American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1063 Killing

"Is Dracula sucking my power?"

The devil quickly found out the truth and couldn't help laughing. Not only did he not stop 'Count Dracula' from extracting his power, he also took the initiative to send it there.

Count Dracula is a slave of the devil. The stronger he is, the more beneficial it is to the devil. In fact, if it were not for the limitations of gods and demons, He would have given Count Dracula more power.


Andrew, who was freezing Count Dracula, immediately sensed the power of the devil. On the surface, his expression changed, but secretly, he nodded with satisfaction.

Obviously, the consciousness of the snake god Seth has been attached to Count Dracula. Otherwise, Count Dracula alone would not be able to obtain the power of the devil.

"Don't even think about it."

Andrew shouted, mobilized the power of the devil, and injected it crazily into Count Dracula's body to prevent him from obtaining the power of the devil.

"It's useless. You and I are just clones. Our strength is not as good as the devils in this world."

The snake god Seth sneered. Under his control, the devil's power defeated the devil's power, and the curse on Count Dracula was quickly removed.

"Set, you did give me a little surprise, but unfortunately, you will never be my match."

Andrew snorted coldly and injected a large amount of the devil's power into Count Dracula's body.

Then, Andrew stepped back, and at the same time, he used his consciousness to control the lightning equipment that was about to be arranged around him - the same equipment that resurrected Frankenstein.

Under Andrew's control, the lightning instrument quickly reorganized, and soon the instrument took on his shape.

The master of machines can control any machine.

Then, a lightning rod rose into the sky, and with a bang, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and struck the lightning rod.

The blue electric current quickly went down along the lightning rod, passed through the conversion instrument, and turned into a thick thunder, blasting towards Count Dracula.

The face of the snake god Seth changed, and he wanted to control Count Dracula's body to avoid it, but the power of the devil and the power of the curse worked at the same time, making him unable to move.

With the next breath, huge thunder roared down, and Count Dracula's body instantly turned into charcoal.

However, Count Dracula is not dead. His body recovers quickly. Thunder cannot kill him, but he is immortal.

"Mechanical Demon King, you said that I am not your opponent? Sorry, this body is immortal. As long as I continue to absorb the power of the devil, I will be able to kill you in a short time."

The snake god Seth said arrogantly that the reason why he placed his treasure on Count Dracula was not only because of the power of the devil, but also because Count Dracula had immortality.

Even if this weapon cannot kill King Andrew, it can still cause him heavy losses. The snake god Seth is very confident.

"When have you ever won a fight with me?"

Andrew sneered disdainfully and continued to pull Thunder. At the same time, he raised his right hand and pointed at Wiccan. The curse on Wiccan disappeared, and the werewolf virus once again occupied the high ground.

Wiccan pushed Anna away and shouted in pain. Then he began to tear off the skin on his body, and a large amount of gray wolf hair emerged from under the skin.


Anna was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly turned to Andrew and asked: "Mr. Wang, what's going on? Why did Wiccan turn into a werewolf again?"

Andrew did not answer. At the same time, downstairs, Van Helsing could no longer control the werewolf power in his body, and his body swelled rapidly.

Van Helsing roared in pain and tore his skin apart with force, and a large amount of black wolf hair came out. In a short time, he turned into a mighty black werewolf.

Van Helsing's eyes were red, and he wanted to tear everyone around him apart. At this moment, a mechanical spider jumped on his head, and a spider leg pierced his head like a syringe, injecting him with medicine.

With the help of the medicine, Van Helsing regained some consciousness. Then, Andrew's voice sounded in his mind: "Come up here and kill Count Dracula together."


Van Helsing used his remaining sanity to fight off the werewolf beside him. Then, he pushed his feet hard and jumped more than ten meters away. Then, using his strength on the wall, he quickly rushed upstairs and pounced viciously on Count Dracula.

Wiccan also completed his transformation at the same time. Because of Andrew, he still retained a certain amount of clarity. He roared and rushed towards Count Dracula.

Seeing two werewolves rushing toward him, the snake god Seth was stunned. Why would Andrew Wang use werewolves as his trump card?

"Stop them, don't let them come."

