American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1016 Revealing Identity

In the DC Universe, after Andrew was separated from the Lord of Hell, he did not create new clones. The clones of the Mechanical Trigon, Ghost Rider, and Death all existed for the sake of bets. Now that the bet has ended, there is no need to separate them again. .

"When I finish taking care of the Earth's affairs, I will leave the management of the universe to you."

Andrew said to the universe consciousness: "Under normal circumstances, I will not take care of things. You are fully responsible for all matters in the universe."


The consciousness of the universe nodded, and he said: "I will try my best to maintain the universe and make it function normally and not lead to destruction."

"The worst case scenario is restarting."

Andrew waved his hand carelessly, and then he looked in the direction of Loki. The mastermind behind the scenes still didn't take action. What on earth did he want to do? Is it possible that He still looks down upon the existence of plurality?

Immediately, Andrew shook his head. No matter what the mastermind behind the scenes wanted to do, there was nothing wrong with increasing his strength.

Then, Andrew returned to Earth. With a wave of his hand, all the Justice League superheroes, as well as Lucifer and Gabriel, all appeared in front of him and regained consciousness.

Everyone looked shocked when they saw the stagnant surroundings. Shazam poked the raindrops in the air with his finger and asked curiously: "What's going on? Has time stopped?"

Lucifer asked solemnly: "Even I was stopped, what is going on? King Andrew, who are you?"

"To be precise, the universe stops. As for who am I? Uh, wait, let me add some special effects first."

Andrew smiled, a holy white light lit up on his body, and at the same time, a circle of light appeared behind his head, and then he said: "So, you guys should know me, right?"

As soon as the aperture came out, everyone present felt that Andrew was full of majesty and love, as if he were their own father.

Everyone was a little confused, Lucifer and Gabriel even opened their mouths with disbelief on their faces.

Wonder Woman Diana sighed and said, "So you are really God."


The whole audience was in an uproar. Mr. Wang was actually God. Is this too exaggerated? Shazam's knees are weak and he wants to kneel down. Well, he is a devout believer.

Andrew complained: "Diana, you said you believed me before, were you lying to me?"

"It's not a lie, it's just hard to accept. Even if I'm dreaming, I can't dream that my boyfriend is God."

Diana shook her head. At this time, Lucifer shouted: "This is impossible, how can you be God?"

"I've warned you with Star Wars, my silly son."

Andrew knocked Lucifer on the head and said with a look of disgust: "You are so stupid, why are you my most perfect creation?"

"Because your other creations are worse."

Lucifer complained, and he sensed that he was really King Andrew's son, and his friend turned into a father. Lucifer expressed that he wanted to be quiet.

"Hey, wait, you are God, so I don't have to pay you back for the beer money I owe you? It's only natural that my son owes me money."

What did Lucifer think of? He said excitedly. Everyone was speechless. Lucifer, the majestic Lord of Hell, when facing your God father, what do you think about is the drink money? Can you make some progress?

Andrew wanted to cover his face a little, could he not let this silly son go?

At this time, Gabriel finally came to his senses. He hurriedly knelt down towards Andrew and said with fear and fear: "My Lord, please forgive me for my offense."

Because he didn't know Andrew's identity, Gabriel had offended Andrew many times before. Thinking about it now, he wished he could go back in time and beat himself to death.

No wonder no one dares to take action against Andrew. Who dares to take action against God?

"He who doesn't know is not guilty. Besides, you didn't offend me."

Andrew waved Gabriel to stand up. Gabriel stood respectfully behind Andrew, full of doubts in his heart, why did God come down to earth and become Mr. Wang?

"Mr. Wang is really God."

When everyone finally confirmed Andrew's identity, their expressions were extremely complicated, ranging from shock to honor, the honor of working with God.

"Mr. Wang, or God, what is going on?"

Batman took a deep breath and asked. To be honest, he was a little confused and confused now. Mr. Wang is God, so how should he deal with him?

Everyone looked at Andrew, wondering what was going on?

"It all starts from the very beginning."

Andrew said: "This universe was destroyed for some reasons. I used my treasures to repair the universe and became the God of this universe.

But the consciousness of the universe itself did not obey me. I fought with Him for a long time, but no one could do anything. Finally, I made a bet with Him..."

Andrew briefly explained the matter, but did not say his identity or where he was from.

"The decisive battle just now was the decisive battle between me and the consciousness of the universe."

Andrew continued: "With your help, I won, and now this universe is completely mine."

"No wonder disasters have occurred so frequently in recent years. It turns out that God and the consciousness of the universe are making a bet."

