American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1087 Raining

"not bad."

Andrew took back the nuclear energy knife and nodded with satisfaction. This nuclear energy knife was created by him using mechanical powers and nuclear explosion powers. The temperature was extremely high, and even the defense power of the lion orcs could not withstand it.

After the Lion orc died, his soul was taken away by Andrew. Andrew pinched the Lion orc's soul, thought about it, and pointed a finger at the center of the Lion orc's eyebrows.

The dead lion orc suddenly stood up straight, but his eyes were empty and lifeless. This was because he was cursed by Andrew and turned into a zombie.

Then, Andrew controlled the lion orcs to fall down and pretend to be a corpse.

As soon as Andrew completed this step, two orcs rushed here. One of them was a leopard orc who beat away the locomotive, and the other was a bull-headed orc.

When the two orcs saw the death of their companion, they were furious and rushed towards Andrew.

Lightning flashed out of the Leopard Orcs and their speed surged, while the Minotaur Orcs activated their charging ability, charging towards Andrew like a tank.

Andrew shook his head, and his body disappeared like water ripples. At the same time, a small steel ball appeared at his original location.

Then, the steel ball lit up with a crimson light, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply. Seeing this, the Leopard orcs immediately changed their direction to avoid the ball.

The Leopard orcs could escape, but the Minotaur orcs had no time. It gritted its teeth and rushed straight towards the big luminous ball, crushing whatever was in front of it.

Tauren, never fear.

"Wow, you even dare to hit a nuclear bomb. I, the king, respect you as a good man."

Andrew gave a thumbs up, and the next second, the Minotaur orc hit the ball hard, and the ball exploded. In the dazzling white light, air waves swept around like a shock wave, and a large number of trees collapsed at the same time.

Then, due to the high temperature, the ground turned into red crystals, and at the same time, raging fire burned around it.

With such power, the Minotaur orcs died on the spot, and even their souls were taken away by Andrew. Although these orcs were not human beings, they were powerful and their souls were very valuable.

"Small nuke?"

Death, who had been staring here, was a little surprised. He didn't expect that guy Andrew Wang could even make a small nuclear bomb. In this case, is his body really the real body?

The problem is that he is too blatant and has no fear of being guessed. Either there is a conspiracy or he has absolute confidence in his own strength. Both possibilities are not a good thing.

What, Andrew is stupid? Hehe, people who think like this are the only ones who are stupid.

The leopard orc escaped relatively quickly, so it was only slightly injured. It got up from the ground and was about to escape. At this moment, a golden fist hit its back hard, sending it flying away.

"I didn't feel anything?"

The Leopard orc turned its head in disbelief and saw that the attacker was actually a Lion orc. Before it could figure out what was going on, a mechanical giant appeared out of thin air in front of it. The armor on both sides of its chest was opened, waiting for the Leopard orc to crash in.

The Leopard orcs could not avoid it, and crashed into the body of the copycat Optimus Prime with a bang. Then, the copycat Optimus Prime's armor closed, and the Leopard orcs let out a shrill scream. Soon, a large amount of blood flowed out from the chest of the copycat Optimus Prime. .

Half a minute later, the Leopard orcs were declared dead. Andrew collected their souls and corpses, looked towards Ganata, and found that the two orcs had been killed by Ganata - hammered to death.

"This girl is really violent. Unlike this young master, she plays with high technology."

Andrew sighed, completely forgetting that he had just detonated a small nuclear bomb, and he was even more crazy than Ganata.

Then, Andrew looked towards the wing tribe orc and found that it had been captured by the motherland. Then, the motherland staged a scene of tearing the orc apart with their own hands, which made him miserable.

After killing the winged orcs, the native let out a bad breath, and then, at Madeleine's urging, he flew towards the magic tree again.

All six orcs died. Andrew and Ganata packed up and returned to the apartment. Ganata was in a good mood because she got good food again.

"These orcs, in fantasy novels, are probably at the level of sword masters."

Andrew smiled, and at the same time helped Death unlock the silence curse. Ganata said: "I don't know which world the board game is connected to. There are a lot of primitive animals in that world, as well as orcs. It must be fun."

"Is it delicious?"

Andrew complained, and Death said: "Don't waste time, start the next one, I'm throwing the dice."

