American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1081 The game is in progress


Hearing people's praise of Locomotive, the faces of the people of the motherland were a little livid. That bastard Locomotive was taking advantage of him. He had to clean up the devil himself. He went to save people and received admiration and gratitude.

What's even more disgusting is that the locomotive gave him a provocative look. If he didn't have some sense, the people of the motherland would definitely kill him on the spot.

"Locomotive, I will definitely kill you."

The people of the motherland cursed and vented all their anger on those demons.

The people of the motherland tried to attack the Devil's Gate, but unfortunately, all attacks were absorbed by the Devil's Gate and could not cause damage. The people of the motherland could only deal with the devil first.

As time went by, other superheroes arrived one after another. Storm flew in the sky, releasing thunder while complaining: "Isn't New York a little too lively in the past few months?"

"It's not just lively, it's very lively."

Starlight Annie, Invisible Man, Black, and Deep Sea nodded at the same time. The four of them wasted no time, some were saving people, and some were fighting against demons.

In addition to the Super Seven, other superheroes also rushed over, such as termites who can shrink into smaller sizes, the world's second fastest shock wave, Blue Eagle, etc. - This world is a world of superheroes, and there are many commercial superheroes.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, the demons were intercepted in Times Square. The superheroes still have some strength.

What happened in Times Square quickly spread around the world. People looked at the news reports and were speechless. Why New York again? Isn’t the feng shui of that place great?

In Ganata's apartment, Andrew said to Death: "No more waiting for Ganata, just roll the dice."

"You still vote?"

Claire exclaimed, a lot of bugs appeared the first time, a lot of demons appeared the second time, what will happen the third time?

"Why don't you vote? Since the game has begun, it is natural to play it to the end."

Death smiled slightly, picked up the dice and threw it. Then, two six points appeared on the chessboard. Claire said in surprise: "Wow, you are so lucky."

"Death, I didn't expect you to be so stupid."

Andrew shook his head, and Claire was confused. Why did Mr. Wang call Miss Death stupid?

At this moment, the green screen turned red, and then a line of text appeared: "Cheaters must be punished."

Claire was stunned, did death cheat? That's right, Death cheated. She used her power to control the dice so that the dice showed twelve o'clock. In this way, not only could she advance quickly, she would also have one more chance to roll the dice.

Moreover, this pattern can be replicated, that is to say, death can be used to reach the end in this way.

Unfortunately, cheating is not allowed in this game, so Death's chess piece did not move at all. Then, Death's body quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye, she turned into a parrot.

Death's face was a little ugly. Not only did she turn into a parrot, but what was even worse was that her powers were blocked.

Fortunately, Death did not use his true form, but only sent a Death Messenger, otherwise, He might be out this time.

Andrew sneered: "Death, it seems that I have overestimated you. In the future, I will try to think of you in a stupid direction."

Death snorted coldly and said: "Don't be too arrogant. This game has the ability to block my abilities, and it can block yours. By then, we will know whether you are the real body?"

In fact, Death thought that there would be punishment, but he thought that the punishment would fall on New York, for example, a more powerful monster would appear. This was not a bad thing for him, but a good thing, because the death caused by punishment was not the same as his If there is a relationship, it will enhance His strength.

It's a pity that Death didn't expect that the punishment would appear on him. Moreover, it was so cruel. This is a typical example of cleverness being misled by cleverness.

"Don't worry, I won't be as stupid as you."

Andrew said: "Claire, it's your turn, don't feel any psychological pressure. The most important thing now is to pass the level."

Claire nodded, grabbed two dice with trembling hands, and threw them down. One was four and the other was five.

Then, the blue chess piece started to move to the nine-square position, and then the red screen turned back to green: "Every day people shout about environmental protection, so let's make this city the most environmentally friendly."

"The most environmentally friendly way?"

Everyone was stunned. Immediately, New York shook violently, a large number of glass shattered, and at the same time, the light dimmed significantly.

Everyone walked to the window and saw that New York had turned into a primeval forest. There were towering trees and various rainforest plants everywhere. Even the roads were covered with countless weeds. Many vehicles were trapped in the trees and were unable to move.

