looked at the military general suspiciously. Could this guy have been kidnapped? Actually taking the initiative to help New Yorkers?

The military general was a little embarrassed. He glanced at the screen first to make sure there was no camera pointing at this place, and then whispered: "Now that everyone is gone, can't we launch a nuclear bomb?"

"How committed is your military to nuclear bombs?"

Everyone secretly complained, but what the military general said made sense. The president said: "Okay, inform New Yorkers and let them evacuate under the guidance of the military. Uh, evacuate Manhattan first, and other districts can be evacuated a little later.

The magician said that if nothing unexpected happens, the annihilation ceremony will be held in Manhattan. "

"Yes, Your Excellency."

The assistant nodded and immediately went out to speak to the spokesperson. Soon, the spokesperson gave a speech on TV, informing New Yorkers that New York would be in great danger and that they should evacuate with the help of the military and police.


All New Yorkers looked at the spokesperson on TV (and mobile phones) with confused expressions. It was midnight, and we were all about to go to bed. Are you telling us that there is danger, or is it a huge danger? Can't we change the time?

No, can't we change the place? Why is it us in New York again? How unlucky is this shitty place?

No matter how unhappy and angry the New York citizens were, it could not change the fact that the disaster was in New York. They sighed helplessly, simply packed up, and left the city as soon as possible.

According to previous escape experiences, there will be traffic jams in the city, so you must leave as soon as possible. In addition, you should not take a car, but take the subway or ride a bicycle.

Everyone grows up, and New Yorkers are no exception.

However, not all New Yorkers are evacuating. There are several groups who are not evacuating, and one group is questioning the official: "Will the official be so kind? Notify us to evacuate? There must be a conspiracy, we can't leave, otherwise we will die miserably."

What, you don’t believe what I said? Think about it, did they notify us the last two times they dropped nuclear bombs? "

The other group is the Truth Party: "All the truth about the disaster must be disclosed, otherwise we will never leave, open, open..."

There is also a group of people who want to get rich. While everyone is running away, they rush into the store and grab things, commonly known as zero-yuan shopping.

These people, plus the fleeing people, have turned the entire city into chaos. New Yorkers will not want to sleep tonight.

Peggy didn't sleep either. She remembered what Andrew had told her before and was amazed. It turned out that Mr. Wang was not exaggerating. Magicians were really so dangerous.

"Do I really want to be a magician?"

Peggy hesitated. At this time, she received a text message from Dave, telling her to leave New York. New York would be very dangerous.

"I know this better than you do."

Peggy casually replied "I know" and got up to leave New York with her classmates.

Water Tower, the motherland said impatiently: "What magician, can't you track the enemy's position? We have been waiting here, we feel so stupid."

"If I could trace it, do you think I would be here?"

Balthazar snorted: "Just wait. After the ceremony is started, there will be a lot of movement. We will know where they are then. The ceremony will take about half an hour to complete. We must defeat them before that."

The people of the motherland cursed: "A bunch of troublesome ants."

"If you don't want to wait, you don't have to wait."

The locomotive sneered, and the motherland man turned his head and glared at the locomotive. The locomotive immediately moved away from the direction where his eyes were looking.

This is a lesson learned from the past. As soon as the guy from the motherland turned his head, he immediately used his laser eyes.

"Don't make any noise. This time the situation is very critical. We need to work together to fight against the enemy."

Soldier Boy said, and the people from the motherland sneered: "Wow, you are just like the boss. Soldier Boy, you are just a has-been superhero, what are you pretending to be?"

"It's true that I'm a bit outdated, but it's okay to beat you up. Besides, it's only natural that I beat you up."

The soldier boy smiled and said, of course it is natural for me to beat my son.

"Just you?"

The people of the motherland sneered, and the soldier boy said: "The camera is here, it should be filming a documentary."

The sneer of the motherland was immediately replaced by a smile, and he said: "Soldier boy, I am very happy to fight alongside you again..."

"People of the motherland, there is no camera."

Storm said helplessly, Soldier Boy, Locomotive, Nicki, and DL laughed at the same time, the people of the motherland were shaking with anger, this guy, are you kidding him again?

"These are the superheroes you admire. They are just a group of hypocrites. Dave, if we want to save the world, we can only rely on ourselves."

Balthazar said to Dave. Dave looked at the motherland and frowned. The soldier boy performed well, but the performance of the motherland was very different from what he imagined.

The character of the motherland has always been perfect, like a god, but the performance of the motherland just now was, how should I say, like a rebellious teenager.

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