American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 67 Ancient One appears, the fantasy adventure of Big Bone Soup!

"If you hadn't looked like you were confident of winning, I would have thought you were crazy."

"Are you planning on making everyone go through one hell of an adventure?"

On the island of Klimos, the friction of the air slowly opened a golden firelight. A bald woman wearing a monk's robe strolled over with a smile and stood behind Carrot:


The first time the visitor appeared, Carrot El had already sensed her breath, turned around and nodded:

"Supreme Mage."

Carrot El and Ancient One knew each other. About a year ago, he deliberately went to the Holy Sanctuary of Kama Taj and visited the Supreme Mage.

And Ancient One also received him. In a sense, they all belong to the same type of people, at least they have some similarities in their moods.

It was from the mouth of Ancient One that Carrot learned some stories about the Anchor Universe, and that was why he took the next series of actions.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Ancient One, Carrot El slowly turned around and walked towards her:

"Although we sit back and watch their growth, we all know that it is difficult for either Natasha or Dagu to make further progress."

"I am different from others. I never expect miracles to happen, nor do I believe in the power that miracles can give others."

"Tony has experienced countless hells of death and rebirth, and has learned the use of Qi. Coupled with his transformed heart of steel, he has opened a real treasure house."

"What Da Gu really lacks is actually more than him, and it can't be obtained in one or two battles."

"So, I will let nature take him away, let the beasts gnaw his bones, let the worms suck up his blood, and let the never-ending jungle methods turn him into a real killer."

"As for Natasha"

The corners of Carrot El's mouth raised slightly: "Do you really think she didn't notice anything?"

"She's a pretty good liar, isn't she?"


In the jungle at the center of the earth, Natasha Romanov froze in place with her hair standing upright, staring at the huge insect crawling in front of her, not daring to move.

Seeing this scene, Da Gu Yi was shocked and frightened. He touched his lower back out of habit and his face darkened:

Damn it, the Hypa gun is long gone.

The stench that hit your nostrils, mixed with a strong fishy smell, blew the weeds on both sides.

When Da Gu raised his head again, for just a moment, the huge insect opened its huge mouth and bit the dead tree stump close behind the two of them.

The next second, with a tremor of the soil, what they thought was a dry tree actually revealed its barbed leg hooks during the struggle and rose up from the soil.

"Crack! Click!"

In an instant, the sound of chewing fangs echoed horribly in the ears of the two people. As the huge front teeth kept chewing, the locust disguised as a tree was swallowed one by one.

Yuan Dagu's eyes were dull and stunned. Just when he was about to vomit out in disgust, Natasha immediately came back to her senses, took advantage of the other person's opportunity to eat, picked him up, turned around and ran away!

The two of them were hiding and fleeing aimlessly in this strange jungle with no goals, no way out, no tasks, no water or food. Every moment was a randomly generated adventure.

This is the jungle, a killing place that appeared before the birth of civilization.

Ru Mao drinks blood, the climate is extreme, and food is scarce.

But every living being who survives will develop their most unique skills!

"What the hell is going on here?"

"How did we end up in this weird ghost place from Kuroshima?"

The two hid under a rock beside a pool, and finally saw that there were no giant creatures around. Dagu finally collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. After taking two breaths, he staggered up and went to the water to wash his face.

Natasha Romanov quickly dug out the map from her backpack. Her eyes were red and she was obviously angry, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"No need to ask. It must be the fault of that guy from Carrot."

The map was spread out, and Natasha discovered that the entire inner earth world was divided into countless huge plates. There was also a letter on the map:

"Hello, when you see this map, I believe you have arrived at this incredible new continent."

"I'm sorry to tell you that there are not many exits to the above world, only five."

"The first is the ruins of Luluye located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The second is following the Skeleton Crawler's lair and heading up to Skull Island!"

"Third, there is the active volcanic magma layer deep in the core of Iceland."

"Fourth is the underwater palace where Godzilla, the king of monsters, lives."

"The fifth is the strategic transportation channel built by the Atlanteans on the site of the super-ancient ruins during the ancient divine war."

"Welcome to this journey of ten deaths and no life."

"Please stay alive."

"Please stay alive."

"Please stay alive."

Natasha Romanoff threw the map to Yuan Dagu with a snap, and the veins on her face jumped with anger. She could now understand why Stark was scolding him for talking in his sleep!

This damn sadist! ! ! !

He really knows how to play! ! ! ! ! ! !


Earthquakes are heard from time to time in the wild forest, where giant beasts and titans fight unbridled.

"What do we do now?"

"Did your boss really just abandon us here?"

Yuan Dagu, who also saw the map, turned pale and blue. He couldn't believe that there was such a boss in the world.

Otherwise, he could just look through the skill list and teleport out directly.

Natasha Romanov said solemnly:

"I repeat, he is not my boss, and I have begun to seriously consider whether to join his company."

"You'd better not think about running. I don't think you can beat him."

Natasha Romanov seemed to see his inner thoughts, but while resentful of Carrot, she also quickly added a sentence, and then asked in confusion:

"Do you have common sense for survival in the wild?"

Yuan Dagu shook his head: "A little, but not much."

Natasha Romanov smiled, stood up, and put on her backpack:

"Hehe, everyone here has a little, but not much, because no one has survived in a place full of monsters like this."

" It's getting dark, we have to find a shelter first. "

"I don't know if your physique can drink water from the wild, but I think it's safer to drink running water as much as possible."

"Also, you can't light an open fire here, so from now on, I will teach you how to dig a smokeless stove and some common sense for survival in the wild."

Yuan Dagu didn't react for a while. When he thought that they really had to spend a long time here, his brain felt a little dizzy:

"Why? Isn't it said that fire can drive away wild beasts?"

Natasha Romanov rolled her eyes at him: "You also said that it was a wild beast, not a monster."

These two pictures are not nutritious, you can skip them.

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