Andrew looked kind-hearted and said, "Auntie, please don't cheat again. It's very embarrassing."

Death wanted to compare his middle fingers, but in the end he only had wings. He rolled his eyes, grabbed the dice with his paws and threw them down. This time, he was lucky, with a total of eleven points, and the chess pieces moved forward quickly.

Then, text appeared on the green screen: "If you recognize your mistakes and can correct them, they are worthy of reward, and your abilities will be unblocked."

Death was overjoyed and spread his wings to get back to his original state. However, after waiting for a long time, he was still a parrot. The board game only unlocked his abilities but not his appearance.

Death looked unhappy, but it was better than nothing.

Next it was Claire's turn. To be honest, Claire really didn't want to play anymore. Andrew said: "It's impossible not to play. We have to end this and let New York return to normal."

"After clearing the level, will everything really return to normal?"

Death asked. This was also the question Claire wanted to ask. Looking straight at Andrew, Andrew nodded: "Don't worry, according to my induction, everything will return to the original after clearing the level."

"Induction? Is it a perceptual ability?"

Death's eyes flashed slightly, and he finally understood why Andrew knew so much.

Claire took a deep breath and threw the dice again. There were seven points in total. The chess pieces moved forward quickly. Then, a line of text appeared on the green screen: "It's raining. Hide quickly. Don't get caught in the rain."


Everyone was stunned and walked to the windows one after another. Because there were towering trees everywhere, New York City had been very dark for the past few hours, but now, it was no longer as simple as being dark, it was almost like the coming of night.

Andrew raised his hand, and a whirlwind rose into the sky, cutting off a large number of branches that blocked the light. Then, everyone saw the sky, covered with dark clouds, and electric snakes roaming.

Before anyone could say anything, with a loud bang, heavy rain fell from the sky. Upon seeing this, Andrew, Ganata, and Death raised their hands at the same time, pulling some of the rainwater into their hands, and examined it carefully.

Claire secretly complained that her style of painting was really different from theirs.

"This rain contains strange power. If anyone is caught in it, it will turn into an orc."

After a moment, Death said: "If kittens and puppies get wet, they will also turn into orcs."

"The Western version of Imperial Ooze?"

Andrew was a little surprised. This is really a big deal. If New York City cannot be restored to its original state, the entire world will be in danger.

Andrew turned to look at the chessboard, his eyes getting hotter. He wanted to decide on this chessboard. However, to get this chessboard, he needed to clear the level first, which was not easy. After all, there were three competitors.

"It would be great if there were lucky mutants in this world... Hey, wait, although I don't have luck, I am blessed by the world."

Andrew's heart moved. Those who are favored by the world will be invincible and all their wishes will come true. They are commonly known as protagonists, or losers.

The Invisible Man, Starlight Anne, Locomotive, and Queen Maeve's World Blessing are all in Andrew's hands.

"Wait for the last throw to burn part of the world's favor and increase luck."

Although Burning World's Favor is a bit wasteful, it is very worth it. It goes without saying how powerful this chessboard is.

"Becoming an orc?"

Claire was stunned and filled with guilt. How could her stinky hands always cause such bad things?

"For us, there is no danger this time. Let's go back and continue rolling the dice."

Ganata said, everyone nodded and went back to continue playing the game.

"This rain will cause more people to die in New York, but to me, this is not a bad thing."

Andrew smiled slightly. When New York returns to normal, the souls of those resurrected will automatically belong to him. Of course, the premise is that he becomes the master of the board game.

The question is, is there really no danger this time? The situation is obviously not as simple as Ganata thought.

The direct impact of this rain on the people of New York is actually not great, because now people are hiding in buildings and dare not come out at all. Therefore, except for soldiers and police who are fighting, few ordinary citizens have turned into orcs. .

As for the soldiers and policemen, they have armor on their bodies and haven't absorbed much rainwater, so they haven't changed much yet.

The animals that have a really big impact are those animals. They absorb the rainwater, and some transform into orcs. Although some do not transform, they become stronger and more ferocious.

Now, the situation in the city has become worse. The orcs have not only become stronger, but more importantly, they have also become smarter.

For example, people used to hide in houses, and animals generally didn't know how to get in. But now, orcs know how to take detours and climb through windows, and their IQs are completely different from before.