People are horrified by this. They do advocate environmental protection, but no one wants to stay in the virgin forest.

"Wow, now New York no longer has to worry about greening."

Andrew complained, and Claire looked confused: "Is this all caused by me?"

"No, this is caused by the game and has nothing to do with you."

Andrew shook his head. At this moment, a leopard roar came from below. Everyone lowered their heads and saw a black leopard jumping out of the grass that was taller than a person and rushing towards a pedestrian. The pedestrian collapsed to the ground in fear, completely Don't know how to resist.

Claire couldn't help but exclaimed. At this moment, Andrew raised his hand, and the mobile phone in the pedestrian's pocket flew out and hit the leopard hard on the head.

The next second, the phone and the leopard died together - the phone was broken, parts flew around, and the leopard's head was sunken.

Pedestrians were stunned. Is this a cell phone coming out to repay a favor?

Similar attacks occurred one after another in the city. In the virgin forest, there were many ferocious animals, such as lions, tigers, etc., as well as various killer bees, poisonous snakes, etc. The entire New York City was in chaos, and there were wailing sounds everywhere. and screams.

"what on earth is it?"

The people of the motherland looked at Times Square that had turned into a primitive jungle and were stunned. Even he was a little confused.

At this time, Madeleine's voice rang through the communicator: "Fellows of the motherland, Locomotive, hurry up and save people in the city. There are many ferocious animals harming people.

As for those suspected demonic creatures, leave it to other superheroes and the military, the National Guard is coming to town. "

"Okay, here comes the locomotive."

The locomotive answered first and turned into a gust of wind to rescue people in the city and placed them in a relatively safe house.

"This guy."

With a fierce look in their eyes, the people of the motherland went to kill animals in the city, only to see red lasers roaring out, killing the ferocious animals one after another.

After killing the animals, the native flew directly to the next place without sending those survivors to a safe place. He was not in the mood to show off now.

After a while, Madeleine's voice sounded again: "People of the motherland, don't kill those animals, just knock them unconscious. The Animal Protection Association complained that you killed a large number of rare animals. For example, you just killed a lion.

We are contacting Twitter to remove this photo so you don’t get caught out again. "


The man from the motherland had never heard such outrageous words in his life. He said: "I was saving people. The lion had already killed two people and was about to kill the third one."

“If you don’t want to lose all your animal endorsements and have a bunch of animal activists holding signs protesting you every time you go out, please stop killing those animals.”

Madeleine said: "Don't say I'm unreasonable. Even the president is afraid of those people, let alone us. No one in the United States dares to mess with them."


The people of the motherland cursed, saying that when they killed primitive people and demons, no one protested. When they killed a few animals, a group of people actually came out to protest. It was still at this time.

Although the people of the motherland are helpless, they can only accept that although he does not have the weakness of kryptonite, he has a psychological weakness and cannot really do whatever he wants.

To have no desires is to be strong, but how many people can really have no desires?

In Brooklyn, a huge tree that covered the sky controlled the vines, broke the glass, and rolled up the humans in the building. Then, those poor humans were quickly sucked into mummies.

The big tree was very satisfied, hung the mummy on the tree, and continued to eat other humans to grow.

It is obvious that this is a magic tree. Its roots gradually penetrate into every corner of New York's underground. At the same time, the vine's coverage is getting larger and larger. When it grows up, it is not only dangerous to New York, but also to the whole world. Danger.

Behind the Gate of Hell, a huge figure was walking around impatiently holding a giant sword more than ten meters long. It wanted to enter the Gate of Hell immediately, but unfortunately, it couldn't get in for the time being. There was no way, it was too strong. , the world is rejecting it.

However, as long as the demons kill enough humans and sacrifice them to the gate of hell, it will be able to enter sooner or later.

"It's too slow. After you go in, you must kill the most lives as quickly as possible."

The huge demon shouted to the demon army that was rushing into the gate of hell. The demons nodded in unison and responded loudly: "Yes, Commander."

Whether it is a demon tree or a demon leader, they all possess powerful strength. Since it is a game, it must be a threat to the players, otherwise, it will not be fun, right?