Count Dracula's consciousness screamed. The snake god Seth sensed the fluctuations in his consciousness and his expression changed. This guy was actually restrained by a werewolf?

"Fake, you were restrained by a werewolf and you still raise a werewolf, is there something wrong with you?"

The snake god Seth couldn't help but cursed. The reason why he chose Count Dracula was because he was immortal, but he was actually killed by a werewolf?

What makes people even more speechless is that the werewolf is his specially raised subordinate. He has seen people seeking death, but he has never seen anyone seeking death like this.

If it were the snake god Seth himself, he would definitely wipe out the werewolves and not even a single one would be left.

Count Dracula explained weakly: "Werewolves are easy to use, and vampires cannot appear during the day. I need slaves with high combat effectiveness."


The snake god Seth cursed, hurriedly extracted some of the devil's power, and added his own supernatural power to turn into two big green snakes and attack Van Helsing and Wickan at the same time.

"Think I don't exist?"

Andrew sneered, clenched his hands, and the thunder that was pulled down formed a huge electric field under the action of instruments and mechanical powers, and the two big green snakes were crushed on the spot.

Not only that, the electric field also impacted Count Dracula's body, causing him to scream and his body turned black again.


The snake god Seth hurriedly mobilized the power of the devil to fight against the electric field. At this time, Van Helsing and Wickan rushed into the electric field one after another and rushed towards Count Dracula - the electric current would avoid the two of them.

Both of them have a very strong belief that they must kill Count Dracula.


The snake god Seth controlled the poisonous snake dagger to sprout two small green snakes, biting the necks of Van Helsing and Wicken respectively. The next second, their consciousnesses fell into a fearful illusion at the same time.

In the illusion, Wiccan saw the body of his sister Anna, who was killed by himself. He collapsed, knelt on the ground and cried loudly, completely losing his fighting ability.

Van Helsing appears on a battlefield full of dead people, all of whom he killed - this is his biggest fear, he is worried that he was a bad person before, a big bad person.

"It doesn't matter who you were before, the key is who you are now."

Andrew's voice rang in Van Helsing's mind: "Now you are a self-propelled cannon, a scumbag, a criminal, a violent maniac..."


Van Helsing looked at the sky speechlessly. At this time, shouldn't he talk about his own merits, praise himself, encourage himself, and free himself from fear? Why are they all bad words? Believe it or not, I will directly turn black?

Andrew smiled and said: "Is it possible that you actually don't have a single advantage?"

Van Helsing raised his middle finger to the sky and complained: "Fortunately, I'm not your friend."

"Wake up and get to work."

Andrew sneered and said, you are a wage earner and you want to be your boss’s friend, who gave you the courage?

The next second, Van Helsing's fearful illusion was shattered, and his consciousness returned to normal. He roared, his huge body pressed Count Dracula to the ground, and his fangs and big mouth bit Count Dracula's neck fiercely.

Count Dracula screamed, blood gushing from his neck.

Just when Van Helsing was about to bite off Count Dracula's neck, a dense sound of flapping wings came from the balcony. Everyone turned their heads and saw a large number of little vampires flying quickly towards Van Helsing.

These are some of the little vampires spawned by the snake god Seth using the power of the devil and his own abilities. Under the control of Seth, they rushed into the electric field one after another. Although most of them turned into coke and fell to the ground, Still some bumped into Van Helsing.

Bang, bang, bang... The little vampires that hit Van Helsing exploded one after another, and Van Helsing was directly thrown away.

Count Dracula, who was bleeding crazily from his neck, quickly got up. He grabbed a little vampire and prepared to transfer the werewolf virus to it. As a multi-dimensional being, Seth was not that simple.

At this moment, an umbrella came from the side and broke Count Dracula's arm. At the same time, the electricity on the umbrella spread to Count Dracula and the little vampire.

Count Dracula was electrocuted and screamed. As for the little vampire, he was electrocuted and exploded, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

"You seem to have forgotten my existence?"

Andrew sneered, picked up Count Dracula with his umbrella, and threw him in the direction of Van Helsing.

Van Helsing caught Count Dracula, bit him again with his big mouth, and bit off Count Dracula's neck.

Even Count Dracula couldn't bear it this time, and his breath quickly dissipated, ending his sinful life.

