American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1000 Continuous Killings

Emotional energy can recharge the Black Lantern Ring, and at the same time, it can be transmitted to William Hand, allowing him to complete his transformation.

"The energy wasn't enough, I needed more emotional energy."

William Hand murmured to himself: "When the energy reaches 100%, I will evolve into the Black Death Emperor. At that time, I will not only fill the universe with death, but also completely return the universe to darkness."

This universe was completely dark at first. Later, white light appeared, and the world gained light, life, and emotions. The mission of the Black Lantern Ring is to restore darkness and peace to the world.

It can be said that the outbreak of the Black Lantern Ring is inevitable and cannot be stopped.

Leaving aside the fact that countless black lantern corpses are about to come to the earth, a large number of kryptonite mechanical supermen descend on the Egyptian desert. Thousands of heat rays sweep across the army of heroes from the Kingdom of God, almost setting the desert on fire.

The army of heroic spirits was completely unable to withstand it, and a large number of heroic spirits were split into two by the heat ray and died tragically on the spot.

The gods were shocked and hurriedly flew up to fight against the mechanical superman. Unfortunately, they were no match for the mechanical superman. Under the siege of the mechanical superman, they quickly fell into a disadvantage.

There is not one mechanical superman, but a group of them. How can those gods fight against them?

The three-headed hell dog growled dissatisfiedly at the mechanical superman, feeling that the opponent had robbed his monster. Then, he accelerated his attack to avoid being robbed again.

When the Sun God Ra, who was leading his son and grandson to besiege the Death God's clone, saw this scene, his expression changed. Why did so many strong men suddenly appear? Didn’t it mean that superheroes are all held back by the zombie crisis?

"Set, the snake god, what's going on? Why did it become like this?"

The sun god Ra hurriedly asked the snake god, even if a super powerful new god of death appeared, what was going on with these mechanical supermen?


The snake god Seth said: "Abandon all your men, take your family, escape on the Sun Boat, and delay the Death clone and those mechanical supermen as much as possible.

As long as you hold on for a while, the situation will change, I can guarantee you this. "

The snake god Seth is not lying to the sun god Ra. Those demon kings are about to be summoned back. Once they return, the situation will be completely different.


The sun god Ra was hesitant. If he escaped, all the other gods would fall. What's worse, their kingdom would be severely damaged.

The Kingdom of God is the foundation of a god and is very important to the god. If it suffers a heavy blow, the god will lose its power at best, fall asleep or even die at worst.

In addition, there are a large number of souls of believers in the Kingdom of God. If they are plundered, the strength of the gods will be greatly reduced.

The problem is, if you don't escape, once all those gods fall, the mechanical superman will come and besiege them together with the Death clones. By then, they will most likely be in trouble.

"This guy, even when he's about to die, still cares about those bottles and cans."

The snake god Seth knew why the sun god Ra hesitated. He said: "Sun god Ra, run away quickly. When the war is over, I will make up for all your losses."

The words of the snake god Seth made the sun god Ra make up his mind. He controlled the three clones that had been separated before to entangle the death clone. He took his two sons and one grandson and fled towards the sun boat.

"Want to escape?"

The clone of the God of Death snorted coldly when he saw the movement of the God of Sun. A huge shadow of the God of Death appeared behind him. Then, the shadow of the God of Death merged into the scythe of Death and slashed towards the three clones of the God of Sun.

The three clones were about to raise their scepters to resist, but the Death Scythe suddenly appeared in front of them, slashing it with one strike, and all three clones were split into two.

The three clones looked incredulous, what is going on?

"Time, He killed time."

The sun god Ra couldn't help but exclaimed that the clone of the god of death could kill space. Although he was surprised, he could still accept it, but no one expected that the clone of the god of death could kill time.

Time was killed, and the three clones had no time to react and were killed with a single blow.

"Escape, you must escape immediately."

The Sun God Ra was completely panicked and ran away desperately. At this moment, three huge knife marks suddenly appeared on his body, and the entire divine body was divided into twelve irregular parts and fell down at the same time.

The injury of the clone was transferred to the body of the Sun God Ra. This is the super-level magic of the Death clone: ​​Death Tracking, which specializes in destroying clone abilities.

Therefore, the clones of the God of Death said before that these clones will be the direct cause of the fall of the Sun God Ra.


