American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1005 Insect God

The reason why these black lantern corpses were able to come over so quickly was because of the shuttle device developed by Jor Al. He was the number one scientist on Krypton, and he was more powerful than General Zod in single combat. You could tell at a glance that they were cheating.

Andrew thought for a while, contacted the two Superman and Fiora, and said: "Superman, Injustice Superman, Fiora, you take the Kryptonite Mechanical Superman and some ordinary Mechanical Superman to space to intercept the Black Lantern Kryptonians."

"Black Lantern Kryptonian?"

Superman was stunned. He felt a little speechless. Are the Kryptonians a little too villainous? Wherever there are disasters, where are they?

Superman reminded: "Mr. Wang, the situation in the Gotham battlefield is not very good now. If we leave, the place may not be able to hold on."

"Leave it to me and I'll take care of it," Andrew said.

"Okay, let's set off right away."

Superman nodded. He and Fiora were both demon kings, and kryptonite could no longer restrain them.

Andrew thought of something and ordered: "Fiora, give that instrument to Superman. Superman, if you really can't stop the Black Lantern Kryptonians, use that instrument."

"Yes, BOSS."

After hearing this, Fiora reluctantly handed a pocket helmet (in a reduced state) to Superman. She also wanted to use this helmet, but Andrew said that she had little effect after using it, and that only Superman was best suited to use it.

Superman was a little surprised, but didn't ask any questions. He took the instrument and rushed to space with Injustice Superman, Fiora, the Kryptonite Mechanical Superman and the ordinary Mechanical Superman.

There is no problem with Mr. Wang's invention, there is no doubt about it.

In space, Superman led everyone to stop the densely packed Black Lantern Kryptonians who wanted to enter the earth.

Jor-El looked at Superman and said with relief: "My child, you have grown up, and you are better than I imagined."


Superman was stunned. He had seen Jor Al's virtual intelligence before and recognized him. Then he said, "Father, congratulations on your resurrection, but please don't enter the earth."

The unjust Superman touched his nose next to him. Why just pretend that I don't exist? I'm also your child, okay?

"This is not possible, the Black Death Emperor is calling us."

Jor Al shook his head and said: "Kal Al, you should be on our side, so that we can be reunited as a family. Do you want to fight against your own people for the so-called people on earth?"

Superman laughed when he heard this. He shook his head and said, "You are not my father. Although your body is my father's body, your spirit is not. My father would never say such a thing."

Injustice Superman nodded and said, "At the beginning, if it weren't for my father's help, I would never have been able to defeat General Zod."

"In that case, don't blame us for being rude."

Jor Al stopped talking nonsense and led the Kryptonian army to charge forward. Superman immediately opened the Kryptonite field. Unfortunately, all the Black Lantern corpses were protected by Black Lantern energy, and the effect of Kryptonite on them was greatly reduced.

Fortunately, because the time was too short, these Kryptonians did not have long exposure to sunlight. Therefore, their strength was far weaker than Superman. Although Superman and the others were small, they could still cope with it.

Jor Al didn't care about this, because there was an endless stream of Kryptonian troops coming from behind. Do you think there are only 100,000 Kryptonians? Sorry, you are wrong.

On the other side, Andrew set his sights on the battlefield between Diana and the Insect God, wanting to deal with countless black lantern corpses. The Insects, known for their numbers, were undoubtedly a good choice.

"Insect God, how about we negotiate a deal?"

Andrew's voice rang from Orm's spaceship: "You stand with me, and I will give you a device that can travel to other universes."

"A device that travels to other universes?"

The Insect God was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Kill you, what's the point? We Zerg don't like to negotiate deals, we only like to plunder."

"I'm just asking casually about things that are expected."

Andrew said: "I originally wanted to keep you as Diana's whetstone, but now the situation is serious, so I can only ask you to die early."

"Arrogant, who in the universe can kill me?"

The Insect God smiled disdainfully. The Insects had done all the bad things. If anyone could kill him, he would have been killed long ago.

Diana, Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach, Deadpool, and the Atom joined forces, but they were only able to tie with him. Moreover, the Zerg's survivability was far greater than its combat ability.

"The one who can kill you is, of course, Deadpool Wade."

Andrew said, and then he activated the teleporter and sent a stone to Wade's hand: "Wade, take this stone and use your psychic abilities again."

The stone that Andrew passed on to Wade was the Dream Stone, which originally belonged to the Destiny Wizard who has now become a muscular man. It can absorb negative power and turn it into divine power.

The outbreak of the zombie crisis has caused the earth's negative emotions to explode. The dream stone is filled with infinite energy, which can hardly be contained.

"Leave it to me, Wade, don't worry."

Wade said excitedly, and Andrew rolled his eyes, "I'm not worried at all. If you weren't the only one with this ability, I definitely wouldn't choose you."

Wade didn't care about that. He held the Dream Stone and activated his psychic abilities towards the Insect God.

