American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1067 New Ability

Andrew said to Van Helsing: "Before you go back, Van Helsing, I will help you improve your strength first. Then, we will immediately start hunting evil creatures and save the world."

"Do I still need to improve my strength? Aren't I already invincible?"

Van Helsing said arrogantly, and Andrew sneered: "I heard that someone was bitten by a wolf last night. Do you know that person?"

"How could I possibly know such a disgraceful guy?"

Van Helsing looked disgusted, as if that person was not him. Carl was speechless. No wonder this guy could always pick up girls. He was so thick-skinned, how could he not pick up girls?

"No more nonsense. After strengthening it for you, I will immediately go kill the evil creatures."

Andrew slapped Van Helsing on the shoulder, and the perfect version of No. 5 compound was directly injected into his body.

"I don't think I agree yet?"

Van Helsing asked, but he was looking forward to it. He fought evil creatures every day, and of course he hoped to have stronger strength.

The next second, Van Helsing opened his mouth and let out a low roar. Then, black wolf fur quickly grew on his body, and his whole body became taller and swollen. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a big black wolf more than two meters tall. Wolf.

It cannot be said that it is exactly the same as the big black wolf last night, it can only be said that there is no difference at all.

Carl and Tracy were so frightened that they quickly backed away. Only Andrew looked at Van Helsing speechlessly. This guy's superpower actually turned into a werewolf? Uncle Wolf, how close are you to wolves?

Van Helsing looked at his hands and couldn't help but curse: "Shet, what did you do? Why did I become a werewolf again?"

"Don't get excited. Although you look like a werewolf now, you are not actually a werewolf."

Andrew waved his hand and said, "You just have the ability to be a werewolf."

Van Helsing blinked and asked, "I don't understand what you are talking about. Am I not a werewolf now?"

"Werewolves are afraid of silverware and holy water."

Andrew threw a jar of holy water on Van Helsing. Van Helsing was startled and hurriedly backed away, only to find that the imagined corrosion did not happen. The holy water was actually ineffective on him?

"I told you, you are not a werewolf, you just have this form."

"It's your power and you can take it back at any time," Andrew said.

"Can I take it back at any time?"

Van Helsing was stunned for a moment, and he tried to restore himself. After a while, his body gradually shriveled up, and his wolf fur shrank, returning to its original appearance.

The only problem is that the clothes are torn and become tattered. This ability consumes quite a lot of clothes.

Van Helsing breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then said with a headache: "Although it is just an ability, but the appearance is too similar to a werewolf. If someone from the Holy See sees it, it may directly purify me."

"Be confident and maybe remove it. When people from the Holy See see it, they will definitely purify you."

Karl said next to him, and Andrew smiled: "Just don't let them know. Every time you fight, kill everyone you see."

Van Helsing complained: "Are you sure you are really a positive person?"

"I am very sure."

Andrew said: "Van Helsing, after you awaken your ability, even if you don't transform, you still have strength and speed far beyond ordinary people. There are not many evil creatures that you need to transform to deal with, so there will be no problems.

Okay, I will send you back to your world first, Karl, and write down all the information about the evil creatures. Then, we will work together to deal with those evil creatures as quickly as possible. "


Van Helsing and Carl did not refuse. The two worlds merged. Their world was obviously at a disadvantage. If they did not want to eat a nuclear bomb, they must prevent this from happening.

After sending Van Helsing and Carl away, Andrew asked Tracy: "Is there anything you want to ask me?"

"Of course."

Tracy nodded, and she asked, "Why did you lie to me?"

"Because I want you to think about it more."

"Considering whether to stay in that world? Of course, if you want to stay in New York, I'm not going to stop you," Andrew said.

Tracy asked: "Stay in that world? You don't really want me to be the female president, do you?"

"why not?"

Andrew smiled and said: "It is not difficult for me to fake your identity at all. Although there was a bit of discrimination against women in that era, you are a modern person and know the history in advance. With my help, let alone the female president. You just want to be president for life, or even queen, it’s possible.”

Tracy's eyes lit up: "Queen?"

Andrew said: "Whether you return to New York or stay in that world and fight until you become a female president is up to you."

Tracy asked: "Why do you want me to become the female president? You are the director of the Tianjian Bureau. If I become the female president, can I help you save the world?"

"Yes, I won't go into details about the specific principles, since you won't understand anyway."

Andrew said: "In short, you can help me by becoming a female president."

Tracy becoming the female president of the United States can gather a lot of support from the world. In addition, after she becomes the president, Andrew can obtain a lot of souls through her.

