American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1032 Persuasion

Anne really didn't know what Queen Maeve was talking about. She opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief: "Then what kind of superheroes are we?"

"Poor kid, we're not superheroes."

Queen Maeve looked at Anne as if she had seen her former self: "We are just a group of actors. To put it nicely, we can also be called stars, superstars."

"I'm here to be a superhero, not a star."

Annie said that she couldn't accept this kind of thing at all. Walter's bottom line was lower than she thought.

"But what Watt Company wants is stars, stars who can make money for them."

Queen Maeve said: "We are equivalent to the products of Walter Company, so we must listen to them, otherwise, we will only be abandoned by them.

Little girl, grow up quickly, this is not a kindergarten, this is the reality called society. "

After saying that, Queen Maeve walked towards the analysis department. Behind every superhero in Vought Company, there is a complete logistics team to support it.

For example, the Analysis Department specializes in analyzing criminal situations for Queen Maeve, and then Queen Maeve reads them out on the screen to create a wise image.

The criminals arrested this time were not fighting Queen Maeve and Starlight Anne, but the logistics team of Walter Company. Queen Maeve and the others were mainly thugs and actors.

"How stupid am I to join the Super Seven?"

Anne looked at the camera crew next to her and couldn't help but smile bitterly. At this moment, Andrew's voice sounded in her mind: "Don't be sad, even if you don't join the Super Seven and join other superhero teams, the result will be the same.

Bad money drives out good money, and real superheroes simply can’t hold on. "

"You make me even sadder."

Annie shook her head: "Is the adult world so hopeless?"

"Yes, it's so desperate."

Andrew said: "How about it, do you want to back out? If so, I allow you to withdraw."

"I will not back down, I will expose the truth and let everyone understand the true face of those superheroes."

Annie said very firmly, and Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Although Annie is a bit cowardly sometimes, she has the heart of a superhero.

"very good."

Andrew said: "Find a way to be alone with Queen Maeve. My next target is her."

Anne was stunned and asked: "BOSS, what do you want to do to Queen Maeve?"

"Of course, just like you, make her one of our own."

Andrew said that he did not move Queen Maeve before because he was not sure and was afraid of disturbing the situation. But now that he has A Kuan, it is no longer a problem.

Annie wanted to ask something more, but Andrew simply didn't respond. Annie gritted her teeth in anger. She was so unlucky to have such a boss.

Andrew stopped talking, mainly because he had other things to do: Pete was going to jump off the building.

Yes, Peter was about to jump off the building. He stood on the rooftop wall and shouted to his brother Nathan: "Nathan, tell me, do you have any powers?"

"I told you, I don't have any powers. Come down quickly. Peter, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Nathan said impatiently that he was a member of Parliament by profession and was currently running for Congress, so it was impossible for him to reveal his identity as a superpower.

American officials are quite wary of people with special abilities. So far, no one with special abilities has become a member of Congress or a high-ranking official.

"Since you don't have it, I have it. I can feel that my dream is not fake."

Peter opened his hands and fell backwards. Then, his feet left the wall and quickly fell down.

"Although this is how it is played in the TV series, it still feels so stupid when I see it in reality."

Andrew complained, if he didn't have superpowers, wouldn't he just fall to death? If you want to test whether you have special powers, you can go bungee jumping.

Of course, it may also be because the dream is too real, and Peter's dream is actually the ability to predict the future and imitate it from his mother.


Nathan was shocked. He didn't expect that Peter would actually jump. He gritted his teeth and was about to fly down to save him. At this moment, a stone was shot from a distance and hit the crook of his leg. He screamed. , fell to the ground.

In this case, Nathan naturally couldn't save Peter. When Peter saw that Nathan didn't show up, and he didn't seem to be able to fly, Peter suddenly panicked and moved around with his hands and feet, but unfortunately, it was of no use.

At this moment, the Demon King's mark on Peter's body flashed. Facing the danger of death, Peter hurriedly shouted in his mind: "I agree to your conditions."

Pete Perry, the soul of the hero of "heroes", is in hand.

"It's so cool to know the plot."

Andrew laughed, and then, a big mechanical bird flew out from the side, grabbed Peter's shoulders, took him to the top of the building, and threw him on the rooftop.


Seeing that Peter was fine, Nathan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I do have the power of flying. Please don't jump off the building again."

