American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 93: The air blade comes out and kills Nappa!


There was a loud noise, and the dust in the sky opened up a ravine that stretched for dozens of kilometers.

Naba's body rubbed against the ground and created long sparks, breaking countless rocks along the way. It wasn't until it hit a huge mountain peak that his huge body was forcibly embedded in the rock, and then slowly stopped. .


In the landslide where rubble collapsed, a pair of hands with overturned nails suddenly stretched out from the rubble.

At this moment, the noble superior warrior of the Saiyans already looked in a miserable state.

His appearance was no different from that of a refugee, struggling to hold on to a stone and breathing heavily.


After finally stopping his strength, Naba's figure staggered, barely able to stand firm.

At that moment, he had exhausted all his strength, and all the muscles in his body were swollen.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible. It's just a slight flick."

Drooling and panting, the whites of his eyes were covered in blood and his pupils were shaking. Naba covered his bruised forehead and his eyes widened in disbelief.



Kakarot, who was known as a low-level warrior, actually beat him like a dog.

"Damn it! Bastard!!!"


Naba's angry shouts erupted into a powerful roar in humiliation that could be heard two miles away.

However, the moment Carrot El reappeared in front of him, the angry shouts suddenly stopped.


Naba trembled and took two steps back. At his feet, a mudslide poured down with the gravel rolling down, hitting the ground hard from the top of the mountain.

Just like his once high dignity, it collapsed in the face of the fear of death.


"Why don't you continue?"

Carrot El's cold eyes were like a bolt of lightning, striking Naba's heart, causing him to retreat in shock. Endless fear bloomed in his shrinking pupils.

"Monster monster!"

"Who are you guys?"

"Aren't you Kakarot??"

Nappa simply couldn't believe that the invincible guy in front of him was actually Kakarot's brat who was judged to be the lowest-level warrior, a trash with only two points of combat power at birth.

Carrot El raised his hand towards him, spread his fingers, and asked lightly:

"If so, what do you want?"

"If so"

Naba looked at the yellow energy light overflowing from Carrot El's palm. With no way to retreat, his eyes actually flashed with a cunning sneak attack.

Suddenly he opened his mouth, and a terrifying ray spewed out from his mouth.


Seeing this, Carrot El narrowed his eyes and sighed in disgust:


Blow out in one breath, and the energy emitted from Naba's mouth was immediately returned to his mouth.


Seeing this, Naba's eyes widened in horror.

How is it possible? Could Kakarot also use the same trick? ?

Seeing the energy light being blown back into Naba's mouth, Carrot El immediately raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose. He only heard a bang and the energy bomb that Naba had held back in his mouth exploded. .


After a loud noise, smoke began to pour out of his seven orifices, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

The dying man opened his eyes. When Naba opened his mouth, he spit out a stream of black smoke and broken teeth.

He murmured with difficulty in the direction of the town, throwing the ground with his hands, as if he was going to crawl to that place:

"Vegeta, help me. Vegeta."

As soon as the words fell, Vegeta's figure fell from the sky, but he just stood aside with his arms folded, looking up and down at Carrot El with interest, without any intention of taking action.

Carrot El glanced at him, picked up Naba in front of him, and asked coldly:

"Is this what you are proud of?"

"Bully the weak and fear the strong."

Vegeta proudly raised his thumb and pointed at himself: "Whatever you say, Kakarot."

"Next, I will show you the true power of our fighting nation, the Saiyans, that gap you can never cross."

Naba reluctantly called for help to Vegeta, and he stretched out his hand to him with all his strength:

"Help me, Vegeta, help me!!"


Before he finished speaking, the scene of blood and flesh appeared again. Carrot immediately raised his hand and chopped off his outstretched arm!


In an instant, the thick arm slowly fell to the ground, and scarlet blood spurted out, covering the ground.

"Ah!! Ahhh! Ahhhhhh!!"

For a moment, Naba's painful screams echoed across the land he looked down upon. The harsh wailing was far more painful than the farmers who were being chased by the cultivators just now.

Seeing this scene, Vegeta snorted fearfully in his heart: "Tch, it's more cruel than I thought!"

"Sure enough, is that the only trick I can use?"

"Kakarot, you will regret that you gave up the true power of the Saiyans."

Carrot El looked at Naba coldly. An energy sword of the same type as Zamasu condensed from the front of his palm. After cutting off Naba's arm, he raised it high:

"Did you just hurt my parents with this hand?"

Carrot El stared at the broken arm washed away by the mudslide not far away, stared hard, and with a loud bang, the broken arm turned into ashes.

"I will never let you die so easily."

Carrot El slashed down with a sword, and as the blood and flesh flew in front of him, he cut off his ears, arms, and feet.

The sharp air blades cut his flesh alive again and again, and finally cut his back.

This bloody scene can never be combined with the word Superman!

At this time, Carrot was like a butcher who had worked in a bloody slaughterhouse for many years, skillfully cutting off the limbs on the chopping board.

Even Vegeta had to admit that he was a little scared.

And Carrot El also showed his unknown brutal side without mercy.

Just like what he said to Jonathan, enough is enough!

This sentence was once said by a Superman.

"Do you know how weak you are in my eyes?"

"Do you know what kind of starry sky I want to take you to see?"

"Do you know how much I want to accept you as my friends?"

"But why do you have to go against me?"

Every time he cut off a part of Nappa, Carrot El asked himself as if he was venting his anger:

"One or two of them said they were my compatriots."

"But they were all killers, and their eyes were full of contempt."

"How dare you attack the person who raised me!!"

Carrot El grabbed Nappa's spine and twisted it hard. With a snap, he pulled out Nappa's spine.

However, he started from the ribs and pulled out his bones one by one.

Until there was only a head with eyes wide open, which Carrot kicked in front of Vegeta like a ball.


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