After all, many people are willing to serve the president, and many people are willing to contribute themselves to the president. The president's salesperson asked you if you are afraid?

Tracy was hesitant, wondering whether it was better to stay in this world or go back to the past and become president?

Tracy asked, "Can I think about it for a few days?"

"Of course. When you make a decision, call me in your heart. As long as I am in the service area, I will respond to you."

Andrew smiled and said that Tracy's soul already belonged to him, so there was no need to worry about Tracy telling the story.

After that, Andrew disappeared directly, leaving Tracy alone in the war museum.

Seeing that Andrew really didn't force himself, Tracy breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the introduction in the museum and seriously thought about this important event that determined her destiny.

Andrew left suddenly because Peter was calling him. He teleported and came to Peter's side, and found that Bennett, a Haitian, was also there, as well as a man who looked very decadent.

"Mr. Wang."

Seeing Andrew coming, everyone said hello at the same time. Andrew said: "I am dealing with matters in another world and am quite busy. What do you want to see me for?"

"Is such that……"

Peter didn't waste time when he heard this and told the story again. Andrew's eyes lit up. Was this the first bomb man found by them?

Andrew walked up to the decadent man and said, "Your ability is very dangerous. Not only will it explode, it will also release nuclear radiation and harm the people around you."

"Nuclear radiation?"

Bennett's brows jumped. Fortunately, the Haitian was around, otherwise God knows what would have happened.

"I know, my wife was killed by me."

The decadent man smiled bitterly and said: "I don't want such a power, but God didn't give me a choice. I don't know what to do now."

Andrew said: "I can take away your powers, but you have to think about it yourself. After taking it away, you will become an ordinary person."

"Can you take away my powers?"

Upon hearing this, the decadent man grabbed Andrew's hands fiercely and shouted: "Take it away quickly, I don't want this power, not at all."

Peter and Bennett looked at Andrew in surprise. They didn't know that Andrew had this ability.

Bennett's eyes flashed slightly, maybe he could let Mr. Wang take away Claire's abilities. As an old father, he just wanted Claire to grow up safely, and he didn't want her to become a superhero at all.

"In that case, I will make it happen for you."

Andrew didn't talk nonsense. The mechanical spider on his waist jumped on the decadent man and absorbed his powers. The decadent man fell to his knees in pain and soon passed out.

Then, the mechanical spider jumped back on Andrew's belt, and Andrew said to the Haitian: "Erase his memory of meeting us, send him to a safe place, and give this to him."

After saying that, Andrew took out a stack of dollar bills and placed it on the decadent man, believing that he needed it.

In addition, in addition to disabling powers, Haitians can also clean other people's memories.

"give it to me."

The Haitian nodded. He hesitated and asked, "Mr. Wang, can you take away other people's powers?"

"To be precise, it's devouring."

Andrew said: "Swallow the other person's superpower and turn him back into an ordinary person."

"Can you help me swallow my brother's superpower?"

The Haitian asked: "He has the ability to be invulnerable and can even withstand rockets. It's a pity that he didn't learn well and used this ability to become a warlord in Africa."

"No problem. When I have time, I will help you solve this matter."

Andrew said: "Pete, you go back to the wasteland world for the time being and wait until you can control the nuclear explosion ability before you come out, so as not to really blow up New York."

"All right."

Pete smiled bitterly and had no objection. After all, he was really in danger now. He thought of something and asked: "Uh, Mr. Wang, can you swallow my nuclear explosion ability?"

"I can only swallow your imitation ability, but not your nuclear explosion ability."

Andrew shook his head and sent Peter to an uninhabited place in the wasteland world. Without the suppression of the Haitians, his hands lit up again.

"I can do it. I can definitely control the nuclear explosion capability."

Peter took a deep breath and began to try to control it. Because there was no one here, it didn't matter even if it exploded. Therefore, Peter had no pressure. The light in his hands gradually subsided under his control.

Of course, this is not enough. Peter needs more training until he completely masters this ability.

Only in this way can Peter dare to return to New York and continue to be his superhero.

After Andrew sent Peter away, he said to Bennet and the Haitians: "New York is in chaos now. It is not suitable for you to continue to act. Wait until the disaster subsides."

"no problem."

Bannet nodded and said: "The organization has a system specifically designed to find people with superpowers. If we want to deal with the organization, we must first destroy that system.

However, there are many bodyguards and supernatural beings there, and we can't attack them. "

"Wait until I finish solving the problems in other worlds."

Andrew said: "By the way, can you help me check if there are any werewolves in New York City?"

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