American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1103 New Team Members

"Didn't you guess it already?"

Hearing the invisible man's inquiry, Andrew said that the invisible man was a little embarrassed. The locomotive was so arrogant, and he had indeed guessed some clues. However, the locomotive did not know his situation.

"BOSS, Locomotive is too arrogant and cannot bear any big responsibilities."

The invisible man said: "If you have something big to do, I think you should let me do it."


Andrew responded without saying anything. The invisible man couldn't help himself and continued: "However, my strength is a bit lacking. Can you strengthen me like a locomotive?"

In the past, invisible people were quite satisfied with their own strength. They were both invisible and invulnerable. But before they knew it, times changed and powerful opponents appeared one after another.

In the last disaster, the invisible man was not killed by a nuclear bomb. Well, don't get me wrong, he was killed by a demon before that.

Therefore, the invisible man wants to become stronger. In fact, the same is true for other superheroes. In the past, there were no enemies. Superheroes were just stars and did not care about strength. But now, strength is closely related to life.

For example, Blue Eagle is dead, really dead.

"You can't become too strong, otherwise you will arouse the suspicion of the people of the motherland."

Andrew said: "Furthermore, it is difficult for you to become stronger. The reason why you can become invisible is because your skin can turn into a carbon metamaterial, not because you can control light.

In other words, it is impossible for you to make the things around you invisible with you. You were just bragging last time. "

The invisible man smiled awkwardly. He was indeed bragging last time. He asked unwillingly: "BOSS, is there really nothing you can do? The stronger I am, the more I can help you, and now I really I changed my mind and never went to the women’s restroom again.”

"Indeed, you go to the men's room now."

Andrew rolled his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "It's not completely impossible. I'm researching composite powers. If you're interested, you can be my experimental subject."

The invisible man asked in astonishment: "Composite power?"

"Yes, compound superpowers, to put it simply, allow users with superpowers to learn other superpowers. Of course, they don't just learn them randomly, but they learn other superpowers that are more compatible with their own superpowers."

Andrew said that this was one of his research directions. After obtaining Sera's superpower, he had some inspiration.

Sera's superpower is to see through the laws and essence of the operation of affairs. Now that she knows the rules and essence, she can naturally go one step further, that is, let others learn the superpower.

Of course, this is just Andrew's idea at the moment, and continuous experimentation is needed to truly succeed.

"This..., BOSS, I'll think about it for a few days."

The invisible man was very hesitant. He was an experimental subject. He knew it was dangerous as soon as he heard it. What if he died? He is a member of the Super Seven. He wants money and fame, but he doesn't want to die so easily.

"up to you."

Andrew said nonchalantly that he had many superhero souls on his hands, and it was easy to get experimental subjects.

Seeing Andrew like this, the invisible man was a little unwilling. He asked: "BOSS, what will happen if the experiment fails?"

"Don't worry, you won't die. At worst, your genes will collapse and you'll turn into a monster, or maybe turn into a puddle of mud."

Andrew said, the invisible man's expression changed drastically, and he complained: "This is more terrifying than death, okay?"

Andrew smiled and said: "It's just a joke. Don't worry, even if the experiment fails, nothing will happen. I am a positive person and will not use my own people for evil experiments. That is what villains do."

"That's true."

The invisible man nodded. As the director of the Tianjian Bureau, the BOSS was of course a positive figure. Then, he interrupted the communication and kept wondering whether he should participate in the experiment or not.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed. During these ten days, people from the apocalyptic world were "refreshed" to New York from time to time. At the same time, some New Yorkers were also transported to the apocalyptic world.

For the New Yorkers who were transported to the doomsday world, if Andrew discovered it, he would usually send them back to New York at the cost of their souls. As for those who could not be discovered, they could only depend on their own lives.

People from other worlds who came to New York were either killed or captured by the authorities for research. One priest was even captured alive, and the authorities were questioning the details of gun fighting techniques.

If nothing else happens, official agents will master the art of gun fighting in the future. At the same time, their werewolf technology is also developing rapidly. The official cannot always rely on superheroes, and they are working hard.

Putting these aside, on this day, except for Locomotive, the other Super Seven teams gathered together again.

"Why does this scene feel so familiar?"

The invisible man complained, and Shenhai said: "This is the third time, how can I not be familiar with them? What I care more about is, who are the people around the motherland?"

In addition to the Super Seven, there are four people in the hall at this moment. One is an Asian young man, young, looking at everyone with a somewhat hateful look, and the other is a strong Middle Eastern man with a very vicious expression and his eyes full of hatred.