As mentioned before, Wade left a spiritual energy in the insect god's body. At this moment, Wade used that spiritual energy to invade the insect god's mind.

The insect god's eyes flashed, and his consciousness appeared on the earth. Of course, it was not the real earth, but the mutant earth evolved by Wade using the power of his mind.

Then, Wade, the lunatic, materialized into mutants such as Professor, Wolverine, and Cyclops, surrounding the Bug God.

Wade said arrogantly: "Insect God, have you thought about how to die? I can help you."

"Comparing spiritual energy with me? I don't know."

The Insect God smiled disdainfully and said: "My consciousness is connected with all the Insects. More importantly, I am different from the fragile Queen of Blades. I can bear their spirit."

Although the Insect God's consciousness was trapped by Wade, his body could still fight, but it was not as flexible as before. Upon seeing this, the four Dianas immediately accelerated their attack.

"Then you should bear it a little more."

Wade chuckled and ordered all mutants to attack. At the same time, he poured a large amount of information into the insect god's head in the form of spirit.

The Insect God used his mental power to manifest various insect species to fight against the attacks of mutants. At the same time, he strangled Wade's spirit without any direct contact with it.

The Insect God has the memory of the Queen of Blades, so he naturally knows how polluting Wade's spirit is.

Seeing this, Wade extracted the negative emotions in the dream stone, turned it into a spiritual storm, and blasted it towards the Insect God. The Insect God immediately connected to all the Insects and used their spirits to disperse these negative emotions.

While Wade and the Insect God were having a mental battle, Diana and the four struggled to besiege the Insect God. Rorschach seized an opportunity, deformed his body, and tied up the Insect God like a rope.

Just as the Insect God was trying to get rid of Rorschach, all Doctor Manhattan raised their hands at the same time and transformed the Insect God's body through the air, causing his body to gradually begin to disintegrate.

The Atom took the opportunity to shrink down and bring thousands of nuclear bombs with him, trying to get into the insect god's body.

The Insect God immediately suppressed the energy belonging to Dr. Manhattan in his body and knocked Atom away. At this moment, Diana suddenly appeared in front of the Insect God and put a green mask on his face.

It turns out that Diana is the killer, and everyone else just helps her distract the Insect God. If the Insect God has complete consciousness, he may not be fooled, but now, most of his consciousness is trapped by Wade.

This green mask is naturally the mask of the evil god Loki. The Angel of Death's game is over. Andrew awakens Loki and Gil and puts Loki to use again.

"Abominable devil capitalists, employees who don't need money, just use it as hard as they can."

Loki secretly complained, and then, he extracted the energy of the wishing ring and severed the connection between the insect god and the insect race.

Once the contact was severed, the Insect God had to deal with Meng Shi's negative emotions on his own. Even he couldn't help but cover his head with a look of pain on his face.

There is no way, no other Zerg can help share the negative emotions of billions of people on the earth, not even the Zerg God can bear it.

Loki took the opportunity to erode the insect god's consciousness, and the mutant planet quickly turned green.

"Loki, you weirdo who fell in love with a female Loki, get out of here. I'm the protagonist. Don't steal the show."

Wade shouted angrily: "Also, no green. Do you know why Green Lantern rushed to the street? It's because there is too much green!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

Loki looked disgusted. He was a noble son and the third princess of Asgard. How could he have time to care about a lunatic?

Wade became even more angry when he saw this, and crazily poured all kinds of information into the mind of the insect god. Anyway, it didn't cost any money, and he sold it in tears.

"This world is a world made up of movies..."

The consciousness of the Insect God was greatly affected, which caused Loki to erode faster and faster. When Wade saw this, he was very unwilling and frantically poured all kinds of information and negative emotions into the Insect God's brain.

Wade's original intention was not to help Loki, but to compete with Loki, but he didn't know that his behavior helped Loki a lot.

Loki blinked. This guy yelled so fiercely and ended up being so cooperative. Could it be that he was the legendary upright person?

The God of Lies, Loki, Deadpool Wade, the Dream Stone, the Wishing Ring, and Diana, finally put the Insect God at a disadvantage.

"Damn it."

The Insect God knew that if he continued like this, he would be controlled by the evil god's mask. No nonsense, he immediately used his trump card - time deceleration. Whether it was the time in the real world or the time in the conscious world, everything was decelerated, like slow motion.

The Insect God breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to drive Loki and Wade away from his consciousness. As long as his consciousness was fine, he was not afraid of any number of enemies. His time ability was not just as simple as slowing down.

At this moment, a time crystal appeared in the air, swallowing up all the time energy. The surrounding time immediately returned to normal. The Insect God was counterattacked, and his consciousness and body slowed down.

Loki seized the opportunity, broke through the Insect God's consciousness in one go, and completely controlled the Insect God, or in other words, the Queen of Blades.

The Insect God himself cursed and immediately cut off the connection with the descending consciousness to avoid being affected.

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