American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 31 Finally reaching the North Pole, Natasha appears

Serizawa's eyes stared at the deep sea, or to be precise, at the giant beast in the deep sea.

He seemed to have never imagined that the king of monsters that he had sworn to follow for the rest of his life would have such a weak moment.

"If only you could tell me the answer."

With a thoughtful expression on his face, Serizawa slowly shook his head, having already made a definite guess in his heart.

This was definitely not done by the Titans!

The traces of the on-site battle, the result of Godzilla's current coma, and the fact that he struck out violently but left with his head hidden and his tail exposed, are completely inconsistent with the law of competition between giant beasts.

To be more like an intelligent life form!

Could it be that the giant who resurrected in the island country some time ago did it?

He has the power to kill monsters, the ability to disappear instantly, and he can fly very fast!

This condition is very consistent.

Thinking of this, Serizawa suddenly felt that it was very possible and quickly sent a call request to the Victory Team!


arctic glacier

The howling wind took away the warmth of the passage of time.

The extreme cold buried the last pure land in the world.

The far North Pole, across the vast Arctic Ocean, is a pure white continent. Standing majestically at the point of 90 degrees north latitude.

The weather here often lasts for weeks at a time, with long days and glaciers dominating everything here.



"anyone there??"

Looking into the distance, the white field in front of him reflects the sun's rays. Tony Stark covers his eyes. He has been walking in the snow for a long time, but he will suffer from snow blindness.

Suddenly, a girl's hoarse cry for help came from below the blue ice rock.

"Did I hear wrongly?"

Tony Stark's expression tightened and he looked around subconsciously: "It seems like someone is calling for help?"

Carrot El looked down, and an unpredictable meaning flashed across his face:

"Inside the crevasses beneath our feet."

Tony Stark asked hesitantly, knowing that he was not qualified to make the decision now:

"Um, or not?"

Carrot El was silent for a moment, then relaxed his brows and asked a question:

"What should you do if you save someone but he harms you in turn?"

Tony Stark was stunned for a long time, blinked in confusion, and said in disbelief:

"No, with your status, do you still have to worry about this problem?"

Carrot El crossed his arms and looked at Stark curiously: "I just want to hear your answer."

Tony Stark heard this and blurted out without hesitation:

"There's nothing to say. My feelings are mutual. I saved you. This is a sacrifice. But if I encounter betrayal, even betrayal with my life, I will kill him at all costs!"

"But I don't regret what I've given my heart to, and I won't be timid about giving my heart the next time. That's too pretentious."

After hearing this, Carrot Ayre looked at Stark up and down, and smiled slightly:

"That's a good answer. Let's see what other people's final choices are."

Tony Stark frowned in confusion: "No, what else are you trying to do?"

"Help! Help! Is there anyone there? I'm trapped!"

At the foot of the mountain, the ice and rocks have faded away from the frost and snow, revealing crystal clear blue ice, which is beautiful and intoxicating.

But this is precisely the most dangerous thing, because the thin layer of frozen glacier under your feet may be hollow underneath. If you step on the ground, or encounter mountain snow, you will die completely inside.

And the process is very painful.

The two of them walked down the mountain and saw a woman wearing a red snow suit standing sideways in a crack in the ice.

Her burgundy red hair was particularly eye-catching in the snow. Her helpless and desperate eyes made me feel pity for her. There were tears on her face and she was excited to see the person coming:

"Help, help me, please, I fell and got stuck. I can't move now!"

Carrot El stood on the edge of the ice crevice, took a look, threw a rope down, and pulled her out.

The moment the girl came up, Stark's eyes lit up when he saw her. You know, he has been abused for more than three months, but he has never seen a woman before:

"Wow. This is truly a beauty in the world."

Carrot El stayed away from him in disgust, but he almost didn't avoid the woman's desperate hug.

"Thank you, thank you so much. I almost thought I was going to die."

Natasha stumbled and almost fell, so she could only put her hands on Carrot's arms.

But the palm of his hand was subconsciously groping his muscles, testing with slight force, his trembling tone was like a person who was really about to be trapped and died in the snowy mountains, his eyes were full of fear, grievance, fear and desperate situation. The joy of life.

"My name is Natasha, what's yours?"

Carrot El carefully studied Natasha's face. To be precise, he felt her Qi, or should be called life force.

It is indeed special, complex and pure.

"El, Carrot El."

Where his eyes fell, his eyes penetrated the empty uterus under the lower abdomen, and also scanned the scars all over the body.

Natasha Romanoff showed a touch of emotion, and the judgment deep in her heart also made a check on the target in front of her.

Anyone who can save people these days won't be some heinous monster.

Her eyes were clear and pure, and she didn't even take advantage of the opportunity.

To be honest, Natasha had a good first impression of him.

It had been three days since she left the Universal Capsule Company and passed the information to SHIELD.

Nick Fury attached great importance to Natasha's information. He immediately mobilized NASA's exploration satellite to focus on searching in the Arctic.

Sure enough, near the Arctic Ocean, in an unmanned area deep in the ruins of the former Bear Country, an abnormal ice layer was detected.

700 meters below, a 300-meter-long black shadow appeared.

The area near there is currently taken over by a military base, but it is not difficult for SHIELD to transfer this military base or even take over this military base.

They quickly found this place and found that the thickness of the ice layer under the building was about 25,000 years.

This information was immediately sealed off by Nick Fury as top secret.

His intuition told him that Carrot Al would come here, so the satellite of SHIELD never stopped scanning from the moment he stepped on the glacier.

Obviously, he came, and even brought a surprise.

Tony Stark.

Nick Fury was confused, and he didn't expect how these two people got together.

However, this didn't seem to hinder his plan. With Stark's presence, Al was easier to track.

Otherwise, they couldn't catch Carrot's trace.

And just in case, Natasha Romanoff disguised herself again.

And for an explorer trapped deep in the glacier waiting for rescue, the best thing to do is to temporarily join someone else's team.

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