American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 36 Kryptonian History, Life Code

"You'd better start from the beginning."

Not only Natasha, but also Carrot El are extremely curious about this story involving the magnificent universe.

Even before he heard it, he already felt a hint of murderous intent.

Intuition told Carrot El that this love story from Krypton and Vegeta might not be beautiful, and might even be a little scary.

The next second, Jor Al stretched out his hand, and countless physical particles forming projections began to reorganize as he told the story, evolving into dynamic murals that marked history.

"Then let's start with the history of Krypton."

Everyone followed Jor Al's gaze and looked at the ever-changing murals in front of them.

"Krypton is a planet with a much harsher environment than Earth."

"It should be said that among the approximately 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, the Earth can be considered a place with a very good environment, but it is very weak."

Seeing this, Tony Stark smiled inexplicably, his tone somewhat self-deprecating and ironic:

"Really? Then we are really lucky."

Qiao Al's voice had a quiet magnetism, giving people a sense of tranquility and peace, and he slowly narrated:

"A long time ago, with the evolution of the times, in order to find a new world, we began to explore the starry sky, and ships from Krypton were able to spread to many galaxies."

"The reconnaissance ship you are on now is also one of them."

Several people looked around and found it hard to imagine that alien civilizations had visited this place in such a distant era.

"We establish outposts on various planets and use machines to change the local climate and make it a planet suitable for us to live in."

"Since then, over the past 100,000 years, our civilization has flourished."

"100,000 years is really a long history. Our civilization is only 10,000 years old."

Hearing Jor Al's words, Natasha Romanoff sighed and pursed her lips.

Thinking about what he was going to hear next, it would definitely be a secret among SHIELD secrets, and it might even be the truth of this world.

Thinking of this, the female agent's expression became more focused than ever before. Even Tony Stark showed extremely solemnity. His whole aura was completely different from that of the previous playboy. What bloomed in his eyes was that he belonged to Colors from one of the top talents of the era:

"I'm afraid that in the history of the universe, 100,000 years is just a blip in the pan."

Jor Al glanced at the two of them for a moment:

"Yes, it was like a miracle that suddenly shone in the universe. After a short burst, we quickly reached the end of the development of civilization."

Several people did not just stay there, but followed Jor Al's guidance and walked step by step towards the depths of the Kryptonian spacecraft.

"What happened next?"

Carrot followed Jor-El and listened very carefully.

"Later, a breakthrough in life technology allowed us to no longer worry about the reproduction of the race."

"Based on this change in decision-making, we gave up those outposts and reconnaissance ships that were once explored."

The three expressed their understanding of this. Breakthroughs in science and technology will indeed bring about an unprecedented surge in productivity and will also trigger changes in social systems.

Tony Stark was obviously very interested in this: "What technology is that?"

While talking, several people came to a place similar to a breeding warehouse. What they saw was a huge plant-like rhizome, with wrapped germs on the rhizomes.

But if you look closely, you will see that that thing is not the product of plants, technology and metal. It is not a fruit, but the crystallization of Kryptonian civilization.

Qiao Al looked at everything in front of him and replied with a complicated expression:

"The Code of Life."

"This technology for artificially creating life can completely reproduce the form of life genetically."

"It's like an extension of your cloning and IVF technology."

Tony Stark instantly showed a look of disgust and curled his lips contemptuously:

"Omitting the process and joy of creating human beings, the inventor of this technology must be remiss."

Hearing this, Natasha Romanoff rolled her eyes at him angrily and slapped him on the back of the head:

"Shut up."

But Jor Al seemed to agree with Stark's words. When he turned around, he actually showed a regretful look, but Carrot decisively ignored it and continued:

"The Life Code technology, in addition to copying everyone's genes, can also create life according to social needs."

"If we need soldiers, we will produce soldiers. If we need doctors, we will produce doctors. Everything is planned in advance for everyone, as if their souls were imprisoned."

"And the stabilization of social classes caused by this also accelerates our demise."

Natasha Romanoff felt frightened by this, and at the same time she felt a little disgusted:

"It's as if they were born for this profession, born warriors, born commanders, and born leaders."

"And they won't have other preferences and possibilities because this is determined at the genetic level."

Jor Al continued to pace in front of everyone, but his eyes always lingered on Carrot: "We have exhausted our natural resources, and the center of the earth has begun to become unstable."

"The Kryptonian Council has tried many redemption methods for this."

"I have tried to contact the interstellar organization for help more than once, but unfortunately, I failed."

"At the last moment, General Zod, the military leader of Krypton, launched a proposal to purchase a planet through relocation!"

"And it was during this transaction that we were involved in another destroyed planet."

Jor Al made several people feel a chill of fear. Whether it was Tony or Natasha, they were the most intelligent people in the world, so they thought of more things in their minds than others.

If planets can be sold at will, then the cruel laws of survival in the universe can be imagined. If I remember correctly, Jor Al just said that the earth is a habitable planet, right? ?

So will we?

Thinking of this, Tony Stark's whole back was covered with cold sweat, and he rubbed his arms vigorously, as if to relieve anxiety:

"Wait a minute, how do you buy it?"

"In currency?"

“Has a cross-galactic currency exchange system already been formed in the universe?”

Jor Al shook his head, as if he didn't want to mention this:

"No, the universe is not a civilized place, and the universal form of money does not have a unified measurement."

"But technology, resources, and manpower are the eternal themes of development."

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