American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 90 Carrot arrives, black and white capes, Piccolo and Batman

Kara El's words shocked Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz, who stood there in disbelief.


"The Code of Life?"

"Are you kidding me? Isn't the Code of Saiyan only in my body?"

Vegeta's eyes widened in surprise, and he jumped out, pinched Kara El's neck, and shouted angrily:

"What a joke. Just relying on that low-level soldier!"

"Just relying on that low-level soldier Kakarot!!"

Vegeta stared at her with gritted teeth, and the anger filled every cell in his body at this moment:

"Tell me, what's going on? Where did he get the Code of Life?"

Kara El was strangled and fell into a suffocation mutation. She struggled to utter a few words from her throat, and said intermittently:

"It's the genes of all the low-level soldiers abandoned by you, your clan, and King Vegeta."


Hearing this, Vegeta's forehead burst with blue veins, and the muscles all over his body were surging with huge power.

Cold-blooded madness instantly filled his red eyes, and the hideous face that had long been stained by long-term killings seemed to tear off his cold and arrogant skin, revealing:

"Oh, so that's it. This is the real reason why Bardock was imprisoned."

"You have communicated with Krypton and stole the genes of those lower-level Saiyans."

Raditz's eyes dimmed for a moment, and where his eyes extended, there was lingering anger and unwillingness.


Why did my father betray Planet Vegeta?

Damn it, even if you really want to do this.

Then why did you choose Kakarot instead of me! ! ! ! ! !

Just then, two cultivators carried the dying Batman in and threw him on the ground.

As soon as he entered the room, a familiar call seemed to ignite the memory deep in the heart of the Dark Knight, causing his fingers to tremble slightly.

"Martha. Martha"

The weak Jonathan Kent tried his best to open his eyes and looked at the lover in front of him with the last call he could make.

Martha collapsed beside him, hugging him tightly with desperate tears and shouting.

For a moment, Bruce was in a trance, and he almost thought he saw an illusion.

Time seemed to go back to the night of Gotham 20 years ago. His parents were the same.

Perhaps it was an illusion filled with the moment of death. The scene in front of him actually overlapped with the Gotham alley 20 years ago.

At that time, he was unable to save his parents, and now Bruce, who has become Batman, still cannot stop all this from happening.

At the same time, a terrifying breath bloomed.

Vegeta stared at Kara El angrily, clenched his fists, and the white gloves sizzled.

This monster formed by self-esteem hates equality and transcendence from the lower level more than anyone else.

The terrifying breath suddenly exploded, almost uprooting the hut and blowing it to pieces.

"It's so funny. The bastards of Krypton and a group of lower-level traitors actually want to be resurrected?"

"It's ridiculous to put hope on Kakarot!"

At this moment, Vegeta lowered his voice and his face was hideous.

People like him are usually as cold as ice and have no interest in anything.

But once there is an emotional fluctuation, it is an extreme emotion that is almost like a demon, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal!


After the voice fell, Vegeta threw Kara El into the sky along the broken hole in the ceiling.


With his arms open, the brilliant energy almost melted everything around, gathered in his hands, and hit Kara El!

"Final Flash!"


The terrible power made Nappa and Raditz close their eyes.

Time seemed to be completely still at this second.

Kara El, who was thrown into the sky, had a horrified look on her face. She could already feel the scorching heat behind her, even igniting her hair.

On the ground, the majestic and rushing air waves were about to sweep over Martha and Jonathan.

Suddenly, at the moment when the final flash was shot, a white cloak covered the figure of Supergirl and disappeared in an instant.


The next second, the flash lit up the burning dusk. Almost at the same time, the black cloak stained with bloody determination also wrapped Martha and Jonathan.

The open arms were like a bat shattered in a sea of ​​blood, and were torn into pieces the moment it spread its wings.

Batman used up his last bit of will and used his shattered body to support the moment of dawn.


When the night fell and the day came, the silver-gray S pattern fell from the sky and blocked behind Batman.

In an instant, a terrible stance isolated all the vast power.

Amidst the countless dust, a pair of eyes were cold and frightening.

Batman stood up with all his strength, using his body as the last shield.

At this moment, he had only one thought, which was to make up for his regrets.

But he was ready to die, but he did not feel any power coming from behind him, not even a tiny breeze passed through him.

There was only a black cape that intersected with the color of his blood-stained bat wings.

It was like the alternation of day and night, and it was like heroes supporting each other.

What a strong shoulder that was, able to cross time and retrieve the two bullets in the alley.

What an invincible figure, the most perfect self in his imagination, and he also did what he had never done.

"You are finally here."

Bruce didn't know where he got this belief from. Maybe it was the moment he saw Jonathan calling Martha in a pool of blood, and he mistook Carrot El for himself at that moment.

Just because he could appear at this time, just because he retrieved the bullets he had not retrieved in the same scene at this moment.

Batman relaxed and closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

After a long time, the light dissipated, and Vegeta was stunned in surprise. He saw a figure in a white cloak, who seemed to be exhausted, staggering and falling to the ground.

At this moment, Piccolo was breathing hard, and dark purple bruises and scratches could be vaguely seen on his green cheeks and forehead.

"Haha. Ha."

At this moment, his cape was almost torn into two pieces. He held Kara El with one hand, and carried two people wearing Frieza's military uniforms under his ribs and on his shoulders.

Seeing Carrot appear, Piccolo bowed his head to him with apology:

"Sorry, Sun, I just caught up with your request now. I met these two difficult guys on the road just now, and I couldn't take them down in a short time."

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