American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1059 Prepare for Action

On the way, Tracy kept talking to Andrew, trying to find out his situation. Andrew answered casually, and at the same time, through physical contact, he checked the condition of Tracy's body.

"Although she is not Nicki, she still has superpowers, but she has not yet awakened them. Very good, she is becoming more and more suitable to work for me."

Andrew knew what he was doing and said, "Tracy, you are a superpower."

"I'm a superpower, how come I don't know?"

Tracy was very surprised, and Andrew said: "I won't be wrong. You have superpowers, and they are very powerful, but you haven't awakened yet."

"Really? Then it seems I'm in the wrong profession."

Tracy smiled and said: "Actually, I quite like superpowers, but as an official consultant, it would be a bit troublesome if I were really a superpower.

Officials don't like people with superpowers to enter high-level offices. They are very wary of people with superpowers. "

"It's fine as long as it's not officially known."

Andrew said: "Both the world and the earth have become dangerous. It is important to have superpowers, not only to protect yourself, but also to protect your loved ones around you."

"A relative?"

Tracy shook her head and asked, "What should I do to awaken my powers?"

Although having superpowers may be a bit troublesome in the future, staying alive is more important, and the smart Tracy knows this very well.

"Two methods, one is to force you into a desperate situation. In this way, you will awaken your superpowers due to extremely intense emotions."

Andrew said: "The other one is to become my dependent. At that time, you will not only awaken your superpowers, but also have part of the power I gave you."

Tracy asked: "Become your dependent? How?"

"How do you think it's done?"

Andrew smiled, and Tracy understood immediately. She complained: "My reason tells me that you have bad intentions, but my sensibility tells me that what you said is true. Do you think it's strange?"

"First of all, what I said is true."

Andrew said: "Secondly, I think it's because I'm handsome. If I looked like Frankenstein, you wouldn't believe it."

Frankenstein, who was following behind, couldn't hear what the two of them were saying, otherwise he would most likely be angry to death. Of course, even if he couldn't hear it, he was so jealous when he saw Andrew and Tracy being so close that he wanted to beat Andrew up. .

The problem is, it can't be beaten, which makes Frankenstein even angrier.

Soon, the three of them returned to Anna's castle. Anna heard the sound and ran out excitedly. Van Helsing suddenly felt bad when he saw this scene. Anna seemed to care about Mr. Wang?

"Hopefully it's really an old friend."

Van Helsing followed out, and as for Carl, he was studying the drawings, looking for clues.

As soon as Anna ran out, she saw Andrew carrying Tracy on his back. The two of them looked very close. She immediately asked dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Wang, who is this woman?"

"It seems that you are very carefree, Mr. Wang."

Tracy is a veteran, how could he not see that Anna likes Andrew? She deliberately leaned into Andrew's ear and whispered.

"This is the fellow I saved from Frankenstein. Frankenstein is right behind. I found him."

Andrew changed the topic while putting Tracy down. Tracy didn't do much. How could she, a dignified official elite, be jealous of a little girl in public?

"Found Frankenstein?"

After hearing this, Anna looked behind Andrew and saw Frankenstein standing there in a cloak with an unhappy look on his face. He suddenly looked wary and even put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Frankenstein looked helpless. He was hiding, not only from Count Dracula, but also from ordinary people.

At this time, Van Helsing came out. When he saw Andrew, he asked in surprise: "Is that you?"

"I told you we would meet again, old friend."

Andrew smiled and Van Helsing rolled his eyes, is he an old friend he met once?

"It seems that Anna has no share in me."

Van Helsing was a little unhappy and said sarcastically: "Old friend, we are about to have a decisive battle with Count Dracula. Do you want to observe the stars and see if we can win?"

Andrew looked disgusted: "Are you okay with your brain? Are you looking at the stars in broad daylight?"

Van Helsing's face is a bit dark. Who was watching the stars on a cloudy day last time?

All joking aside, time was running out, so everyone got down to business immediately. After hearing Andrew's plan, Frankenstein shook his head repeatedly: "No, I will never go to Dracula's castle. It's too dangerous there."

Andrew advised: "Don't worry, you won't die. At most, you will be tied to a shelf and struck by lightning. How can it be so easy to die?"

"Are you sure you're trying to persuade him?"

Van Helsing complained, "Isn't this scarier than death?"

Frankenstein said: "Your plan may not succeed, and this plan is too dangerous for me. Dracula has probably found other ways to resurrect his descendants, otherwise he would not have transferred the instrument to Dracula's castle."

