American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1076 New Ability

"who are you?"

Stephen Canfield had obviously encountered something bad. When he saw Andrew and Peter blocking the road, he immediately held his briefcase and asked nervously.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

Andrew used psychic powers to appease the other party and said at the same time: "I can swallow other people's powers. If you don't want the powers, I can pay you to buy them."

"Can you take that power away? Great, I don't need the money. Take it away quickly."

Stephen Canfield was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately said that this ability was a bit troublesome to him, and because of this, he was captured by the organization for research for a period of time, and was only recently released.

Although the organization conducts experiments on people with superpowers, it does not kill all people with superpowers. According to Bennett, there are factions within the organization. Some advocate tolerance for people with superpowers, while others are very cruel to people with superpowers. .

This is an organization with many mysteries.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Hearing Stephen Canfield's words, Andrew laughed. He wasted no time and controlled the mechanical spider to jump to the opponent and absorb the ability.

Soon, Stephen Canfield fell into a coma, and at the same time, his powers were sucked away by the mechanical spider.

Andrew sent Stephen Canfield to the hospital and then deposited five million dollars into his account.

Peter was a bit stunned by this. Isn't BOSS too arrogant? Not at all like a superhero.

Then, Andrew took Peter to a deserted place, where the mechanical spider used Stephen Canfield's abilities.

The red compound eyes of the mechanical spider flashed, and a small black hole appeared in front of it. The surrounding wind was strong, and leaves, soil, and paper were all sucked into the black hole.

Peter exclaimed: "Wow, this power is amazing."

"It's indeed quite impressive."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. It was worthwhile to come here in person. This ability can be used as a trump card. In addition, this ability combined with the previous nuclear explosion ability has special effects.

Andrew dispersed the black hole and said: "Peter, you imitate this power as soon as possible, and then I design a device. You use the black hole power and the nuclear explosion power to absorb the nuclear radiation in the wasteland world."

If the wasteland world wants to be reborn, nuclear radiation must be solved. Otherwise, the land will not be able to grow food and feed too many people. More importantly, the people in the wasteland will get sick due to nuclear radiation.

Queen Maeve's girlfriend, because of the nuclear radiation, hides in the cave every day and dare not go out. That means she really loves Queen Maeve, otherwise she would have escaped back to the modern world long ago.

"This ability can absorb nuclear radiation?"

Pete was overjoyed and said, "No problem, I'll imitate it as soon as possible."

"very good."

Andrew nodded. Some people may ask, he also has these two powers, why should he let Peter imitate them?

The reason is simple. Andrew doesn't want to stay in the wasteland world and absorb nuclear radiation. He wants to conquer the gathering places in the wasteland world, or go to the Van Helsing world to kill evil creatures.

This kind of time-consuming and extremely boring thing should be left to Peter, a passionate young man. Anyway, the favor he received from the world will be automatically transferred to Andrew.

Purifying the world and bringing it back to life must be favored by many worlds, which is why Andrew never forgets it.

At this time, Peter thought of something and asked: "Uh, BOSS, I promised Mr. Bennet to help him deal with the organization..."

"It's not a big problem. I will send others to help them."

Andrew said: "Next, I will devour other powers, such as clone powers, and let you imitate them one by one. Your current strength is still a bit low and needs to be strengthened and trained."

"It's indeed a bit low."

Peter nodded. He remembered the battles of the past few days and said: "The Super Seven is not worthy of its name. Sooner or later, I will defeat them and expose them."


Andrew smiled and said that because he had been exercising during this period, Pete was getting better and better at imitating his powers, and it only took him a few hours to master the black hole ability.

Then, Peter took Andrew's device and couldn't wait to go to the wasteland to absorb nuclear radiation. Queen Maeve was extremely happy about his arrival and helped him make various arrangements.

People were so excited when they heard that Peter could absorb nuclear radiation that many people even knelt down to Peter and shouted that he was a god.

Being grateful and admired by so many people, Peter felt a little dizzy. He felt more and more that what he was doing was meaningful and full of motivation. He wanted to be a respected superhero.

"Another employee who doesn't need any money and works extremely hard. Tsk tsk. If there are more employees like this, I don't think it will be difficult not to make a fortune."

Andrew smiled and used the mechanical parrot to teleport into a laboratory.

There were several corpses lying in this laboratory. These corpses looked like other corpses, but in fact, they were the corpses of werewolves.

Previously, several werewolves under Count Dracula were teleported to New York. Although they caused some trouble to the citizens, they were eventually killed by superheroes.