Everyone suddenly realized, and Batman sneered: "You big guys are really so superior that you just use the fate of other people as pawns to bet."

"Shut up, mortal, do you dare to blaspheme God?"

Gabriel was furious, and Andrew raised his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be so angry, Batman, even without me, disasters are common on the earth. Don't you know about parallel universes?"

Thinking of the parallel universe Earth destroyed by Darkseid, Batman fell silent. Iron Man said: "Don't worry, a certain king named God will resurrect all the dead and everything will be restored to the way it was before."

"Resurrect everyone?"

Everyone was shocked and then beamed with joy, which couldn't be better.

"Really? Mr. Wang, no, God, can you help me resurrect my sister and brother, the two Shazams who died in the battle?"

After hearing this, Shazam hurriedly stepped forward, made a prayer gesture, and asked, "The Bible says that God is omniscient and omnipotent. You should be able to do this, right?"

Andrew smiled: "Of course, I want to ask for your opinions on this matter, whether to resurrect all the people who have died in the past few years, or directly turn back time to 2013 and start everything again.

This matter is up to you to decide. "

Everyone's eyes lit up: "Can you directly reverse time?"

"Of course, it's not difficult for me at all."

Andrew smiled, and time quickly reversed around him. The destroyed seaside city quickly returned to its original appearance like a movie played in reverse.

"Wow." Everyone was amazed. What is a miracle? This is called a magical skill?

"Revert to the time of 2013?"

Batman was hesitant. It would be a good thing to be able to return to the past, but is it really okay to adjust the timeline at will?

"It's really no problem. I am God and can control the timeline at will. Things like the Flashpoint Universe will not happen because time is completely in my hands."

Andrew smiled and said: "Besides, without that expression, I can indeed read minds. Isn't it natural that God can read minds?"

Batman's face was a little dark, and he backed away hastily. For an old silver coin like him, having someone's mind read is really scary, even scarier than death.

Diana asked: "Andrew, don't you mean that you can make the earth free from disasters forever?"

Everyone looked at Andrew. This is everyone's dream. The earth is really too miserable.

"I told you before that there are two types of disasters on the earth. One is driven by the consciousness of the universe, and the other is caused by people with abilities."

Andrew said: “As long as there are superpowers, there will be disasters, there is no doubt about this.

Of course, it’s not a big problem. I am omniscient and omnipotent and can come up with a disaster prediction system so that you can solve disasters in advance every time.

In addition, there is another way, which is to eliminate the abilities of all ability users and seal off the earth so that gods and demons cannot affect the earth.

To put it simply, it is to make the earth an ordinary planet, and everyone is an ordinary person. For example, Superman is no longer a Kryptonian, the Flash does not have the Speed ​​Force, etc. "

"Let all people with abilities disappear?"

Everyone has different expressions. Some are willing, such as Superman, who has long wanted to be an ordinary person, while others are unwilling, such as Green Lantern, who enjoys the power of the Green Lantern Ring.

"You decide which method you want to choose."

Andrew smiled and said: "By the way, as a friend, I can grant each of you a small wish, which is also a reward for you protecting the world.

Like, Flash, I can bring your mother back to life, don't worry about the Flashpoint universe, I'm God, it's not hard for me.

And Batman, your parents can also be resurrected. Aquaman, your father can become an Atlantean and stay with Queen Atlanna for life.

You can think about it yourself slowly as to what your specific wishes are. "

"Is this okay?"

Everyone's eyes were wide open. There are indeed benefits to hanging out with God. Although Andrew was talking about small wishes, the small wishes in his eyes were enough to make up for everyone's regrets in life.

Then, the superheroes discussed it, and finally decided to push the timeline back to 2013, so that problems would be less likely to occur and the pain of the people could be erased.

Also, they opted for a disaster prediction system instead of eliminating all superpowers.

"Mr. Wang, can we keep the memory?"

Neptune asked, and Andrew smiled: "Of course, you and some of the main characters will retain their memories. I don't want to become strangers to you, so how can I pretend... uh, how can I reminisce with you?"

"What you want to say is actually showing off, right?"

Iron Man complained, and everyone couldn't help laughing. Although Mr. Wang has become a god, he is still the same Mr. Wang with a bad personality, and has not changed at all.

"Okay, since you have chosen to reverse time, let's get started."

Andrew raised his hand, and the time of the universe began to reverse rapidly. The superheroes felt that the surrounding scene changed rapidly. It seemed that a long time passed, and it seemed that only a moment passed, and everything returned to normal.

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