"No one cares about a higher success rate for such a big thing, so Dracula will never kill you before the resurrection is successful."

Andrew said: "We will follow you, and as soon as we find Dracula's Castle, we will immediately rescue you.

In addition, I will give you a prop that will help you cut the rope, and you will basically not be in any danger. "

Frankenstein still hesitated, and Anna sneered: "I told you before that he is an evil creature and will not help us."

"I have never hurt anyone, why should I be called an evil creature?"

Frankenstein shouted dissatisfied, and Tracy said from the side: "Since you said you are not an evil creature, prove it to us and let us change our minds."

"If I kill Count Dracula, will you change your mind about me?"

Frankenstein's eyes suddenly opened wide and he asked excitedly. Andrew wanted to roll his eyes. He said so much, and it was better than a look from the goddess.

There is really no cure for such creatures as licking dogs.

"Yes, when the time comes, I will think you are a good person." Tracy decisively handed out the good person card.

"Okay, I'll go on an adventure with you. What exactly are we going to do?"

Frankenstein said, Andrew and Van Helsing nodded with satisfaction, only Anna was a little hesitant, she didn't believe Frankenstein at all.

"It's very simple. You just need to pretend to be casual and be discovered by Count Dracula's spies. When the time comes, they will definitely take you back to Dracula's Castle."

Andrew said: "In order to find you, Count Dracula has placed a lot of spies around."

Frankenstein nodded first, and then repeatedly warned: "Once you find Dracula's castle, remember to come to rescue me immediately. Don't let me enter the castle."

"No problem, trust our promise."

Andrew smiled. At this time, Karl hurried in holding a painting. He said, "I found a way to kill Dracula."


Anna asked in surprise, but also a little confused, why is there a way to kill Dracula in the family drawings?

If it really existed, wouldn't it have been used long ago?


Karl placed the picture frame on the table. The picture above was of two knights dueling. At this moment, the two knights suddenly moved and fought fiercely on the picture.

After a while, the two knights began to transform, one into a werewolf, the other into a vampire, fighting to the death, and eventually both died together.

"Only a werewolf can kill Dracula?"

Van Helsing instantly understood the meaning of this painting. He turned to look at Anna and asked, "Have you ever tried using a werewolf to kill Dracula?"

"Of course I haven't tried it. The werewolves are Dracula's men and we can't control them."

Anna shook her head, and Andrew said: "It is probably the werewolf's poison that has a special effect on Dracula. This is easy to handle. I will capture Dracula and control the werewolf to bite him."

"Finally there is a way to kill Dracula."

Van Helsing said impatiently: "Without further delay, we act quickly. We must stop Dracula before the moon fully rises."

"Of course."

Andrew nodded and said, "Everyone, get ready and set off immediately."


Everyone nodded and started to make preparations. Anna took the shotgun given by Andrew and hung a row of bullets on her chest. It seemed that there were as many bullets as needed.

Frankenstein didn't know what to prepare and wanted to talk to Tracy. Unexpectedly, Tracy approached Andrew and said with concern: "Be careful, don't forget, there is someone waiting for you."

"Don't be so gentle, I will misunderstand you. It is better for our relationship to be simple."

Andrew smiled and said, it was purely a matter of interest. Tracy stood up on tiptoes and kissed Andrew on the face, and said with a smile: "I really hope you misunderstand."

"Damn woman."

Anna gritted her teeth in anger, and Frankenstein wanted to rush forward and separate the two.

Van Helsing also looked unhappy. This guy was not as handsome as him. Why did two beauties fall in love with him? We are firmly opposed to eating more and occupying more. We should distribute it evenly.

Without further ado, everyone set off immediately without wasting any more time. Carl also followed everyone. Only Tracy remained. She has not yet awakened her powers and is not suitable for fighting.

In the orchard outside the town, Frankenstein carefully inspected the surrounding area. Seeing that no one was around, he walked to the fruit tree and shook the tree vigorously, causing a large number of apples to fall.

Frankenstein quickly put some apples in a basket, and then left here quickly. He didn't know that everything he did was seen by the hidden elves.

These elves are Count Dracula's spies in the territory. On the one hand, they are looking for Frankenstein, and on the other hand, they are wary of outsiders.

Count Dracula is still very cautious. After all, he knows very well that he is not the strongest, otherwise he would not hide here all the time.

The dwarves followed Frankenstein quietly, and when Frankenstein escaped into the underground cave, he used a bat to send a message to Count Dracula.

Count Dracula quickly received the news, and he said: "Marishka, take a few vampires and catch Frankenstein."

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