American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 57 The light pushed onto the experimental table

"Name: Yuan Dagu."

"Age: 26 years old."

"Sentence of imprisonment: Alien civilization infiltration."

"Donor code: One."

"Experimental project: Gene."

"Signed documents as follows:

I, Yuan Dagu, was arrested on August 31, 2004 for alien civilization infiltration and interstellar espionage. After investigation, I was sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of social rights for life.

I am applying for a project report today. I will voluntarily participate in the research of the No. 0 experimental project as a donor. In order to contribute to the development of human civilization into the universe, I will unconditionally and voluntarily donate my body with scientific research value."

"Organizational relationship: Emperor."

"Signature: Yuan Dagu."

Eyes, not yet opened, the voice heard in the hazy moment penetrated into my mind from my ears coldly.

The transparent glass flashed the pale shadowless lamp of the laboratory, and the originally blurred vision began to gradually become clear from the anesthesia.

Yuan Dagu opened his eyes weakly, and his scattered pupils gradually focused on a pure white color.


"Here. Where is this place?"

Standing around him, pairs of cold eyes looked at him as if they were looking at meat on a chopping board.

Daigu panicked and wanted to sit up, but was horrified to find that his limbs had lost all feeling, and the faint needle holes were obviously injected with anesthetics.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

He remembered that on the night when he defeated the Kirieloids, he was about to return to the team when someone suddenly covered his mouth and nose from behind, and then it seemed that a needle injected something into his hand, and then he lost consciousness.

"Welcome to wake up, Donor No. 1."

Rob Edmans, who was in charge of Project Zero, smiled faintly when he saw Yuan Dagu wake up.

"Donor No. 1?"

"What Donor No. 1? What are you talking about, you bastard??"

Yuan Dagu stared at the man with a pale face. For a moment, he was stunned and showed a look of extreme fear.

In addition to being anesthetized, his limbs were tightly handcuffed.

The eyes of everyone around him made him shudder.

"Damn it."

Yuan Dagu had never experienced such a degree of fear, and he couldn't even hide it.

Even if he faced a terrifying monster as big as a mountain, he dared to rush forward, and even when facing a cosmic visitor who challenged him, he never retreated a bit.

However, at this moment, he felt a kind of cold.

It was a kind of cold that seeped out from the bottom of his heart and was hard to get rid of.

However, the next second, a hand wearing a white glove immediately pressed his arm, forced one of his fingers apart, and dipped it in ink.

Rob Edmans in front of him symbolically showed him the document in his hand, and when he saw the content on it, Yuan Dagu was struck by lightning!

"Let me go!!!!"

"What aliens sneaked in??? What volunteered to be an experimental donor???"

"I don't admit it!!!"

"Let me go!!!!"

Yuan Dagu desperately shouted and struggled, but he couldn't stop his fingers from being pried open and his fingerprints pressed on the terrible document.

For a moment, the feeling of collapse and despair swept over.

The taste of panic and trembling gradually paralyzed his brain.

When the figure of his companion disappeared, he was left alone.

"Sir, he is a little too noisy, do you want to sew his mouth?"

Suddenly, a strong hand pressed his mouth, making Dagu even hopeless to shout in despair, and the whole person fell into collapse and despair.


"No, Verena, give me another shot of anesthetic. The meeting outside is being held, and I can't wait to extract his genetic results."

"That will make our situation more favorable."

Rob Edmans glanced at Yuan Dagu, who collapsed in the struggle, and gently stroked his hair, as if stroking a rare treasure.

"Okay, sir."

Verena nodded, but the moment she took her hand away, Yuan Dagu suddenly felt something in his mouth, cold and irony.

He glanced at Verena, and saw that the woman wearing a mask glared at him with a slight warning, as if telling him to be honest.

Yuan Dagu suppressed the fear and doubt in his heart, and calmly put the thing under his tongue.

The terrible situation in front of him left him no time to think about the whole reason for coming here, but he had to seize every possible opportunity to escape.

Verena Custer slowly pushed a shot of anesthetic into the vein in his arm.

Not long after, Yuan Dagu felt dizzy and fell into a coma again.

All this happened too suddenly.

Do these people want to analyze the power of the giant?

What is the end waiting for him?

In this dark laboratory, will someone outside come to save him?

If they really analyze the method of becoming a giant, will humans be in danger?

If, if.

It seems that there is no if.

Thinking about it, Yuan Dagu closed his eyes again after a dizzy spell.

Seeing this, Rob Edmans smiled coldly:

"Let's get started, prepare to take the donor's genes."



In the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean, a pyramid-shaped floating research base is standing under the dark clouds on the sea.

TPC Earth Peace United

Strong winds and rain, accompanied by dense thunder nets in the sky, layer upon layer, like a shadow hanging over everyone's heart, suppressing the heart of everyone in the command room.

A photo listed as the highest-level wanted poster appeared on the big screen in horror.

The partner they used to spend day and night with has been missing for more than 18 hours.


At this moment, the door to the war conference room was suddenly slowly opened, and a mature and beautiful woman with long hair reaching her waist walked in with a solemn expression.

When everyone saw this, they immediately gathered around: "Captain, what on earth is going on?"

"Why is Dagu suddenly wanted??"

"Where is he now? Is there any news about him?"

Munakata and Shinjo were the first to speak among the crowd, but it was Lina who had the most eager eyes.

As the last person to see Dagu, Hui Jian was called for questioning as expected. She shook her head deeply:

"No, and from now on, all personnel of the Victory Team will enter the review period and suspend all work at hand until Zhengshu's review is completely completed."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. When Xincheng heard this, he dropped his cup impatiently: "What the hell, what are these guys going to censor?"

"It's just baffling!"

"Where's the director, where's the staff officer Quan Teng? Why did it become like this overnight?"

Xincheng's roar also represented the anger and grievance in everyone's heart. Zongfang immediately pressed his shoulders and looked at him to calm down:

"New Town!!"

Hui Jian didn't understand everyone's mood. As a person involved, everything happened too quickly. Dagu disappeared and a wanted order was issued, but the most important thing was

"You guys should take a look at this first."


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