American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1040 Preparing for War

"In the future, we will build several food-producing factories. We can't just rely on buying. It's easy for people to find out."

Andrew shook his head and thought to himself: "In addition, other materials must be prepared. Saving a wasteland world is not that simple."

These things are not difficult, just buy some factories in Asia. Anyway, there are countless American enthusiasts who are willing to donate money to Andrew and let him save the poor wasteland world.

There is no way, hackers can do whatever they want, especially since the technological level of this world is very average, and there is not even a decent artificial intelligence.

"I have obtained hundreds of souls, but it is far from enough. In the next half month, I will get at least thousands of souls. Only in this way can I hide the space passage."

In addition to the soul, it is also necessary to have the favor of the world. This is not difficult. On the one hand, the favor of the world for the male and female protagonists is already in Andrew's hands. On the other hand, as long as he unites his surroundings, the favor of the world will naturally come to him.

What is the purpose of the world’s favor? It exists to make the world a better place. Now that someone can save the world, of course the world will care about it.

Putting aside these things, Furious Ji and the five beauties smelled the aroma of the burgers, and immediately opened the wrapping paper and took a big bite of the burgers without caring about their manners.

"Wow, it's so delicious."

The beauties looked satisfied, they had never eaten such delicious food in their lives.

Furious Queen finished a burger in three mouthfuls. She did not get the Coke like other beauties, but ate all the crumbs left on the burger package. Then, she spread out the paper and read the words on it carefully.

Unlike those illiterate warriors, Furious Ji knew the alphabet, although not completely.

Looking at these words, Furious Princess frowned. She thought for a moment, walked up to Queen Maeve, and asked, "You are not hidden magicians, are you?"

"Then what do you think we are?"

Queen Maeve asked with interest. She had a good impression of Furious Lady. This woman was stronger than men.

"Are you from other states? You have established a complete country, so come and save us, right? Otherwise, you can't even have such a beautiful wrapping paper."

Furious Ji asked hopefully, her poor knowledge limited her imagination.

"Our origins are stranger than you imagine."

Queen Maeve shook her head and said: "I can't tell you more about the specific situation, because once word gets out, it will upset your hearts.

But one thing, you can rest assured that we are indeed here to save you. There will be a steady stream of supplies coming later, and we will make this world end its apocalypse and regain its vitality. "

Furious Ji was silent for a moment, put one arm on her chest, and said, "I will do my best to help you. This world finally has hope."

"Great, let's save the world together."

Queen Maeve nodded, saving the world, this is what a superhero should do, not wearing a miniskirt every day to take pictures.

Those bastards run it and think about making her skirt shorter every day.

"Okay, keep eating. There's no need to save. There's plenty of food."

Queen Maeve said that it was a pity that the money in her account could not be used, otherwise she could have asked BOSS to exchange all the money for supplies.

"So, all my years of working have been in vain?"

Queen Maeve secretly complained. At this moment, she sensed something, raised her head suddenly, and saw a man flying towards this side with a weather-stricken woman in his arms.

Furious Queen saw Queen Maeve's movements and turned her head along with her. Then, she said excitedly: "It's Mr. Peter who is back."


Queen Maeve heard Claire talk about Peter, nodded, and relaxed her guard.

Soon, Peter fell from the sky. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw Queen Maeve and was stunned: "Queen Maeve, why are you here?"

Furious Ji was stunned: "Queen?"

"We are from the same organization, why do you think I am here?"

Queen Maeve smiled and Peter's eyes widened. Queen Maeve was actually from the Salvation Organization? Peter instantly felt that his organization was full of promise, and his loyalty to the organization quickly increased.

That is the famous Queen Maeve.

Furious Ji looked at the woman Peter brought back and shouted excitedly: "I am the daughter of Mary Gabasa, from the Swaddle Dog family..."

"I know, we have already seen the token that the man brought."

The woman was also very excited. She hugged Furious Ji and asked impatiently: "Daughter of Mary, will this really become a paradise?"

“We’re trying to build paradise.”

Furious Ji said: "I hope everyone in the Emerald Land will come together to help."

The woman's eyes darkened when she heard this, and she said: "The green land has turned into a swamp. Now, there are only a few of us left, and everyone else is dead."

"how come?"

Furious Ji looked in disbelief, and the woman said: "The end of the wasteland is like this, no gathering place can exist for long.