In the apartment, Andrew raised his head and shouted: "Ganata, hurry up and deal with that dragon, it's your turn."

"Wait a minute, I'm about to smash it to death. It can't have big wounds, otherwise it will become unpalatable."

Ganata shouted, as soon as this was said, Andrew, Death, and Claire were all speechless, you actually want to eat the magic dragon? And in order to make it more delicious, choose to hammer it to death?

Be human, Ganata.

Others were just surprised. The dragon was so scared that he almost peed. Isn't this woman too cruel? Are you the devil or am I the devil?

The demon dragon, which was barely holding on, couldn't hold on anymore. It released a ring of resistance fire, turned around and ran away.

"Where's the food?"

Ganata's body glowed with purple light, turning into purple chains to tie up the dragon. Are you kidding me? As the daughter of Galactus, how can she have the nerve to go out and mess around if her food escapes?


Then, Ganata clenched her fist, and a huge mechanical fist suddenly appeared in the sky. As Ganata swung her fist, it hit the demon dragon's head hard. The demon dragon died suddenly on the spot, and fell down halfway. Pulled by purple light chains.

"Gatati's fist."

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly, this was obviously Ganata's ultimate move, summoning the power of Galactus.

Death, who turned into a parrot, wanted to facepalm. This girl's IQ was obviously as good as that of Swallowing Star. She didn't care about anything for the sake of food, and she even used her trump card.

"It's done. We can have dragon meat hot pot tonight. Unfortunately, it's a magic dragon. It smells like sulfur, and we need to add a lot of seasonings to cover it up. Fortunately, the meat is very chewy."

Ganata said, her saliva was almost drooling. She raised her hand and the purple light chain completely wrapped the demon dragon. The demon dragon quickly shrank and turned into a small ball and fell into Ganata's hand.

Then, Ganata looked down at the various animals in New York City below and said to everyone: "Let's catch some rare animals first. No, let's rescue people first. After the rescue is completed, we can continue playing the game."

"Wipe your saliva first."

Andrew said angrily: "Many animals cannot be eaten. Those who break the law continue to play games."

"Can't eat it? It's such a waste. I've wanted to eat bear paws for a long time."

Ganata muttered and flew back to the apartment from the sky. At this time, she discovered Death's new appearance and asked in surprise: "Hey, Aunt Death, why have you turned into a parrot?"

Death means that the heart is very tired and does not want to talk.

"Someone got caught cheating."

Andrew said: "Ganata, do you want to join me? There is obviously no future in following death."

"I don't mind, but my dad does, and I don't want to be beaten by him."

Ganata shrugged and said that to her, this was just a game and it didn't matter who she helped, but she was fighting on behalf of Galactus and must maintain her position.

Death snorted. The Machine Demon King was as despicable as ever. Fortunately, Ganata was still very principled.

"It's okay. If Swallowing Star hits you, I'll help you hit him."

Andrew smiled, and Ganata rolled her eyes cutely and said, "That's my dad, no more nonsense, I'll roll the dice right away."

After saying that, Ganata picked up two dice and threw them down. This time, one was one and one was four. The chess piece quickly moved forward five steps, and then, a line of text appeared on the green screen.

"Together you will venture into a magical world."

After the text appeared, the bodies of the four people turned into ashes at the same time and were sucked into the green screen. Death and Claire were completely powerless to resist. Ganata and Andrew could struggle, but after thinking about it, they didn't fight the board game.

After all, the game still has to be played, and they may not have just stopped playing board games.

In a primeval forest, four figures fell from the sky one after another, landing on the grass with a thud.

The first figure is a bald man who looks like The Rock.

The second figure was a beautiful woman who looked very fit and healthy, wearing a sports vest and shorts. She looked more like Nebula before she turned into a robot.

The third figure is a short, fat man wearing round glasses and a flying saucer hat.

The fourth figure is a black man, wearing a fisherman's hat and carrying a big bag. He looks very weak.

The expressions on the faces of the four people were all confused, but the bald man, Andrew, was just pretending. He was just a little surprised that he went directly from the old version of "Jumanji" to the new version of "Jumanji".

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