As a result, the death rate among citizens skyrocketed, and there were screams everywhere.

The motherland man was also affected by the rain. Well, it didn't mean that he turned into an orc, but the magic tree in front of him became stronger.

Previously, after the people of the motherland had finished dealing with the orcs of the Wing Tribe, they flew over to deal with the demon tree. The magic tree sensed his threat and immediately controlled the dense vines to attack the people of the motherland.

Hundreds of vines all fired together. That scene might have scared the shit out of other superheroes, but the people of the motherland smiled contemptuously, their eyes lit up red, lasers swept out, and the vines were cut in two one after another.

Fire overcomes wood, this is the same in any world.

Upon seeing this, the Demon Tree controlled more vines to attack the Motherland from all directions. The Motherland used laser eyes to sweep all the way, and at the same time rushed towards the trunk of the Demon Tree. Isn't it just a big log? What's so difficult to deal with? Burned directly.

The demon tree was frightened, and hurriedly controlled the mummies hanging on the tree to pounce on the people of the motherland. These mummies were all its puppets, otherwise, it would not hang the mummies on the tree, and it had no special hobbies.

The people of the motherland frowned. It's not that he can't fight these mummies. The problem is that he is a superhero and a positive figure. These corpses can move. No one knows whether they are really dead. It is not easy to cut them in two.

One or two doesn't matter, Watt Company can help the motherland wash them, but these mummies, at least hundreds of them at a rough count, make the motherland a little worried.

The people of the motherland thought for a while, put away their laser eyes, knocked away the mummies all the way, and continued to rush towards the magic tree. Although it was a bit slower, it would not have any side effects.

The demon tree controlled the mummies and vines and tried to stop the people of the motherland as much as possible. Unfortunately, it was useless. Although Azu's character was poor, his title as the strongest man on earth was still real.

Well, at least, at this stage, it is real, but that may not be the case in the future.

Just as the people of the motherland were advancing all the way, there was a loud bang and heavy rain fell from the sky. The magic tree sensed that the rain was helpful to itself and frantically absorbed the rain.

As it absorbs more and more rainwater, the Demonic Tree becomes stronger and stronger. For example, the attack speed of the vines is at least 30% faster than before. At the same time, the mummy becomes more powerful and more flexible.

At this moment, the speed of the motherland's advance dropped significantly. He looked at the looming trunk of the magic tree and grinned. The two small tiger teeth were very conspicuous. Are you playing with me? Then let's have fun!

Sensing the malice of the motherland, the demonic tree frantically absorbs the essence of the surrounding life and turns it into its own power. At the same time, its roots spread to the underground of New York, preparing for a super killing move.

Let’s not talk about the battle between the motherland and the magic tree. At this moment, the President of the United States, a group of staff and military generals are checking the footage returned by the drone.

In the picture, a large number of orcs appeared and rushed into people's houses. Soon, screams and screams were heard from inside. This scene happened one after another in many places in New York City.

What’s even more frightening is that a drone captured a group of rats transforming into rat-men. How many rats are there in a city? There are simply countless of them, countless times more than humans.

In addition to the orcs, more and more demons are rushing out of the gate of hell. The superheroes are gradually unable to resist it. Although they are superheroes, they will also be tired. You know, they have fought with high intensity for almost four times. Hour.

That is to say, they are superheroes. If they were ordinary people, they would be dead.

"There are not only two threats, demons and orcs."

A military general switched the screen and introduced: "Some soldiers in the National Guard who were injured and whose wounds were dripped by rain are gradually turning into beasts."

The President of the United States asked in astonishment: "Becoming a beast?"

"Yes, transform into a beast."

The general nodded, and an aide said: "This is not necessarily a bad thing, right? After becoming orcs, their strength will become stronger."

"A good idea, but unfortunately, it's not that good. After turning into orcs, they will become very violent and irritable. If such soldiers dare to send them to the battlefield, I will be the first to shoot him."

The general sneered, and the staff smiled coquettishly, not daring to say anything else.

"In other words, the National Guard can no longer hold on? The situation is getting worse and worse."

The President of the United States sighed and asked: "Can Watt Company send more superheroes? Also, when will the army arrive in New York?"

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