After saying that, Jonathan Kent looked at Martha who was crying in Carrot's arms, and cleared his throat, as if applying for a report:

"Ahem, I want to drink that special wine tonight, you are not allowed to stop me."

Martha glared at him instantly, gritted her teeth and looked her husband up and down, and smiled coldly: "Huh?"

"I seem to remember the special wine Clark sent back last time, didn't you say you finished it?"

"Did you hide it secretly?"


Jonathan Kent's face was panicked, and Carrot Al saw this, shook his head with a dumb smile, and quickly rescued his father:

"Okay, okay, it's okay, Mom, I got a lot of new ones."

When Martha heard Clark's words, she gave Jonathan a fierce look, and the joy of her son's return finally made Martha let him go.

All along, Martha thought her husband was just smoking, but she didn't expect that he was secretly drinking without telling him!

Working so hard on farm work every day, isn't this body in bad shape?

Carrot Al looked at Jonathan Kent and Martha for a moment, his eyes could see more clearly than the best X-ray machine in the world.

Jonathan Kent was fine. It was just that his lungs had been damaged by smoking.

Seeing this, Carrot walked up to him, pulled out the cigarettes and lighter from his pocket and threw them into the trash can.

"No more smoking in the future."

Jonathan Kent was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand to pinch the back of Carrot's neck. Although he didn't pinch it, Carrot still shrank his neck in cooperation with him: "Smelly boy, I haven't fallen to the point where I need you to control me, right?"

"But there is no negotiation on this matter."

Jonathan Kent: "."

Seeing the father and son playing, Martha couldn't help but smile warmly:

"If you come back more often, he won't smoke."

Walking into the kitchen, Martha sorted out the various foods brought in the package, all of which were specialty snacks from all over the country. She began to blame her son for spending money indiscriminately, but her eyes were full of a relieved smile.

Carrot El looked at Jonathan Kent with a smile on his face: "Really? Then I have to come back often to keep an eye on you, father."

Jonathan Kent looked like he was about to collapse, and lamented: "Oh, God, I'm old, so old that I need my son and wife to supervise me at the same time."


The laughter brought by the joy, the warmth between family members, is often the most pure and simple.

Carrot first toasted his adoptive parents Jonathan with three glasses of wine. The half-inch between the cups was slightly lower, which also symbolized respect for the two people. After three rounds of wine and ten dishes, Carrot El suddenly fell silent after enjoying the warmth for a while.

"What's wrong, son?"

Feeling that the atmosphere had changed, Jonathan Kent and Martha looked at him with concern, and Martha sat directly next to him.

Carrot looked at them solemnly: "Father, mother, I found my origins."

The two bodies shook at the same time, and Jonathan Kent gently grasped Martha's shaking hand.

Carrot El pondered for a moment, looked into their eyes and said solemnly:

"Carrot El, this is indeed my name."

"I know where I came from, I know all my origins, I know who my parents are, and I have found the meaning of my coming here."

Martha's eyes were slightly red, with tears in the corners of her eyes, but the hand that stroked El's cheek was full of blessing and joy: "Wow."

"Congratulations, Carrot, you are no longer a child without a past."

"No, mother, don't call me that name."

Carrot El with one hand He held Martha in his arms, wiped the tears from her face, and gently coaxed her:

"That name doesn't belong here."

"Don't cry, I'm not going anywhere, and no one will take me away from you, I'm here."

"I will always be your son."

Hearing Carrot's words, Martha choked with sobs, hugged him tightly, and sobbed:

"Clark my son!"

Jonathan Kent hurriedly poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all until the spiciness of the alcohol spread to his throat, and then he held back the tears in the corners of his eyes, but he still couldn't help sniffling.

"Good boy, you have really grown up."

Carrot El patted her back gently. Only here could he talk about everything:

"I say these things because I have to face it."

"Face the world, face the public."

"For five years, I have been preparing for this day, so that the world can accept me. Although it will not be the gentle form they want, I must try to make the world accept more people like me."

"I have to take the initiative, I have to face these."

Jonathan Kent poured another glass of wine for his son, and his gratified eyes extended a sigh of distress, but he had expected that this day would come:

"If you think it's time, then go fly, son."

"Fly in the sky in front of the world!"


Last night's wine seemed to be more intoxicating than ever. Carrot's first feeling when he slept in this small bed that belonged to him again was.

How come it is much smaller?

Although he didn't need to sleep, he slept particularly sweetly in this bed last night.

After waking up, Carrot stroked the little Border Collie's dog's head. Unfortunately, he didn't have the superhuman dog Little Krypton.

But this is normal. He came from Planet Vegeta, so Jor-El wouldn't deliberately steal a dog and stuff it into the spacecraft to visit them.

As for whether Jor-El would have built a rocket on Krypton to mail the little krypton over, that was unlikely.

Just for a dog, I boarded a rocket, and the Kryptonian public funds can be used privately.

After putting on her clothes, Carrot El turned on the TV. At this time, the news in New York was already breaking out.

Tony Stark returned from his disappearance and immediately shut down the weapons manufacturing department.

However, this time, Stark Industries' shares did not fall so alarmingly, because he took Wanda and his sister to the press conference.

Along the way, Carrot took a video of Stark's torture and sent it to them, which made the two of them less angry.

And he also fulfilled the treaty between the two parties and handed Stark over to Wanda and the others.

The two parties had a frank talk, and while Tony expressed his regret to the two and admitted his mistakes, he also informed them that they would completely close the weapons manufacturing department.

He even directly invited Wanda brother and sister to speak out with their own personal experiences and denounce the evil military industry in front of the entire United States!

Wanda and Wanda were already dubious about Stark's repentance, so they also went along, and the result...

They have become stars!

I don’t want to reply to the comment. It’s meaningless. Apologizing can’t save anyone. Those who scold me won’t be reading. Please be safe. It’s my first time signing a contract with Qidian. I didn’t expect to be scolded so harshly. This website is difficult. It's quite high. I'm sorry for you. The words I wrote stained your eyes. I'm guilty.

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