American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 64 That day, Natasha saw the light!

"What are you going to do about Dagu?"

After being silent for a long time, Sawai weighed the pros and cons in his mind and asked the most critical question. This question will also determine what he will do in the next meeting.

Carrot El smiled calmly and said: "He will not appear again until everything calms down."

"So, you've left me with no choice."

Sawai showed a wry smile with regret. Dagu will not appear, which means that Tiga will not appear.

Then Gongzhi Zhengshu will not gamble, and neither will TPC.

Jigang was so pinched by Carrot El that his jaw was dislocated, but he ignored the pain and hurriedly went up to persuade:

"Sawai, please don't make the same mistake!"

"Jigang, we can't gamble with all of humanity!"

After saying that, Sawai walked forward, and only when he pushed open the door of the conference hall did he turn back and smile at the old man:

"Besides, I am the director!"

At the same time, on the other side, the battleships in the sky were shot down one by one by Muto. Taking this opportunity, Natasha and Yuan Dagu rushed to the parking lot of the Emperor Organization and grabbed a plane that no one noticed. Small transport aircraft.

"Can you fly a plane?"

Yuan Dagu asked in surprise when he saw Natasha snatching the driver's seat.

"Nonsense! I can drive better than you!"

In my ears, bright explosions bloomed into fireworks of life and death. In front of my eyes was the scorched earth of hell. Everything I could see were ruins and wailing.

Chen Ling hid in the corner, her trembling body staring at the destruction caused by the giant beast. God, what a terrible natural disaster it was.

Natasha sat in the main pilot's seat and quickly started the engine. Somehow, out of an inexplicable sixth sense, she didn't dare to let Dagu fly the plane.

However, the plane flying away from the runway caught Muto's attention and flew towards them.

"Shet, this monster is coming after me."

Natasha's pupils were shaking and her face turned pale. Being targeted by this thing was no joke: "Hold on!"


Suddenly, a black shadow on the clouds suddenly pounced on the two of them. The attack just now made Muto think that anything flying in the sky like this was his enemy.

Natasha held the control stick tightly and rolled on the side to avoid Muto's dive!

Sitting in the co-pilot in the back seat, Yuan Dagu once again recalled the scene in the pyramid when he had the courage to rush towards Golzan even though he had no weapons.

"do you know?"

“This reminds me of that time in Budapest!”

Natasha Romanoff barely missed Muto's wings, showing her extraordinary driving skills and tactical acumen in the danger.

After avoiding an attack, she seemed to have thought of a way. Seeing Mu Tuo chasing after her again, she began to fly higher. The stimulating feeling made her lick her lips and muttered in a low voice:

"Sorry, forgot you're not Clinton."

Yuan Dagu sat in the passenger seat behind him and looked at her red hair, which was so intoxicating.

Although she didn’t know what Budapest she was talking about, she still responded with a gentle smile:


"It also reminds me of that time at the Pyramids."

"Sorry, I forgot that you are not Lina either."

When Natasha Romanov heard the same tone, the corners of her mouth raised silently, and she clenched the joystick in her hand:

"Haha. That's right, boy, just think of it as a new beginning."


The next second, Muto above the clouds blocked the flight path of the two people, and the one who looked into those scarlet eyes was the mocking look of the Black Widow:

"Hold on, boy, let's have an exciting time!"

The next second, Natasha suddenly changed her course and hit the ground. Muto followed closely behind her and was about to catch up with them.

Yuan Dagu looked at the ground that was getting closer and closer in front of him. He instantly realized what this crazy woman was going to do, and he shouted out with his eyes blank: "Oh God, this is a transport plane! You are crazy!!"

"you sure"


The next second, when the fast-moving transport plane reached its lowest point, Natasha made a quick flash and pulled the plane up almost close to the horizon, balancing the wings on both sides. If she was not careful, she would be caught by the airflow. Go, roll over and crash!

Behind him, a loud roar stirred up dust, and Muto fell straight to the ground.

After lying in dizziness for a while, he staggered up from the ground and shook his head in a dazed state.

Damn it, I was stunned.

After slowing down for a moment, the male MUTO looked at the transport plane that was about to go away, arched his body, as if his hair had exploded, revealing his irritated wildness: "Roar!!!"

"No, it's coming again."

Yuan Dagu suppressed the vomiting after rolling in the air and immediately reminded him.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow flitting through the sky had arrived in front of the two of them. Two pairs of hooked claws released strong electronic pulses, instantly causing all the instruments on their plane to malfunction.


The next second, the wing began to hit the MUTO, and Natasha Romanoff shouted on the spot: "Superman!! Is Superman here!!!"

"Carrot!! Carrot! Help!!!"

Thousands of miles away, Carrot El, who was waiting for the results of the conference hall, suddenly frowned, and his figure swayed slightly to the beach. He raised his hand and fired an energy bomb!


Death enveloped everything, and a dazzling white light bloomed from the devouring fire.

Natasha and Yuan Dagu were instantly submerged in the explosion of fire.



Will people like me die one day?

Did I atone for my sins before I died?

With such questions, Natasha walked across the edge of life and death. When she opened her eyes, a white light seemed to flash in front of her eyes.

Until the appearance of a three-color giant slowly froze into a huge figure, and she was being carefully held by the giant in his hands like a treasure.

Dagu also looked at Natasha and nodded gently.


At this moment, a provocative roar interrupted the stares between the two. Dagu instantly became alert. Judging from his height, Muto's size was almost the same as his. This was probably going to be another fierce battle.


However, the moment Diga raised his head, a golden light came straight from the horizon and unexpectedly hit the roaring Muto, dragging him into the sky with a terrible thrust.


The terrifying explosion woke up the clouds above the sky, and the huge Titan was blown to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Diga: "????"

Standing in the palm of Tiga's hand, Natasha Romanov held Dagu's thumb and looked up at the brilliance of the sky.

A joyful smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, she is being saved and comforted by two different rays of light.

And those two rays of light are both called hope!

This month I always update at night, so I am in a hurry, so the quality has not been satisfactory. After the move is completed, I will take more time to settle down next month, try to write less nonsense, and polish my writing more! Thank you all for your support! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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