The devil and the snake god Seth yelled at the same time. Count Dracula was dead and they lost.

Anna looked at Count Dracula's body and was a little stunned. Then she cried with joy. Count Dracula was finally dead, and their family's mission was finally completed.

As soon as Count Dracula died, the two vampire brides below, as well as all the vampire eggs, exploded.

Count Dracula is the origin of these vampires. Once he died, all vampires of this series were finished. However, this does not mean that there are no vampires in this world. In fact, there are other series of vampires.

If you want to eliminate all vampires, you must kill the real source of vampires, which is the devil. I won’t go into details about this.

The werewolves sensed that they had lost their restraints. They were stunned for a moment, then turned and ran away. Frankenstein saw this and quickly chased and killed these werewolves.

Werewolves are ferocious and can turn other people into werewolves. If they escape, many innocent people will be harmed.

At this moment, several werewolves suddenly disappeared. Frankenstein did not know why. He did not know that these werewolves had just been transported to New York.

New York has officially ushered in the threat of werewolves. We will talk about this later.

"Damn it, I didn't use the Machine Demon King's trump card."

The snake god Seth cursed very unwillingly. From the beginning, he did not think that he would definitely win, but in his opinion, he could at least consume one or two of Andrew's trump cards. As a result, he was completely defeated.

This is a big loss.

The consciousness of the snake god Seth was about to leave Count Dracula's body and control the poisonous snake dagger to escape. At this moment, he found that his consciousness could not leave Count Dracula's body.

"Oops, I was tricked by the Machine Demon King."

The face of the snake god Seth changed, and he immediately wanted to annihilate this consciousness. At this moment, Andrew put his hand on Count Dracula's fallen head.

"Set, the snake god, how should I put it, this is also the first time we have met in this world. I want to give you a gift."

Andrew smiled slightly, and the power of the devil mixed with the favor of the world wrapped around Seth's consciousness. The next second, the world came back, and a huge force followed Seth's connection with his consciousness and hit his body.

In a small country, a group of people were kneeling devoutly in front of a giant snake statue, muttering words, and nine people were holding daggers, preparing to sacrifice themselves to the god.

At this moment, the giant snake statue suddenly exploded with a loud bang, and stones flew everywhere. Then, a cold young man in the statue opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

This cold young man was none other than the snake god Set. This time, because the main battlefield was on the earth, he chose the human form when he was reincarnated.

"Machine Demon King!"

The snake god Seth cursed and raised his hands. All the believers below turned into mummies in an instant. Their lives and souls were taken away by the 'god'.

The next second, the body of the snake god Seth disappeared, but he activated his superpower and escaped directly.

As soon as the snake god Seth escaped, Andrew's figure appeared in this small country. Seeing that Seth had disappeared, he grabbed his hand into the void, trying to catch some of the breath left by Seth.

It's a pity that there is nothing. Seth is an old Jianghu after all, and all the breath has been eliminated by him.

"Why are you all so stubborn? I won't beat you to death."

Andrew cut a sound and came back from the world of Van Helsing a step too late, causing Seth to escape, otherwise, he could have given him a big surprise.

Then, Andrew used his consciousness to sense the surroundings, and then, a half-meter-long iron needle flew up and quickly shot towards a man in the distance.

The next second, the man's head was pierced. Before it was over, the iron needle flew out quickly and penetrated the heads of hundreds of people around him.

These people are all believers of Seth. Their souls have been corroded by Seth's superpowers. Seth can take away their souls at any time - they were not taken away before because they were far away. Seth was in a hurry to escape and was too late.

Andrew naturally welcomed these souls unceremoniously, and then he returned to the world of Van Helsing.

Although the snake god Seth didn't know what happened after he left, he could more or less guess what happened, and he couldn't help but curse.

The loss was huge this time. Not only did he lose his carefully crafted snake dagger, but he was also injured by that bastard Machine Demon King who used the world to backfire.

The snake god Set lowered his head and glanced at his chest, his expression getting uglier. It would take a long time to get rid of the damage caused by the world's backlash, and now was undoubtedly the time to race against time.

Didn’t you see that Andrew didn’t even have time for a date, so he was fighting and dating at the same time?

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