American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1055 Count Dracula

After Dr. Frankenstein died, his creation, Frankenstein, fled with his body to a nearby warehouse, where he was set on fire by the townspeople.

However, Frankenstein is not dead. Count Dracula has been looking for him but failed to find him.

Count Dracula looked at the scientific equipment all over the castle and asked the wretched and disabled Igo: "There are only two days until the full moon night. That night, there will be a thunderstorm. Are you ready?" Really? Also, can it succeed this time?"

Igo is Dr. Frankenstein's assistant. Dr. Frankenstein is very kind to him, never discriminates against his shortcomings, and even teaches him techniques.

Unfortunately, good people may not be rewarded. Igo chose to betray Dr. Frankenstein for money. Now, he is Count Dracula's slave.

"Master, unless Dr. Frankenstein is resurrected or Frankenstein is captured, no one has the ability to guarantee 100% success."

Yiguo said very honestly that he had to be honest. It is easy to talk big now. The problem is that once he fails to talk big, Count Dracula will never let him go.


Count Dracula cursed and regretted killing Dr. Frankenstein. He shouted: "Get ready as soon as possible. No matter what, I must have descendants."

Count Dracula is a vampire, a dead man, and his offspring are all stillborn. Therefore, he wants to use Dr. Frankenstein's method of resurrecting Frankenstein to resurrect his offspring.

In this way, he can have true descendants.

"I will try my best, Master."

Igo said, and then he yelled at the dwarves and asked them to work. The dwarfs are a special race, cruel and evil. They were conquered by Count Dracula and became his slaves.

In addition to the elves, Count Dracula also has werewolves as his subordinates. At this moment, several werewolves are guarding a strong man without clothes, which is Anna's brother Wicken.

Wiccan has been bitten by a werewolf and his body is undergoing mutations. He will officially become a werewolf on the night of the full moon two days later. At that time, he will also become Count Dracula's slave.

"It seems that the bloodline of the Weiluoli family is about to be cut off."

Count Dracula looked at Wiccan and couldn't help but shake his head. He had not moved Wiccan and Anna because he didn't want the Willowly family to die. But fate seemed to be punishing their family. Not only did he have no descendants, but the Willowly family would also cut off their bloodline.

"Even if there is only one person left in the Weiluoli family, he will chop off your head and end your life."

Wiccan roared at Count Dracula. At the same time, he struggled hard and wanted to rush towards Count Dracula. Unfortunately, he was firmly suppressed by other werewolves.

"Sorry, even if you cut off my head, I will not die. You have used many methods to kill me over the past four hundred years, including holy water, silver bullets, crosses, and flames. Unfortunately, no one can kill me. Kill me."

Count Dracula shrugged indifferently at first, then he opened his hands and said arrogantly: "Because I am immortal."

"We will definitely kill you."

Wiccan roared angrily, and Count Dracula shook his head. There was nothing new at all. It was really boring.

At this time, an ugly, gray-white monster with bat wings fell from the sky and transformed into a cool, Persian-style blonde beauty. She was none other than Malishka, one of the three vampire brides.

Marishka said: "Master, the insider in the town said that an Eastern magician came. He was very powerful and made everyone breathless in an instant. He said, he said..."

Count Dracula walked up to the wall, turned around, and asked, "What did he say?"

"He said you should go to the town and die," Marishka said.


Count Dracula was furious, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and Yiguo and the dwarves shivered in fear at the same time.

Although angry, Count Dracula did not lose his mind. He thought for a while and said: "Marishka, take two werewolves and try that Eastern magician to see his level."

"Yes, Master."

Marishka nodded and quickly headed towards the castle with the two gray werewolves.

After Marishka left, Count Dracula jumped down from the wall and frowned slightly. Could this Eastern magician be related to the Holy See? They haven't sent anyone for a long time.

While Count Dracula was deep in thought, he suddenly felt a strong will coming and immediately shouted: "Who?"

"The most evil being in the world, Count Dracula."

The mysterious existence used consciousness to communicate and said: "I want to make a deal with you, a mutually beneficial deal."

"What deal?"

Count Dracula did not resist the deal. The reason why he became a vampire was to make a deal with the devil.

"It's very simple. I will resurrect your descendants and you will collect souls for me."

The mysterious existence said: "By the way, help me deal with the magician from the east."

Count Dracula asked: "Do you know that magician?"

"If nothing else, they should be familiar with each other."

The mysterious being smiled. The so-called Eastern magician should be that bastard Andrew Wang. However, because the other party appeared so blatantly, it might be that someone else was pretending to be him and wanted to plot something.

