American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 100 Dispersion

"I hide so many secrets, Charles, you can't control me today."

While Magneto struggled to hold on, the control deck was torn apart, and mutants and felons flew into Brooklyn from different directions.

The area where Magneto stood did not move. Toad, Sabretooth Tiger and others stood beside him. As for Mystique, she had disappeared.

Coulson's expression changed and he shouted hurriedly: "Hurry up and catch up. We must not let them hurt the citizens. Professor, I leave Magneto to you."


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Iron Man, the Fantastic Three, Dr. Banner, the Old Green Goblin and others all chased the prisoners, leaving only the X-Men in the dock area.

"Lao Wan is such a good man. I shouldn't have hit him before."

Looking at the panic-stricken Brooklyn area, Andrew, who was drinking tea and watching a movie on the rooftop, couldn't help but nod. He snapped his fingers, and the reverse cross spaceship fell from the sky. The robots and black widows once again started working to collect souls for the devil. .

"BOSS, I apply to join the battle. I want Magneto to know that his ability is not as good as my instrument."

Trask shouted excitedly, and Andrew said: "Don't worry, let the bullet fly for a while, uh, have you gotten a little taller?"

Trask, who has a mechanical body, said: "No, I have always been four meters tall."

Howard on the side rolled his eyes secretly, you were only three meters tall before, okay? No, you were only a little over 1 meter tall at the beginning.

"Defeat the X-Men and embrace a mutant future."

On the deck, everyone in the Magneto Dynasty ordered. Sabretooth Tiger couldn't wait. Hearing the words, he immediately jumped from the sky in front of Wolverine and shouted: "Jimmy, long time no see."

Wolverine looked at the saber-toothed tiger who had shortened his hair and asked in astonishment: "Big Steel Teeth? Do I know you very well? Also, who is Jimmy? This name sounds so stupid."

"I'm your brother whose blood is thicker than water. As for Jimmy, that's your name. I think it's stupid too. It was given to you by your doctor father."

The saber-toothed tiger said: "Your doctor father is not your real father. Your real father is your gardener, which is my father. Later, he was stabbed to death by you."


Wolverine looked confused. What the hell? Isn’t this a lot of information?

Wolverine, who had always wanted to retrieve his memory, suddenly felt like giving up - his past seemed a bit tragic.

"I'll help you remember, my brother."

The saber-toothed tiger laughed loudly, showed his claws and pounced on Wolverine like a hungry tiger. Wolverine dodged while shouting: "Who on earth are you?"

"I said, we are brothers."

Sabertooth Tiger shouted that the cosmic storm greatly enhanced his strength and speed, so he is not afraid of Wolverine who possesses Adamantium alloy.

Wolverine has never been a good-tempered person, so when he saw Saber-toothed Tiger trying to show off, he cursed and brandished his claw blade to fight with the opponent. Soon, his claw blade and Sabre-toothed Tiger's claws pierced the opponent's chest at the same time, and blood sprayed in the air. Bloom freely.

"Brothers and brothers respect each other, it's really touching."

Andrew said, Howard and others were speechless. Is this also called respect between brothers and brothers?

While Sabre-Tooth Tiger and Wolverine were fighting fiercely, the mutants of the Brotherhood jumped onto the dock to fight against their arch-rivals, the X-Men.

Toad jumped back and forth flexibly in the dock area, and no lightning could hit him. Then, he opened his mouth and shot acid at Storm in the air like a barrage of cannons.

"That's disgusting."

Storm avoided the acid with the help of the wind, and then she gathered a large thunder ball and blasted it towards the toad.

The toad jumped onto the container and shot Storm with its tongue like a sharp arrow. Storm hurriedly avoided it, but unexpectedly, the toad's tongue could actually turn and hit Storm with a bang. Storm was thrown away on the spot.

The toad was unyielding and sprayed acid at Storm. Storm rolled to avoid it, and then she flew into the sky to fight the toad again.

Cyclops faced the enhanced weightlessness, and he had no chance to attack. He kept shaking up and down in the air, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Colossus and the others were also fighting, but Qin stayed beside Professor Charles to protect him and did not take action.

At the same time, a certain street in Brooklyn.

Bang, Abomination hit the street hard, making a big crater in the ground. Immediately afterwards, the coldness on his body quickly disappeared, and his eyes gradually changed from confusion to ferocity.

"It's hate."

The surrounding citizens were shocked and ran outside wildly. Anyone who has watched the live broadcast on Bugle TV knows how terrifying the hatred is.

Andrew waved his hand and pulled the citizens into the illusion. A moment later, dozens of robots descended from the sky and took away the contractors who had signed the contract.

Abomination ignored the fleeing citizens and robots. He clenched his fists and let out a roar that shattered all the surrounding glass: "Hulk."

"Blonsky, here I come."

A big green man walked over from the side. When Hatred saw him, he was happy at first, and then said with a look of disgust: "What I want is Hulk, not a funny character like you."

Dr. Banner shouted dissatisfied: "You are funny and hateful. I will not let you do anything else. You are my mistake and I want to make up for it."

"Just you?"

Abomination smiled disdainfully and rushed towards Dr. Banner with a rumble. Dr. Banner took a deep breath and struggled to catch up.

Boom, two huge bodies collided hard, the ground collapsed, and a wave of air swept around. This time, Dr. Banner did not retreat. He roared and punched Abomination on the head.

Abomination grabbed Dr. Banner's fist and hit his head hard. Dr. Banner staggered back, and Abomination stepped forward and kicked him hundreds of meters away.

Abomination scoffed, "You're as funny as ever."

Dr. Banner was furious, got up from the ground and rushed towards Abomination again. As he said, he couldn't defeat Abomination, but it was not a big problem to hold him back.

Wherever the two big men hit each other, there were screams and screams, and robots kept falling from the sky and taking away the contractors.

Not long after, Iron Man flew over. He looked at the robots and hesitated whether to go to Howard, but after thinking about it, he decided to deal with the Abomination with Dr. Banner first.

On the other side, two lizards and several vampires fell from the sky and pounced viciously on the citizens.

These two lizardmen were compatriots developed by Dr. Lizard. After SHIELD captured them, they did not inject them with an antidote, but instead locked them in an isolated island prison for research.

Therefore, the two lizard men were full of anger towards humans. When they saw the citizens, they showed no mercy. With one claw, the two citizens were directly torn into pieces.

The vampires were also tortured, and they rushed forward and dug their fangs deeply into the necks of the fleeing citizens.

"Why did you run out again? It's not over yet!"

Spider-Man arrived here and immediately entangled the two lizard men with spider webs. Seeing this, the vampires immediately dropped their prey and pounced on Spider-Man with their big mouths open.

Spider-Man nimbly avoided and kicked the vampires away several times, but the vampires quickly got up like nothing happened and pounced on Spider-Man again.

At the same time, two lizardmen tore open the spider web and each picked up a car and threw it at Spider-Man.

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