The sun god Ra wants to use the rules of life to repair his injuries, but how can his rules of life defeat the death rules of the God of Death's clone? The body rapidly decays and dies.

"Father (Grandpa)."

The God of the Desert, Horus and others were shocked and wanted to help the Sun God, but the clone of the God of Death waved the Death Scythe, and the space was cut off, making them unable to get close at all.

The God of Death clone asked condescendingly: "Want to die, or do you want to live?"

"We are gods and we will never surrender."

Horus roared angrily, preparing to fight the death clone. At this moment, the sun god Ra shouted: "If we want to live, we are willing to surrender."


Horus looked in disbelief. The majestic and tall grandfather in his heart would actually choose to surrender in a humble way?

Horus looked at his father and uncle, but saw their evasive faces. It was obvious that they also wanted to surrender. Horus threw away his weapons helplessly, and the whole family surrendered. What could he do? He was also very worried. Desperate?

"You guys are lucky. I'm short of manpower right now. Otherwise, you wouldn't have a chance to survive."

The clone of the God of Death raised his hand, and the power of death on Sun God Ra's body turned into four death marks. One merged into the body of Sun God Ra, and the other three flew towards the Desert Gods.

The three gods hesitated, did not resist, and allowed the mark of the Death clone to rush into their bodies.

"After this battle, I will set you free and take back the mark of death, but if you dare to work without doing your best, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The Death clone said: "As a death god, it is not difficult for me to mummify you."

"Don't dare."

The sun god Ra used the rules of life to restore his body. He said: "Don't worry, we will serve you well. I hope that for the sake of the same origin, you will really set us free in the future."

"Are you worthy of me breaking my promise?"

The Death clone said disdainfully. The gods felt a little humiliated, but at the same time, they also breathed a sigh of relief. With the gap between the other party and them, they basically would not break their promise.

Then, the two sides stopped fighting, and the Death clone took the sun god Ra and the mechanical superman to the Gotham battlefield.

At the same time, the three-headed dog of hell led a group of Egyptian gods, false star heroes, the army of the god of death, and the army of the Kingdom of God to clean up zombies around the world.

These armies have a huge advantage, that is, they are not afraid of zombie viruses. The reason why the human army was defeated by the zombie army is because the zombie virus spreads too quickly.

The Egyptian pantheon was displeased at having to do the bidding of a dog, but Cerberus was delighted, saying:

"Hurry up and challenge me. I'm going to try the pretense slap in the novel. By the way, remember to be shocked next to me and say some scary things."

The gods had black streaks all over their heads, pretending not to hear what the three-headed hell dog said. They were not afraid of the three-headed hell dog, they were afraid of its owner.

To put it simply, dogs rely on human power.

With the addition of these troops, the zombie army's offensive was finally blocked.

On the other side, the Flash and Martian Manhunter quickly eliminated the Weather Wizard. Then, they went to New York to replace Iron Man. Iron Man took his anti-devil suit and headed to the Gotham battlefield excitedly.

The Egyptian battlefield ended, the snake god Seth looked extremely ugly, and the domino effect began - the moon battlefield collapsed, causing other battlefields to be in danger.

The snake god Seth looked towards Big Bear City. The situation there was also not good. Andrew and the supernatural armor had broken through the second layer of defense and were dealing with the third layer of defense.

At the same time, in the underground square, Umbrella's senior management was retreating steadily under the attack of Raven and others, and could not hold on for long.

As for the Gotham battlefield, the two sides are still fighting fiercely. The demon kings are very powerful and have strong endurance, so they will not be defeated so easily.

On the outer space battlefield, the Queen of Blades was suppressed by Wade's lunatic, and Luther led three armies to come to support. The situation was also not good. Although they would not be defeated, they could not open up the situation in a short time.

In addition, the zombies are blocked and can no longer hunt people and obtain souls like before.

"We have no choice but to risk our lives and start the decisive battle in advance."

The snake god Seth gritted his teeth and made a decision. Now that things have come to this, if he doesn't fight hard, he will have no chance.

Damn the Mechanical Demon King, where did he get so many undercover agents?

The snake god Seth didn't waste any more time. He took out all the souls that Darkseid had previously sacrificed to him, sent part of them into the body of the Angel of Death, and turned the other part into infinite divine power to attract the group of previously exiled demon kings.