Therefore, the mysterious existence chose to use Count Dracula to test the opponent and collect souls by the way. In this way, even if it failed, there would be no big loss.

The stakes in this duel are so high, and the mysterious being will not take risks easily unless he is sure.

The mysterious existence continued: "You don't need to ask too many questions. That Eastern magician is your mortal enemy. If you don't kill him, he will definitely kill you."

"you're right."

Count Dracula did not deny it. He said gracefully: "But you must give me more help. After all, I am doing things for you."


The mysterious existence smiled, and then, a black light flew into the castle from outside. Count Dracula reached out to grab it, but it was a green snake dagger.

"This snake dagger will automatically swallow life and soul. At the same time, it is a very powerful weapon that can help you defeat the Eastern magician."

The mysterious existence said: "In addition, it can be used as a medium. If you put it in the middle of the lightning device and find three werewolves as sacrifices, your descendants can be resurrected.

One last thing to remind you, don’t underestimate that Eastern magician. Those who underestimate him will never end well. "

After saying that, the mysterious existence disappeared. He did not intend to get involved too deeply, lest he be caught by someone following the clues.

Count Dracula held the poisonous snake dagger, his eyes flickered, no one knew what he was thinking. After a moment, he shouted: "Igo, put away all the arrangements and move to Dracula's castle."

"Why, Master?"

Yiguo was shocked, I arranged it for more than ten days, and now you tell me about the transfer?

Count Dracula shouted: "Do I need to explain to you? Move quickly. On the night of the full moon in two days, I will resurrect all my descendants in the castle."

Although Yiguo was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say anything. He started to move with the dwarves. It took two days to complete the move and also to arrange it in the castle. Time was a bit tight.

After explaining Yiguo, Count Dracula thought for a while and issued an order for the vampires in Budapest to rush to Dracula Castle.

According to the setting of this world, Count Dracula is the first vampire. Over the past four hundred years, he has developed many vampires. However, except for the three vampire brides, he has driven out all other vampires.

This is Count Dracula's territory. He doesn't want to share food with other vampires, so he lets the vampires hunt elsewhere.

Budapest is relatively close to here, so it has become a gathering place for vampires, and many vampires gather there.

Count Dracula summoned these vampires back, on the one hand to deal with the Eastern magicians, and on the other hand, to announce the birth of the Dracula family to the world.

Count Dracula and the mysterious being didn't know that the scene just now was all seen by Andrew's mechanical parrot.

That's right, the mechanical parrot is hidden aside. It is not a living thing and uses optical invisibility. Even Count Dracula cannot detect it.

As for the mysterious existence, if His true form is present, we will definitely be able to discover it. The problem is that what He comes this time is just a consciousness.

"Sure enough, multiple existences appeared. Unfortunately, he was too cautious and did not come in."

Andrew shook his head. Since he knew the plot, he would definitely keep an eye on Count Dracula to see if any multiple existences came to him. As a result, only one consciousness came from the multiple existences.

"You are all big guys. Isn't it embarrassing to be so cautious?"

Andrew rolled his eyes and controlled the mechanical parrot to continue following Count Dracula to avoid any accidents.

In the castle, Anna has successfully mastered the use of floating boots after Andrew's careful teaching. With the addition of a shotgun, she is now confident. Dracula cannot be dealt with, but the werewolf and the vampire bride should be no problem.

"Mr. Wang, are you really sure you can deal with Dracula? Over the past four hundred years, we have tried various methods, but we have been unable to kill Dracula."

Anna asked Andrew, her attitude was obviously much more enthusiastic than at the beginning, like a trustworthy friend.

"Dracula is not dead yet because he hasn't touched me yet."

Andrew smiled and said: "To put it another way, even if he really can't be killed, it's easy to handle. Dracula doesn't have the ability to walk through walls, so we can find a place to bury him.

At that time, his immortality will become the source of his pain. "

Anna smiled and said: "Buried Dracula? This is a good way. I think the townspeople will be happy to dig a hole for him."

Andrew was about to speak when he suddenly sensed something. He turned his head and looked into the distance and said, "The enemy is coming, Anna, be prepared."

Anna immediately picked up the shotgun and said, "The enemy is coming? Is it a werewolf or a vampire?"


Andrew said, and then, with a burst of laughter, a gray-white bat monster fell from the sky, hung upside down under the eaves, and smiled strangely at Andrew: "Are you the magician from the East? You are quite handsome."

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