American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 11 Tony Stark

Chapter 11 Tony Stark

"The painting style is indeed normal."

Teslak smiled and said: "BOSS, Teslak Industries should still be there after I die. They must have made many improvements to the Sentinel robots over the past few decades. Can you help me get their research information? ?”

"No problem, I'm also very interested in the sentry robot."

Andrew said that the sentry robots almost killed all mutants, so he was naturally interested.

Teslak was very happy. He thought of something and asked: "BOSS, when will the power plant be built? The volcanic energy is too violent and is not suitable for use as energy source for robots."

"Don't worry, a new type of energy is about to be born."

Andrew smiled and said: "In this era, there are also geniuses."

Teslak said with a look of dissatisfaction: "Really? That's going to be a good experience."

In the real world, after Andrew sent Susan home, he called Feng Mo and Howard: "You go to Alcatraz Island in San Francisco. There is a laboratory called Worthington there. You bring their research data and leech data." Steal all the blood from me.

Feng Mo, you are in charge of infiltration, Howard, you are in charge of the computer part, is there any problem? "

Feng Mo immediately said: "No problem, it's a small matter."

"Of course, no problem. I was once a top agent."

Howard laughed, and Andrew said with disdain: "You call yourself that, right? Go ahead and try not to make any noise. After stealing the Worthington Laboratory, you can go to Teslak Industries for a walk. Teslak wants the latest research on the Sentinel robot. Results.”


Feng Mo and Howard nodded and took a private plane to San Francisco.

What, why didn't Andrew do it himself? Are you kidding me? How could you, the mighty Demon King, do everything yourself?

The wind demon can turn into an all-pervasive wind, and Howard is the top scientist. The two teamed up and quickly got what Andrew wanted. Andrew sent it to rebirth hell. Now, it's just waiting for Trask's research.

Once the research is successful, Andrew can at least harvest the souls of tens of thousands of failed mutants, making a huge profit.

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to a sunny April, and the annual Apex Award Ceremony is about to be held. This year’s winner is Playboy Tony Stark.

In a street teahouse downstairs from Stark Group, Andrew was drinking tea while checking the resumes of job applicants on his laptop. Soon, he saw a familiar face.

"Natalie Rushman, huh."

Andrew shook his head, refused directly, and gave the reason: "He looks too immodest and can easily affect the company's atmosphere."

Andrew took a sip of tea and thought to himself: "I hope SHIELD will send someone to arrest me soon, so that I can have a few more free employees in hell."

Looking at the Stark Tower not far away, Howard looked a little dazed. He asked Andrew: "Boss, why do you come here to drink tea?"

"Bring you here to meet your son. He likes the cheeseburger downstairs very much. He often runs down to buy it himself at noon. I heard it tastes better this way."

Andrew smiled. Before he finished speaking, the mustachioed Tony Stark walked towards the burger restaurant with the fat bodyguard Happy. Seeing his dull eyes and pale face, it was obvious that he had worked too hard last night.

Howard Stark glanced at Tony Stark and said disdainfully: "What's so good about it? It's embarrassing. I think back then, I beat five beauties in one night and I was still energetic the next day."

"Can you be embarrassed as well?"

Andrew complained, he said: "See more, we may not be able to see you again in the future."


Howard was stunned, and then asked nervously: "What's going on? Tony's life is in danger?"

"You still say you don't love your son?"

Andrew smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. He was just hit by a missile, kidnapped by terrorists, and has a big hole in his chest. He won't die."

"Is this no big deal?"

Howard hurriedly said: "BOSS, since you know what will happen, let's stop this from happening quickly."

"You can't stop him. This is a necessary experience for him. Don't worry, he will be fine. The boss is always watching him and no one can touch him."

As Andrew spoke, he threw a magic spell on Tony - it was just a surveillance magic. Everything Tony saw, Andrew could also see.

"Experience? Boss?"

Howard was stunned for a moment, then looked at Tony Stark with complicated eyes and asked, "It sounds like my son will become a great man?"

Andrew didn’t say much: “Maybe.”

"Actually, I prefer him to be an ordinary person. The more brilliant his life, the shorter it is, just like Captain Rogers."

Howard sighed. At this time, Tony Stark noticed his gaze full of 'fatherly love' and turned his head to look this way. He seemed a little unhappy and said a few words to Happy.

Happy nodded, walked to Howard, and said coldly: "Mr. Stark asked me to tell you that your eyes are disgusting, and he doesn't like men."

"Don't like men?"

Howard's face turned green, and Andrew laughed. This joke would make Howard laugh for at least ten years.

Howard snorted: "Tell your boss, he is the weakest Stark I have ever seen. He really embarrasses the Stark family."

Happy said dissatisfied: "Sir, I can't pretend I haven't heard this."

Andrew stood up and said, "Howard, let's go, there will be many opportunities in the future."

Howard nodded and followed Andrew away. Happy did not stop him. He returned to Tony and conveyed Howard's previous words to Tony.

"The weakest Stark?"

Tony's face was a little dark, and he said: "Hire me a fitness coach, uh, a beautiful woman."

Happy complained: "Are you sure you won't get weaker as you practice?"

Tony glared at Happy, what are you talking about?

"I don't look decent? Why don't I look decent?"

Black Widow Natasha was a little crazy when she received the reply from the Rebirth Group. Coulson looked her up and down and secretly complained: "There is nothing serious about it."

Natasha shouted to Colson: "Colson, let's arrest that Andrew King directly!"

Colson shook his head and said: "No, Andrew Wang's ability is very dangerous. I have gone to those directors. As soon as they heard Andrew Wang's name, they immediately trembled with fear. They didn't understand his ability. Before, we couldn’t act rashly.”

After thinking about it, Colson said: "We changed to approach Susan Stone. She has a close relationship with Andrew Wang and should know a lot of information."


Natasha nodded and said, "Get this done quickly. Fury is deploying a big operation. I don't want to miss it. Hum, when I catch Andrew Wang, I will give that guy a good beating."

Coulson smiled and said, "I'll pretend to be invisible."

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