On the battlefield of Gotham, the battle is still going on. The mechanical Three Palace Demon leads the Seven Deadly Sins to fight against the six flame demon kings of the Rock of Ending. At the same time, other strong men are fighting against the demon kings.

The battle was very stalemate, and it was unclear who had the upper hand. At this moment, a powerful force of space connected the small space, and a large number of demon kings appeared in the small space, becoming increasingly clear.

"Mechanical Three-Gong Demon, you didn't expect it, did you? We are back."

The demon kings roared. Before, they happily came to Earth to seize the position of the Lord of Hell, but before they reached their destination, they were exiled to the edge of the universe by the mechanical Trinidad and the Justice League. They couldn't bear this tone. .

"Hahaha, mechanical three-house demon, I'm sorry, you are going to lose."

The six flame demon kings laughed at the same time, and the other demon kings also beamed with joy. This was a sure thing.

Batman and others were suddenly shocked. At the same time, the wallflower demons began to express their anger. The meaning was very clear. We dare not betray, but we are our own people.

"It's now."

The Ice Maid, who has been preparing her killing move, raised her scepter high, and an icy blue halo erupted from the scepter, covering the six Flame Demon Kings and Plague Demon Kings at the Rock of End, as well as the Absolute Wolf who was fighting Superman and Batman. The devil, the plant devil.

Enveloped by an icy blue halo, these demon kings simultaneously entered a state where time stood still.

Of course, with the strength of the demon kings, they would not be completely still. Their bodies could not move, but their consciousness could still move, and they hurriedly struggled to attack the ice maid's time-stopping field.

"Standing time is powerful, but Ice Queen, you are too greedy."

With the strength of these demon kings, they can escape from the stagnant state of time without taking a breath. The problem is that the mechanical three-house demon only wants one breath.

One breath can change many things.

Lucifer and the Metal Demon King, who had been pretending to fight, launched a sneak attack on the Plague Demon King at the same time. To be honest, Lucifer felt a bit embarrassed. For the majestic Lord of Hell, it was just a sneak attack. He still attacked his opponent whose time had stopped. What's worse, with The other demon kings attacked together.

When word spread, Lucifer was really embarrassed to see anyone.

However, when he thought about how much money he owed, Lucifer sighed and made a sneak attack. There was nothing he could do, the devil was poor and had short ambitions.


There is no doubt that the Plague Demon King was killed by Lucifer and the Metal Demon King with a look of extreme horror. He became the first demon king to fall in this battle. Of course, he will never be the last one. This is just the beginning.

At the same time, Superman, Batman, and Fiora used their strongest attacks together to attack the Wolf Demon King and the Plant Demon King.

This was not over yet. Accompanied by the harsh sound of heavy metal rock, a cross of black light composed of hellfire lit up, slashing towards the Wolf Demon King as if purifying the world.

Don't get me wrong, it was not Ghost Rider who took action, but Gabriel disguised as Ghost Rider.

The snake god Set knew the Ghost Rider vest very well. In order to reassure him, Andrew specially asked Gabriel to disguise himself as the Ghost Rider.

Gabriel was reluctant at first, but after being personally taught (and beaten) by Ghost Rider, he could only agree. After all, Ghost Rider is the incarnation of God.

As for the sneak attack, Gabriel didn't care - what were the rules of the world when dealing with the devil? Go together!

Well, you can tell from one look that Gabriel is on the right track.

The besieged Wolf Demon King was horrified, but because time stood still, he could only barely resist. Then, without any accident, he was split into two by the cross black light, and then fell into the flames of Fiora's sun.

As for the Plant Demon King, Superman and Batman each killed one of his clones. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a death scythe appeared in his eyes and was slashed off.

With one knife, the plant devil's lifeline was cut off, and all the clones of the plant devil were turned into ashes at the same time.

The highlight of this killing move is still on the side of the six flame demon kings. While the ice maid used time to stop, the mechanical three-house demon took out Sabak's body and used it to curse the six flame demon kings.

Shabak is the big villain in "Black Adam". Six flame demons forcibly promoted him to become a demon king. After his death, his body fell into the hands of the mechanical Trinidad. The mechanical Trinidad applied curses on it when nothing happened.

Shabak has a direct connection with the six flame demon kings, and a large number of curses followed this connection into the souls of the six flame demon kings, making their consciousness dizzy, confused, and confused.

Cursed and time stopped, the six demon kings lost their ability to resist in one breath.

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