We heard the man say that this was paradise and we wanted to move here. However, there were several forces in the middle and we couldn't get through. We had to ask the man to bring me here first to see the situation. "

Furious Ji said: "I will take you all over. The green space is gone, but we still have the fortress. Together we will build this place into a paradise."

"Don't worry, this will definitely be heaven, I told you."

Queen Maeve said domineeringly, and Peter nodded fiercely. With Queen Maeve of the Super Seven here, he would be more confident in saving the world.

Furious Ji thought of something, picked up a burger from the side, and said to the woman: "Try this, it is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten."


The woman took the burger, awkwardly opened the outer packaging, and took a bite. Half of the burger was gone. Then she chewed it with a look of enjoyment.

After a while, the woman said excitedly: "It's so delicious. I've never eaten anything so delicious."

Pete blinked. If he recognized it correctly, this should be a frozen beef burger worth a few dollars. Usually few people eat it because everyone wants to eat fresh.

In the apocalypse of the wasteland, there is still meat, but these meats have the same problems as people. In addition, all kinds of seasonings have long been gone.

Therefore, frozen beef burgers are an absolute delicacy in the apocalyptic wasteland.

Those breads and instant noodles were also delicacies. After the slaves and warriors finished eating, many of them cried. They had never eaten such delicious food in their lives.

"Don't worry, you will always be able to eat food like this in the future."

Queen Maeve smiled, and then she straightened her face and asked Peter: "Okay, your name is Peter, right? Claire said you went out to investigate. What was the result of the investigation?"

"There were many small gathering places around. I followed the BOSS's order and scattered leaflets at them."

Pete said: "When I came back, I saw the motorcycle gang heading here. They must be trying to rob us of food as quickly as possible."

"This is a good thing. If all the enemies come together, it will be troublesome."

Queen Maeve said: "Which direction are the bikers coming from? Let's deal with them first."

Queen Maeve plans to establish her power and let those warriors know how powerful she is, so that it will be easier for them to do things in the future.

As long as the people from the motherland do not come to this world, Queen Maeve plans to take root in this world. Anyway, she has already enjoyed what she should have enjoyed, and now she has to realize the value of life.

"Come from that direction."

Peter naturally believed in the strength of Queen Maeve and immediately said after hearing this. Queen Maeve nodded and went to find Andrew. She said: "The bikers are coming very quickly. Give me some people and I will deal with them."

"Wait until they come and deal with it, so as not to have to transport them here after defeating them, which will be too troublesome."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Queen Maeve, don't be anxious, take your time, you will have a chance to perform."

Andrew has no problem with Queen Maeve establishing her power. Anyway, those souls are all his, and when things here are on track, he will hand over everything to Queen Maeve and return to Earth.

For Andrew, this place is just a collection place for souls and the world's blessings. He can't waste too much time here.

"There are a lot of motorcycle gangs, and they all ride motorcycles."

Queen Maeve frowned and said: "If they are allowed to approach the fortress, their explosive spears and firearms will pose a threat to those slaves.

It's said to be a fortress, but in fact it doesn't even have a wall, so it can't protect the people inside.

I'm not afraid of bikies, but I'm not from my motherland, so I can't stop them. "

Queen Maeve is fast, strong, and sturdy, but she has no other superpowers and cannot attack from a distance.

"The fortress refers to these four peaks."

Andrew said: "Don't worry, the bikers can't harm the people here. In fact, the so-called bikers are just a joke in front of me."

"Really? Then it depends on your ability."

Queen Maeve said slightly provocatively that she was indeed afraid of the people of her motherland, but apart from the people of her motherland, there were not many people who could scare her.

"You'll see."

Andrew said: "Queen Maeve, let's discuss the development of the fortress. After this battle, I will leave this place to you. I will only be responsible for providing logistics and the force support you need."

Queen Maeve said: "No problem, I will develop this place well and make the queen a real queen."

"I like your idea."

Andrew laughed and said, "But in name, everyone must belong to me."

Queen Maeve asked, "Why?"

"For the space channel."

Andrew said: "If I want to hide the space channel, I need everyone to belong to me. As for the principle, I won't explain it because you won't understand it."

"I feel like someone is looking down on me."

Queen Maeve snorted, but didn't ask any more questions. Then, she asked Peter to go to the sky to investigate. Soon, Peter brought back news that the motorcycle gang was coming.

Andrew smiled and said: "Boil the water, make more instant noodles, and satisfy our motorcycle gang."

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