The third one was a bald woman with an unruly look, and seemed to pay no attention to the others. As for the last one, he was hidden in his cloak and looked very timid.

Due to his own shortcomings and lack of ability, Shenhai has always had a sense of crisis. He was worried that these four people were hired by the motherland to replace him, so he was very nervous.

"I heard that the people of the motherland are forming their own squad, and those people should be members of his squad."

The invisible man said, and Deep Sea breathed a sigh of relief. Then it would be fine. Whatever team the people of the motherland want to form, they can form it as long as they don't kick themselves out of the Super Seven.

Shen Hai secretly thought: "I have to find a way to please the people of my motherland, so that my position can be stable."

Starlight Annie passed all the looks of the four newcomers to Andrew, and Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry about it, just watch the show with peace of mind. The people of the motherland have never been treated well in my hands."

"That's good."

Anne nodded secretly. She was still very confident in Andrew. After all, he had saved three worlds. Next, she was just waiting to see the good show.

At this time, the motherland asked the cloaked man impatiently: "Do you feel it?"

The cloaked man shook his head and said: "Space is fluctuating violently. Today, a space passage will definitely appear, but I cannot predict when it will appear."

"As soon as it appears, notify me immediately."

The motherland said: "And you, when the time comes, work with me to deal with the opponent. Don't let your guard down. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

The Middle Easterner said coldly: "I will work for you. Please let my relatives go. Since I promised you, I will definitely keep my promise."

The people of the motherland knew that the Middle Easterners were reminding them, and snorted coldly: "Don't worry, I have no interest in stepping on a few ants."

Although the people in the Middle East were dissatisfied, they were relieved in their hearts. He was originally a terrorist, but later he got a batch of medicine. After being injected, he actually awakened superpowers and could explode.

Unfortunately, before he could be happy for a few days, people from his motherland descended from the sky and forced him to cooperate. In order to save his family, he had no choice but to agree.

The people in the Middle East didn't know that the person who sent him the batch of medicine was from the motherland. His original intention was to make some enemies and help Watt Company gain a higher status.

Only superpowers can deal with superpowers. When superpowers appear among terrorists, the status of superheroes will definitely rise. The reason why Kimiko became a superpower is because of this plan of the motherland.

Locomotive used to help the motherland and kept delivering medicine. Later, the two fell out and disasters occurred one after another. The original plan was meaningless. The motherland simply stopped the plan and reaped the results.

The Asian young man said: "People of the motherland, you promised that you would help me find my sister."

This Asian is called Kenji, nicknamed Mouse, and is Kimiko’s younger brother. The reason why he agreed to the homeland was because the other party promised to help him find his sister.

"No problem, it's very easy."

The motherland said, and the rebellious bald woman Cindy said: "The motherland, I hope your opponent is stronger. I don't like anyone who is too weak."

"You're in for a surprise."

The native said with a smile, the one who satisfied him the most in this team was the bald woman named Cindy.

At this moment, the cloaked man with the power of space perception said: "The space passage has appeared, probably in the park."

"Storm and I will rush over immediately, and you guys will set off in a helicopter."

The motherland said it was still the same old tactic, and everyone nodded. Because there were more people this time, two helicopters were prepared. Everyone followed the motherland and the storm and quickly rushed to the park in Manhattan.

Because of the recent disaster, there was no one in the park, and a space vortex emerged on the grass. A large amount of grass clippings were sucked in, and at the same time, strong winds formed around it.

In front of the space vortex, stood a handsome man wearing a black priest's uniform. His appearance belonged to John, but his essence was Andrew's shadow clone.

Behind the space vortex, the mechanical parrot is working hard to hide the space passage. Yes, it is the mechanical parrot who is hiding, not Andrew.

This time, the world's blessings and souls are particularly abundant, so there is no need for Andrew to take action personally, he still has to act.

With a fierce sound of breaking through the air, the motherland fell from the sky and landed on the grass with a thud. He looked at 'John' and shouted loudly: "Where is King Andrew? Let him get out."

"I don't know the King Andrew you are talking about. I only know that I will not allow you or anyone else to destroy the space vortex."

Andrew said solemnly: "When the space vortex takes shape, our world will officially invade your world. Your only way to survive is to surrender and inject anti-emotional medicine. Otherwise, you will all die."

"what are you saying……"

The people of the motherland were about to get angry when the storm came down and whispered: "There are live cameras."


After all, the motherland man is a professional star. A smile immediately appeared on his face. The two small tiger teeth were very obvious. He asked in a low voice: "Where is the camera? Destroy it."

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