Peter fell to the ground and patted his chest with lingering fear. At this time, he heard Nathan's voice and asked in shock: "Since you can fly, why don't you save me?"

"I wanted to save you, but something suddenly hit me on the crook of my leg."

Nathan explained. Peter was stunned. He was not stupid. He immediately understood what was going on. He turned to look at the mechanical bird and said angrily: "Mr. Driver, do you think you are going too far?"

Nathan was puzzled: "Mr. Driver, who?"

"Of course it is me."

Andrew took A Kuan, jumped over ten meters from the building opposite, and said, "Peter, we meet again."

"You planned all this, right?"

Peter roared angrily: "First tell me that Nathan has the power of flying, let me test him, and then injure Nathan and prevent him from saving me. In this way, I will agree to your conditions."

"Wow, that makes me look like an old silver coin."

Andrew sneered: "Mr. Peter Perry, please don't worry, no matter how good I am, I can't calculate that you will be stupid enough to jump off the building yourself."

Nathan nodded with deep understanding and said, "Peter, you are so stupid."

Peter's anger disappeared instantly and was replaced by embarrassment. He had never felt that before. Walking on the edge of life and death, he really felt like he had been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Peter asked: "Then why did you hurt Nathan before?"

"When you see an opportunity, why not use it?"

Andrew shrugged and said, "Peter, you have agreed to my conditions. From now on, you will be my subordinate, and you will save the world with me."

Peter was naturally unwilling, and asked, "What will happen if I don't agree?"

Nathan hurriedly said: "There are superheroes for saving the world, we don't need Pete."

"Don't worry, I am a positive person. If you don't promise me, I will never throw you down from the building and let you return to your original fate."

Andrew said seriously: "Please believe me, I will never do this."

"You absolutely do it."

Peter and Nathan complained in their hearts at the same time, and their expressions were a little ugly. Now, they were afraid that they were about to board a pirate ship.

"Pete, you are an adult and have your own judgment..."

At this point, Andrew hesitated and asked hesitantly: "Uh, do you really have it?"

"Of course I do."

Pete said angrily, are you despising my IQ? Andrew shrugged and said, "Just assume you have it. Next, I will train you and let you master your powers. As for whether you can help me with things then, it is up to you to decide.

Don't worry, if I wanted to force you, I would have put a gun to your head to force you to agree to my conditions. "

Peter's expression softened slightly after hearing this, and Nathan hurriedly said: "Wait, sir, my brother is just an ordinary person. He can't help you with anything. If you have any trouble, I can help you. I am a member of Congress."

"First of all, your flying ability is not very useful. Secondly, you haven't chosen it yet."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Pete's superpowers should be used to save the world. This is the mission given to him by God."

This kind of statement is very popular in this world. Peter got up and asked: "What kind of power do I have?"

Nathan also wanted to know this question and looked straight at Andrew.

"You have the power of imitation."

Andrew briefly introduced: "You will dream because you imitate your mother, who has the power of precognition. You will dream of flying because you will imitate Nathan's power in the future."


Peter had a look of disbelief on his face, and Nathan couldn't help but look at Peter with envy. Anyone could see how powerful this ability of imitation was.

At this time, Peter reacted and asked in surprise: "Wait, my mother also has superpowers?"

"Of course there is, you just don't know."

Andrew said: "In short, your superpower is very powerful and can save the world. I will train you so that you can quickly master the superpower.

Of course, you can also refuse. As I said, I will not force you. "

Peter was a little hesitant. Although Andrew's appearance was a bit strange, he didn't want to refuse. The reason was simple. He wanted to be a superhero and save people. This was also the reason why he became a caregiver.

Seeing this, Nathan hurriedly said: "Pete, I can help you train your powers. I have experience. As for saving the world, I said that is the job of superheroes."

"The thing is, I want to be a superhero."

Peter made up his mind and said: "Sir, please help train me. If you are really saving the world, I will help you."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Seeing what Nathan wanted to say, he said: "Congressman Nathan, we can cooperate. Some official matters can be handled by you."

Nathan frowned, this guy has recruited Peter, and he still wants to recruit him? He snorted secretly, is my dignified future congressman so easy to recruit?

When Nathan was about to speak, Andrew said: "In return, I will sponsor you with $10 million in campaign funds."

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