After that, the werewolf corpses were officially recovered and placed in a cold storage. Today, they were transported to this laboratory, where a group of researchers in white clothes were preparing to draw blood from these corpses.

"They are actually the legendary werewolves. That's great. I want to study them and create our own werewolves."

The laboratory director said excitedly: "Werewolves can not only heal themselves, but also have great strength and long lifespan. This is the evolution of human beings."

"Wow, that's it."

Andrew rolled his eyes. Once someone mentions evolution, it will definitely cause disaster, such as Dr. Lizard and so-and-so.

"It's none of my business if Americans do their own evil."

Andrew was too lazy to take care of it. Without others noticing, he injected wisps of blood-colored gas into the werewolf's body and blended it into the blood.

Count Dracula can control werewolves because all werewolves have his blood. After Andrew killed Count Dracula, he obtained his method of controlling werewolves, and now he follows suit.

Of course, Andrew has made some improvements. All new werewolves created from werewolf corpses will be controlled by him. Andrew can even take away their souls at any time-must see.

This is imitated by Sithorne. In the Marvel Universe, the souls of all vampires will be taken away by Sithorne.

"Americans, it's up to you what will happen. I'll take it as an investment."

Andrew shrugged and left the laboratory. The supervisor didn't know all this. Looking at the extracted werewolf blood, he seemed to see the future of mankind and his own glory.

He will become the father of werewolves and help humans transform into higher levels.

On this day, Andrew took Starlight Annie to the world of Van Helsing to eradicate evil creatures - it was still the same, fighting and dating at the same time.

"It's a pity that I don't have time, otherwise I would definitely take a stroll in the 19th century."

Anne raised her hand to blast away a werewolf and said to Andrew that she was still very interested in the history and humanities of the nineteenth century.

"There will be opportunities in the future."

Andrew controlled the mechanical spider to continuously fire nuclear energy beams, piercing the werewolves. Soon, a group of werewolves were wiped out by the two men.

"Andrew, you have become even more powerful."

Anne said with admiration. Just from the title, she could tell that her relationship with Andrew had taken a further step.

"Of course, after all, more than a month has passed. If my strength has not improved, wouldn't I be ashamed of everyone?"

Andrew laughed, and Anne complained: “Then I should die of shame, my strength has not improved for a long time.

The people of the motherland have been going crazy lately, forcing us to improve our strength. He also told us that if we are not strong enough, we will be kicked out.

Fortunately, the locomotive helped us share some of the pressure. I never expected that the locomotive would be so brave and go against the people of the motherland everywhere. "

"He is not brave. He was simply suppressed by the people of the motherland in the past. Now he is taking revenge. This guy doesn't know restraint and will suffer a big loss sooner or later."

Andrew said: "But it doesn't matter, it's just a transitional chess piece anyway. When he has no use value, suck away his abilities."

Anne looked at Andrew in surprise. She was surprised that the locomotive belonged to Andrew, and she was also surprised by the tone of Andrew's words. Is this the perfect mastermind style?

Andrew's face sank and he said: "It seems that you have discovered her. In this case, I can only kill you to silence you. It is such a pity that such a beautiful woman will die."

As he spoke, Andrew scratched Annie's face with his fingers. Annie blinked and asked, "Should I pretend to be scared?"

Andrew said: "Yes, you have to take off your clothes while running away."

"Is it serious to run away from it?"

Annie complained, she asked: "Is the locomotive yours?"

"Yes, there needs to be someone who openly opposes the people of the motherland, lest he goes too far."

Andrew said: "Someone is secretly influencing the people of the motherland and using him to sabotage our Tianjian Bureau's important mission of saving the world."

"The people of the motherland are indeed a bit too arrogant."

Anne nodded and asked, "Should I help the engine?"

"No, just let Locomotive charge into the battle alone. You continue to be your undercover."

Andrew said: "Your current strength is not enough. I will find ways to enhance your strength."

"How to enhance it?"

Annie's eyes lit up and she asked hurriedly. Whether it was to deal with the people of the motherland or to save the people in disasters, she needed strength.

Andrew whispered in Anne's ear: "This enhances it."

Annie looked stunned and asked suspiciously, "Are you sure you're not deceiving me?"

"I don't need to fool you, because you won't resist me at all, right?"

Andrew said: "On the surface, you look quiet, honest, and a good girl, but in your heart, there is already a little devil living in you. The greater the pressure, the greater the rebound."

Anne rolled her eyes at Andrew, but did not refute, because she almost couldn't control herself several times. She was indeed not the good girl she seemed.

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