American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 26 Godzilla: King of the Monsters


The heavy rain and sudden thunder and lightning formed huge intertwined spider webs over the sea.

The electric light spreads out the vast natural power along the lines of the clouds. It is fleeting and allows people to get a glimpse of the deep and dark world.

They are born to fear, they are born to panic, they must be in awe.

The huge shadow behind him reflected its outline on the sea.

The sound of breathing was like a sudden strong wind, blowing on Walid Jassem and Arthur, sending chills down the spine.

The rain is like miasma and the mountains are like fog.

The waves rolled and shook the earth.

His body was trembling, stiff and hesitant.

Eyes, looking up at the giant thing in the abyss.

In the dark sea of ​​​​night amid the heavy rain, the two slowly looked away, suppressing their frightened horror with trembling hands.

Even Arthur Curry didn't dare to move at all. The suffocating feeling filled every cell in his body like maggots attached to his bones, strangling his throat tightly.

The trembling body had obviously opened its mouth in fear, but in the end, it could only spit out a few unexplained notes:


"Weird. Monster!"


Thunder sounded, and the vast deep sea slowly lit up with blue light. Under the dark clouds that blocked the sky, a dorsal fin was outlined that seemed to connect the sky and the earth.

"Sea monster?"

"Is there really a sea monster in this world?"

Walid Jassem's eyes widened in confusion. This old captain, who had been fishing in the deep sea for decades, felt as if his soul had been sucked away, and he was filled with fear and trembling.

It’s unbelievable, unbelievable, and even completely incomprehensible. How could such a terrifying monster exist in this world? ? ? ?

"Does it want to eat us?"

Not only him, but also Arthur Curry felt the fear from the depths of the sea for the first time.

He can't communicate with this thing, and in front of such a size, they don't even have the possibility to resist.

Their mere presence is a source of despair.

There are few people in the world who have not heard the legend of sea monsters, especially these boatmen who wander the sea all year round.

In almost every household, they used the legend of sea monsters to scare children.

However, if they really saw it with their own eyes, it would definitely not be as simple as Mr. Ye Haolong being frightened and fainting. It would really be the end of the ship sinking if the other party made a move!

The King of Monsters, Godzilla.

Height is 108.24~119.79 meters and weight is 99643 tons.


Standing like an Optimus Pillar under the storm, Godzilla's whispers exuded a vague suspicion.

The sail was so close that it almost touched its thigh. I thought that another one like him was born in the deep sea, but in fact, when I really saw the target, it turned out to be just an ordinary ship. People and ships.

Godzilla's nose seemed to sniff forward, and the smell was still there, the next second. A roaring roar, with a hint of provocation, woke up everyone on the ship:


Walid Jassem, who finally forced himself to calm down, suddenly said something bad to himself:

"Oh, Shet, he seems to think of us as food!!"

Arthur Curry refuted him almost instinctively: "No, that's not right. The habits of animals mean that they generally don't roar before hunting. This sound seems to be..."

"Territory violation warning!"

After the words fell, Arthur Curry's face turned pale.

In an instant, the sky turned dark, and this time the thunder in the sky could not illuminate the brief glimmer of light, because the giant claws of the behemoth had already rushed down.


It's over.

Both of them secretly thought that they were dead at the same time.

However, at this shocking moment, the sharp claws, like divine punishment, did not arrive as expected as they imagined.

There was a muffled sound and stopped in mid-air. When the two of them looked up again, they saw a figure holding a fallen giant claw with one hand, standing in the air, standing still amidst the violent waves sweeping the world.

Even Arthur was crazy about the muscles of his naked upper body.

Under his feet, the ripples caused by the force spread in the sea.

The whole boat was blown around like a banana leaf swaying in the wind and rain, and was almost overturned. Seawater poured in and the cabin shook. The wind and rain dropped the boat more than ten meters away.

With this claw, Godzilla felt as if his palm was hitting a nail, but strangely, his palm did not pass through the nail due to mechanical principles. Instead, his entire palm felt pain.


Amid the lightning and thunder, the vastness of the sky, and the majestic heavy rain, the black-haired and blue-eyed figure standing in the sky stared at the abyssal beast from ancient times.

Thunder mingled behind him.

The falling lightning seemed to be integrated with it, like a long cloak, dragging from the top of the sky to the ground.

And those eyes looked down at him like gods.

"You're nothing."

Carrot El looked down at Godzilla's titanic body that covered the sky, like the legendary son of the God-King who fought against the Kraken.

"Who is that?"

“Is it God, the God sent by God to save us?”

"Oh shit, am I blinded? What the hell is that? It's too big???"

"It's a sea monster, it's a sea monster, my God, there really is such a thing, it's too scary, call the police, we should call the police, we have to seek help immediately!"

The cabin suffered such a violent shock that the sailors who came out one after another had already lost their minds in panic. They looked at the Titan in front of them in disbelief, and their weak feet unconsciously grasped the fence.

The storm swept many people into the sea, but compared to the storm, they definitely didn't want to face the situation in front of them.

No matter how experienced sailors they were, no one had ever faced Godzilla, and no one dared to fish in front of him.

"What should we do now, Captain???"

Looking at the scene that shattered his three views in front of him, Walid Jasem whispered a few words from his teeth:

"Save your life."


More than ten kilometers away, people could still hear the roar of the giant beast.

When Godzilla's huge body once again stirred up huge waves, Carrot El didn't touch a hair where his palm fell.

I didn't expect that those weak human reptiles have reached such a terrible level.

The claws were waving, and the gap under the ribs at that moment was big enough for a train to pass through in Carrot's opinion.

He dodged and flew in front of Godzilla. Just when he was about to punch him, he found that the ship had been submerged by the waves.


Seeing this, Carrot El's face turned black. At the moment when his fist was about to fall, he changed his fist into a palm, changed the impact force into thrust, and pushed the giant beast weighing nearly 100,000 tons flat for thousands of meters!

Then, it plunged into the sea with a whoosh.

I don't care about the work, but I declare in advance that I didn't shout the rap. I am a poet. Although I am from the Northeast, I don't shout the rap. I just try to use this technique to embellish some descriptions!

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